Democrats "in disarray", panicking over Obamacare


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
The article describes how Democrats can't figure out "how to talk about Obamacare".

What it really means is, their usual lies aren't holding up any more, as people find out over and over they aren't true.

Telling the truth about is is, as always, to be avoided at all cost. When Nancy Pelosi said, "You have to pass it to find out what's in it", what she really meant was, "If you knew what's in it, you'd never pass it."

The problem Democrats have now, is that normal Americans are finding out what's in it. And they are starting to kick out the Democrats who support it.

The farthest some Democrats are willing to go, as quoted by the article, is to say “[you] can’t, with a straight face, stand up and say this is a perfect bill.”

That's like saying the Titanic's maiden voyage to New York, wasn't a perfect voyage.


Florida loss exposes Democrats' disarray on Obamacare - Jake Sherman and Burgess Everett -

Florida loss exposes Democrats' disarray on Obamacare

Jolly’s win has many Democrats worried about how to talk about Obamacare.

3/12/14 9:00 PM EDT Updated: 3/13/14 9:17 AM EDT

Democrats can’t even agree whether Obamacare was the reason for their crushing loss in a Florida special election Tuesday.

Now picture how their messaging plan for the health care law is shaping up for 2014.

Republican lobbyist David Jolly’s victory over Democrat Alex Sink has many Democrats privately worried and publicly split about how to talk about Obamacare.

A few Democrats are advocating a drastic rhetorical shift to the left, by criticizing their own party for not going far enough when it passed the law in 2010. Other Democrats plan to sharply criticize the Affordable Care Act when running for re-election.

Many plan to stick to the simple message that Obamacare is flawed and needs to be fixed —a tactic that plainly didn’t work for Sink. Taken together, the Democratic Party is heading into an already tough election year divided — instead of united — on the very issue Republicans plan to make central to their campaigns.

The political tug of Obamacare is neatly encapsulated by Rep. Ron Barber, a Democrat who holds a Tucson, Ariz., area seat. Barber said he’s uncomfortable with his party’s health care message, and added that you “can’t, with a straight face, stand up and say this is a perfect bill.” He wishes Democrats would “be willing to be honest about this legislation and to be willing to point out, and not be defensive, and say what’s good about it and say what we are willing to change.

But illustrating the tension, Martha McSally, Barber’s opponent, appeared at a closed House Republican Conference meeting Wednesday, saying she’s “on offense” against Obamacare, and the Florida results prove her race is winnable.

Vulnerable members of the president’s party appeared to run from questions about it Wednesday.

Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) — one of the Senate’s most vulnerable incumbents — twice waved off a reporter’s questions. Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.), who will likely face GOP Rep. Cory Gardner in November, said he would prefer to answer a reporter’s question by phone to offer a “coherent” response. But his aides did not later make him available for an interview.
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One election is not "elections".

There is no panic in the DNC. This is probably the way they will go. [Dem Rep from Tucson] 'Barber said he’s uncomfortable with his party’s health care message, and added that you “can’t, with a straight face, stand up and say this is a perfect bill.” He wishes Democrats would “be willing to be honest about this legislation and to be willing to point out, and not be defensive, and say what’s good about it and say what we are willing to change.'

The GOP needs to work hard, stop every TPM challenge to good mainstream GOP candidates, and not take victory for granted.
One election is not "elections".

There is no panic in the DNC. This is probably the way they will go. [Dem Rep from Tucson] 'Barber said he’s uncomfortable with his party’s health care message, and added that you “can’t, with a straight face, stand up and say this is a perfect bill.” He wishes Democrats would “be willing to be honest about this legislation and to be willing to point out, and not be defensive, and say what’s good about it and say what we are willing to change.'

The GOP needs to work hard, stop every TPM challenge to good mainstream GOP candidates, and not take victory for granted.

I think the dems problem is Obama's ego requires that his legacy not be toyed with at this time. Obamacare's benefits to the uninsured came largely from burdening the middle class, rather than "soaking the filthy rich." And, it has the unfortunate feature of costing some workers who had junk policies more to have real healthcare. The theory behind passing the bill was pure liberalism of the 30s to 60s, and figured Americans didn't mind paying a little more to help someone out.

While something like 65% don't want to go back to the gop's "do nothing approach, I don't think people are buying that that solidarity message anymore. The dem base even is being anxious about not being progressive enough. jmo, but I didn't do anything to burden someone who didn't finish school, and I'm sick of carrying Wal-Mart's healthcare benefit.
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There is no panic in the DNC.
There wasn't any panic on the Titanic, either. But most of the people wound up dead anyway.

This is probably the way they will go. [Dem Rep from Tucson] 'Barber said he’s uncomfortable with his party’s health care message, and added that you “can’t, with a straight face, stand up and say this is a perfect bill.” He wishes Democrats would “be willing to be honest about this legislation and to be willing to point out, and not be defensive, and say what’s good about it and say what we are willing to change.'
As the article pointed out, how did that approach work out for Alex Sink?
There is no panic in the DNC.
There wasn't any panic on the Titanic, either. But most of the people wound up dead anyway.

This is probably the way they will go. [Dem Rep from Tucson] 'Barber said he’s uncomfortable with his party’s health care message, and added that you “can’t, with a straight face, stand up and say this is a perfect bill.” He wishes Democrats would “be willing to be honest about this legislation and to be willing to point out, and not be defensive, and say what’s good about it and say what we are willing to change.'
As the article pointed out, how did that approach work out for Alex Sink?

Quit wiggling: you said 'panic'.

You need to stay in reality, kiddo. See your disconnect below?

"Hillary Clinton leads Christie and all GOP hopefuls in Iowa"
kidrocks Today 10:19 AM

"Democrats "in disarray", panicking over Obamacare"
Well, I suspect the DNC is, if not panicking, scared. The economy is getting better, and Obamacare is polling better, and Obama's polls are trending up ... but the gop will probably take the Senate, or would if the election was today.

But a gop win might be overall not good for the gop. 2016 will see the gop defending about twice as many senate seats than the dems. A 2014 win might encourage the gop to stick with the "repeal obamacare and do nothing" platform. And that won't win in 16.

Reagan lost the senate in 82 and BushI won in 84.
Are they really in disarray? Seems to me that they are simply dumb on this issue.

People are losing healthcare, losing their ability to get the medication they need, getting deductables that are way out of reach for any normal person, and yet they seem to think it's the greatest thing in the world and that it's doing the exact opposite of what it's doing.

That's just willful stupidity.
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

If you like your plan you can keep it?

It is Republicans campaigning on taking away peoples healthcare. If you lost your existing plan to Obamacare, you were offered a better plan

Republicans will cancel your plan and offer nothing
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

And this is the problem, although it will be more pronounced in 2016.

If the GOP is really going to try to repeal the ACA, they'd better have plan for insuring those people on Day One.

It's a pig of a law, no doubt, but they had better understand the reality.

I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

And this is the problem, although it will be more pronounced in 2016.

If the GOP is really going to try to repeal the ACA, they'd better have plan for insuring those people on Day One.

And here we see the ultimate goal of the Big Goverment pushers.

Once they manage to kick people off the insurance policies they had privately chosen, and forced them to accept expensive government-mandated policies instead....

....they then tell their opponents that the only allowable "solution" is to force people onto OTHER government-mandated policies, instead of going back to privately-chosen ones.

How this is a "solution" at all, and not simply a continuation of the problem Democrats created, remains unexplained.

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I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

If you like your plan you can keep it?

It is Republicans campaigning on taking away peoples healthcare. If you lost your existing plan to Obamacare, you were offered a better plan

Republicans will cancel your plan and offer nothing

yeah, yeah. Obama actually did take away people's health insurance plan. After he lied and told them they could keep it.

But republicans want to take away the Obama Tax and therefore, people's health insurance.

Trollolol lol lol lol

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