Democrats "in disarray", panicking over Obamacare

(smile) Call your people and tell them to run a pro ACA campaign....go ahead.

Democrats will trot out cancer families and self employed who can now qualify for affordable insurance

They will ask........Why are Republicans trying to take away my insurance?
Why are Republicans so mean? Why?

Probably not since these same families lost their insurance because of obamacare.

......and if they do and talk about it the Left attacks them.
So your good with how things are?? lets keep returning the same old same old,heck after all its worked out so well for the citizens right.

Your as much a Republican as I am an astronaut.

You are as much a mainstream Republican as I am a hard right fool.

YOU ARE ?????? .......................... i believe it ! :up: ....... :lmao:

Jake actually admitted he voted for Obabble and yet HE is the only true republican here.

(rolling eyes)
If you like your plan you can keep it?

It is Republicans campaigning on taking away peoples healthcare. If you lost your existing plan to Obamacare, you were offered a better plan

Republicans will cancel your plan and offer nothing

yeah, yeah. Obama actually did take away people's health insurance plan. After he lied and told them they could keep it.

But republicans want to take away the Obama Tax and therefore, people's health insurance.

Trollolol lol lol lol

Bush's fault

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China
the Ds don't have a lot of choice but to dig an ever bigger hole. Compared to the average D voter much less their activists Reid, Pelosi and Obama are the center right of the Democratic party and despite Pelosi, Reid and Obama appearance of acting out their mental illnesses with open mics that is a true assessment.
Why mommy, why?

Why are Republicans taking away our insurance?

It will be a fun campaign as Republicans run on taking away healthcare from the sick

You mean like Gloria Cantor, Debra Fishericks and Edie Sundby? Sorry, it was Obamacare that took their health care.

Ummm....not really

But wingers love it

Now, don't lie before you Google those people. They are cancer patients who lost their policies due to Obamacare.
Actually, they didn't

But it sells well on Fox doesn't it?

actually they did. they had perfectly functioning insurance before obamacare guys just can't help making shit up can you

People with pre-existing conditions were poison to insurance companies. Those who owned their own business were on their own

You guys are so used to lying you think people no longer notice

Gloria Cantor, Debra Fishericks and Edie Sundby HAD insurance. Their insurance was canceled. Pre-existing conditions didn't have anything to do with it.
Anyone who had their crappy policy cancelled has multiple better options

"Crappy" not according to them, but according to you and your Party. You might be shocked to learn that people don't WANT the "multiple better options" like maternity care for men and older women that you are sure they will enjoy.
One election is not "elections".

There is no panic in the DNC. This is probably the way they will go. [Dem Rep from Tucson] 'Barber said he’s uncomfortable with his party’s health care message, and added that you “can’t, with a straight face, stand up and say this is a perfect bill.” He wishes Democrats would “be willing to be honest about this legislation and to be willing to point out, and not be defensive, and say what’s good about it and say what we are willing to change.'

The GOP needs to work hard, stop every TPM challenge to good mainstream GOP candidates, and not take victory for granted.

The left know one guy they can count on

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