Democrats "in disarray", panicking over Obamacare

I really doubt that obummercare can be repealed, but....if the GOP could take over the senate,tthey could bring forward some sensible changes maybe some from the shelved bills that the idiot reid was sitting on. If they are sensible changes and the people see they are, the community organizer would be exposed for who he really is if he vetoed a bill.

The GOP isn't the party of "no", they've just had their hands tied by the idiot reid in the senate. Good bills just never saw the light of the day with a vote.

Why should the Senate vote on Republican bills?

It makes no sense

That is where the rubber meets the road. Even if it's a good bill, huh?
That's the problem with your community organizer, Phyllis.

I have a feeling there are a lot of things that don't make sense to you.:eusa_whistle:
I really doubt that obummercare can be repealed, but....if the GOP could take over the senate,tthey could bring forward some sensible changes maybe some from the shelved bills that the idiot reid was sitting on. If they are sensible changes and the people see they are, the community organizer would be exposed for who he really is if he vetoed a bill.

The GOP isn't the party of "no", they've just had their hands tied by the idiot reid in the senate. Good bills just never saw the light of the day with a vote.

Why should the Senate vote on Republican bills?

It makes no sense

That is where the rubber meets the road. Even if it's a good bill, huh?
That's the problem with your community organizer, Phyllis.

I have a feeling there are a lot of things that don't make sense to you.:eusa_whistle:

Democratic bills need 60 votes to reach the Senate floor

Why should Republican bills get there with 45?
Why mommy, why?

Why are Republicans taking away our insurance?

It will be a fun campaign as Republicans run on taking away healthcare from the sick

(smile) Call your people and tell them to run a pro ACA campaign....go ahead.

Democrats will trot out cancer families and self employed who can now qualify for affordable insurance

They will ask........Why are Republicans trying to take away my insurance?
Why are Republicans so mean? Why?

Well there is this...I am telling you that the OVERWHELMINGLY opinion of the Public is that this entire thing sucks rw, you wouldn't have a clue about that as you are not on the phone with them every day ;)
Sorry Antares but in a bass-ackwards way RW is right. The vast majority of voters want ACA in some fashion to continue but they differ markedly on how they want it to continue:

More subsidies for the poor.

Lower deductibles and co-pays for the non-subsidy users.

Less idiotic coverage such as your prostate exam or my maternity coverage.

More coverage options

as nauseum.

There is no fix that a national majority will back so kick it back to the states and watch it implode.
Why mommy, why?

Why are Republicans taking away our insurance?

It will be a fun campaign as Republicans run on taking away healthcare from the sick

(smile) Call your people and tell them to run a pro ACA campaign....go ahead.

Democrats will trot out cancer families and self employed who can now qualify for affordable insurance

They will ask........Why are Republicans trying to take away my insurance?
Why are Republicans so mean? Why?

Probably not since these same families lost their insurance because of obamacare.
Sorry Antares but in a bass-ackwards way RW is right. The vast majority of voters want ACA in some fashion to continue but they differ markedly on how they want it to continue:

More subsidies for the poor.

Lower deductibles and co-pays for the non-subsidy users.

Less idiotic coverage such as your prostate exam or my maternity coverage.

More coverage options

as nauseum.

There is no fix that a national majority will back so kick it back to the states and watch it implode.

Yup. Bad law. Born in corruption. What is there to do about it?
You really ned to get out more, November is going to very ugly for you.
A VERY small percentage of people like this will be hilarious to watch screaming when the Repubs get the Senate back

Why mommy, why?

Why are Republicans taking away our insurance?

It will be a fun campaign as Republicans run on taking away healthcare from the sick

You mean like Gloria Cantor, Debra Fishericks and Edie Sundby? Sorry, it was Obamacare that took their health care.

Ummm....not really

But wingers love it
(smile) Call your people and tell them to run a pro ACA campaign....go ahead.

Democrats will trot out cancer families and self employed who can now qualify for affordable insurance

They will ask........Why are Republicans trying to take away my insurance?
Why are Republicans so mean? Why?

Probably not since these same families lost their insurance because of obamacare.
Actually, they didn't

But it sells well on Fox doesn't it?
I really doubt that obummercare can be repealed, but....if the GOP could take over the senate,tthey could bring forward some sensible changes maybe some from the shelved bills that the idiot reid was sitting on. If they are sensible changes and the people see they are, the community organizer would be exposed for who he really is if he vetoed a bill.

The GOP isn't the party of "no", they've just had their hands tied by the idiot reid in the senate. Good bills just never saw the light of the day with a vote.

Obamacare needs an overhaul the democrats are afraid to give it. to change it is to admit they were wrong. well they were wrong. we all know it, they know it.
Democrats will trot out cancer families and self employed who can now qualify for affordable insurance

They will ask........Why are Republicans trying to take away my insurance?
Why are Republicans so mean? Why?

Probably not since these same families lost their insurance because of obamacare.
Actually, they didn't

But it sells well on Fox doesn't it?

actually they did. they had perfectly functioning insurance before obamacare
Democrats will trot out cancer families and self employed who can now qualify for affordable insurance

They will ask........Why are Republicans trying to take away my insurance?
Why are Republicans so mean? Why?

Probably not since these same families lost their insurance because of obamacare.
Actually, they didn't

But it sells well on Fox doesn't it?

**Obamacare press conference exploitation election ad**

Ruh roh george. Stop the cameras, wheel him back in here!!!!!!! We can't exploit this poor sap . He lost his insurance because of obamacare.
Probably not since these same families lost their insurance because of obamacare.
Actually, they didn't

But it sells well on Fox doesn't it?

actually they did. they had perfectly functioning insurance before obamacare guys just can't help making shit up can you

People with pre-existing conditions were poison to insurance companies. Those who owned their own business were on their own

You guys are so used to lying you think people no longer notice
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

Obamacare mandate is the only thing cancelling policies, snappy......
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

Obamacare mandate is the only thing cancelling policies, snappy......

Can you imagine people actually have options now?

Anyone who had their crappy policy cancelled has multiple better options
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

Obamacare mandate is the only thing cancelling policies, snappy......

Can you imagine people actually have options now?

Anyone who had their crappy policy cancelled has multiple better options

How so?

A smaller doctor network, fewer covered prescription drugs, a higher deductible and higher premiums is what my family got.

But hey, you get free mammograms now. Yay.
hunarcy, don't all plans cover preventative care before applying any deductible? Are you paying office visits with deductible dollars?

I'm no fan of obamacare, but overall more people are covered. There have to be minimum levels of coverage ... or penalties ... otherwise people will continue to avoid beign covered, and make me pay for them.

I would vote to increase the revenue paid by providers and employers to fund more tax credits.

So far fewer people are covered. More people had their plans cancelled than signed up for Obamacare.
hunarcy, don't all plans cover preventative care before applying any deductible? Are you paying office visits with deductible dollars?

I'm no fan of obamacare, but overall more people are covered. There have to be minimum levels of coverage ... or penalties ... otherwise people will continue to avoid beign covered, and make me pay for them.

I would vote to increase the revenue paid by providers and employers to fund more tax credits.

So far fewer people are covered. More people had their plans cancelled than signed up for Obamacare.
Since the number of people lost in translation by dysfunctional state exchanges and is an unknown unknown your first sentence while true does not imply that the second one is as well. No one knows how many unconfirmed and unconfirmable sign-ups got taken out by software maintenance.
No matter how democrats imagine that more people have been helped by obamacare than hurt by it, the reality is that there are more real horror stories about this non functioning program. People aren't going to take some commercial as gospel. They will look at what happened to them. Just over four million people have signed up. Of those four million a million may not have paid. Out of the three million remaining the biggest percentage are those who had medicaid and just renewed that. The real numbers of who signed up are miniscule. The program itself cannot survive with that kind of participation.
There is no panic in the DNC.
There wasn't any panic on the Titanic, either. But most of the people wound up dead anyway.

This is probably the way they will go. [Dem Rep from Tucson] 'Barber said he’s uncomfortable with his party’s health care message, and added that you “can’t, with a straight face, stand up and say this is a perfect bill.” He wishes Democrats would “be willing to be honest about this legislation and to be willing to point out, and not be defensive, and say what’s good about it and say what we are willing to change.'
As the article pointed out, how did that approach work out for Alex Sink?

if a democRATwas ever to be honest and told the truth their tongue would rot and fall out of their filthy lying mouth within seconds. :up:

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