Democrats have no proof of voter suppression

How so? name one thing.
You have got to be kidding! What a joke..
  • 10 Common Examples of Racial Discrimination at Work

    For example, in an office with a strict suit and tie policy, a minority may be reprimanded for not wearing a tie and another individual of a different race would not be. 5. Failure to hire an …
  • 5 Examples of Systemic Racism in the USA | Human Rights Careers

    While healthcare for non-white communities has improved, systemic racism against Black people is still prevalent. They’re 3-4 times more likely than white people to die in pregnancy; doctors …
You play a retard on USMB. You portray a level of stupid that reveals an IQ of maybe 45. But ARE you as stupid and insane as you present yourself to be?

It's a question.

Oh, and that you democrat scum are fascists is irrefutable.

If you had even a 2nd grade understanding of history, you'd realize this.
I have a masters in history, you have a masters in garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Every educated person knows Nazis and fascists are basically the same thing and are right wing authoritarians/ racists slash nationalists slash brainwashers end of story... everything you know is total garbage propaganda just to confuse you and make you hate. The book entitled liberal fascism is absolute drivel according to everyone in the real world outside your bubble of total baloney for gop rubes....
You have got to be kidding! What a joke..
  • 10 Common Examples of Racial Discrimination at Work

    For example, in an office with a strict suit and tie policy, a minority may be reprimanded for not wearing a tie and another individual of a different race would not be. 5. Failure to hire an …
  • 5 Examples of Systemic Racism in the USA | Human Rights Careers

    While healthcare for non-white communities has improved, systemic racism against Black people is still prevalent. They’re 3-4 times more likely than white people to die in pregnancy; doctors …

What a steaming pile of shit.

Especially the second one, which might actually be parody...
You have got to be kidding! What a joke..
  • 10 Common Examples of Racial Discrimination at Work

    For example, in an office with a strict suit and tie policy, a minority may be reprimanded for not wearing a tie and another individual of a different race would not be. 5. Failure to hire an …
  • 5 Examples of Systemic Racism in the USA | Human Rights Careers

    While healthcare for non-white communities has improved, systemic racism against Black people is still prevalent. They’re 3-4 times more likely than white people to die in pregnancy; doctors …
dude, I have no idea what you are trying to suggest here. you said republicans.
I have a masters in history, you have a masters in garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Every educated person knows Nazis and fascists are basically the same thing and are right wing authoritarians/ racists slash nationalists slash brainwashers end of story... everything you know is total garbage propaganda just to confuse you and make you hate. The book entitled liberal fascism is absolute drivel according to everyone in the real world outside your bubble of total baloney for gop rubes....
son, you have no idea what the word racist even means. You are a tag along. You just jumped on board and starting yelling rrrraaaacccisstttttt. What is racist? Give me a definition.

BTW, since you claim to be a history major, then you should know the demofks are the kkk. seems odd you being in that party call us racists.
And they were a couple of stupid fools that had nothing to do with the Democratic Party and the little ladies running the place ran them off after a couple of minutes. So in other words you are a brainwashed functional moron as always.... You idiots do worse every hour on the hour....based on stupid lies....
You're equally clueless! The Police ran off the New Black Panther who was brandishing the night stick...the other New Black Panther was allowed to stay because he was a certified poll watcher! I don't know what's worse...that someone wasn't arrested on the spot for brandishing the night stick or that a "certified poll watcher" was standing in front of a polling place calling white people "Cracker"!
That's why blacks in the inner city don't have bank accounts and do all their banking through absolute horrible loan sharks etc that are everywhere in the area... After 40 years of giveaway to the rich and giant corporations we have the worst inequality upward mobility in the modern world by far and ever in our history. So if you want to know what the problem is look in a mirror, brainwashed functional moron racist hater dupe
Your racist beliefs about inner city blacks are so stereotypic they border on farce.
You had to show an ID to open the bank account that allows you to access that money machine, Sealy!
It's patently racist to claim that blacks are somehow so helpless that they can't do something as simple as obtain a valid ID!
Well I had to show ID to initially register too.

It's not just black people. You want all poor people to stay home. Some of you even float the idea that only land owners should be allowed to vote. Sure that wouldn't ONLY hurt blacks but it should would hurt them disproportionately.
even that didn't happen, more fantasy land demofk staging. Turns out to be fbi fkers. ooops. You can't catch a break with your fantasies can you? BTW, for Jan 6, his name is Ray Epps and he too staged it.
And Sandy Hook was filmed in a studio! You're what's wrong with America, bro. MAGA G stands for Germany.
So, we have 21 million registered voters completely not participating in society? How are they registered to vote with no ID? If it's OK for 21 million, then is it OK for the other 160 million (?) voters to not have to prove who they are?
Not having a driver's license is not "not participating in society"

Are you aware that there are many people who live an almost totally cash existence?

Not everyone lives their lives like you do...not should they have to in order to participate in our democracy
And Sandy Hook was filmed in a studio! You're what's wrong with America, bro. MAGA G stands for Germany.
nope, not sure why you're noting what someone else did as mine. Strange, you sure enjoy projecting on to others.
Not having a driver's license is not "not participating in society"

Are you aware that there are many people who live an almost totally cash existence?
what's that have to do with getting a free ID for Voting with?
you have no idea what a Nazi is. look in a mirror when you want martial law with a republican
A nazi is someone who calls people that don't follow along with them enemies and wishes to exterminate them. Right? call out for the banishment of unvaccinated? Call for the end of the GOP right? you are so fking nazi.
It's not right to insist someone who has to show and ID to buy a pack of cigarettes, buy alcohol, drink alcohol, buy psuedaphed from behind the CVS counter, drive, show a cop wnen pulled over, join the military, open a bank account, and get a library card to have an ID to vote.

WYF is wrong with you voter-suppressing, commie sickos?!

Sudafed? :abgg2q.jpg:
Much like those on the right have sparse evidence for voter fraud

Funny that.
What do you call all those voter ID laws?

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