Democrats Join Calls for Napolitano to Step Down Following Failed Attack

Other than poor choice of words......why should she step down?

better question....what are her qualifications for this job in the first place?....i looked at her background and did not see any thing that has to do with security...
I think this is the proverbial political straw. The incident itself is trivial; however, given her past transgressions, THIS is the one that will break the camel's back.

iteresting...would it have been "trivial" if the bomb did go off and kill 300 people?...just askin...
As many of you know, I am not a supporter of our former Gov. and see this as another in a long line of mistakes she has made beginning with how she ran our state. However, I will give her credit for for taking responsibility for the actions of her Department which is a quality that many in Washington, both Republican and Democrat would run from quickly. Having saif that my contention is that our former Gov. brought to the job an endless list of mistakes and limited qualifications for the job of HSD. While I would support the President appointing someone much more qualified in Security matters to this position, because the original appointment was more one of a political nature rather than one based on qualifications I don't see that as likely to happen.

i would like to ask the Prez ...why her for a SECURITY job...and not someone who has been in security for years or a high ranking military guy....
Other than poor choice of words......why should she step down?

Face it--the only reason we don't have 300 innocents slaughtered was because the explosive device did not work properly. You yourself may want to consider what Obama's poll numbers would have looked like if this attack suceeded.

All security systems broke down--& someone's head has got to roll over it. Napaleano stating that the system "worked" after this near disaster shows her incompetence in the matter.

So, I imagine she will be the first one who gets thrown under the bus over it. Someone who has a lot of experience dealing with "terrorists"--knows their schemes & how they work would be much better suited for this job.

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Obama would have to stop playing golf in Hawaii to actually throw someone under the bus.........
Democrats Join Calls for Napolitano to Step Down Following Failed Attack

If a teenager trying to blow his nuts off is your criteria for Napoleontoto getting fired then Booooosh and Cheney should have been lined up agaisnt a wall and executed for being warned about Bin Ladin and doing NOTHING ABOUT IT!

And how about Clinton? He was too busy getting blown to do anything about the Embasy's or the Cole.
And Chertoff and Brown did?
Chertoff worked with Gulliani when they cracked down on the Mafia in the 90's. So he had at least some experience with law enforcement, outside of being a US Attorney.

Either way, he has proven to be far less incompetent than chubby Janet. Brown was a boob, just like Napolitano. Brown resigned, I expect the same from Napolitano.
Democrats Join Calls for Napolitano to Step Down Following Failed Attack

If a teenager trying to blow his nuts off is your criteria for Napoleontoto getting fired then Booooosh and Cheney should have been lined up agaisnt a wall and executed for being warned about Bin Ladin and doing NOTHING ABOUT IT!

And how about Clinton? He was too busy getting blown to do anything about the Embasy's or the Cole.

You ignorant fuck. Do you have evidence that Clinton, ( whom I hate for an entirely different set of reasons ), was warned about the Cole or the african embassys? No you don't. What a deceitful pile of liquid shit. Fuck you asshole. And no I don't give a rats ass about your liberal myopia ...what I really have a hatred for is liars.
Democrats Join Calls for Napolitano to Step Down Following Failed Attack

If a teenager trying to blow his nuts off is your criteria for Napoleontoto getting fired then Booooosh and Cheney should have been lined up agaisnt a wall and executed for being warned about Bin Ladin and doing NOTHING ABOUT IT!

And how about Clinton? He was too busy getting blown to do anything about the Embasy's or the Cole.

You ignorant fuck. Do you have evidence that Clinton, ( whom I hate for an entirely different set of reasons ), was warned about the Cole or the african embassys? No you don't. What a deceitful pile of liquid shit. Fuck you asshole. And no I don't give a rats ass about your liberal myopia ...what I really have a hatred for is liars.

then you should hate yourself mightily!
And how about Clinton? He was too busy getting blown to do anything about the Embasy's or the Cole.

You ignorant fuck. Do you have evidence that Clinton, ( whom I hate for an entirely different set of reasons ), was warned about the Cole or the african embassys? No you don't. What a deceitful pile of liquid shit. Fuck you asshole. And no I don't give a rats ass about your liberal myopia ...what I really have a hatred for is liars.

then you should hate yourself mightily!

Sure Willow. Why not be a real swell pussy and list my lies. Try not to be your usual broad brush ignoramous. Be specific please.
Other than poor choice of words......why should she step down?

Face it--the only reason we don't have 300 innocents slaughtered was because the explosive device did not work properly. You yourself may want to consider what Obama's poll numbers would have looked like if this attack suceeded.

All security systems broke down--& someone's head has got to roll over it. Napaleano stating that the system "worked" after this near disaster shows her incompetence in the matter.

So, I imagine she will be the first one who gets thrown under the bus over it. Someone who has a lot of experience dealing with "terrorists"--knows their schemes & how they work would be much better suited for this job.

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Face it....we didn't have 300 innocent slaughtered. Who was fired because of 9-11? Who was fired because of the anthrax attacks? Who was fired because of the shoe bomber?

Face it....The guy boarded in Nigeria and passed through Copenhagen. He did not clear US security. He was awarded a Visa by Bush

Face it.....You have no specific failure on Napolitanos part to warrant firing
Democrats Join Calls for Napolitano to Step Down Following Failed Attack

If a teenager trying to blow his nuts off is your criteria for Napoleontoto getting fired then Booooosh and Cheney should have been lined up agaisnt a wall and executed for being warned about Bin Ladin and doing NOTHING ABOUT IT!

And how about Clinton? He was too busy getting blown to do anything about the Embasy's or the Cole.

You ignorant fuck. Do you have evidence that Clinton, ( whom I hate for an entirely different set of reasons ), was warned about the Cole or the african embassys? No you don't. What a deceitful pile of liquid shit. Fuck you asshole. And no I don't give a rats ass about your liberal myopia ...what I really have a hatred for is liars.

You ignorant fuck !!! it his fuckin job to find out. ever hear of intell??? well this disloyal fuck nuetered it !!!! BJ's are much more fun than being prez
Other than poor choice of words......why should she step down?

Face it--the only reason we don't have 300 innocents slaughtered was because the explosive device did not work properly. You yourself may want to consider what Obama's poll numbers would have looked like if this attack suceeded.

All security systems broke down--& someone's head has got to roll over it. Napaleano stating that the system "worked" after this near disaster shows her incompetence in the matter.

So, I imagine she will be the first one who gets thrown under the bus over it. Someone who has a lot of experience dealing with "terrorists"--knows their schemes & how they work would be much better suited for this job.

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Face it....we didn't have 300 innocent slaughtered. Who was fired because of 9-11? Who was fired because of the anthrax attacks? Who was fired because of the shoe bomber?

Face it....The guy boarded in Nigeria and passed through Copenhagen. He did not clear US security. He was awarded a Visa by Bush

Face it.....You have no specific failure on Napolitanos part to warrant firing

face it..............the craps want her canned. sit in the back seat and STFU !!!!
And how about Clinton? He was too busy getting blown to do anything about the Embasy's or the Cole.

You ignorant fuck. Do you have evidence that Clinton, ( whom I hate for an entirely different set of reasons ), was warned about the Cole or the african embassys? No you don't. What a deceitful pile of liquid shit. Fuck you asshole. And no I don't give a rats ass about your liberal myopia ...what I really have a hatred for is liars.

You ignorant fuck !!! it his fuckin job to find out. ever hear of intell??? well this disloyal fuck nuetered it !!!! BJ's are much more fun than being prez

Do you have evidence?(That Clinton knew anything) The embassys and the Cole were all previous to any attempt at attacking on our soil? You see no difference with that scenerio before Al Kaida was even known and Bush being warned days ahead of a specific attack on our homeland? I am amazed you were trusted with a weapon. Tell the truth... you have never been allowed to fire a gun...right mister vet. You are far too willfully ignorant for that kind of responsibility.
You ignorant fuck. Do you have evidence that Clinton, ( whom I hate for an entirely different set of reasons ), was warned about the Cole or the african embassys? No you don't. What a deceitful pile of liquid shit. Fuck you asshole. And no I don't give a rats ass about your liberal myopia ...what I really have a hatred for is liars.

You ignorant fuck !!! it his fuckin job to find out. ever hear of intell??? well this disloyal fuck nuetered it !!!! BJ's are much more fun than being prez

Do you have evidence?(That Clinton knew anything) The embassys and the Cole were all previous to any attempt at attacking on our soil? You see no difference with that scenerio before Al Kaida was even known and Bush being warned days ahead of a specific attack on our homeland? I am amazed you were trusted with a weapon. Tell the truth... you have never been allowed to fire a gun...right mister vet. You are far too willfully ignorant for that kind of responsibility.

moron. Clinton had him in the cross hairs then turned it off. explan??? yes i fired weapons. big enough to level your fuckin city block !!!!
You ignorant fuck !!! it his fuckin job to find out. ever hear of intell??? well this disloyal fuck nuetered it !!!! BJ's are much more fun than being prez

Do you have evidence?(That Clinton knew anything) The embassys and the Cole were all previous to any attempt at attacking on our soil? You see no difference with that scenerio before Al Kaida was even known and Bush being warned days ahead of a specific attack on our homeland? I am amazed you were trusted with a weapon. Tell the truth... you have never been allowed to fire a gun...right mister vet. You are far too willfully ignorant for that kind of responsibility.

moron. Clinton had him in the cross hairs then turned it off. explan??? yes i fired weapons. big enough to level your fuckin city block !!!!

If you are refering to the FBI trying to send a team to Yemen to investigate the Cole...the woman ambasador to Yemen appointed by Bush one roadblocked that effort. That splain it for ya halfwit? You really are a fool aren't you? For a guy claiming to be a vet you really are an ignorant lying pussy. How sad. Not suprising you make a veiled threat to "My block" from someone that hates america and the truth.

October 14-Late November, 2000: Investigation Into USS Cole Bombing Is Thwarted
Barbara Bodine at a press conference days after the bombing of the USS Cole. [Source: Reuters]The first FBI agents enter Yemen two days after the bombing of the USS Cole in an attempt to discover who was responsible. However, the main part of the team initially gets stuck in Germany because they do not have permission to enter Yemen and they are then unable to accomplish much due to restrictions placed on them and tensions between lead investigator John O’Neill and US Ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine. All but about 50 investigators are forced to leave by the end of October. O’Neill’s boss Barry Mawn visits to assess the situation. [Miller, Stone, and Mitchell, 2002, pp. 237; New Yorker, 1/14/2002; Sunday Times (London), 2/3/2002; New Yorker, 7/10/2006 ] Mawn will later comment, “It became clear [Bodine] simply hated his guts.” After a ten day investigation, he concludes O’Neill is doing a fine job, tells Bodine that she is O’Neill’s “only detractor,” and refuses her request to recall him. [Wright, 2006, pp. 32] But O’Neill and much of his team are pressured to leave by late November and Bodine will not give him permission to return any time after that. The investigation stalls without his personal relationships to top Yemeni officials. [Miller, Stone, and Mitchell, 2002, pp. 237; New Yorker, 1/14/2002; Sunday Times (London), 2/3/2002] Increased security threats force the reduced FBI team still in Yemen to withdraw altogether in June 2001. [PBS Frontline, 10/3/2002] The prime minister of Yemen at the time later claims (see Early October 2001) that hijacker “Khalid Almihdhar was one of the Cole perpetrators, involved in preparations. He was in Yemen at the time and stayed after the Cole bombing for a while, then he left.” The Sunday Times later notes, “The failure in Yemen may have blocked off lines of investigation that could have led directly to the terrorists preparing for September 11.” [Sunday Times (London), 2/3/2002]
Entity Tags: USS Cole, John O’Neill, Khalid Almihdhar, Barry Mawn, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Barbara Bodine

Like I said you halfwit fuck... Everything you spout is ignorant crap. There is your proof...don't let the facts slow you down though... truth is obviously never your objective.
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bni, there are terrorists at the teawhacko parties. That is one venue that Homeland Security should certainly be investigating.

Examples, please? And don't use the guy who came to the Obama speech wearing a rifle. It was a legal rifle that he was licensed to carry, number one, and number two, the guy was black, something the liberal media conveniently forgot to mention.

But apparently you can provide many other examples of terrorists at tea parties. I'm waiting.:eusa_whistle:

Hundreds of anecdotal evidences exist on the web, and you can look them up, bni. My next-door neighbor here for one. The loonyville teabag event at the courthouse during the summer (what a bunch of stains!) for another. Were some of them fine upstanding Americans? You bet. Were a bunch really nuts? You bet.

So, yeah, we here don't let the 'bags have any say in politics, though we do take their donations at party headquarters.

The only Sam Adams you folks imitate are the drunken Sam Adams.

But you said there were terrorists at those tea parties but you failed to give any evidence that they were. Let's see some of the "hundreds of anecdotal evidence" you mentioned. Or do you just consider all right wingers terrorists? That would make you just like Napolitano.
One, not all right wingers are terrorists.

Two, that many are terroristic in word and a few in action is indisputable.

Why do you argue against the truth, bni? Please don't tell us that you also believe that you are "mainstream" in your values and beliefs. Because that would be a hoot and a falsehood.

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