Democrats Have Always Destroyed the Economy

The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years

Stay tuned for Part Two.........

Good Bush economy attacked, bad Obama economy ignored by media
Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI

Fucking moron.... a huge number of toxic subprime loans cratered the economy. You are completely brain-dead to think those loans were written in 2007.


Yes, it should be clear that the real estate collapse of 2008 was due to Bush, not Obama.
Not only did all the toxic derivatives get created during the Bush administration, but also Bush added trillions to the national debt, creating a credit shortage that precipitated the whole world wide collapse.

The only blame that goes to democrats is Bill Clinton's repeal of Glass-Steagall, allowing banks to hide shaky mortgages in those federally guaranteed, toxic derivatives.
The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years

Stay tuned for Part Two.........

Good Bush economy attacked, bad Obama economy ignored by media
Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI

U.S. Unemployment Rate Falls to 50-Year Low

And now we see proof that the OP is correct, after almost a full term of Trump, unemployment is at a 50 year low and the economy is booming

A two month old article to show the unemployment rate dropped 1 percentage point under Trump?

Dayum, you are one desperate bitch. :lmao:
/---/ The only desperation is your twists and distortions.
From the link: The Trump Administration’s pro-growth agenda provides job creators with the framework they need to expand their businesses and offer more opportunities for workers. Since the President’s election, the economy has added over 6.4 million jobs—more than the population of Maryland. Steady job growth in combination with sustained year-over-year wage increases are not only positive signs for the economy: They also improve workers’ quality of life and incentivize previously left-behind Americans to join the labor force.

It is unclear yet what Trump accomplished.
Since he ran a budget deficit, it is easy to artificially prop up an economy with borrowing, just like Bush did.
The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years

Stay tuned for Part Two.........

Good Bush economy attacked, bad Obama economy ignored by media
Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI

U.S. Unemployment Rate Falls to 50-Year Low

And now we see proof that the OP is correct, after almost a full term of Trump, unemployment is at a 50 year low and the economy is booming

A two month old article to show the unemployment rate dropped 1 percentage point under Trump?

Dayum, you are one desperate bitch. :lmao:
/---/ The only desperation is your twists and distortions.
From the link: The Trump Administration’s pro-growth agenda provides job creators with the framework they need to expand their businesses and offer more opportunities for workers. Since the President’s election, the economy has added over 6.4 million jobs—more than the population of Maryland. Steady job growth in combination with sustained year-over-year wage increases are not only positive signs for the economy: They also improve workers’ quality of life and incentivize previously left-behind Americans to join the labor force.
Thanks for not refuting what I said.
The OP HAS to be a trollbot. No one could be this stupid.

Go look at the economy during the Clinton years. It was ROARING

Look at what the last Republican Administration did? It limped along for 6 years and then IMPLODED...spectacularly.

And Obama? Dug us out of that whole...dragging republicans kicking and screaming behnd him
Hey, everyone knows wealth needs to be regulated away from working people. Didn't you listen while your hippie English teacher glorified the Soviet Union?
Hey, everyone knows wealth needs to be regulated away from working people. Didn't you listen while your hippie English teacher glorified the Soviet Union?

Regulated away from working people?

On what planet does that make sense? On what planet does that happen?
The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years

Stay tuned for Part Two.........

Good Bush economy attacked, bad Obama economy ignored by media
Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI

U.S. Unemployment Rate Falls to 50-Year Low

And now we see proof that the OP is correct, after almost a full term of Trump, unemployment is at a 50 year low and the economy is booming

A two month old article to show the unemployment rate dropped 1 percentage point under Trump?

Dayum, you are one desperate bitch. :lmao:
/---/ The only desperation is your twists and distortions.
From the link: The Trump Administration’s pro-growth agenda provides job creators with the framework they need to expand their businesses and offer more opportunities for workers. Since the President’s election, the economy has added over 6.4 million jobs—more than the population of Maryland. Steady job growth in combination with sustained year-over-year wage increases are not only positive signs for the economy: They also improve workers’ quality of life and incentivize previously left-behind Americans to join the labor force.
Thanks for not refuting what I said.
/----/ If you're going to reject a factual article you need a better lame excuse other than it's 2 months old. Did the UE rate suddenly jump by 25%?
The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years

Stay tuned for Part Two.........

Good Bush economy attacked, bad Obama economy ignored by media
Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI

U.S. Unemployment Rate Falls to 50-Year Low

And now we see proof that the OP is correct, after almost a full term of Trump, unemployment is at a 50 year low and the economy is booming

A two month old article to show the unemployment rate dropped 1 percentage point under Trump?

Dayum, you are one desperate bitch. :lmao:
/---/ The only desperation is your twists and distortions.
From the link: The Trump Administration’s pro-growth agenda provides job creators with the framework they need to expand their businesses and offer more opportunities for workers. Since the President’s election, the economy has added over 6.4 million jobs—more than the population of Maryland. Steady job growth in combination with sustained year-over-year wage increases are not only positive signs for the economy: They also improve workers’ quality of life and incentivize previously left-behind Americans to join the labor force.

It is unclear yet what Trump accomplished.
Since he ran a budget deficit, it is easy to artificially prop up an economy with borrowing, just like Bush did.
/---/ "Since he ran a budget deficit"
Since the president doesn't control the budget or deficit your post is idiotic.
The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years

Stay tuned for Part Two.........

Good Bush economy attacked, bad Obama economy ignored by media
Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI

Fucking moron.... a huge number of toxic subprime loans cratered the economy. You are completely brain-dead to think those loans were written in 2007.


Yes, it should be clear that the real estate collapse of 2008 was due to Bush, not Obama.
Not only did all the toxic derivatives get created during the Bush administration, but also Bush added trillions to the national debt, creating a credit shortage that precipitated the whole world wide collapse.

The only blame that goes to democrats is Bill Clinton's repeal of Glass-Steagall, allowing banks to hide shaky mortgages in those federally guaranteed, toxic derivatives.
/----/ "Bush added trillions to the national debt"
Since the president doesn't control spending or the debt, your post is idiotic.
So blame the Republican Congress then...and Trump since he signed the bills they wrote
You're a fucking imbecile. And shove that Russian shit up your bitch ass. If you don't know what the topic is then shut your punkass piehole
/—-/ Yes, both democRATs and Republicans in Congress are responsible for the debt.

Horse shit. Both the tax cut (for the rich) and the 1.5 trillion dollar budget were passed by a REPUBLICAN Congress

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