Democrats Helpless

Teaching old Dem dogs new tricks:

The problem with hearings such as this is not the substantive questions or the answers, which are all known well in advance.

The problem is that we will have half dozen or so unscrupulous Democrat Senators droning on in long, scripted, false and slanderous diatribes, preening before the cameras, knowing that the nominees are powerless to call them out on their lies and distortions.

It is impossible to watch without wanting to either throw up or throw something at the television monitor.

And it's all for nothing. They will be voted on and confirmed.

Because, to quote our worst-ever President: 'Elections have consequences.'

Deal with it.
The Democrats will merely set themselves up for further defeat in 2018.
Just tell the Democrats Sessions hopes to weaponize the DOJ even more so than Obama did.
Democrats continue to show America how ugly and divisive they are.
They love to LIE and LIE some more.
Slander is their favorite game.
That and embezzling the people's money and using their offices for personal gain.
Take note America....these are the people who want your votes in 2018 and 2020.

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