Democrats’ Jim Crow Vaccine Laws Disproportionately Persecute Blacks, Hispanics


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrats’ Jim Crow Vaccine Laws Disproportionately Persecute Blacks, Hispanics

31 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The Democrat party is desperate to use the coronavirus to bring back its Jim Crow laws, and there’s no question this discrimination will disproportionately persecute racial minorities.
Let’s begin by flying 30,000 feet over this problem for some perspective…
From what we now know, there’s almost zero chance the vaccinated will become seriously ill or die from a “breakthrough” China Flu infection. That’s not only a fact; it’s a fact coming directly from the CDC. Yet, Democrats and their fascist allies in the corporate media, Big Business, Big Tech, and Hollywood want to turn half the country into second-class citizens over what is currently a 0.0037 percent chance the vaccinated will be hospitalized by a “breakthrough” infection and an even smaller chance, 0.00071 percent, the vaccinated will die.
Currently, and again this is according to the CDC, 161 million-plus Americans have been vaccinated. Of the 161 million-plus, only 5,914 have gotten sick enough to be hospitalized, and 1,141 have died. Of those, 74 percent were over the age of 65.
So let me repeat, of the vaccinated, only 0.0037 percent have gotten sick enough to be hospitalized, and only 0.00071 have died. That means 1 out of 27,223 people have gotten seriously ill, and 1 out of 141,000 have died. Those are astronomically low odds. How low? Your chances of someday dying in a car accident are 1 in 107. Your chances of dying in a car accident this year are 1 in 8,393.
But here’s the thing… If Democrats are going to use the China Flu to return to their Jim Crow roots, once again, it will be racial minorities who face the brunt of this political prosecution. It is simply a fact that black and Hispanic Americans are the least likely to get vaccinated.
As of the latest polling, 47 percent of whites are vaccinated, and 62 percent of Asians, but Hispanics sit at a much lower 39 percent, and blacks at an even lower 34 percent.
That means that 66 percent of blacks and 61 percent of Hispanics, clear majorities, will bear the brunt of these anti-science Jim Crow vaccinations laws, mandates, and policies.
So much for equity.
That also means a disproportionate number of black and Hispanic Americans are – for no valid scientific reason — being scapegoated by the likes of an elite white racist like His Fraudulency Joe Biden, who this week attacked the intelligence of the unvaccinated.
“But if you’re not vaccinated, you’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were,” Biden said Tuesday.
How long before Democrats suggest the unvaccinated should not be allowed to vote? You know that’s coming.
With Trump gone and Democrats worried sick about a 2022 blowout, the unvaccinated are being set up to be the left’s midterm bogeyman.
Everyday Americans, predominantly blacks and Hispanics, are the left’s new scapegoats and demons.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commie elite rule the land, control and hold power over all others, regardless of the ethnic origins, and ruthlessly exploit the divisions by terror, by force, by law, by economic penalties and sanctions, and outright corruption.
We see this today: Hispanic, and Black, are persecuted by the leftist leaders, Asians are blamed for being 'too good', First Americans blamed for anything the left can, and Chinese Communists can do no wrong: Caucasians of the 'lower class' -- anyone not of the elite -- are the scape goat and supreme 'enemies within'.
Damaging policies towards Black and Brown people is the modus operandi of the Democrat PMS/DSA party. They believe that this tyrannical vaccine policy is absolutely intended and not an accident, after all, Democrats never make mistakes, right?
Thanks to OMS/DSA Democrat policies the "lower" class now includes anyone not in the top ~10% of the worldwide wealthy. The rest of the 90% need to stick together. It's weird, the Democrat party initially gained its power by getting the non-elite to stick together as an entire group against corporate powers, that is where unions came from. Now union generals are part of the well-heeled elite. Their goal is slavery for the masses. Welcome to Communist Utopia....


Democrats’ Jim Crow Vaccine Laws Disproportionately Persecute Blacks, Hispanics

31 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The Democrat party is desperate to use the coronavirus to bring back its Jim Crow laws, and there’s no question this discrimination will disproportionately persecute racial minorities.
Let’s begin by flying 30,000 feet over this problem for some perspective…
From what we now know, there’s almost zero chance the vaccinated will become seriously ill or die from a “breakthrough” China Flu infection. That’s not only a fact; it’s a fact coming directly from the CDC. Yet, Democrats and their fascist allies in the corporate media, Big Business, Big Tech, and Hollywood want to turn half the country into second-class citizens over what is currently a 0.0037 percent chance the vaccinated will be hospitalized by a “breakthrough” infection and an even smaller chance, 0.00071 percent, the vaccinated will die.
Currently, and again this is according to the CDC, 161 million-plus Americans have been vaccinated. Of the 161 million-plus, only 5,914 have gotten sick enough to be hospitalized, and 1,141 have died. Of those, 74 percent were over the age of 65.
So let me repeat, of the vaccinated, only 0.0037 percent have gotten sick enough to be hospitalized, and only 0.00071 have died. That means 1 out of 27,223 people have gotten seriously ill, and 1 out of 141,000 have died. Those are astronomically low odds. How low? Your chances of someday dying in a car accident are 1 in 107. Your chances of dying in a car accident this year are 1 in 8,393.
But here’s the thing… If Democrats are going to use the China Flu to return to their Jim Crow roots, once again, it will be racial minorities who face the brunt of this political prosecution. It is simply a fact that black and Hispanic Americans are the least likely to get vaccinated.
As of the latest polling, 47 percent of whites are vaccinated, and 62 percent of Asians, but Hispanics sit at a much lower 39 percent, and blacks at an even lower 34 percent.
That means that 66 percent of blacks and 61 percent of Hispanics, clear majorities, will bear the brunt of these anti-science Jim Crow vaccinations laws, mandates, and policies.
So much for equity.
That also means a disproportionate number of black and Hispanic Americans are – for no valid scientific reason — being scapegoated by the likes of an elite white racist like His Fraudulency Joe Biden, who this week attacked the intelligence of the unvaccinated.
“But if you’re not vaccinated, you’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were,” Biden said Tuesday.
How long before Democrats suggest the unvaccinated should not be allowed to vote? You know that’s coming.
With Trump gone and Democrats worried sick about a 2022 blowout, the unvaccinated are being set up to be the left’s midterm bogeyman.
Everyday Americans, predominantly blacks and Hispanics, are the left’s new scapegoats and demons.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commie elite rule the land, control and hold power over all others, regardless of the ethnic origins, and ruthlessly exploit the divisions by terror, by force, by law, by economic penalties and sanctions, and outright corruption.
We see this today: Hispanic, and Black, are persecuted by the leftist leaders, Asians are blamed for being 'too good', First Americans blamed for anything the left can, and Chinese Communists can do no wrong: Caucasians of the 'lower class' -- anyone not of the elite -- are the scape goat and supreme 'enemies within'.
Damaging policies towards Black and Brown people is the modus operandi of the Democrat PMS/DSA party. They believe that this tyrannical vaccine policy is absolutely intended and not an accident, after all, Democrats never make mistakes, right?
Thanks to OMS/DSA Democrat policies the "lower" class now includes anyone not in the top ~10% of the worldwide wealthy. The rest of the 90% need to stick together. It's weird, the Democrat party initially gained its power by getting the non-elite to stick together as an entire group against corporate powers, that is where unions came from. Now union generals are part of the well-heeled elite. Their goal is slavery for the masses. Welcome to Communist Utopia....

I friend of mine is a nurse in Texas, her hospital is full and understaffed from the new Covid spikes. People who need normal surgery are not getting care. Her sister works at a different hospital and they are going through the same thing. Does this sound like no big deal to you?

Democrats’ Jim Crow Vaccine Laws Disproportionately Persecute Blacks, Hispanics

31 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The Democrat party is desperate to use the coronavirus to bring back its Jim Crow laws, and there’s no question this discrimination will disproportionately persecute racial minorities.
Let’s begin by flying 30,000 feet over this problem for some perspective…
From what we now know, there’s almost zero chance the vaccinated will become seriously ill or die from a “breakthrough” China Flu infection. That’s not only a fact; it’s a fact coming directly from the CDC. Yet, Democrats and their fascist allies in the corporate media, Big Business, Big Tech, and Hollywood want to turn half the country into second-class citizens over what is currently a 0.0037 percent chance the vaccinated will be hospitalized by a “breakthrough” infection and an even smaller chance, 0.00071 percent, the vaccinated will die.
Currently, and again this is according to the CDC, 161 million-plus Americans have been vaccinated. Of the 161 million-plus, only 5,914 have gotten sick enough to be hospitalized, and 1,141 have died. Of those, 74 percent were over the age of 65.
So let me repeat, of the vaccinated, only 0.0037 percent have gotten sick enough to be hospitalized, and only 0.00071 have died. That means 1 out of 27,223 people have gotten seriously ill, and 1 out of 141,000 have died. Those are astronomically low odds. How low? Your chances of someday dying in a car accident are 1 in 107. Your chances of dying in a car accident this year are 1 in 8,393.
But here’s the thing… If Democrats are going to use the China Flu to return to their Jim Crow roots, once again, it will be racial minorities who face the brunt of this political prosecution. It is simply a fact that black and Hispanic Americans are the least likely to get vaccinated.
As of the latest polling, 47 percent of whites are vaccinated, and 62 percent of Asians, but Hispanics sit at a much lower 39 percent, and blacks at an even lower 34 percent.
That means that 66 percent of blacks and 61 percent of Hispanics, clear majorities, will bear the brunt of these anti-science Jim Crow vaccinations laws, mandates, and policies.
So much for equity.
That also means a disproportionate number of black and Hispanic Americans are – for no valid scientific reason — being scapegoated by the likes of an elite white racist like His Fraudulency Joe Biden, who this week attacked the intelligence of the unvaccinated.
“But if you’re not vaccinated, you’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were,” Biden said Tuesday.
How long before Democrats suggest the unvaccinated should not be allowed to vote? You know that’s coming.
With Trump gone and Democrats worried sick about a 2022 blowout, the unvaccinated are being set up to be the left’s midterm bogeyman.
Everyday Americans, predominantly blacks and Hispanics, are the left’s new scapegoats and demons.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commie elite rule the land, control and hold power over all others, regardless of the ethnic origins, and ruthlessly exploit the divisions by terror, by force, by law, by economic penalties and sanctions, and outright corruption.
We see this today: Hispanic, and Black, are persecuted by the leftist leaders, Asians are blamed for being 'too good', First Americans blamed for anything the left can, and Chinese Communists can do no wrong: Caucasians of the 'lower class' -- anyone not of the elite -- are the scape goat and supreme 'enemies within'.
Damaging policies towards Black and Brown people is the modus operandi of the Democrat PMS/DSA party. They believe that this tyrannical vaccine policy is absolutely intended and not an accident, after all, Democrats never make mistakes, right?
Thanks to OMS/DSA Democrat policies the "lower" class now includes anyone not in the top ~10% of the worldwide wealthy. The rest of the 90% need to stick together. It's weird, the Democrat party initially gained its power by getting the non-elite to stick together as an entire group against corporate powers, that is where unions came from. Now union generals are part of the well-heeled elite. Their goal is slavery for the masses. Welcome to Communist Utopia....

Yes, we're found out. Vaccinating against a deadly pandemic is in fact a ploy to bring back Jim Crow, which we fight against all the time when the QOP tries to bring it back by restricting voting, but that's just how clever we Marxist Socialist Muslim Terrorist Communist Globalists Transsexuals are! We fight FOR something, AND against it, just to confuse the good Patriotic white-right Americans who know that our way of life will be destroyed if too many black people vote.

They saw through our game! DAMN!
Today's party of the confederacy is trying to blame democrats for Jim Crow.

Again,a republican president ended reconstruction. That allowed Jim Crow in the south. A 7-1 SCOTUS decision, Plessy v. Ferguson made Jim Crow national. 7 justices voted in favor of separate but equal. 4 of those 7 were republicans. Republicans need to stop repeatng that stale ass lie. It is not working, blacks are not joining the republican party because you keep repeating this. We see your policies and vote democrat.
Biden is a racist. Harris said so. He thinks Blacks and Hispanics are too stupid to get an ID. He even said there are some clean and intelligent Blacks today, as if he were surprised at that fact. He obviously didn't want Blacks to be bussed into the better White schools and he gave his best pal, KKK Robert Byrd's eulogy. Not to mention how he jacked up Corn Pop and saved his neighborhood from Blacks. So of course he's going to keep making demands on minorities. That's because he actually thinks he's much smarter than they are. Then again, he is delusional.

Democrats’ Jim Crow Vaccine Laws Disproportionately Persecute Blacks, Hispanics

31 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The Democrat party is desperate to use the coronavirus to bring back its Jim Crow laws, and there’s no question this discrimination will disproportionately persecute racial minorities.
Let’s begin by flying 30,000 feet over this problem for some perspective…
From what we now know, there’s almost zero chance the vaccinated will become seriously ill or die from a “breakthrough” China Flu infection. That’s not only a fact; it’s a fact coming directly from the CDC. Yet, Democrats and their fascist allies in the corporate media, Big Business, Big Tech, and Hollywood want to turn half the country into second-class citizens over what is currently a 0.0037 percent chance the vaccinated will be hospitalized by a “breakthrough” infection and an even smaller chance, 0.00071 percent, the vaccinated will die.
Currently, and again this is according to the CDC, 161 million-plus Americans have been vaccinated. Of the 161 million-plus, only 5,914 have gotten sick enough to be hospitalized, and 1,141 have died. Of those, 74 percent were over the age of 65.
So let me repeat, of the vaccinated, only 0.0037 percent have gotten sick enough to be hospitalized, and only 0.00071 have died. That means 1 out of 27,223 people have gotten seriously ill, and 1 out of 141,000 have died. Those are astronomically low odds. How low? Your chances of someday dying in a car accident are 1 in 107. Your chances of dying in a car accident this year are 1 in 8,393.
But here’s the thing… If Democrats are going to use the China Flu to return to their Jim Crow roots, once again, it will be racial minorities who face the brunt of this political prosecution. It is simply a fact that black and Hispanic Americans are the least likely to get vaccinated.
As of the latest polling, 47 percent of whites are vaccinated, and 62 percent of Asians, but Hispanics sit at a much lower 39 percent, and blacks at an even lower 34 percent.
That means that 66 percent of blacks and 61 percent of Hispanics, clear majorities, will bear the brunt of these anti-science Jim Crow vaccinations laws, mandates, and policies.
So much for equity.
That also means a disproportionate number of black and Hispanic Americans are – for no valid scientific reason — being scapegoated by the likes of an elite white racist like His Fraudulency Joe Biden, who this week attacked the intelligence of the unvaccinated.
“But if you’re not vaccinated, you’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were,” Biden said Tuesday.
How long before Democrats suggest the unvaccinated should not be allowed to vote? You know that’s coming.
With Trump gone and Democrats worried sick about a 2022 blowout, the unvaccinated are being set up to be the left’s midterm bogeyman.
Everyday Americans, predominantly blacks and Hispanics, are the left’s new scapegoats and demons.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commie elite rule the land, control and hold power over all others, regardless of the ethnic origins, and ruthlessly exploit the divisions by terror, by force, by law, by economic penalties and sanctions, and outright corruption.
We see this today: Hispanic, and Black, are persecuted by the leftist leaders, Asians are blamed for being 'too good', First Americans blamed for anything the left can, and Chinese Communists can do no wrong: Caucasians of the 'lower class' -- anyone not of the elite -- are the scape goat and supreme 'enemies within'.
Damaging policies towards Black and Brown people is the modus operandi of the Democrat PMS/DSA party. They believe that this tyrannical vaccine policy is absolutely intended and not an accident, after all, Democrats never make mistakes, right?
Thanks to OMS/DSA Democrat policies the "lower" class now includes anyone not in the top ~10% of the worldwide wealthy. The rest of the 90% need to stick together. It's weird, the Democrat party initially gained its power by getting the non-elite to stick together as an entire group against corporate powers, that is where unions came from. Now union generals are part of the well-heeled elite. Their goal is slavery for the masses. Welcome to Communist Utopia....


Anyone can walk into a CVS and get a free covid vaccine regardless of color or ethnicity.

Have you been vaccinated?
  • Thanks
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Welcome to the new and improved Segregation Society.
Which store gets looted first for refusing service to unvaccinated blacks?

Democrats’ Jim Crow Vaccine Laws Disproportionately Persecute Blacks, Hispanics

31 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The Democrat party is desperate to use the coronavirus to bring back its Jim Crow laws, and there’s no question this discrimination will disproportionately persecute racial minorities.
Let’s begin by flying 30,000 feet over this problem for some perspective…
From what we now know, there’s almost zero chance the vaccinated will become seriously ill or die from a “breakthrough” China Flu infection. That’s not only a fact; it’s a fact coming directly from the CDC. Yet, Democrats and their fascist allies in the corporate media, Big Business, Big Tech, and Hollywood want to turn half the country into second-class citizens over what is currently a 0.0037 percent chance the vaccinated will be hospitalized by a “breakthrough” infection and an even smaller chance, 0.00071 percent, the vaccinated will die.
Currently, and again this is according to the CDC, 161 million-plus Americans have been vaccinated. Of the 161 million-plus, only 5,914 have gotten sick enough to be hospitalized, and 1,141 have died. Of those, 74 percent were over the age of 65.
So let me repeat, of the vaccinated, only 0.0037 percent have gotten sick enough to be hospitalized, and only 0.00071 have died. That means 1 out of 27,223 people have gotten seriously ill, and 1 out of 141,000 have died. Those are astronomically low odds. How low? Your chances of someday dying in a car accident are 1 in 107. Your chances of dying in a car accident this year are 1 in 8,393.
But here’s the thing… If Democrats are going to use the China Flu to return to their Jim Crow roots, once again, it will be racial minorities who face the brunt of this political prosecution. It is simply a fact that black and Hispanic Americans are the least likely to get vaccinated.
As of the latest polling, 47 percent of whites are vaccinated, and 62 percent of Asians, but Hispanics sit at a much lower 39 percent, and blacks at an even lower 34 percent.
That means that 66 percent of blacks and 61 percent of Hispanics, clear majorities, will bear the brunt of these anti-science Jim Crow vaccinations laws, mandates, and policies.
So much for equity.
That also means a disproportionate number of black and Hispanic Americans are – for no valid scientific reason — being scapegoated by the likes of an elite white racist like His Fraudulency Joe Biden, who this week attacked the intelligence of the unvaccinated.
“But if you’re not vaccinated, you’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were,” Biden said Tuesday.
How long before Democrats suggest the unvaccinated should not be allowed to vote? You know that’s coming.
With Trump gone and Democrats worried sick about a 2022 blowout, the unvaccinated are being set up to be the left’s midterm bogeyman.
Everyday Americans, predominantly blacks and Hispanics, are the left’s new scapegoats and demons.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commie elite rule the land, control and hold power over all others, regardless of the ethnic origins, and ruthlessly exploit the divisions by terror, by force, by law, by economic penalties and sanctions, and outright corruption.
We see this today: Hispanic, and Black, are persecuted by the leftist leaders, Asians are blamed for being 'too good', First Americans blamed for anything the left can, and Chinese Communists can do no wrong: Caucasians of the 'lower class' -- anyone not of the elite -- are the scape goat and supreme 'enemies within'.
Damaging policies towards Black and Brown people is the modus operandi of the Democrat PMS/DSA party. They believe that this tyrannical vaccine policy is absolutely intended and not an accident, after all, Democrats never make mistakes, right?
Thanks to OMS/DSA Democrat policies the "lower" class now includes anyone not in the top ~10% of the worldwide wealthy. The rest of the 90% need to stick together. It's weird, the Democrat party initially gained its power by getting the non-elite to stick together as an entire group against corporate powers, that is where unions came from. Now union generals are part of the well-heeled elite. Their goal is slavery for the masses. Welcome to Communist Utopia....

What does the virus have to do with race?
Welcome to the new and improved Segregation Society.
Which store gets looted first for refusing service to unvaccinated blacks?

You are FOS. Walgreens, CVS or any of the drugstore chains will vaccinate anyone who shows up.

This is another idiot thread.
What does the virus have to do with race?

This is a real stupid thread. Viruses don't care what race you are.
You are FOS. Walgreens, CVS or any of the drugstore chains will vaccinate anyone who shows up.

This is another idiot thread.

This is a real stupid thread. Viruses don't care what race you are
Dumbass. Blacks and Hispanics have the lowest levels of vaccination, and we are talking about vaccine ID's to enter entertainment venues, flying and the other crazy places Karen's wish to limit those without the stupid passports.
As soon as blacks are refused service, it will be ALL about race.
Dumbass. Blacks and Hispanics have the lowest levels of vaccination, and we are talking about vaccine ID's to enter entertainment venues, flying and the other crazy places Karen's wish to limit those without the stupid passports.
As soon as blacks are refused service, it will be ALL about race.

That is stupid.. Businesses have the right to protect their workers and customers. This is a pandemic. Any person of any color can get the Covid vaccine, or not.

Why are you making this political or a race issue?

This is an epidemic just like Yellow Fever, Malaria, Polio, Smallpox or Typhoid.

Grow up.
That is stupid.. Businesses have the right to protect their workers and customers. This is a pandemic. Any person of any color can get the Covid vaccine, or not.

Why are you making this political or a race issue?

This is an epidemic just like Yellow Fever, Malaria, Polio, Smallpox or Typhoid.

Grow up.
This is not an epidemic, and no one has called it that. It will not be eradicated. But will become endemic like the yearly flu and cold strains as it can host and mutate within the animal world.
Educate yourself without the mindless propaganda.
We are again talking about people who won't get vaccinated and will not carry the passports.
Blacks had low levels because we've been injected with deadly diseases in the past, not because Biden is discriminating against us. But the right is desperate to get blacks to join them and will try any lie hoping to pick off enough blacks until they can control what's needed to re implement white dominion.
This is not an epidemic, and no one has called it that. It will not be eradicated. But will become endemic like the yearly flu and cold strains as it can host and mutate within the animal world.
Educate yourself without the mindless propaganda.
We are again talking about people who won't get vaccinated and will not carry the passports.

Are you an Epidemiologist?

If they won't get vaccinated they can't patronize indoor businesses. Their choice.
Are you an Epidemiologist?

If they won't get vaccinated they can't patronize indoor businesses. Their choice.
Until the business gets looted for denying unvaccinated blacks.
Stupid choice by the business.

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