Democrats have no proof of voter suppression

Then we could help them get an ID. I'm sure there are state agencies that can help assist in getting proof of citizenship.
“We could help them get an ID”

Sounds great. How do you do that exactly?

Make them travel 50 miles with a car ( remember - no drivers license) possibly have to miss work( generally low income people who can not afford to take off..

Gonna go to their homes for free and take their picture and process the ID right there?

“We could help them get an ID”

Sounds great. How do you do that exactly?

Make them travel 50 miles with a car ( remember - no drivers license) possibly have to miss work( generally low income people who can not afford to take off..

Gonna go to their homes for free and take their picture and process the ID right there?


Could you be more disingenuous?
From that site:

You can use a DL, or a California ID card, but if you have neither of those, just leave it blank and they will assign you a Voter ID number.


Illegals can get ID cards.

So, that's 2 states that have very loose voter registration laws.
Here's the controversy regarding 1766

They mention a lot of things (some pretty minor). Nowhere is anyone concerned that this will allow illegals to vote.

Why do you suppose that is?

A DIFFERENT type of California ID? How did they all miss this "problem"?
I've shown 2 examples if states where having an ID to register isn't necessarily required.

The only way to do it without ID is signature matching, but people's signature changes over time, so if you haven't updated your sig card in awhile your signature may not match. How do you update it without an ID? Just show up and say "I promise I am who I say I am and I want to update my signature card!"?

Besides, in PA, they can't reject your ballot if the sig doesn't match, so, if they can't use signature, and you don't have an ID, how do they know you are who you say you are?
As if there is an actual problem... The idea that fraud where you have fake voters is absolutely ridiculous on the face of it. There are too many checks for anything like that to ever work period you people are out of your tiny little minds oops brainwashed functionally tiny little minds. The only way to steal an election is the way that trump is trying to do it now putting swine into office where they can change the results. And you support that. You are all a disgrace obviously, and it's all based on ridiculous lies. Making these things difficult is called voter suppression. Anti American garbage.
I respect the vote of every eligible voter...even if I disagree with it. What angers me is the thought that someone might be cancelling my vote out either with an ineligible voter or with voter fraud. I put great value in my vote. So should everyone!
That's why all your propaganda's ridiculous fraud examples were all investigated and all found to be total garbage that only ridiculous brainwashed functional morons would
“We could help them get an ID”

Sounds great. How do you do that exactly?

Make them travel 50 miles with a car ( remember - no drivers license) possibly have to miss work( generally low income people who can not afford to take off..

Gonna go to their homes for free and take their picture and process the ID right there?

That post is the left in a nutshell! They'll spend millions pushing the narrative that poor people aren't competent enough to obtain an ID when if they spent the same amount of time and money actually HELPING those same people get an ID...they'd all have a minimum of three!

This has never been about poor's ALWAYS been about liberals having the means to cheat!
They are both voter suppression and there is no evidence that they are needed, super duper. For the billionth time, brainwashed functional moron. Lol
So black man inferior is still your racist answer
That post is the left in a nutshell! They'll spend millions pushing the narrative that poor people aren't competent enough to obtain an ID when if they spent the same amount of time and money actually HELPING those same people get an ID...they'd all have a minimum of three!

This has never been about poor's ALWAYS been about liberals having the means to cheat!
That’s some lame excusing of Republican voter suppression there.

“It’s Dems fault for not overcoming the obstacles we’re putting up”
That's why all your propaganda's ridiculous fraud examples were all investigated and all found to be total garbage that only ridiculous brainwashed functional morons would
Investigated by whom? The same people who gave us the Steele dossiers? With all due respect, Franco...I lost faith in our "investigators" a long time ago! These are the same people who told us that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand she was breaking the law!
The truth is...there have been plenty of examples of voter fraud but they were all pooh poohed because it was determined that they weren't substantive enough to change the election! Who made THAT call? Who decided that my vote or your vote can be cancelled by voter fraud as long as it's not too prevalent?
That’s some lame excusing of Republican voter suppression there.

“It’s Dems fault for not overcoming the obstacles we’re putting up”
So you're claiming that the GOP put up "obstacles" in Georgia...even though voter turnout is shattering records? You're really going with that narrative, Lesh?
So you're claiming that the GOP put up "obstacles" in Georgia...even though voter turnout is shattering records? You're really going with that narrative, Lesh?

Voter suppression CAN be overcome...and in some cases pisses people off enough that they deal with the hurdles and punish those that put them up
Investigated by whom? The same people who gave us the Steele dossiers? With all due respect, Franco...I lost faith in our "investigators" a long time ago! These are the same people who told us that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand she was breaking the law!
The truth is...there have been plenty of examples of voter fraud but they were all pooh poohed because it was determined that they weren't substantive enough to change the election! Who made THAT call? Who decided that my vote or your vote can be cancelled by voter fraud as long as it's not too prevalent?
Everything you know is wrong, and they were investigated by the FBI and law enforcement and the Department of Justice which you don't respect because your propaganda is anti American party first garbage for ignoramuses...
So you're claiming that the GOP put up "obstacles" in Georgia...even though voter turnout is shattering records? You're really going with that narrative, Lesh?
Try some news media instead of a garbage propaganda media, ignoramus dupe. You miss 90% of the news and what you get is unrecognizable.
Investigated by whom? The same people who gave us the Steele dossiers? With all due respect, Franco...I lost faith in our "investigators" a long time ago! These are the same people who told us that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand she was breaking the law!
The truth is...there have been plenty of examples of voter fraud but they were all pooh poohed because it was determined that they weren't substantive enough to change the election! Who made THAT call? Who decided that my vote or your vote can be cancelled by voter fraud as long as it's not too prevalent?
Actually what they meant was there was absolutely no fraud found. A few people made some stupid innocent mistakes. It was the cleanest election in our history according to all the republican election officials involved. Unfortunately you only listen to paid off liars and conspiracy nuts.
Actually what they meant was there was absolutely no fraud found. A few people made some stupid innocent mistakes. It was the cleanest election in our history according to all the republican election officials involved. Unfortunately you only listen to paid off liars and conspiracy nuts.
What election fraud that was found...was perpetrated by REPUBLICANS

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