Democrats hate Carson because he is black

Hey let's not forget in the minds of progressives blacks and genetically so stupid they can't survive without help from them the master race

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Why don't black people vote GOP?

As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to the trough but you can't make him drink.

But the horse will eventually realize that he is thirsty and will drink.

Horses are smart animals.

You can't fix stupid.
Consider half of us middle class and poor whites vote democratic and will always drink but from the left side of the troft. You want us to just drink from what trickles downyou don't own the troft..

I was always and thank God I will always be white.

I was poor once, when I was alone, an eighteen year old boy, who could not speak a word of English, among people who still resented the DP's of the Second World War.

After I learned enough English to get by I found jobs where I had the opportunity to improve myself and eventually I became a happy member of the no longer existing middle class.

I had no affirmative action to assist me along the way, - not that I would have ever had the absence of self pride to take advantage of one - although my accent was just as big an obstacle as skin color for others. I was lucky to choose a career where I was able to teach myself and advance myself in a path that lead me to my present comfortable retirement.

I repeat: I am sick and tired of whiners of any skin color who cry and bawl and refuse or too stupid to help themselves.

you need to thank G-d for being white because blacks have to deal with bigoted freaks like you.

God is raceless, colorless, he loves all people equally.

You are sick.

what are you talking about, idiot? No, G-d isn't racist. the pos o/p who calls himself a christian is.
Still peddling that nonsense?

He's no different than his predecessor.

Bush made a lot of mistakes, but obama is in a class by himself in presidential incompetence.

All of Obama's missteps, combined, do not equal the magnitude of the disaster of the Iraq war.

lol, unless you're Ben Carson and you think Obamacare is worse than 4500 Americans needlessly killed in that war.
See you are a racist. You just said Obama is so incompetent because he is black that he never could stop Bush from making him fuck up.

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English please.
Proof you are a willfully racist

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'm racist because I don't think Obamacare is as big a disaster as Iraq?

WTF Alice.
Bush made a lot of mistakes, but obama is in a class by himself in presidential incompetence.

All of Obama's missteps, combined, do not equal the magnitude of the disaster of the Iraq war.

lol, unless you're Ben Carson and you think Obamacare is worse than 4500 Americans needlessly killed in that war.
See you are a racist. You just said Obama is so incompetent because he is black that he never could stop Bush from making him fuck up.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

English please.
Proof you are a willfully racist

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'm racist because I don't think Obamacare is as big a disaster as Iraq?

WTF Alice.

If you believe that, you are very ignorant.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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You should re read your post before you post them. You sound like an idiot. People don't have to hate someone just to disagree with their political agenda, qualifications or ideas. And where does that "runaway slave" crap come from?
As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to the trough but you can't make him drink.

But the horse will eventually realize that he is thirsty and will drink.

Horses are smart animals.

You can't fix stupid.
Consider half of us middle class and poor whites vote democratic and will always drink but from the left side of the troft. You want us to just drink from what trickles downyou don't own the troft..

I was always and thank God I will always be white.

I was poor once, when I was alone, an eighteen year old boy, who could not speak a word of English, among people who still resented the DP's of the Second World War.

After I learned enough English to get by I found jobs where I had the opportunity to improve myself and eventually I became a happy member of the no longer existing middle class.

I had no affirmative action to assist me along the way, - not that I would have ever had the absence of self pride to take advantage of one - although my accent was just as big an obstacle as skin color for others. I was lucky to choose a career where I was able to teach myself and advance myself in a path that lead me to my present comfortable retirement.

I repeat: I am sick and tired of whiners of any skin color who cry and bawl and refuse or too stupid to help themselves.

you need to thank G-d for being white because blacks have to deal with bigoted freaks like you.

God is raceless, colorless, he loves all people equally.

You are sick.

what are you talking about, idiot? No, G-d isn't racist. the pos o/p who calls himself a christian is.

go back and read your post. idiot
All of Obama's missteps, combined, do not equal the magnitude of the disaster of the Iraq war.

lol, unless you're Ben Carson and you think Obamacare is worse than 4500 Americans needlessly killed in that war.
See you are a racist. You just said Obama is so incompetent because he is black that he never could stop Bush from making him fuck up.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

English please.
Proof you are a willfully racist

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'm racist because I don't think Obamacare is as big a disaster as Iraq?

WTF Alice.

If you believe that, you are very ignorant.

You think that Obamacare is worse than the Iraq war.

fuckinay, you never disappoint.
As hilarious as it is to see the word "racist" turned completely into a cartoon like this, it's also sad that such an important word has been so trivialized and diluted by the PC Police.

One of the primary points of the thread to begin with, of course -- although somehow (and amazingly) the PC Police here don't see it.

American Blacks will be far better off once they're no longer "helped" by those who claim to "care".
Hey let's not forget in the minds of progressives blacks and genetically so stupid they can't survive without help from them the master race

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Blackest Schools Have Worst Academics, New Official US Statistics Show | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think you'll find that all the posters in that thread who think blacks are genetically inferior are your conservative pals.

only dems and libs think blacks are genetically inferior. Thats why they want to keep them on the dem plantation and dependent on momma government. Oh, and its also why dems and libs want to use PP to kill them before they are born. Margaret Sanger would be proud of you racists. you are fullfilling her dream of genocide via abortion.
See you are a racist. You just said Obama is so incompetent because he is black that he never could stop Bush from making him fuck up.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

English please.
Proof you are a willfully racist

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'm racist because I don't think Obamacare is as big a disaster as Iraq?

WTF Alice.

If you believe that, you are very ignorant.

You think that Obamacare is worse than the Iraq war.

fuckinay, you never disappoint.

its a different kind of disaster. both were bad, both were bad decisions by our government. However, one was bi-partisan and one was dems only----------guess which.
Consider half of us middle class and poor whites vote democratic and will always drink but from the left side of the troft. You want us to just drink from what trickles downyou don't own the troft..

I was always and thank God I will always be white.

I was poor once, when I was alone, an eighteen year old boy, who could not speak a word of English, among people who still resented the DP's of the Second World War.

After I learned enough English to get by I found jobs where I had the opportunity to improve myself and eventually I became a happy member of the no longer existing middle class.

I had no affirmative action to assist me along the way, - not that I would have ever had the absence of self pride to take advantage of one - although my accent was just as big an obstacle as skin color for others. I was lucky to choose a career where I was able to teach myself and advance myself in a path that lead me to my present comfortable retirement.

I repeat: I am sick and tired of whiners of any skin color who cry and bawl and refuse or too stupid to help themselves.

you need to thank G-d for being white because blacks have to deal with bigoted freaks like you.

God is raceless, colorless, he loves all people equally.

You are sick.

what are you talking about, idiot? No, G-d isn't racist. the pos o/p who calls himself a christian is.

go back and read your post. idiot

maybe you should... this time with comprehension. you can't even shut up when we agree on something.

Hey let's not forget in the minds of progressives blacks and genetically so stupid they can't survive without help from them the master race

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Blackest Schools Have Worst Academics, New Official US Statistics Show | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think you'll find that all the posters in that thread who think blacks are genetically inferior are your conservative pals.

only dems and libs think blacks are genetically inferior. Thats why they want to keep them on the dem plantation and dependent on momma government. Oh, and its also why dems and libs want to use PP to kill them before they are born. Margaret Sanger would be proud of you racists. you are fullfilling her dream of genocide via abortion.

Read the thread I linked to. It proves you wrong. You will find for example the poster Correll, who is also in this thread,

making the genetic argument for lower average IQ's in blacks.
Hey let's not forget in the minds of progressives blacks and genetically so stupid they can't survive without help from them the master race

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Blackest Schools Have Worst Academics, New Official US Statistics Show | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think you'll find that all the posters in that thread who think blacks are genetically inferior are your conservative pals.

only dems and libs think blacks are genetically inferior. Thats why they want to keep them on the dem plantation and dependent on momma government. Oh, and its also why dems and libs want to use PP to kill them before they are born. Margaret Sanger would be proud of you racists. you are fullfilling her dream of genocide via abortion.

Read the thread I linked to. It proves you wrong.

yes, black schools are educationally below par. Any idea why that is?

and the places where they are most below par are in the big cities run by democrats and liberals.
English please.
Proof you are a willfully racist

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'm racist because I don't think Obamacare is as big a disaster as Iraq?

WTF Alice.

If you believe that, you are very ignorant.

You think that Obamacare is worse than the Iraq war.

fuckinay, you never disappoint.

its a different kind of disaster. both were bad, both were bad decisions by our government. However, one was bi-partisan and one was dems only----------guess which.

The Iraq war was a Republican war. Most Democrats voted against. Most liberals opposed it.
Hey let's not forget in the minds of progressives blacks and genetically so stupid they can't survive without help from them the master race

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Blackest Schools Have Worst Academics, New Official US Statistics Show | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think you'll find that all the posters in that thread who think blacks are genetically inferior are your conservative pals.

only dems and libs think blacks are genetically inferior. Thats why they want to keep them on the dem plantation and dependent on momma government. Oh, and its also why dems and libs want to use PP to kill them before they are born. Margaret Sanger would be proud of you racists. you are fullfilling her dream of genocide via abortion.

Read the thread I linked to. It proves you wrong.

yes, black schools are educationally below par. Any idea why that is?

and the places where they are most below par are in the big cities run by democrats and liberals.

Read the thread or don't talk about it from a perspective of ignorance.
Proof you are a willfully racist

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'm racist because I don't think Obamacare is as big a disaster as Iraq?

WTF Alice.

If you believe that, you are very ignorant.

You think that Obamacare is worse than the Iraq war.

fuckinay, you never disappoint.

its a different kind of disaster. both were bad, both were bad decisions by our government. However, one was bi-partisan and one was dems only----------guess which.

The Iraq war was a Republican war. Most Democrats voted against. Most liberals opposed it.

the Iraq intervention authorizations were bi-partisan, the Iraq war funding bills were bi-partisan. Both clintons were in favor of them.

ACA was put in place by dems only using a very corrupt voting tactic (reconciliation) that had never been used for a major issue before.

sorry, but you cannot change history
The pejorative terms I used are not words I would or did ever use. It was only an illustration about the idiocy of the sick and sickening liberal nonsense that "WORDS HURT".

Words hurt only idiots. If you punch me in the face you hurt me. If you steal from me you hurt me. If you lie to my boss about me you hurt me. If you hurt my wife or child you hurt me. If you do something against my country you hurt me.

If you call me the most vile name you can think of, I will smile and say: So what? I HAVE BEEN CALLED WORSE BY BETTER PEOPLE THAN YOU". And I will walk away because I am smarter than you.

Why? Because I am an adult, not a kindergarten punk who runs to his mommy (government) for all imaginary hurts.

Grow up assholes and find and keep a job.

^ That rant would have been a tiny bit more convincing if you hadn't found it so necessary, before, to show that you knew the n word is for black people and the w word was for Italians and the word which you fully hyphened-out is one for Jewish people. Not a bit of that was actually necessary for you to have made your point.

Name calling is juvenile and I agree that such words should have no impact on an adult, as a general rule. But it would be silly to say that words never cause harm. In fact, that's why folks are able to sue other people for things like libel and slander. Committing perjury can be pretty damaging to people, too. So, although I agree that many problems can be fixed with folks having a lsightly thicker skin, SOME words do cause damage depending on context.

So, here is another "rant":

Pardon me if I don't find it my heart to be sympathetic towards those who commit most of the crimes, kill most of their brothers and sisters, figurative and literal, those who bitch most about past and long-corrected wrongs, those who most viciously stab all with their skin color who dare to think for themselves, those who call everyone, not black, vile names with impunity, those who call for killing cops, but bawl when none comes in their hour of need, those who know they can get away with just about everything because of political correctness, those who reject productive jobs in favor of receiving meal tickets/food stamps, those who keep on spewing out illegitimate babies without ever knowing who the father is, those who envy the success of others who decided that it is better to learn than be part of the "hood", those who justify their existence by being modern day slaves of the Democrat Party and those who constantly blame white folks for their failure and miserable life, but would not be any better off in Sudan, Liberia, Nigeria, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Congo, Angola, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Chad, Mozambique, Kenya or even the poster child country of the Nobel Piss Prize winning thug Nelson Mandela, South Africa.

Seems to me that words only hurt if they are uttered by people who do not happen to be politically correct. In the mean time sewer rats like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson. Elijah Cummings, Louis Farrakhan and the Congressional Black Caucus (racist by definition) can get away with anything they damn well please.

Worth repeating: Words only hurt idiots with ultra thin skins.

So, give me another sanctimonious lecture about race relations.

Nice racist screed. You can justify hate any way you want.

Now tell us what a good Christian you are.

OK, I will.

In February 1993 I spent two weeks in Homestead, FL helping to rebuild after Hurricane Andrew with Habitat for Humanity.
Nobody forced me to go and do that, but the the fact that I am a Christian and wanted to help my neighbor of 1500 miles away. I did that voluntarily, because I saw on TV the devastation that the hurricane caused to the people and the are where I and my wife had spend our vacation a few weeks earlier.

I went back every year until my arthritis got the better of me. I spent many hours in Overtown, working, sharing meals, having conversations and learning to understand and love each other with black families in a way that a typical words-only-no-action lazy freeloading LIBERAL COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND.

In all my years volunteering with Habitat for Humanity I met many fellow Christians but none of them was a liberal.

should we talk about the white christian supremacists who keep gunning people down?

as for your lie, i suspect normal people offend you and you gravitate toward rightwingnuts like yourself. new york city is 68% catholic. they are liberal... they volunteer as do liberal jews and liberals who are non-believers. my son and i have given out christmas dinners to poor people even though we aren't christian. the events were organized, alternately, by a hispanic liberal dem and a black baptist minister.

but rightwingnut bigots can't stand that. now run along so-called "christian".

First, I am NOT a supremacist, white and/or Christian or otherwise. I believe that all people are defined by their actions and the way they conduct themselves, by speech and deeds to other people.

Second, I never gunned anyone down. Hell, I don't even own nor do I have the desire to own a gun.

Third, I do not lie. What I said about my volunteering with Habitat for Humanity is true. I made friends with a group from the Second Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, who were my companions thru the years and none of them - well perhaps ONE - were other than Republicans.

Fourth, I never said that people of other faith or no faith are not as kind and giving as Christians, but I am still waiting to see an atheist hospital or an atheist school (although they are all headed that way) or an atheist charity organization that does not beg your money to to kill babies in the womb.

Fifth and last, learn, if you can, spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax of your mother tongue before you have the nerve to assume that anyone with a sound mind will take you seriously.
Hey let's not forget in the minds of progressives blacks and genetically so stupid they can't survive without help from them the master race

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Blackest Schools Have Worst Academics, New Official US Statistics Show | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think you'll find that all the posters in that thread who think blacks are genetically inferior are your conservative pals.

only dems and libs think blacks are genetically inferior. Thats why they want to keep them on the dem plantation and dependent on momma government. Oh, and its also why dems and libs want to use PP to kill them before they are born. Margaret Sanger would be proud of you racists. you are fullfilling her dream of genocide via abortion.

Read the thread I linked to. It proves you wrong.

yes, black schools are educationally below par. Any idea why that is?

and the places where they are most below par are in the big cities run by democrats and liberals.

Read the thread or don't talk about it from a perspective of ignorance.

some people consider blacks inferior, I do not.

But that does not change the fact that the crappiest black schools are in the cities run by dems and libs.

it does also not change the fact that PP (loved by dems) was started to affect genocide on the black race via abortion.
Blackest Schools Have Worst Academics, New Official US Statistics Show | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think you'll find that all the posters in that thread who think blacks are genetically inferior are your conservative pals.

only dems and libs think blacks are genetically inferior. Thats why they want to keep them on the dem plantation and dependent on momma government. Oh, and its also why dems and libs want to use PP to kill them before they are born. Margaret Sanger would be proud of you racists. you are fullfilling her dream of genocide via abortion.

Read the thread I linked to. It proves you wrong.

yes, black schools are educationally below par. Any idea why that is?

and the places where they are most below par are in the big cities run by democrats and liberals.

Read the thread or don't talk about it from a perspective of ignorance.

some people consider blacks inferior, I do not.

But that does not change the fact that the crappiest black schools are in the cities run by dems and libs.

it does also not change the fact that PP (loved by dems) was started to affect genocide on the black race via abortion.

The best schools in this country are run by liberals too. We know because conservatives like you bitch about it every day.

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