Democrats have no proof of voter suppression

Why can't you just show up with your ID? You vote once every TWO YEARS and you can't have your shit together enough to get it done?
I do. But what if I can't find it that morning? I lose sleep over it. I have nightmares I wake up on election day and can't find my ID. Shit happens. Or maybe I don't have the money to go buy a replacement. I should still be allowed to vote. Don't take that back up away. No one is cheating when they do this. You're just trying to make it harder to vote.
They check each person's ID before they allow us to vote. So why can't they just check the signature on file if I or anyone else shows up without an id?
Because signature checks simply do not exist in any functional sense. You and poll workers are not a forensic handwriting specialists with the ability to discern anything from the scribble on that piece of paper. Signatures are a relic left in our system from a way of handling things 50 years ago. Today they are utterly irrelevant. most are done digitally these days and those that are not tend to be nothing more than a line or some other useless 'signature.' Hell, I used to work with a few people that did not even have a signature. When prompted for one, they printed their name.

Signatures change as well. Particularly if you break your arm or have a medical issue with your hand. That MASSIVLY changes your signature. Should your vote be thrown out because you broke your arm? Should it be thrown out because you hit your hand on something 4 hours earlier and it has some lingering pain and/or movement issues?

Checking signatures is moronic and something that should simply die off already. It has no place in a society with the technology we currently have.
I do. But what if I can't find it that morning? I lose sleep over it. I have nightmares I wake up on election day and can't find my ID. Shit happens. Or maybe I don't have the money to go buy a replacement. I should still be allowed to vote. Don't take that back up away. No one is cheating when they do this. You're just trying to make it harder to vote.
Cast a provisional ballot.

I do. But what if I can't find it that morning? I lose sleep over it. I have nightmares I wake up on election day and can't find my ID. Shit happens. Or maybe I don't have the money to go buy a replacement. I should still be allowed to vote. Don't take that back up away. No one is cheating when they do this. You're just trying to make it harder to vote.
Use your passport! Or do you lose that as well?
Because signature checks simply do not exist in any functional sense. You and poll workers are not a forensic handwriting specialists with the ability to discern anything from the scribble on that piece of paper. Signatures are a relic left in our system from a way of handling things 50 years ago. Today they are utterly irrelevant. most are done digitally these days and those that are not tend to be nothing more than a line or some other useless 'signature.' Hell, I used to work with a few people that did not even have a signature. When prompted for one, they printed their name.

Signatures change as well. Particularly if you break your arm or have a medical issue with your hand. That MASSIVLY changes your signature. Should your vote be thrown out because you broke your arm? Should it be thrown out because you hit your hand on something 4 hours earlier and it has some lingering pain and/or movement issues?

Checking signatures is moronic and something that should simply die off already. It has no place in a society with the technology we currently have.
When I do an "electronic" signature? It looks nothing like my real signature that has morphed over the years when I held positions where I had to sign my name literally dozens of times a day. It became a quick scribble.
Nothing says VOTER SUPPRESSION like record turnouts.

Dimwingers are really stupid.
When I do an "electronic" signature? It looks nothing like my real signature that has morphed over the years when I held positions where I had to sign my name literally dozens of times a day. It became a quick scribble.
I don't even bother anymore. My signature is little more than a line. It really does serve no purpose. However, that was not the digital signature I was referring to. Most signatures these days are not written by your hand at all, they are done by clicking a button and applying your 'digital signature' which is entirely an electronic process.
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You cannot CASH a check without an ID, your stupid asshole!
And what was the original point mental midget?

That you can operate a bank account without using an ID making the analogy dumb. But you are such an idiot and in need of attention you thought you would bring up an irrelevant point about a check that does not even matter considering you can get the cash out of your check anyway.

Go on, show us your amazing intellect with another moronic statement.
And what was the original point mental midget?

That you can operate a bank account without using an ID making the analogy dumb. But you are such an idiot and in need of attention you thought you would bring up an irrelevant point about a check that does not even matter considering you can get the cash out of your check anyway.

Go on, show us your amazing intellect with another moronic statement.
There was nothing moronic in my statement. The only moron in this conversation is FA Q2.

Try cashing a check without an ID, fucktard!

Try to set up a bank account without an ID.

Why can't you understand simple facts?
There was nothing moronic in my statement. The only moron in this conversation is FA Q2.

Try cashing a check without an ID, fucktard!

Try to set up a bank account without an ID.

Why can't you understand simple facts?
Because signature checks simply do not exist in any functional sense. You and poll workers are not a forensic handwriting specialists with the ability to discern anything from the scribble on that piece of paper. Signatures are a relic left in our system from a way of handling things 50 years ago. Today they are utterly irrelevant. most are done digitally these days and those that are not tend to be nothing more than a line or some other useless 'signature.' Hell, I used to work with a few people that did not even have a signature. When prompted for one, they printed their name.

Signatures change as well. Particularly if you break your arm or have a medical issue with your hand. That MASSIVLY changes your signature. Should your vote be thrown out because you broke your arm? Should it be thrown out because you hit your hand on something 4 hours earlier and it has some lingering pain and/or movement issues?

Checking signatures is moronic and something that should simply die off already. It has no place in a society with the technology we currently have.
Bullshit!!! No one is going in and getting away with faking a signature.

I was thinking about this last night. Republican dick head husband knows his wife is going to vote for Biden. So he hides her license. She should be able to go in and vote. Eat a dick.

Just one of many examples. So you shouldn't NEED a license to vote. Dick.
Use your passport! Or do you lose that as well?
How many people have passports? I only have one because I went to Germany 5 years ago. If not for that trip, I wouldn't have one. Eat a dick Mr. Disinfranchiser. Let the people who run the polls deal with people who don't have ID.

You'd want to vote on election day if you couldn't find your wallet. God I wish I was your roommate. I'd show you. I'd hide your shit on election day.
Nothing says VOTER SUPPRESSION like record turnouts.

Dimwingers are really stupid.

Turnout? Or did we break records because there was a pandemic and a lot of people who are too lazy to go stand in line weren't too lazy to do absentee voting?

Turnout suggests people showed up to vote. They didn't. I mean, a lot of Republicans did but they also went to Trump rallies and died. Look at Herman Cain.
The Nazi site you linked has ZERO examples. They just have stale talking points - not even ONE verified example of any voter being suppressed.

What about this?

Judge Orders Armed Group Away From Arizona Ballot Drop Boxes​

armed people watching 24-hour ballot boxes in two Democratic counties.

Naaaah. Nothing intimidating about that. And videotaping people and yelling at them?

PHOENIX (AP) — A federal judge on Tuesday ordered armed members of a group monitoring ballot drop boxes in Arizona to stay at least 250 feet away from the locations following complaints that people wearing masks and carrying guns were intimidating voters.

barred from filming or following anyone within 75 feet (23 meters) of a ballot drop box or the entrance to a building that houses one. They also cannot speak to or yell at individuals within that perimeter unless spoken to first.

A second set of defendants in rural Yavapai County — groups known as the Lions of Liberty and the Yavapai County Preparedness team, who are associated with the far-right anti-government group Oath Keepers — were dismissed from the case on Monday after they pledged to stand down their operations.

Arizona’s Secretary of State Katie Hobbs last week said her office received six cases of potential voter intimidation to the state attorney general and the U.S. Department of Justice, as well as a threatening email sent to the state elections director.

“We could help them get an ID”

Sounds great. How do you do that exactly?

Make them travel 50 miles with a car ( remember - no drivers license) possibly have to miss work( generally low income people who can not afford to take off..

Gonna go to their homes for free and take their picture and process the ID right there?

Make them travel 50 miles with a car ( remember - no drivers license)

How do they do any other kind of business that requires them to travel?

possibly have to miss work

how do they have a job with no ID?

Again, if you are OK with some people not having to have any way to prove identity, then why not have that requirement for everyone?

I should be able to register without providing any identification, and get a registration card, and the show up to the polling place and vote, again, without ever having proved who I am.

Why not just have ballots on a table somewhere with a sign "free, take one (or 20)", if you don't need ID to vote, that's essentially what you are saying.
Here's the controversy regarding 1766

They mention a lot of things (some pretty minor). Nowhere is anyone concerned that this will allow illegals to vote.

Why do you suppose that is?

A DIFFERENT type of California ID? How did they all miss this "problem"?
Uh, it's california, obviously they are not concerned. I provided links to both the registration requirement that says you can use Cali ID and the bill signed by Newsome that says illegals can get a Cali ID...

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