Democrats Have Always Destroyed the Economy

You know they know the GOP messed up....that's why they are trying so hard to re-write history.....
It is also why they say both sides did it. When they can't deny that the GOP messed up, both sides did it.
Bill Clinton economy the best I remember......

Then you need memory medication fuckface.

Best GDP growth of any president since Johnson.

Smallest percent added to the debt by any president since Nixon.

Best S&P performance by any 2 term president in the history of the S&P

Best DJI performance since Coolidge
Bill Clinton economy the best I remember......

Then you need memory medication fuckface.

Best GDP growth of any president since Johnson.

Smallest percent added to the debt by any president since Nixon.

Best S&P performance by any 2 term president in the history of the S&P

Best DJI performance since Coolidge
Wasn’t there a Republican Congress at the time? But then again career politicians fuck everything up they touch.

But what really fucked up the economy at that time was Bush’s read my lips no new taxes...
That almost single-handedly destroyed small business... lol

Never once has anything ever been taxed into success...
Bill Clinton economy the best I remember......

Then you need memory medication fuckface.

Best GDP growth of any president since Johnson.

Smallest percent added to the debt by any president since Nixon.

Best S&P performance by any 2 term president in the history of the S&P

Best DJI performance since Coolidge
Wasn’t there a Republican Congress at the time? But then again career politicians fuck everything up they touch.

But really what really fucked up the economy at that time was Bush’s read my lips no new taxes...
That almost single-handedly destroyed small business... lol

Never once has anything ever been taxed into success...

We agree on the Read My Lips. last time I voted for a Repub.
Bill Clinton economy the best I remember......

Then you need memory medication fuckface.

Best GDP growth of any president since Johnson.

Smallest percent added to the debt by any president since Nixon.

Best S&P performance by any 2 term president in the history of the S&P

Best DJI performance since Coolidge
Wasn’t there a Republican Congress at the time? But then again career politicians fuck everything up they touch.

But really what really fucked up the economy at that time was Bush’s read my lips no new taxes...
That almost single-handedly destroyed small business... lol

Never once has anything ever been taxed into success...

We agree on the Read My Lips. last time I voted for a Repub.
I have never voted for any career politicians, for obvious reasons...

There isnt a tax they don’t like...
The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years

Stay tuned for Part Two.........

Good Bush economy attacked, bad Obama economy ignored by media
Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI
Is this a joke?

Do you have Alzheimer's or something? Are you 12 yrs old?

The economy tanked in 2008. That's why the call it the 2008 financial crisis.

Remember subprime mortgages? Clinton's doing. But it all came down during Bush's watch. The real estate market was one huge Ponzi scheme.

Paulson was having dry heaves. Anyone remember that?

Gasoline was close to $5 and everyone was afraid it would hit $7/gal. Commodities jumped including oil. Especially oil. I remember Bush flooded the oil market to knock prices back down but I can't find any articles supporting that. I remember reading about it at the time though. Everyone ran to the commodities market and grain went so high it sparked Arab Spring in Egypt.

No one remembers all this? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone lol.
Republicans had total control of the government. They passed trillions in tax cuts. They started two unpaid for wars. Why do you guys keep trying to blame Democrats and Obama for what Republicans do? It’s a mystery to me. Do Republicans have any sense of responsibility for any of their damage?

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