Democrats have gone full Stalin

Not to mention you fuckers NEVER conceded 2000, nor 2016. Your antiFAG and Burn Loot Murder thugs began their riots during the 2017 inauguration


"Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans. This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for and I’m sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country.

But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together, this vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign. You represent the best of America and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life.


I know how disappointed you feel because I feel it too, and so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. This is painful and it will be for a long time, but I want you to remember this. Our campaign was never about one person or even one election, it was about the country we love and about building an America that’s hopeful, inclusive and big-hearted.

We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.

Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don’t just respect that, we cherish it."
Sounds totally implausible. Do you really think the government is so weak that a few disgruntled rioters with no weapons could literally overthrow it? Not happening unless democrats go along with it.

Nope. All that needs to happen to completely thwart anything like that is for every state to ensure that only eligible voters actually vote, no districts with more ballots than registered voters, no dead people voting, no ballot box stuffing. You know, none of the stuff democrats are famous for doing.
Since I never made the claim that the Benedict Donald inspired Riot that day was intended to overthrow the Government, way to make up an answer to a question not asked. The scheme to overturn the election results was not tied to the MAGA MOB Riot. That was where Benedict was demanding that the VP unilaterally throw out several slates of elector and substitute enough fraudulent ones to swing the EC votes to the TrumpenFührer.
Foxfyre in #97 said: “We can only hope that SCOTUS will be able to act swiftly and decisively to nip this sort of thing in the bud.
fvxfyrv.24.01.04 #97 to Saint Hollie in #1

What if three preTrump Catholics plus three Trump Catholics rule based on
  1. originalism
  2. states rights
  3. textual understanding of writers intent
and agrees with two Colorado Court’s verdict that DGT engaged in insurrection and rebellion after taking the oath to support the Constitution and is therefore disqualified to become President forever?

nf.24,01.05 #144
to fvxfyrv.24.01.04 #97
Right wing populism is based on the projection of repulsive acts by the MAGA king, and other Repubs, on to Dems generally and Biden specifically.
We just learned new details of how Trump corruptly lined his pockets with money from foreign countries, like China, who were negotiating various matters with the US while Don was prez. Exactly the kind of thing the Emoluments Clause was designed to prevent. The projection, made without evidence, Biden is corrupt.
26 women have credibly accused the former Groper-in-Chief of sexual abuse. The projection, Biden is a pedophile.
The House 1/6 committee revealed numerous instances of how Don used the DoJ to go after his perceived political enemies. US Attorney Geoffrey Berman was pressured by Trump to prosecute enemies. House Repubs, especially Gym Jordan, has used his committee chairmanship to weaponize the Judiciary Committee. The projection, the investigation and prosecution of Trump, approved by various grand juries, for numerous alleged crimes is an abuse by Biden.
These aren't the only examples. Repubs have also accused Dems of stealing the 2020 election, projecting Don's traitorous act on to the opposition.
Thus, projection is the means by which Repubs are able to see themselves as a force for good. They have chosen to defend a serial sexual abuser who has corruptly benefited financially from his time in office and tried to steal the election by projecting the exact crimes he is guilty of on to Joe Biden.
manipulate elections.

The ONLY way your paranoia comes true is if TRUMP! somehow marches into the Oval Office after losing the EC vote count and kicks out the occupant
Or loses the EC vote count in 2020 and actually attempts to prevent the incoming occupant from being inaugurated based on fraud. see breaking news report out of Michigan at the bottom.

Yes they did.

•••Bombshell report reveals evidence Trump campaign 'directly orchestrated' fake elector plot ••• January 5, 2024

The effort to submit slates of so-called "fake electors" in Michigan — which then-President Donald Trump narrowly lost in 2020 — appears to have been a project of the Trump campaign itself, according to a recent report.

The Detroit News reported on internal emails from the Trump campaign that showed how the former president's top legal advisers like John Eastman, Boris Epshteyn and Kenneth Chesebro, who are now cooperating in multiple states' fake elector investigations, "directly orchestrated" the effort to steal Electoral College votes from then-candidate Joe Biden.

"The revelations provide further proof that the false elector certificates advanced in seven battleground states, including Michigan, were not organic efforts by local Republican officials to question the election results in their states, but part of a larger scheme by Trump's campaign to maintain power," the News' Craig Mauger wrote.

According to the News, both Chesebro and Eastman sought to get fake elector letters to then-Vice President Mike Pence in advance of Congress' scheduled certification of the Electoral College count on January 6, 2021.

A key component of that strategy was to have the fake elector documents submitted in the names of various state Republican Party officials to make the effort look organic.

However, the News reported that in Michigan, Trump campaign staffer Shawn Flynn actually prepared the mailing that was sent on December 15, 2020 to the National Archives in the name of Republican National Committeewoman Kathy Bearden.

"Just wanted to check if these need to be sent a certain class of mail along with the extra service of certified mail and registered mail respectively?" Flynn wrote in an email to Chesebro.

Mike Roman, who was the Trump campaign's director of election day operations, responded to Flynn that he should "choose the fastest."

The infamous "Eastman Memo" laid out how the fake electors plot would work: If Pence received an alternate slate of electors from a certain state, he could refrain from including those states' electoral votes in the official count, giving Trump a slight advantage. Following Democrats' objections, Pence would have then sent the matter to the House of Representatives, where each state's delegation would have exactly one vote. Because Republicans controlled slightly more state delegations than Democrats, this would have also resulted in a Trump victory.

The Detroit News' report is the latest bombshell to come out of Michigan, where the former president and Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel were heard offering to pay for lawyers for two Wayne County elections officials in exchange for them not voting to certify their county's 2020 election results.

READ MORE: Michigan elections chief: 'Direct line' between Trump's Detroit call and January 6 riot

Bombshell report reveals evidence Trump campaign 'directly orchestrated' fake elector plot
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Free and fair elections means that your vote is taken and counted. It doesn’t mean that you get to vote for criminals or people out to destroy the nation.

Trump took himself out of the running. The constitution matters, and he broke it multiple times. He should’ve been impeached and removed from office after the first impeachment. But Republican said that the voters should decide.

The voters decided, and Trump refused to accept their decision. Now he’s claiming that the voter should get to decide again. Two impeachments and a lost election, and he still is trying to overthrow the government.

Why would you even want to vote for this rapist criminal? What is wrong with you that you think this is a this is a great leader?
I gonna vote for him just to piss in your cornflakes. Its Enjoyment
He is just another "liberal" who deflects attention from the criminals he likes, to accuse others of doing what his owners are actually guilty of. People like him love to bloviate about how sycophantic everyone else is, while zealously tearing down and insulting everything that isn't trendy politics. They're the "Kardashian Mushroom Voters".
I give direct answers not deflections. If you’re claiming otherwise then you don’t know what you’re talking about
I see you prefer to sidestep and evade as opposed to addressing some softball questions.

Totally predictable.

Give me the names of one or more protestors who have been jailed for one year or more without a jury trial per the 6th amendment.
That’s been my question to you from the start. Give me a name to back up your statement. You still haven’t answered that. Stop dodging. I told you I’d answer all you questions as soon as you answer my original
I give direct answers not deflections. If you’re claiming otherwise then you don’t know what you’re talking about
That’s been my question to you from the start. Give me a name to back up your statement. You still haven’t answered that. Stop dodging. I told you I’d answer all you questions as soon as you answer my original
Another of your predictable dodges and sidesteps.
Another of your predictable dodges and sidesteps.
You didn’t need to predict anything…. I straight up told you that I would address your questions right after you answer my original question that you’ve been dodging.

It’s a persistent effort to try and turn the tables and attack me for what you’re doing but it’s also very weak and transparent.
You didn’t need to predict anything…. I straight up told you that I would address your questions right after you answer my original question that you’ve been dodging.

It’s a persistent effort to try and turn the tables and attack me for what you’re doing but it’s also very weak and transparent.

Why the need to copy and paste the same tedious post?

You're unable to address my earlier comments. No one is attacking you so no need to post these silly tirades you launch into.
2aguy in #1 23.06.20 wrote: The democrat party is totalitarian.....they are deploying tactics that would make the German socialists of the 1930s blush...... nvgvy.23.06.20 #1

2aguy in #1 23.06.20 wrote: The group initially went after 111 attorneys in 26 states for representing Trump for questioning the irregularities associated with the 2020 election. nvgvy.23.06.20 #1

The democrat party is truly, to it's core, evil............ nvgvy.23.06.20 #1

Democrats have never attempted to do anything as evil as overturn a presidential election that was certified as lost.

See POST nf.24.01,05 #147

The infamous "Eastman Memo" laid out how the fake electors plot would work: If Pence received an alternate slate of electors from a certain state, he could refrain from including those states' electoral votes in the official count, giving Trump a slight advantage. Following Democrats' objections, Pence would have then sent the matter to the House of Representatives, where each state's delegation would have exactly one vote. Because Republicans controlled slightly more state delegations than Democrats, this would have also resulted in a Trump victory.
READ MORE: Michigan elections chief: 'Direct line' between Trump's Detroit call and January 6 riot

Bombshell report reveals evidence Trump campaign 'directly orchestrated' fake elector plot
Not to mention you fuckers NEVER conceded 2000, nor 2016. Your antiFAG and Burn Loot Murder thugs began their riots during the 2017 inauguration
Both times the Democrat conceded after getting the most popular votes.
I am under obligation to repeat facts.

You haven't done so. What you have done is copied and pasted the silly. "end of democracy", slogan used throughout the Dem / Marxist controlled media.

In fact, it's the Dems / Marxists who want to transform this country into a one-party, authoritarian state. The most authoritarian politicians in the most authoritarian political party, (the Democrat Party of Slavery) is constantly accusing Republicans of wanting to "destroy our democracy". Yet. It is the Dem / Marxist party which is using a common tactic of Stalinist / Leninist governments; persecute your political opponent.

If projection were an Olympic sportng competition, you people would win the gold medal.
2aguy in #1 23.06.20 wrote: The democrat party is totalitarian.....they are deploying tactics that would make the German socialists of the 1930s blush...... nvgvy.23.06.20 #1

2aguy in #1 23.06.20 wrote: The group initially went after 111 attorneys in 26 states for representing Trump for questioning the irregularities associated with the 2020 election. nvgvy.23.06.20 #1

The democrat party is truly, to it's core, evil............ nvgvy.23.06.20 #1

Democrats have never attempted to do anything as evil as overturn a presidential election that was certified as lost.

See POST nf.24.01,05 #147

READ MORE: Michigan elections chief: 'Direct line' between Trump's Detroit call and January 6 riot

Bombshell report reveals evidence Trump campaign 'directly orchestrated' fake elector plot
Yeah was a great post from 2AGUY.

Thanks for pointing that out
Why the need to copy and paste the same tedious post?

You're unable to address my earlier comments. No one is attacking you so no need to post these silly tirades you launch into.
You do see your hypocrisy right? I asked the first question and you dodged by asking several other questions. I told you I’d answer your questions right after you answered the one I asked first that you dodged. Now you’re trying to harp on me for dodging questions.

Unlike you I have no problems answering anything. I also have no problem waiting for the right time to do so which is AFTER you stop dodging and answer the original question.

Can you name one Jan 6 person who is still being held without due process?
  • Thanks
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You do see your hypocrisy right? I asked the first question and you dodged by asking several other questions. I told you I’d answer your questions right after you answered the one I asked first that you dodged. Now you’re trying to harp on me for dodging questions.

Unlike you I have no problems answering anything. I also have no problem waiting for the right time to do so which is AFTER you stop dodging and answer the original question.

Can you name one Jan 6 person who is still being held without due process?

You do see your desperation, right? You simply cannot address some pretty simple questions.

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