Democrats’ Last-Minute Economic Hope

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
On the surface, good news the Democrats quickly took credit for:
For the first two quarters of 2022, Gross Domestic Product fell, meaning Joe Biden and his Democrat pals had steered the nation into recession — despite Leftmedia attempts to change the long-understood definition of what constitutes a recession. Well, October Surprise! GDP in the third quarter grew by a seemingly healthy and “better than expected” 2.6%.
Inside the numbers., however....
“Consumer spending, the economy’s main engine, cooled from July to September compared with the previous quarter,” reports The Wall Street Journal.

To that point, EJ Antoni of The Heritage Foundation said, “Consumer spending and business investment combined actually contributed -0.62 percentage points to GDP.” So why did GDP grow? Antoni says, “All of GDP growth last quarter was due to [a] decline in imports and an increase in exports.”

Commentator Ed Morrissey explains, “This is almost entirely due to another massive trade difference: exports up 14.4%, imports down -6.9%.” Therefore, he says, “This is not a normal status and we can likely expect another big swing to the opposite in Q4.” That’s because, for the second straight quarter, private investment declined. Morrissey concludes, “Businesses and investors don’t appear to have much confidence in future growth.”

But...but... the economy is "strong as hell", desperately says Biden, to be mindlessly parroted by his useful idiots.
Having just taken credit for the +2.6% on Q3, who will Bident and the Democrats - and their useful idiots - blame for the Q4-1-2 recession everyone fully expects?
On the surface, good news the Democrats quickly took credit for:

Inside the numbers., however....

But...but... the economy is "strong as hell", desperately says Biden, to be mindlessly parroted by his useful idiots.
Having just taken credit for the +2.6% on Q3, who will Bident and the Democrats - and their useful idiots - blame for the Q4-1-2 recession everyone fully expects?
The Feds. When they raise interest rates. Duh.
The Feds. When they raise interest rates. Duh.
Unlikely. Not only will that fail to work, the failure of the fed has been moving to slow not to fast and the inevitable was always going to happen.

No, they are going to blame it on the republican house for stopping them from taking care of the problem and will likely point to the GDP uptick today as one of the supports for the charge.

It will all be a blatant lie of course but when has that ever mattered to finger pointing before in politics?
On the surface, good news the Democrats quickly took credit for:

Inside the numbers., however....

But...but... the economy is "strong as hell", desperately says Biden, to be mindlessly parroted by his useful idiots.
Having just taken credit for the +2.6% on Q3, who will Bident and the Democrats - and their useful idiots - blame for the Q4-1-2 recession everyone fully expects?
I`m looking forward to the GOP`s solution to our inflation. After they straighten this country out, they`ll be in demand across the pond where the Eurozone had 10% inflation for the month of September. Everybody who wants a job can have one but there`s nothing we can do to protect us from greed.
I needed another key fob to replace one for our 2014 Toyota that was lost. How much? With tax, it was $522.00! Why do so many people hate Capitalists? There you have it. $522 for a fucking key fob.
I`m looking forward to the GOP`s solution to our inflation. After they straighten this country out, they`ll be in demand across the pond where the Eurozone had 10% inflation for the month of September. Everybody who wants a job can have one but there`s nothing we can do to protect us from greed.
Did you notice how you side-stepped the issue?
I did.
So did everyone else.
I needed another key fob to replace one for our 2014 Toyota that was lost. How much? With tax, it was $522.00!
Looks like you were fleeced. Shop around next time.
While they were making my new key fob we noticed there were 2 car salesmen on duty and zero new cars to sell. I wondered how they were paying them. Now I know. They were reported to the state AG`s Covid gouging website.
There are plenty of key fobs on Amazon but reading the reviews makes it look nearly impossible to program the majority of them.
While they were making my new key fob we noticed there were 2 car salesmen on duty and zero new cars to sell. I wondered how they were paying them. Now I know. They were reported to the state AG`s Covid gouging website.
Looks like you were fleeced. Shop around next time.
On the surface, good news the Democrats quickly took credit for:

Inside the numbers., however....

But...but... the economy is "strong as hell", desperately says Biden, to be mindlessly parroted by his useful idiots.
Having just taken credit for the +2.6% on Q3, who will Bident and the Democrats - and their useful idiots - blame for the Q4-1-2 recession everyone fully expects?
I say Democrats should stay the course, until Republicans take over and switch us to the right track.
The Big Screw on the Autocratic world has begun... We do not need em!

They are so screwed. All this blustering, war mongering, blowing up decent peoples homes, threatening to blow up more homes, its all about the fact that they are so screwed !

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