Democrats "in disarray", panicking over Obamacare

I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

If you like your plan you can keep it?

It is Republicans campaigning on taking away peoples healthcare. If you lost your existing plan to Obamacare, you were offered a better plan

Republicans will cancel your plan and offer nothing

that.., you dumbass is old strategy and rhetoric, you haven't heard about the new strategy yet ?
Mainstream GOP is good Republicanism.

Your hard right GOP is poor Republicanism.

So your good with how things are?? lets keep returning the same old same old,heck after all its worked out so well for the citizens right.

Your as much a Republican as I am an astronaut.

You are as much a mainstream Republican as I am a hard right fool.

YOU ARE ?????? .......................... i believe it ! :up: ....... :lmao:
If you like your plan you can keep it?

It is Republicans campaigning on taking away peoples healthcare. If you lost your existing plan to Obamacare, you were offered a better plan

Republicans will cancel your plan and offer nothing

that.., you dumbass is old strategy and rhetoric, you haven't heard about the new strategy yet ?

I guess the new strategy is no information and all insults. This thread was good until it wasn't..
The article describes how Democrats can't figure out "how to talk about Obamacare".

The bullshit never stops. You might be right that the Dems are squealing through this transition, and that they won't be able to fully defend the law until more Americans are effectively covered. But let's take a look at how your party tried to kill Medicare.

First they tried to sabotage it legislatively.

This failed.

Then Reagan gave speeches, lying about how Medicare would lead to total socialism in under a decade.

This failed.

Then your party over-inflated every complication of the new law, cherry picking and distorting facts, making it seem like a failure, making it seem like it was hurting people.

This failed.

Slowly but surely more and more seniors got covered. And despite all your lies, seniors LOVED Medicare, including Republican seniors - and it was infinitely more effective than your Patriot Act or your fake wars at saving American lives. Couple that with social security and the result is 100% clear: poverty amongst seniors virtually disappeared.

Point is: your party will keep lying so as to protect the health care monopoly that owns it. Why do you think these corporations invested trillions into Washington?

Ultimately... just as you couldn't kill Medicare - because it saved the lives of Republican seniors in places like Florida - you won't be able to kill ObamaCare.

Now you can go back to lying.
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The article describes how Democrats can't figure out "how to talk about Obamacare".

Your party tried to do the same thing with Medicare.

First they tried to sabotage it legislatively.

This failed.

Then Reagan gave speeches, lying about how Medicare would lead to total socialism in under a decade.

This failed.

Then your party over-inflated every complication of the new law, cherry picking and distorting facts, making it seem like a failure, making it seem like it was hurting people.

This failed.

Slowly but surely more and more seniors got covered. And despite all your lies, seniors LOVED Medicare, including Republican seniors - and it was infinitely more effective than your Patriot Act or your fake wars at saving American lives. Couple that with social security and the result is 100% clear: poverty amongst seniors virtually disappeared.

Point is: your party will keep lying so as to protect the health care monopoly that owns it. Why do you think these corporations invested trillions into Washington?

Ultimately... just as you couldn't kill Medicare - because it saved the lives of Republican seniors in places like Florida - you won't be able to kill ObamaCare.

Now you can go back to lying.

That's not true. Medicare destroyed the individual insurance market for senior citizens. That's the only reason it's around now, there is no provision to opt out for anyone but the very very wealthy.
Well, I suspect the DNC is, if not panicking, scared. The economy is getting better, and Obamacare is polling better, and Obama's polls are trending up ... but the gop will probably take the Senate, or would if the election was today.

But a gop win might be overall not good for the gop. 2016 will see the gop defending about twice as many senate seats than the dems. A 2014 win might encourage the gop to stick with the "repeal obamacare and do nothing" platform. And that won't win in 16.

Reagan lost the senate in 82 and BushI won in 84.

That is a pretty good assessment. Republicans may well take the Senate, although I think they will just fall short, but 2016 could turn out to be a blood bath for the GOP that could turn state legislatures as well as take the White House, increase the Dem lead in the Senate, and take back the House. If the GOP does make some gains in the midterms, they will think they are on the right track, but they will be mistaken.
I really doubt that obummercare can be repealed

why do most of you demoRATS say Republicans want to repeal Oscamacare ? we are satisfied with letting it kill itself off. and it certainly appears to be doing so when the liar-in-chief keeps illegally changing it in one way or another.

what do you liberfools have to say about that? you all have no comprehension of what you are defending when the "law", the asshole keeps changing nearly every day.

there are fools, damn fools, then you have liberals/demoRATS. :lmao:
That's not true. Medicare destroyed the individual insurance market for senior citizens. That's the only reason it's around now, there is no provision to opt out for anyone but the very very wealthy.

Not true.

Medicare has provided affordable health care to millions of seniors. Before Medicare, more than half of seniors lacked insurance. Today, virtually all people 65 & over are covered. It covers a tremendous number of people who would otherwise lack coverage. Many people literally hang on until 65 when they know they will finally have some coverage. The majority of Republican Seniors in places like Florida are not asking for Medicare to be replaced. They are asking for Medicare to be preserved. That's why your politicians have been unable to kill it or replace it. Even when they had the House, Senate and Presidency under Bush, they couldn't touch it. Nor will your seniors let them touch Social Security.

Your seniors will not allow it. This is why people like Paul Ryan had to promise that his plan to fuck with Medicare would not affect current beneficiaries or anyone 55+. Republican Seniors won't let you touch these things. That is why you are so afraid of ObamaCare. Because you don't want another Big Government Entitlement Program that you can't kill. This is why you have to kill ObamaCare before too many people receive the benefits. Because you don't want another untouchable 3rd rail that puts upward pressure on the taxes of the wealthy.
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That's not true. Medicare destroyed the individual insurance market for senior citizens. That's the only reason it's around now, there is no provision to opt out for anyone but the very very wealthy.

Not true.

Medicare has provided affordable health care to millions of seniors. Before Medicare, more than half of seniors lacked insurance. Today, virtually all people 65 & over are covered. It covers a tremendous number of people who would otherwise lack coverage. Many people literally hang on until 65 when they know they will finally have some coverage. The majority of Republican Seniors in places like Florida are not asking for Medicare to be replaced. They are asking for Medicare to be preserved. That's why your politicians have been unable to kill it or replace it. Even when they had the House, Senate and Presidency under Bush, they couldn't touch it. Nor will your seniors let them touch Social Security.

Your seniors will not allow it. This is why people like Paul Ryan had to promise that his plan to fuck with Medicare would not affect current beneficiaries or anyone 55+. Republican Seniors won't let you touch these things. That is why you are so afraid of ObamaCare. Because you don't want another Big Government Entitlement Program that you can't kill. This is why you have to kill ObamaCare before too many people receive the benefits. Because you don't want another untouchable 3rd rail that puts upward pressure on the taxes of the wealthy.

Virtually all people over 65 are covered by Medicare because there is no other option.
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

If you like your plan you can keep it?

It is Republicans campaigning on taking away peoples healthcare. If you lost your existing plan to Obamacare, you were offered a better plan

Republicans will cancel your plan and offer nothing

HR2300...Democrats don't want to hear of it...

Politics: HR 2300: Yes, there is a Republican plan to replace ObamaCare | Best of Cain

And it's been out there awhile. The media won't tell you so jerks like YOU can continue with your LIES. And yes you are a LIAR.
Actually, they didn't

But it sells well on Fox doesn't it?

actually they did. they had perfectly functioning insurance before obamacare guys just can't help making shit up can you

People with pre-existing conditions were poison to insurance companies. Those who owned their own business were on their own

You guys are so used to lying you think people no longer notice

I had a pre-existing condition...went onto a new insurance plan with no issues.

I am afraid you are the ones who look at a minority of cases and use them to blather about how bad things are.

You are the one making up the stuff you'll eat.
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

Obamacare mandate is the only thing cancelling policies, snappy......

Can you imagine people actually have options now?

Anyone who had their crappy policy cancelled has multiple better options

And a much bigger bill to show for them.

BTW: They also have non-options (you know the 65 year old men who have to have maternity insurance).

You morons are just way too much.
Obamacare mandate is the only thing cancelling policies, snappy......

Can you imagine people actually have options now?

Anyone who had their crappy policy cancelled has multiple better options

And a much bigger bill to show for them.

BTW: They also have non-options (you know the 65 year old men who have to have maternity insurance).

You morons are just way too much.

I bet his health insurance plan covers a whole bunch of "womens problems"

Mine does
The article describes how Democrats can't figure out "how to talk about Obamacare".

The bullshit never stops. You might be right that the Dems are squealing through this transition, and that they won't be able to fully defend the law until more Americans are effectively covered. But let's take a look at how your party tried to kill Medicare.

First they tried to sabotage it legislatively.

This failed.

Then Reagan gave speeches, lying about how Medicare would lead to total socialism in under a decade.

This failed.

Then your party over-inflated every complication of the new law, cherry picking and distorting facts, making it seem like a failure, making it seem like it was hurting people.

This failed.

Slowly but surely more and more seniors got covered. And despite all your lies, seniors LOVED Medicare, including Republican seniors - and it was infinitely more effective than your Patriot Act or your fake wars at saving American lives. Couple that with social security and the result is 100% clear: poverty amongst seniors virtually disappeared.

Point is: your party will keep lying so as to protect the health care monopoly that owns it. Why do you think these corporations invested trillions into Washington?

Ultimately... just as you couldn't kill Medicare - because it saved the lives of Republican seniors in places like Florida - you won't be able to kill ObamaCare.

Now you can go back to lying.

It will just kill itself.
Outside of the blue states Obama's delays and postponements have effectively killed Obamacare. The Ds cannot run on that until they either repeal the absurd rules that apply to non-exchange insurance policies or permit state exchanges to negotiate to bargain with Big Pharma. That is the minimum they need to get done to win in 2016, much less 2014. Doing either without an R majority in both houses would blow away large chunks of their base.
It will just kill itself.

Obama should've just done universal healthcare and made that his one bold stroke of the pen. Obama will go down in history at the "gay rights" president [what is gay anyway? No, really?] while his golden ring of healthcare fell off the kumbaya cliff and the economy took a back seat to repealining DADT and allowing Harvey Milk worshipers to access adoptable kids via marriage.

It's pretty obvious who funded his campaigns. Keven Jennings is the education csar. When you get a minute, look into what his programs are for those soft impressionable minds he's in charge of.

Universal healthcare could still be done. Even the GOP knows it makes sense, but they're playing chicken with Obama seeing if he'll do it first. You know, so they can beat him up some more before he leaves office. Every employee they don't have to pay insurance for is money in their pockets. If we pay for our own care out of a tax pool on junk food, tobacco, alcohol and small co-pays, the rich of this country get richer.
It will just kill itself.

Obama should've just done universal healthcare and made that his one bold stroke of the pen. Obama will go down in history at the "gay rights" president [what is gay anyway? No, really?] while his golden ring of healthcare fell off the kumbaya cliff and the economy took a back seat to repealining DADT and allowing Harvey Milk worshipers to access adoptable kids via marriage.

It's pretty obvious who funded his campaigns. Keven Jennings is the education csar. When you get a minute, look into what his programs are for those soft impressionable minds he's in charge of.

Universal healthcare could still be done. Even the GOP knows it makes sense, but they're playing chicken with Obama seeing if he'll do it first. You know, so they can beat him up some more before he leaves office. Every employee they don't have to pay insurance for is money in their pockets. If we pay for our own care out of a tax pool on junk food, tobacco, alcohol and small co-pays, the rich of this country get richer.

You're not going to get $2.7 Trillion from sin taxes (unless $100K income is a sin).

That's how much single payer Medicare for All would cost. $2.7 Trillion every year.

Also, there was no "Kumbaya" about single payer or the public option, the Democrats didn't have the votes from their own side because the public doesn't want it.
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The article describes how Democrats can't figure out "how to talk about Obamacare".

The bullshit never stops. You might be right that the Dems are squealing through this transition, and that they won't be able to fully defend the law until more Americans are effectively covered. But let's take a look at how your party tried to kill Medicare.

First they tried to sabotage it legislatively.

This failed.

Then Reagan gave speeches, lying about how Medicare would lead to total socialism in under a decade.

This failed.

Then your party over-inflated every complication of the new law, cherry picking and distorting facts, making it seem like a failure, making it seem like it was hurting people.

This failed.

Slowly but surely more and more seniors got covered. And despite all your lies, seniors LOVED Medicare, including Republican seniors - and it was infinitely more effective than your Patriot Act or your fake wars at saving American lives. Couple that with social security and the result is 100% clear: poverty amongst seniors virtually disappeared.

Point is: your party will keep lying so as to protect the health care monopoly that owns it. Why do you think these corporations invested trillions into Washington?

Ultimately... just as you couldn't kill Medicare - because it saved the lives of Republican seniors in places like Florida - you won't be able to kill ObamaCare.

Now you can go back to lying.

It will just kill itself.
And it's well on it's way. Now we have the POTUS telling people to re-arrange their finances to PAY for it. I thought $2,500 a year savings for most families...NOW he's telling people to give up their cell phones and cable to pay for HIS blunder. (AND this coming from a POTUS and PARTY that has YET to submit a balanced budget).

Nope. Democrats OWN this, they can run from it but they can't hide. NO EXCUSES. The PEOPLE are going to make them pay by firing the lot of them.

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