Democrats have no proof of voter suppression

still promoting blacks as inferior are you.
They have problems because of discrimination by the GOP systemically and personally. So does everyone else, that's why we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere because of GOP giveaway to the rich for 40 years.
They have problems because of discrimination by the GOP systemically and personally. So does everyone else, that's why we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere because of GOP giveaway to the rich for 40 years.
Yet none of you Nazis can seem to come up with even one verified example of any person who is legally entitled to vote - that is ALIVE and an American CITIZEN being denied the right to vote.

All you have is handfulls of bullshit.
Yet none of you Nazis can seem to come up with even one verified example of any person who is legally entitled to vote - that is ALIVE and an American CITIZEN being denied the right to vote.

All you have is handfulls of bullshit.
And for the billionth time, that is not voter suppression. Voter suppression is just making registration and voting so difficult that a lot of people don't bother hello?
Not having a driver's license is not "not participating in society"

Are you aware that there are many people who live an almost totally cash existence?

Not everyone lives their lives like you do...not should they have to in order to participate in our democracy
Uhh, I mentioned several things, not just a DL. There are utilities, banking, taxes, travel, owning or renting a residence. There are too many things that we do that require an ID that its very hard to believe there are people in this country that have no way to prove who they are. And again, the fact that they have no ID, and are still registered to vote proves that in several states, ID is not required to register.

So they work for cash under the table? If they have a normal job, how do they do that without an ID?

I'm not saying they have to live like I do, but people should have to be able to prove they are legal citizens to be able to vote.

If it's OK for 21 million people to register to vote and vote with no ID, then why even make it a requirement at all. Let's just mail out 180 million random ballots to people across the country, let them fill them out and return them, and nobody has to prove they are eligible to vote. Is that how you see this working? "I should be able to vote because I say I am eligible"?

Heck, tell you what, let us import a few million likely Republican voters from Cuba, and then we'll use your no ID method of voting.

Sound good?
Yet none of you Nazis can seem to come up with even one verified example of any person who is legally entitled to vote - that is ALIVE and an American CITIZEN being denied the right to vote.

All you have is handfulls of bullshit.
The fact that you still don't understand what suppression is is a great illustration of what a brainwashed functional moron you
What's the dupes can't understand is that registering today they often need proof like they want, it's just that we're not gonna make people go back and reregister after voting for years.

Democrats have no proof of voter suppression​

This is like boasting Trump made a perfect Mafia Boss call to Ukraine: where he could not be held accountable in leveraging a foreign nation to interfere in US elections, even though it was completely obvious to all.
You do.

That does not establish your claim. Show me a single law that allows a potential voter to register with an ID that is granted to an illegal alien and I will have to concede your point. So far you have not backed it up, just citing 2 desperate facts in voting regulations does not establish the claim.
Lol, there isn't going to be any law on the book that says illegals can register to vote, but don't be disingenuous, I've shown at least 2 states that have very loose registration procedures were it would be easy for someone to register without ID and vote, including illecars.

Specifically, in california where it says you can register to vote with a California ID card, and the law states that illegals can get a California ID card.
Uhh, I mentioned several things, not just a DL. There are utilities, banking, taxes, travel, owning or renting a residence. There are too many things that we do that require an ID that its very hard to believe there are people in this country that have no way to prove who they are. And again, the fact that they have no ID, and are still registered to vote proves that in several states, ID is not required to register.

So they work for cash under the table? If they have a normal job, how do they do that without an ID?

I'm not saying they have to live like I do, but people should have to be able to prove they are legal citizens to be able to vote.

If it's OK for 21 million people to register to vote and vote with no ID, then why even make it a requirement at all. Let's just mail out 180 million random ballots to people across the country, let them fill them out and return them, and nobody has to prove they are eligible to vote. Is that how you see this working? "I should be able to vote because I say I am eligible"?

Heck, tell you what, let us import a few million likely Republican voters from Cuba, and then we'll use your no ID method of voting.

Sound good?
There are all sorts of different circumstances. That you can’t imagine them does not mean that people don’t exist.

They obviously do in various different ways
What's the dupes can't understand is that registering today they often need proof like they want, it's just that we're not gonna make people go back and reregister after voting for years.
I've shown 2 examples if states where having an ID to register isn't necessarily required.

The only way to do it without ID is signature matching, but people's signature changes over time, so if you haven't updated your sig card in awhile your signature may not match. How do you update it without an ID? Just show up and say "I promise I am who I say I am and I want to update my signature card!"?

Besides, in PA, they can't reject your ballot if the sig doesn't match, so, if they can't use signature, and you don't have an ID, how do they know you are who you say you are?
The incidence of voter fraud that your vote will never be cancelled in that way.

Now if you mean “never should have voted@ in that you don’t’t LIKE the way they vote… tough shit and fuck you
I respect the vote of every eligible voter...even if I disagree with it. What angers me is the thought that someone might be cancelling my vote out either with an ineligible voter or with voter fraud. I put great value in my vote. So should everyone!
I respect the vote of every eligible voter...even if I disagree with it. What angers me is the thought that someone might be cancelling my vote out either with an ineligible voter or with voter fraud. I put great value in my vote. So should everyone!
And you worry about something so rare that getting hit by lightning is more likely to happen
Lol, there isn't going to be any law on the book that says illegals can register to vote, but don't be disingenuous, I've shown at least 2 states that have very loose registration procedures were it would be easy for someone to register without ID and vote, including illecars.

Specifically, in california where it says you can register to vote with a California ID card, and the law states that illegals can get a California ID card.
Specifically document that claim with a link.
Well, you realize you just stepped in the trap he set for you...

You have to establish citizenship to register to vote in federal elections. If you analogize that with a bank, you need ID to set it up but then never need it again. That can be taken as similar to registering to vote.

There are other reasons why this particular analogy fails but it certainly does not add anything to your position and I actually agree with you. I have no problem with voter ID laws in general though there are mitigating factors as to why I would not vote for one at this exact moment that I have presented in other threads.

You must have a shitty bank! I have to show ID when cashing a check!
There are all sorts of different circumstances. That you can’t imagine them does not mean that people don’t exist.

They obviously do in various different ways
Then we could help them get an ID. I'm sure there are state agencies that can help assist in getting proof of citizenship.

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