Democrats identified in the Epstein case

That piece in the Blaze is basically a smear piece because it tosses out the names of a number of Democrats, without a shred of back up or support. Interesting that this victim only named Democrats, or did the Blaze omit any Republican names in this report?

When the ONLY outlet running a story is a Questionable Source, we don't take it seriously at all.
I am all for you exposing any Republicans.

Problem is, the entire media seems to be shying away from this and just focusing on Trump.
That's not what's going on her at all. Epstein was a monster and I have no sympathy for him or Maxwell however, this isn't an attempt to expose pedophiles for the public good. The "editing" of the information so as to smear only Republicans is just bullshit.

But since Republicans have nothing else to run on, this is the shit they're pulling.

Is this article biased? One sided? Yes.

Does that mean the ones mentioned should get a free pass? No.

I personally do not care how these people get exposed. I do care how so many of you will make excuses like yours.
One of the things that has really bothered me about the Epstein case was the association between he and Bill Gates.

And even though Bill Gates is a flaming democrat, I don't mean to just pick on them. As as been mentioned, I'm sure the GOP is in the mix as well

But just check out this article

Bill Gates befriended Epstein for the sole purpose of winning a Nobel Prize, despite being warned by people and his wife that Epstein was a pedophile.

Just let that sink in. Think about this

1. Before Epstein was brought to justice, everyone knew what he was doing but no one did anything about it.

2. Befriending Epstein would help him win a Nobel Prize. How? What connections did he have to those people. It never is discussed in the article.

3. Bill Gates would lower his moral standing by embracing a known pedophile, all so he could win the golden trophy. It certainly was not the money he wanted because he has more money than God, and now owns all of our farmland to boot. Bill Gates is morally reprehensible, and a srourge to society.

Bill Gates had no concern for the children being abused

Why should anyone have to defend themselves or even acknowledge these lies. Democrats keep tying themselves into knots countering these lies and smears and all it does is give credibility to this shit. It's like the question "When did stop beating your wife?" Answering it implies that at one time, you did beat your wife.

Why even dignify this garbage with a denial.

Why shouldn't they? Brett Fucking Kavanaugh had to, even though the libs couldn't even pin down a location where the weekly Gang Rape Parties were supposed to have taken place and the Montgomery County Sheriff didn't even bother to launch an investigation into it.

The Lib Establishment set the rules, they really need to be pushed to play by their own guidelines.
Trumps labor secretary, back when he was a federal attorney, try to get a non prosecution plea deal with the pedo. It was deemed illegal. When epstein got busted, he resigned.

Yes because Republicans considered the children Epstein victimized to be greedy little whores out for the money.

Is this article biased? One sided? Yes.

Does that mean the ones mentioned should get a free pass? No.

I personally do not care how these people get exposed. I do care how so many of you will make excuses like yours.

No the other should not get a free pass, but neither should conservative outlets be scrubbing Republican names from the list in order to falsely claim that only Democrats were involved.
Why shouldn't they? Brett Fucking Kavanaugh had to, even though the libs couldn't even pin down a location where the weekly Gang Rape Parties were supposed to have taken place and the Montgomery County Sheriff didn't even bother to launch an investigation into it.

The Lib Establishment set the rules, they really need to be pushed to play by their own guidelines.
And to think, no one ever cared about Kav and his supposid sexual escapades UNTIL he was being appointed to SCOTUS

Then all of a sudden the virtue signalers came out in droves and wanted justice
Yes because Republicans considered the children Epstein victimized to be greedy little whores out for the money.

No the other should not get a free pass, but neither should conservative outlets be scrubbing Republican names from the list in order to falsely claim that only Democrats were involved.
I mention democrats because the media won't


You actually believe your democrat party is morally superior to the GOP, don't you.

Admit you have drunk the cool aid.
Oh sure it will never be enough for you. I showed you he is a Republican fuck twat. If he donated to Democrats you'd love to see that wouldn't you? Of course. But you can't find that he ever did because he didn't. Public knowledge. Stupid. LOL
no you didn’t…you showed in gave 2500 to one guy a decade ago
There won't be any outrage as long as the mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the democrat party and there won't be any prosecution as long as the "justice dept" is the corrupt enforcement arm of the democrat party.
That piece in the Blaze is basically a smear piece because it tosses out the names of a number of Democrats, without a shred of back up or support. Interesting that this victim only named Democrats, or did the Blaze omit any Republican names in this report?

When the ONLY outlet running a story is a Questionable Source, we don't take it seriously at all.
go away then
Not yet.
Whats sad is, the secrecy around all of this. We still dont know much of anything. And nothing is happening to these people.
That creep Dershowitz even had his law suit dropped! By the girl that named him, at that.
truly saddened by the continued silence of abused girls, boys and women. Hollywood, Epstein, and Weinstein. And so so many others that just lay dormant. pathetic.

Watched the movie Blonde about Marilyn Monroe, and they show she had to get fked in order to get a gig. So, so many of these stories. Corey Feldman is afraid to release his story for fear of his life. Corey Haim killed himself because of it. The Corey's were best friends according to Feldman.

And demofks take their lead from Hollywood. Drop mic.
truly saddened by the continued silence of abused girls, boys and women. Hollywood, Epstein, and Weinstein. And so so many others that just lay dormant. pathetic.

Watched the movie Blonde about Marilyn Monroe, and they show she had to get fked in order to get a gig. So, so many of these stories. Corey Feldman is afraid to release his story for fear of his life. Corey Haim killed himself because of it. The Corey's were best friends according to Feldman.

And demofks take their lead from Hollywood. Drop mic.
Many people in Hollywood have talked about it.
And you still are considered a "conspiracy theorist" when you bring it up.
Its pathetic.
That piece in the Blaze is basically a smear piece because it tosses out the names of a number of Democrats, without a shred of back up or support. Interesting that this victim only named Democrats, or did the Blaze omit any Republican names in this report?

When the ONLY outlet running a story is a Questionable Source, we don't take it seriously at all.
Well, it's The Blaze and Fox, so they buy it without question. That's a "news source" for them.

And I guess there were no Republicans involved, as if party affiliation matters.

Sheep gotta sheep.

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