Democrats "in disarray", panicking over Obamacare

the gop's been lying about balancing the budget since 1980, and it gets harder and harder to vote for them.

Yep. And Democrats campaign on it and then spend even more too. So neither side has any moral high ground there. The only difference that I see is that the gop actually attempts to do what they say they will do, while democrats boldly and shamelessly lie about it. Thats the only difference i've seen in it at all.

Nyet. Slick.
What people want to see is a band aid from the GOP that tries to mitigate the effects imposed by legislation previously passed that skyrockets costs, creates massive govt. barriers to perform healthcare, etc...

People want the government to do something about he mess it made, and government has absolutely no intentions of removing the bullshit legislation that brought us to this point in the first place. What people should really be asking for is to truly allow the healthcare industry to work with so much govt. imposed overhead, rules, regs, etc... but you wont see that because that's off the table. Largely because if this brain loop that is forever on repeat with statists.

I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

And this is the problem, although it will be more pronounced in 2016.

If the GOP is really going to try to repeal the ACA, they'd better have plan for insuring those people on Day One.

It's a pig of a law, no doubt, but they had better understand the reality.


What is wrong with getting government out of the way and letting free people decide what they're going to have and not have? Has freedom become so unpopular in the nanny state that we can't make our own decisions?

That was the argument before Obamacare was passed.

The minute people got insurance paid for largely by someone else, the game changed.

When you take it away, how exactly will you convince those people to vote for you?

One election is not "elections".

There is no panic in the DNC. This is probably the way they will go. [Dem Rep from Tucson] 'Barber said he’s uncomfortable with his party’s health care message, and added that you “can’t, with a straight face, stand up and say this is a perfect bill.” He wishes Democrats would “be willing to be honest about this legislation and to be willing to point out, and not be defensive, and say what’s good about it and say what we are willing to change.'

The GOP needs to work hard, stop every TPM challenge to good mainstream GOP candidates, and not take victory for granted.

Yes there is which is why your Boi changes his law every couple of days.
And this is the problem, although it will be more pronounced in 2016.

If the GOP is really going to try to repeal the ACA, they'd better have plan for insuring those people on Day One.

It's a pig of a law, no doubt, but they had better understand the reality.


That is actually a good suggestion.

You can see the extent of the problem we face.

A generation ago (or less), the question used to be, "Should you choose your own insurance plan, or should government choose it for you?" And the answer was clear and obvious: You should, because government would do a poor job, if it was their job at all (which it wasn't).

But now, even the more conservative members of this forum, are saying "it's a good suggestion" to announce that only government can provide insurance for people, and the only choice is whether the GOP's insurance plan is better than the Democrats' plan.

In other words, these people want to announce that the Big-govt Democrats have won. Government should now be in charge of formerly-private matters that responsible people used to take care of themselves.

I would rather have my boss pick out what kind of insurance I can have........wouldn't you?
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"

And this is the problem, although it will be more pronounced in 2016.

If the GOP is really going to try to repeal the ACA, they'd better have plan for insuring those people on Day One.

It's a pig of a law, no doubt, but they had better understand the reality.


That is actually a good suggestion.

You can see the extent of the problem we face.

A generation ago (or less), the question used to be, "Should you choose your own insurance plan, or should government choose it for you?" And the answer was clear and obvious: You should, because government would do a poor job, if it was their job at all (which it wasn't).

But now, even the more conservative members of this forum, are saying "it's a good suggestion" to announce that only government can provide insurance for people, and the only choice is whether the GOP's insurance plan is better than the Democrats' plan.

In other words, these people want to announce that the Big-govt Democrats have won. Government should now be in charge of formerly-private matters that responsible people used to take care of themselves.
hunarcy, don't all plans cover preventative care before applying any deductible? Are you paying office visits with deductible dollars?

I'm no fan of obamacare, but overall more people are covered. There have to be minimum levels of coverage ... or penalties ... otherwise people will continue to avoid beign covered, and make me pay for them.

I would vote to increase the revenue paid by providers and employers to fund more tax credits.
And this is the problem, although it will be more pronounced in 2016.

If the GOP is really going to try to repeal the ACA, they'd better have plan for insuring those people on Day One.

It's a pig of a law, no doubt, but they had better understand the reality.


What is wrong with getting government out of the way and letting free people decide what they're going to have and not have? Has freedom become so unpopular in the nanny state that we can't make our own decisions?

That was the argument before Obamacare was passed.

The minute people got insurance paid for largely by someone else, the game changed.

When you take it away, how exactly will you convince those people to vote for you?


Essentially, yes. You can not give them freebies and then take them away. So every freebie given stays, and we find creatively stupid and sophomoric ways to mitigate the damage created by the original pile of shit, with yet another pile of shit. Until there is so much shit, there is absolutely no way to determine whats good, bad or simply waste. Sector after sector involving government touching it in these fashions proves it. We have more failed welfare schemes than can be counted and NONE of them are going away. Ever. We just "reform" them, or add additional bullshit on top and call it an "accomplishment".
And this is the problem, although it will be more pronounced in 2016.

If the GOP is really going to try to repeal the ACA, they'd better have plan for insuring those people on Day One.

It's a pig of a law, no doubt, but they had better understand the reality.


That is actually a good suggestion.

You can see the extent of the problem we face.

A generation ago (or less), the question used to be, "Should you choose your own insurance plan, or should government choose it for you?" And the answer was clear and obvious: You should, because government would do a poor job, if it was their job at all (which it wasn't).

But now, even the more conservative members of this forum, are saying "it's a good suggestion" to announce that only government can provide insurance for people, and the only choice is whether the GOP's insurance plan is better than the Democrats' plan.

In other words, these people want to announce that the Big-govt Democrats have won. Government should now be in charge of formerly-private matters that responsible people used to take care of themselves.

I don't agree with your characterization of conservative saying the govt must choose, but you're blaming people who have seen that the gop's position of lazise fare is a failure for their concluding it was a failure.
And this is the problem, although it will be more pronounced in 2016.

If the GOP is really going to try to repeal the ACA, they'd better have plan for insuring those people on Day One.

It's a pig of a law, no doubt, but they had better understand the reality.


What is wrong with getting government out of the way and letting free people decide what they're going to have and not have? Has freedom become so unpopular in the nanny state that we can't make our own decisions?

That was the argument before Obamacare was passed.

The minute people got insurance paid for largely by someone else, the game changed.

When you take it away, how exactly will you convince those people to vote for you?


By pointing out that when they get "free" coverage, they get only what someone else wants to give them. If they are free, they can get what they want.
That is actually a good suggestion.

You can see the extent of the problem we face.

A generation ago (or less), the question used to be, "Should you choose your own insurance plan, or should government choose it for you?" And the answer was clear and obvious: You should, because government would do a poor job, if it was their job at all (which it wasn't).

But now, even the more conservative members of this forum, are saying "it's a good suggestion" to announce that only government can provide insurance for people, and the only choice is whether the GOP's insurance plan is better than the Democrats' plan.

In other words, these people want to announce that the Big-govt Democrats have won. Government should now be in charge of formerly-private matters that responsible people used to take care of themselves.

I don't agree with your characterization of conservative saying the govt must choose, but you're blaming people who have seen that the gop's position of lazise fare is a failure for their concluding it was a failure.

The GOP has a position of laissez Faire?
Reagan was the one who put EMTALA into the books.
What is wrong with getting government out of the way and letting free people decide what they're going to have and not have? Has freedom become so unpopular in the nanny state that we can't make our own decisions?

That was the argument before Obamacare was passed.

The minute people got insurance paid for largely by someone else, the game changed.

When you take it away, how exactly will you convince those people to vote for you?


By pointing out that when they get "free" coverage, they get only what someone else wants to give them. If they are free, they can get what they want.

They always DID GET FREE HC. They got it by going to the ER, going bankrupt and shoving their costs onto MY insurance. Now if someone who chose not to buy insurance also chose to die horribly at home, then they'd be a libertarian.
That was the argument before Obamacare was passed.

The minute people got insurance paid for largely by someone else, the game changed.

When you take it away, how exactly will you convince those people to vote for you?


By pointing out that when they get "free" coverage, they get only what someone else wants to give them. If they are free, they can get what they want.

They always DID GET FREE HC. They got it by going to the ER, going bankrupt and shoving their costs onto MY insurance. Now if someone who chose not to buy insurance also chose to die horribly at home, then they'd be a libertarian.

And instead, you are supporting a system where you buy their insurance through tax breaks and subsidies while forcing them into policies they often don't want and don't need.

Not really a better system!
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"


Obamacare cancelled policies all over the place and you can see how well that worked.

The definition of insanity is........
You mean democrat lite candidates?

Mainstream GOP is good Republicanism.

Your hard right GOP is poor Republicanism.

So your good with how things are?? lets keep returning the same old same old,heck after all its worked out so well for the citizens right.

Your as much a Republican as I am an astronaut.

Things will not get "good" until the GOP is in power without being bog downed by the TPM nonsense. I doubt you are either an astronaut or a Republican.
I fully encourage republicans to run on taking away peoples insurance in 2014

"Trust us, let us cancel your Obamacare policy and we will get you something better"


Obamacare cancelled policies all over the place and you can see how well that worked.

The definition of insanity is........

Obamacare offered replacement policies with better coverage
Republicans are running on cancelling policies of people with pre-existing conditions

Run on that Republicans
Mainstream GOP is good Republicanism.

Your hard right GOP is poor Republicanism.

Your valueless opinion is noted, but still valueless.

My POV is infinitely more correct than a mere reactionary partisan hack like you. You are allowed of course to vote for the mainstream GOP candidates and donate money for the GOP cause.

Yeah, ok, moron. Except I do not have a party affiliation, which is what partisanship is all about. You're fraud, Fake. I know it, you know it and Im sure there are plenty that would agree. I wouldn't donate to democrat lite candidates if my life depended on it.

Fraud, dude. Fraud.
Mainstream GOP is good Republicanism.

Your hard right GOP is poor Republicanism.

So your good with how things are?? lets keep returning the same old same old,heck after all its worked out so well for the citizens right.

Your as much a Republican as I am an astronaut.

Things will not get "good" until the GOP is in power without being bog downed by the TPM nonsense. I doubt you are either an astronaut or a Republican.


The fraud spews it again. You're moving right up there is TM's Team Holy Troller, yeah? Congrats.

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