Democrats Lose In 2010-2012: Here's Why!


Feb 3, 2010
Afghanistan War not going well at all, and costing more and more money, will be harder to win than Iraq was.
Iran not falling for "hopie changie" Obama kissy face playing nice.
Oil Spill on his watch total failure of Democrats to contain it effectively and BP a Democrat darling.
Unemployment hasn't budged despite the trillions spent "Stimulating" Government at all levels.
Health Care Bill no one wanted is steadily biting him, with no end in sight. Wait till these young kids start getting thrown in jail for not buying health insurance.
Gays and Lesbians on his case constantly for more and more and more concessions.
Unions and their Big Bosses on his case constantly for more and more concessions.
Honeymoon for new Presidents now only a memory.
Congress led by Democrats now the most unpopular of all previous congresses.
Incumbent hatred is a raging inferno, most Democrats are incumbents including the Obama.
North Korea on the rampage again, a product of Democrat-Obama permissiveness.
China a growing threat both economically and militarily, babied and spoiled by Clinton and Obama.
Joe Sestak bribery scandal threatening to become an impeachment offense. No way he could have been offered a cabinet job w/o Obama's advice and consent. That would be an impeachable felony.
Special Election loses showing an anti-Democrat trend, amid the growing power of the T Party.
Democrats now set to lose control of both houses of Congress.
Jobs, the economy, and the Stock Market are all on life support with no relief in sight.
Inflation, Jimmie Carter style is on the way with a misery index beginning to rise.
Housing showing no improvement, with all indexes down, down, down.
Financial Meltdown is a distinct possibility. The flight to Gold is now in full swing.
Hillary is keeping her head down and her powder dry ready to lunge for the nomination if Obama's polls falter.
States faltering and teacher unions and other government unions demanding money from Democrat President and Democrat Congress.
China borrowing in a non-stop terminal phase.
Unions demanding money to bail out their frail pension plans.
Tax revenues are down due to the economy etc.
Deficits are increasing daily.
Kagan, as a Jewish Lesbian is an unpopular choice for the Court.
Blaming Bush is working less and less as time runs on.
Obama has added 2 trillion to Bush's debt with no visible results.
Borders are a bleeding sore that won't go away. Sending troops only signals that Arizona was, and is, on the right path to dealing with it. After all they have now FORCED him to send troops.
La Raza is screaming for Amnesty for 10-15 million illegals.
Holder is an increasing problem as Attorney General.
Appointees of Obama are a lackluster bunch EXCEPT for Hillary who is the one to watch.

So far not one problem facing the nation has been effectively and popularly solved. The whole Democrat Agenda is a festering mess of pottage at this point. And November is now just 5 short months away. It is rapidly getting too late to change anything before then.

This all comes from being eaten alive by your Leftist base, kow-towing to your enemies, and imitating failures like the pathetic Socialist Europeans.
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I stopped reading when you actually use "kissy face" as a reason for Iraq being an issue.
I stopped reading when you actually use "kissy face" as a reason for Iraq being an issue.

If It Walks Like A Duck....

YOUR President engages in what can only be described as "Kissy Face" diplomacy with the most brutal Communist, Fascist, Racist, Nazi, Anti-Semitic, America Hating, Religious Bigot, world leaders. If he, and YOU, don't like that term, then stop doing the act. I'm just calling a thing by its right name.
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Afghanistan War not going well at all, and costing more and more money, will be harder to win than Iraq was. (The entire world knows this is the war that has to be fought or the taliban will own the Pakistani Nuclear weapons)
Iran not falling for "hopie changie" Obama kissy face playing nice.(This country is ripe for rebellion and bombing them would simply make them hate us for another 5 genrations, right now the rebels WANT to be western. Done be an idiot and think making war with a country that is about to move towards fwestern ideals would make things better.)
Oil Spill on his watch total failure of Democrats to contain it effectively and BP a Democrat darling. (The US voters are not as stupid as you to think this spill is Obamas fault, all of the evidence is its the result of Bush era policies of giving the oil companies ANYTHING they wanted)
Unemployment hasn't budged despite the trillions spent "Stimulating" Government at all levels. (Hasnt budged? Your problem is the US voter pays more attention to the numbers than you do. The deep recession Bush left Obama has been turned on a dime as far as jobs are concerned. Ever since Obama took office the job loss has reversed its course and is in the possitive.)
Health Care Bill no one wanted is steadily biting him, with no end in sight. Wait till these young kids start getting thrown in jail for not buying health insurance.(You are insane no one is going to jail)
Gays and Lesbians on his case constantly for more and more and more concessions.
Unions and their Big Bosses on his case constantly for more and more concessions.(What you forget is unions are made up of American workeers)
Honeymoon for new Presidents now only a memory. (Obamas numbers are trending up)
Congress led by Democrats now the most unpopular of all previous congresses. (and the Rs poll lower than the Dems in congress)
Incumbent hatred is a raging inferno, most Democrats are incumbents including the Obama.(Everyone hates the others guys incumbant,they dont get to vote for the other guys incumbant)
North Korea on the rampage again, a product of Democrat-Obama permissiveness.(wow , just wow you are insane. Only tea party fools would blame NK on Obama)
China a growing threat both economically and militarily, babied and spoiled by Clinton and Obama.(Ummm you do realize Bush sold our asses to China right? Under Bush they were allowed to poisen our asses)
Joe Sestak bribery scandal threatening to become an impeachment offense. No way he could have been offered a cabinet job w/o Obama's advice and consent. Keep dreaming)
Special Election loses showing an anti-Democrat trend, amid the growing power of the T Party.( Nope they dont , only in your mind)
Democrats now set to lose control of both houses of Congress.(again only in your mind)
obs, the economy, and the Stock Market are all on life support with no relief in sight. (Do you realise the stock market is way up under Obama? The economic numbers are also trending up under Obama)
Inflation, Jimmie Carter style is on the way with a misery index beginning to rise.(Umm nope)
Housing showing no improvement, with all indexes down, down, down.(again a fantasy)
Financial Meltdown is a distinct possibility. The flight to Gold is now in full swing.( Glen Beck is making a killing on gold right now by selling it high to his fool listeners, heres a tip , when they start hawking gold to the average smoe on TV its time to get out not in.)
Hillary is keeping her head down and her powder dry ready to lunge for the nomination if Obama's polls falter.(only in your mind)
States faltering and teacher unions and other government unions demanding money from Democrat President and Democrat Congress.(Everyone knows this was caused by Bush and sorry but we will NEVER forget it either)
China borrowing in a non-stop terminal phase.(HAHAHAHAHAHAHA have you no shame to not realise this is all Bush)
Unions demanding money to bail out their frail pension plans.(No unions are asking for bailouts of their plans you fool)
Tax revenues are down due to the economy etc. (Thanks to Bush)
Deficits are increasing daily.(Thanks to two wars started and unpaid for by Bush)
Kagan, as a Jewish Lesbian is an unpopular choice for the Court. (And your a rasist liar too)
Blaming Bush is working less and less as time runs on.(New poll shows the people still blame Bush too)
Obama has added 2 trillion to Bush's debt with no visible results.Part of which is paying for Bush's wars that he never paid for along with fixing the economic mess Bush left us.)
Borders are a bleeding sore that won't go away. Sending troops only signals that Arizona was, and is, on the right path to dealing with it. After all they have now FORCED him to send troops.(What did Bus ever do to fix this? Oh yeah he tried to fix this the only sensable there is and you nutters screamed bloody murder)
La Raza is screaming for Amnesty for 10-15 million illegals.A path to citizenship for the people who are already here and following the laws is the ONLY way to do this. Every other idea of kisking them all out in cost prohibitive and inhummain)
Holder is an increasing problem as Attorney General. (Bullshit)
Appointees of Obama are a lackluster bunch EXCEPT for Hillary who is the one to watch.(bullshit)

So far not one problem facing the nation has been effectively and popularly solved. The whole Democrat Agenda is a festering mess of pottage at this point. And November is now just 5 short months away. It is rapidly getting too late to change anything before then. (You are going to be weeping on election day)

This all comes from being eaten alive by your Leftist base, kow-towing to your enemies, and imitating failures like the pathetic Socialist Europeans.

Climb back into your cave and hide.

The election is not going to go the way you imagine it will.
Yes, truth matters, but to whom does it matter? Certainly not to any Democrat. They are weaned on lies from the craddle, and lie automatically. They think it is all for a good cause, but any cause is destroyed by being defended with lies. Yes, Conservatives have faults, but they are not intentional faults. If you want to know what a Democrat really is, read Saul Alinsky's book. Obama has read it through and through, and has practiced its precepts all his adult life.

Fact is, Socialism in any form or shape has never worked in the history of the world. Capitalism that is properly regulated works the best, not destroyed mind you, but regulated properly in order to help it do what it best does, under a good National Industrial Policy. You can't let either workers or management abuse the system and hence the nation. Unions are a universal pest.
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WRONG! The tea party is in the process of bringing the GOP to its knees. It is sooooo funny! The GOP is running so scared of the tea party, it is pathetic! SO FUNNY!
I stopped reading as soon as I saw Palin in his avatar. These people are fucking crazy!
I stopped reading when you actually use "kissy face" as a reason for Iraq being an issue.

I stopped reading it when I realized the author was Flounder. There are some cons that can make some persuasive arguments on here, it's just not one of them.

Funny, I notice the cons always forget to account for the new voters in 2012. These were all the kids who were 14 and older and thought that Obama was "hip" in the last election (for right or wrong) and will vote for him because the GOP will throw up the usual suspect.

It's similar to the skew in polling from phone polls that ignored the fact that many young voters don't have a land line (just cell phones). That's why the actual election margin was far greater than the polling showed.

Silly conservatives.

Oh, did you notice that Flounder listed Iraq? Someone might want to inform it that we will be, by and large, out of Iraq in 2010.

Try posting reasonable arguments and we can engage in honest discussion. When you include things like:

Iran not falling for "hopie changie" Obama kissy face playing nice
Health Care Bill no one wanted is steadily biting him, with no end in sight. Wait till these young kids start getting thrown in jail for not buying health insurance.
North Korea on the rampage again, a product of Democrat-Obama permissiveness.
China a growing threat both economically and militarily, babied and spoiled by Clinton and Obama.
Jobs, the economy, and the Stock Market are all on life support with no relief in sight.
Inflation, Jimmie Carter style is on the way with a misery index beginning to rise.

You lose all credibility as a poster. Your threads are not worth the bandwidth they take up. Post actual facts and avoid rightwing fantasies and we can talk
WRONG! The tea party is in the process of bringing the GOP to its knees. It is sooooo funny! The GOP is running so scared of the tea party, it is pathetic! SO FUNNY!

You sound kinda dumb. Certainly you say nothing that is interesting or informative.
The number of uneducated lowbrows on this site is amazing. Happily most of them are Democrats.
Almost everything you named is a Republican fuck-up.

So Democrats will lose because they aren't fixing Republican fuck-ups FAST ENOUGH????

Are you sure that's a "winning strategy"?
I stopped reading when you actually use "kissy face" as a reason for Iraq being an issue.

I stopped reading it when I realized the author was Flounder. There are some cons that can make some persuasive arguments on here, it's just not one of them.

Funny, I notice the cons always forget to account for the new voters in 2012. These were all the kids who were 14 and older and thought that Obama was "hip" in the last election (for right or wrong) and will vote for him because the GOP will throw up the usual suspect.

It's similar to the skew in polling from phone polls that ignored the fact that many young voters don't have a land line (just cell phones). That's why the actual election margin was far greater than the polling showed.Silly conservatives.

Oh, did you notice that Flounder listed Iraq? Someone might want to inform it that we will be, by and large, out of Iraq in 2010.

Rasmuson, hated by many Liberals on this board, just about nailed the spread.

Maybe the cell phone owners were answering their land lines the day he called.
I stopped reading when you actually use "kissy face" as a reason for Iraq being an issue.

If It Walks Like A Duck....

YOUR President engages in what can only be described as "Kissy Face" diplomacy with the most brutal Communist, Fascist, Racist, Nazi, Anti-Semitic, America Hating, Religious Bigot, world leaders. If he, and YOU, don't like that term, then stop doing the act. I'm just calling a thing by its right name.
That's funny, I thought he was our president. I hated Bush, but I never thought of him as "Your President".
One thing Ive learned during my short term on earth.

Elections are unpredictable.
The only things going right for the Dems (Iraq GWOT) are what Bush took care of.

Gerrymandering is the only thing keep Dems from a 100 seat blowout
Afghanistan War not going well at all, and costing more and more money, will be harder to win than Iraq was.
Iran not falling for "hopie changie" Obama kissy face playing nice.
Oil Spill on his watch total failure of Democrats to contain it effectively and BP a Democrat darling.
Unemployment hasn't budged despite the trillions spent "Stimulating" Government at all levels.
Health Care Bill no one wanted is steadily biting him, with no end in sight. Wait till these young kids start getting thrown in jail for not buying health insurance.
Gays and Lesbians on his case constantly for more and more and more concessions.
Unions and their Big Bosses on his case constantly for more and more concessions.
Honeymoon for new Presidents now only a memory.
Congress led by Democrats now the most unpopular of all previous congresses.
Incumbent hatred is a raging inferno, most Democrats are incumbents including the Obama.
North Korea on the rampage again, a product of Democrat-Obama permissiveness.
China a growing threat both economically and militarily, babied and spoiled by Clinton and Obama.
Joe Sestak bribery scandal threatening to become an impeachment offense. No way he could have been offered a cabinet job w/o Obama's advice and consent. That would be an impeachable felony.
Special Election loses showing an anti-Democrat trend, amid the growing power of the T Party.
Democrats now set to lose control of both houses of Congress.
Jobs, the economy, and the Stock Market are all on life support with no relief in sight.
Inflation, Jimmie Carter style is on the way with a misery index beginning to rise.
Housing showing no improvement, with all indexes down, down, down.
Financial Meltdown is a distinct possibility. The flight to Gold is now in full swing.
Hillary is keeping her head down and her powder dry ready to lunge for the nomination if Obama's polls falter.
States faltering and teacher unions and other government unions demanding money from Democrat President and Democrat Congress.
China borrowing in a non-stop terminal phase.
Unions demanding money to bail out their frail pension plans.
Tax revenues are down due to the economy etc.
Deficits are increasing daily.
Kagan, as a Jewish Lesbian is an unpopular choice for the Court.
Blaming Bush is working less and less as time runs on.
Obama has added 2 trillion to Bush's debt with no visible results.
Borders are a bleeding sore that won't go away. Sending troops only signals that Arizona was, and is, on the right path to dealing with it. After all they have now FORCED him to send troops.
La Raza is screaming for Amnesty for 10-15 million illegals.
Holder is an increasing problem as Attorney General.
Appointees of Obama are a lackluster bunch EXCEPT for Hillary who is the one to watch.

So far not one problem facing the nation has been effectively and popularly solved. The whole Democrat Agenda is a festering mess of pottage at this point. And November is now just 5 short months away. It is rapidly getting too late to change anything before then.

This all comes from being eaten alive by your Leftist base, kow-towing to your enemies, and imitating failures like the pathetic Socialist Europeans.

I can't think of a better person to predict a Republican win...can you?
Afghanistan War not going well at all, and costing more and more money, will be harder to win than Iraq was.
Iran not falling for "hopie changie" Obama kissy face playing nice.
Oil Spill on his watch total failure of Democrats to contain it effectively and BP a Democrat darling.
Unemployment hasn't budged despite the trillions spent "Stimulating" Government at all levels.
Health Care Bill no one wanted is steadily biting him, with no end in sight. Wait till these young kids start getting thrown in jail for not buying health insurance.
Gays and Lesbians on his case constantly for more and more and more concessions.
Unions and their Big Bosses on his case constantly for more and more concessions.
Honeymoon for new Presidents now only a memory.
Congress led by Democrats now the most unpopular of all previous congresses.
Incumbent hatred is a raging inferno, most Democrats are incumbents including the Obama.
North Korea on the rampage again, a product of Democrat-Obama permissiveness.
China a growing threat both economically and militarily, babied and spoiled by Clinton and Obama.
Joe Sestak bribery scandal threatening to become an impeachment offense. No way he could have been offered a cabinet job w/o Obama's advice and consent. That would be an impeachable felony.
Special Election loses showing an anti-Democrat trend, amid the growing power of the T Party.
Democrats now set to lose control of both houses of Congress.
Jobs, the economy, and the Stock Market are all on life support with no relief in sight.
Inflation, Jimmie Carter style is on the way with a misery index beginning to rise.
Housing showing no improvement, with all indexes down, down, down.
Financial Meltdown is a distinct possibility. The flight to Gold is now in full swing.
Hillary is keeping her head down and her powder dry ready to lunge for the nomination if Obama's polls falter.
States faltering and teacher unions and other government unions demanding money from Democrat President and Democrat Congress.
China borrowing in a non-stop terminal phase.
Unions demanding money to bail out their frail pension plans.
Tax revenues are down due to the economy etc.
Deficits are increasing daily.
Kagan, as a Jewish Lesbian is an unpopular choice for the Court.
Blaming Bush is working less and less as time runs on.
Obama has added 2 trillion to Bush's debt with no visible results.
Borders are a bleeding sore that won't go away. Sending troops only signals that Arizona was, and is, on the right path to dealing with it. After all they have now FORCED him to send troops.
La Raza is screaming for Amnesty for 10-15 million illegals.
Holder is an increasing problem as Attorney General.
Appointees of Obama are a lackluster bunch EXCEPT for Hillary who is the one to watch.

So far not one problem facing the nation has been effectively and popularly solved. The whole Democrat Agenda is a festering mess of pottage at this point. And November is now just 5 short months away. It is rapidly getting too late to change anything before then.

This all comes from being eaten alive by your Leftist base, kow-towing to your enemies, and imitating failures like the pathetic Socialist Europeans.

While all this is true the Leftist controlled media MSNBC in particular will say what a great job the President is doing and the liberals will believe it and when it comes time to re elect this President the media will do everything in their power as they did the first time to re elect him....
the polls look okay for the GOP, not as good as 1994, but they will pick-up seats in the mid-term like normal years. No big moves, but I wouldn't be touting the dems record in office...just listen to Carville blast the admin about the response to the spill. Who do you think the folks in the Gulf region will be voting for in 2010 and 2012??

Generic Ballot Provides Clues for 2010 Vote

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