Democrats hate Carson because he is black

The presses will have to be running 24/7 to supply all the race cards that the Carson fans are flinging about so wildly.

Sadly, for many Republicans, every single thing is always entirely about race (or gender). They don't seem capable of the color-blind and gender-blind attitude of the liberals.
The truth hurts to much huh?

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Do you think us liberal whites don't agree with some of carsons positions on black society? We do. It's just that as liberals we see he ignores and is insensitive to how things are unfair for black people.

Is his position that isn't true or tough shit get over it?

I can count on one hand the liberals I have seen admit to agreeing with some of Carson's positions on black society.

Another man liberals hate because he is black and correct

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Another guy who thinks slavery and Jim Crow were better for blacks than the present.

On some level, if you are a white liberal, you have to agree with some of the things carson says about blacks.

Yes America is racist but are blacks doing themselves any favors acting the way they do?

Of course I'm talking about ghetto blacks in high crime and poverty places.

American is not racist.
The presses will have to be running 24/7 to supply all the race cards that the Carson fans are flinging about so wildly.

Sadly, for many Republicans, every single thing is always entirely about race (or gender). They don't seem capable of the color-blind and gender-blind attitude of the liberals.
The truth hurts to much huh?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Do you think us liberal whites don't agree with some of carsons positions on black society? We do. It's just that as liberals we see he ignores and is insensitive to how things are unfair for black people.

Is his position that isn't true or tough shit get over it?

No, it's a black man saying it, so you automatically reject it without weighing the validity. You are definitely rejecting the ideas because Carson is black.

Another man liberals hate because he is black and correct

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Another guy who thinks slavery and Jim Crow were better for blacks than the present.

On some level, if you are a white liberal, you have to agree with some of the things carson says about blacks.

Yes America is racist but are blacks doing themselves any favors acting the way they do?

Of course I'm talking about ghetto blacks in high crime and poverty places.

So it's just "ghetto blacks"? Why do you think they act the way they do?

Another man liberals hate because he is black and correct

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Another guy who thinks slavery and Jim Crow were better for blacks than the present.

On some level, if you are a white liberal, you have to agree with some of the things carson says about blacks.

Yes America is racist but are blacks doing themselves any favors acting the way they do?

Of course I'm talking about ghetto blacks in high crime and poverty places.

So it's just "ghetto blacks"? Why do you think they act the way they do?
You tell me? Is it helpful to them or could they act differently and help themselves towards let's say, a future job interview?

First, don't name your kid Shaqueal or jaquande. Doesn't look good on a resume. Second, teach your kid how to talk.

I don't know. Ask Ben Carson's ma what she did.

nope, truth. sorry to burst your bubble. look at your list, tell me one of those that had the impact of ACA.

If reconciliation is illegal,

why is it legal?

no one said it was illegal. What was said is that it was not intended, and was never before used, for something of the magnitude of ACA.

It is a budget tool intended for resolving minor budget issues, not for changing a major portion of the nations economy

You said it was corrupt.

You provide no evidence whatsoever that reconciliation was only to be used in minor matters. My link proves you wrong on that anyway.

wrong again. your link proved that it has only been used on minor budget issues, there is not a major piece of legislation on that list.

What I said was that using reconciliation for something as major as ACA was a corrupt legislative tactic. The dems used it because they knew that they could never pass that POS bill using normal procedures.

and you fricken well know it. everyone know it. WTF is wrong with you? Why can't you admit what everyone knows to be true?

The ACA passed with 60 votes. The House passed that bill.

Only subsequently, on amendments, was reconciliation used.

Another man liberals hate because he is black and correct

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Another guy who thinks slavery and Jim Crow were better for blacks than the present.

On some level, if you are a white liberal, you have to agree with some of the things carson says about blacks.

Yes America is racist but are blacks doing themselves any favors acting the way they do?

Of course I'm talking about ghetto blacks in high crime and poverty places.

So it's just "ghetto blacks"? Why do you think they act the way they do?
You tell me? Is it helpful to them or could they act differently and help themselves towards let's say, a future job interview?

First, don't name your kid Shaqueal or jaquande. Doesn't look good on a resume. Second, teach your kid how to talk.

I don't know. Ask Ben Carson's ma what she did.

Why do you think the name of a person is important on a resume?

Another man liberals hate because he is black and correct

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Another guy who thinks slavery and Jim Crow were better for blacks than the present.


Can you understand simple sentence structure or are you just a dishonest partisan nutter? I'm thinking the latter.

Show us how black families would be better off if the welfare state ended tomorrow.

Another man liberals hate because he is black and correct

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Another guy who thinks slavery and Jim Crow were better for blacks than the present.


Can you understand simple sentence structure or are you just a dishonest partisan nutter? I'm thinking the latter.

Show us how black families would be better off if the welfare state ended tomorrow.

It is obvious you do not understand the quote. Try again.

Another man liberals hate because he is black and correct

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Another guy who thinks slavery and Jim Crow were better for blacks than the present.

On some level, if you are a white liberal, you have to agree with some of the things carson says about blacks.

Yes America is racist but are blacks doing themselves any favors acting the way they do?

Of course I'm talking about ghetto blacks in high crime and poverty places.

So it's just "ghetto blacks"? Why do you think they act the way they do?
You tell me? Is it helpful to them or could they act differently and help themselves towards let's say, a future job interview?

First, don't name your kid Shaqueal or jaquande. Doesn't look good on a resume. Second, teach your kid how to talk.

I don't know. Ask Ben Carson's ma what she did.

Right. 'Barack Hussein Obama' is a ticket to prison.

Another man liberals hate because he is black and correct

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Another guy who thinks slavery and Jim Crow were better for blacks than the present.


Can you understand simple sentence structure or are you just a dishonest partisan nutter? I'm thinking the latter.

Show us how black families would be better off if the welfare state ended tomorrow.

It is obvious you do not understand the quote. Try again.

Show us how black families would be better off if the welfare state ended tomorrow.

Another man liberals hate because he is black and correct

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Another guy who thinks slavery and Jim Crow were better for blacks than the present.


Can you understand simple sentence structure or are you just a dishonest partisan nutter? I'm thinking the latter.

Show us how black families would be better off if the welfare state ended tomorrow.

It is obvious you do not understand the quote. Try again.

Show us how black families would be better off if the welfare state ended tomorrow.

What does that have to do with the quote? I'm not seeing the correlation.
So, no substantive response?
Helping the poor and minorities who are discriminated against by hypocrite lying Pubs and their hater dupes is racist? You are out of your mind.
Lowering requirements for jobs or advanced education is paternalistic contempt that ultimately harms the applicant who ends up trying to do something he/she is not prepared to do and fails, sort of like giving short white guys an extra 4 or 5 inches in height when they try out for an NBA team.
Like Carson lol?Only because of the racists who believe that and hold it against them even if they DIDN'T get affirmative action etc. They always find something anyway.
There are always exceptions that succeed no matter the obstacles placed in their way, whether those obstacles be overt racist opposition or covert racial contempt. Like I said, lowering requirements is paternalistic contempt.
If a group has any opposition, they should be helped. A disgrace.
Lowering expectations and requirements is not helping. That's the point.
The presses will have to be running 24/7 to supply all the race cards that the Carson fans are flinging about so wildly.

Sadly, for many Republicans, every single thing is always entirely about race (or gender). They don't seem capable of the color-blind and gender-blind attitude of the liberals.
The truth hurts to much huh?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Do you think us liberal whites don't agree with some of carsons positions on black society? We do. It's just that as liberals we see he ignores and is insensitive to how things are unfair for black people.

Is his position that isn't true or tough shit get over it?

life is not fair, no government can make it fair. you need to grow up and move on.
nope, truth. sorry to burst your bubble. look at your list, tell me one of those that had the impact of ACA.

If reconciliation is illegal,

why is it legal?

no one said it was illegal. What was said is that it was not intended, and was never before used, for something of the magnitude of ACA.

It is a budget tool intended for resolving minor budget issues, not for changing a major portion of the nations economy

You said it was corrupt.

You provide no evidence whatsoever that reconciliation was only to be used in minor matters. My link proves you wrong on that anyway.

wrong again. your link proved that it has only been used on minor budget issues, there is not a major piece of legislation on that list.

What I said was that using reconciliation for something as major as ACA was a corrupt legislative tactic. The dems used it because they knew that they could never pass that POS bill using normal procedures.

and you fricken well know it. everyone know it. WTF is wrong with you? Why can't you admit what everyone knows to be true?

The ACA passed with 60 votes. The House passed that bill.

Only subsequently, on amendments, was reconciliation used.

nope 51 votes in the senate, dems only in the house.

look at the actual bill that pelosi said we must pass in order to find out whats in it.
Oh and while we're at it, the original ACA passed without reconciliation.

show me where I said it was illegal.

If you wish to concede that the ACA was passed in full compliance with all the relevant legalities involving how a bill becomes law in this country,

I will happily withdraw my opinion that your previous posts implied illegality.

I want to hear you say it though, minus any if ands or buts.
Oh and while we're at it, the original ACA passed without reconciliation.

show me where I said it was illegal.

If you wish to concede that the ACA was passed in full compliance with all the relevant legalities involving how a bill becomes law in this country,

I will happily withdraw my opinion that your previous posts implied illegality.

I want to hear you say it though, minus any if ands or buts.

I said it was passed using a corrupt legislative trick, that is the truth. reconciliation was never before used for something the magnitude of ACA, and it was not intended for such use.

yes, technically legal, but still corrupt.
Oh and while we're at it, the original ACA passed without reconciliation.

show me where I said it was illegal.

If you wish to concede that the ACA was passed in full compliance with all the relevant legalities involving how a bill becomes law in this country,

I will happily withdraw my opinion that your previous posts implied illegality.

I want to hear you say it though, minus any if ands or buts.

I said it was passed using a corrupt legislative trick, that is the truth. reconciliation was never before used for something the magnitude of ACA, and it was not intended for such use.

yes, technically legal, but still corrupt.

Another nut who rejects the rule of law.

btw, pay attention. I pointed out the the ACA itself was passed with 60 Senate votes.
Oh and while we're at it, the original ACA passed without reconciliation.

show me where I said it was illegal.

If you wish to concede that the ACA was passed in full compliance with all the relevant legalities involving how a bill becomes law in this country,

I will happily withdraw my opinion that your previous posts implied illegality.

I want to hear you say it though, minus any if ands or buts.

I said it was passed using a corrupt legislative trick, that is the truth. reconciliation was never before used for something the magnitude of ACA, and it was not intended for such use.

yes, technically legal, but still corrupt.

Reconciliation was not used to pass the ACA. It was only used to make some amendments.

There goes your already specious argument.

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