Democrat's Moral Corruption

332-206....failure thy name is Political Chic. I mean come on here every day (just about) and make what you call are "well constructed" arguments about why the democrats are scum or whatever.... You must of done it 800-1000 times during BHO1. And what did you accomplish? Your candidate got his ass kicked up one side of the country and down the other.

Cheers to a life wasted. Now if you need help renting a crane so you can go outside, that company in Georgia that vowed not to hire anyone until BHO was out of office (now defunct by the way) can probably help you out...literally.

Dropping the mic....walking away a winner.

As always.
332-206....failure thy name is Political Chic. I mean come on here every day (just about) and make what you call are "well constructed" arguments about why the democrats are scum or whatever.... You must of done it 800-1000 times during BHO1. And what did you accomplish? Your candidate got his ass kicked up one side of the country and down the other.

Cheers to a life wasted. Now if you need help renting a crane so you can go outside, that company in Georgia that vowed not to hire anyone until BHO was out of office (now defunct by the way) can probably help you out...literally.

Dropping the mic....walking away a winner.

As always.'ve subscribed to a thread which you neither understand, nor can refute.

So who is the loser?
15. "On Aug. 6, 2013, Huffington Post author Nick Wing wrote an article about the arrest of Scott Hounsell, former executive director for the Republican Party of Los Angeles County. On May 4, 2015, following a Washington Examiner report on the story and its aftermath, HuffPo updated its original article.

This update, nearly two years after the original article was posted, comes almost exactly one year after the charges were dropped on May 14, 2014.

....HuffPo is one of the few news outlets to make any kind of update to its original story about Hounsell,...."
Huffington Post updates article one year after charges dropped against innocent man

Now for the dénouement!

Why did Democrat prosecutor Feuer go after this Republican? Or did I give the motive away in mentioning the party of each? Partly....let's remember what the big news of the time was:

"The original article is still available below the update, and begins with the line, "Scott Hounsell apparently didn't get the message about throwing stones in glass houses." A slide show of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner — who was going through an actual sex scandal at the time Hounsell was being accused — is still visible at the bottom of the article." Ibid.

This is what Democrat Feuer saw:
"Ex-GOP Leader Who Made Fun of Weiner Arrested for Sexting a Minor" Ex-GOP Leader Who Made Fun of Weiner Arrested for Sexting a Minor

And, like the good Alinskyite (read 'Democrat') that he is......he went out to destroy his political opponent! No evidence....but 'he don't need no stinkin' evidence,'....does he?

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

And attack, attack, any acceptable.

Even if there is no evidence of a crime. That's what Democrats do.
So what did we learn in this thread, if we use its author's 'logic'?

1. that all Democratic politicians are corrupt, and,

2. that all Republican politicians are sex perverts.

There you go. Vote Democrat, you'll likely get a corrupt politician. Vote Republican, you'll likely get a pedo, or something similarly immoral.

Choose wisely, America...

...think of the children...
What about the moral corruption of corporate America? Are they exempt? After all, they call the shots in the scheme of helping take down the middle class of which there is a confirmed plan. Both parties are guilty. Please refute this statement. If you can, you are lying. Corporate America absolutely hates middle class workering folk. tHIS CANNOT BE DISPUTED.
In the end then gov't is corrupt and corporations are corrupt. Again this is indisputable by any person who is not anti American.
332-206....failure thy name is Political Chic. I mean come on here every day (just about) and make what you call are "well constructed" arguments about why the democrats are scum or whatever.... You must of done it 800-1000 times during BHO1. And what did you accomplish? Your candidate got his ass kicked up one side of the country and down the other.

Cheers to a life wasted. Now if you need help renting a crane so you can go outside, that company in Georgia that vowed not to hire anyone until BHO was out of office (now defunct by the way) can probably help you out...literally.

Dropping the mic....walking away a winner.

As always.'ve subscribed to a thread which you neither understand, nor can refute.

So who is the loser?

U bitch
332-206....failure thy name is Political Chic. I mean come on here every day (just about) and make what you call are "well constructed" arguments about why the democrats are scum or whatever.... You must of done it 800-1000 times during BHO1. And what did you accomplish? Your candidate got his ass kicked up one side of the country and down the other.

Cheers to a life wasted. Now if you need help renting a crane so you can go outside, that company in Georgia that vowed not to hire anyone until BHO was out of office (now defunct by the way) can probably help you out...literally.

Dropping the mic....walking away a winner.

As always.'ve subscribed to a thread which you neither understand, nor can refute.

So who is the loser?

U bitch

Can't tell you how pleased I am that the concept revealed in this unassailable thread really got under your skin.

No picture?

So...are you really as ugly outside as your are inside?
332-206....failure thy name is Political Chic. I mean come on here every day (just about) and make what you call are "well constructed" arguments about why the democrats are scum or whatever.... You must of done it 800-1000 times during BHO1. And what did you accomplish? Your candidate got his ass kicked up one side of the country and down the other.

Cheers to a life wasted. Now if you need help renting a crane so you can go outside, that company in Georgia that vowed not to hire anyone until BHO was out of office (now defunct by the way) can probably help you out...literally.

Dropping the mic....walking away a winner.

As always.'ve subscribed to a thread which you neither understand, nor can refute.

So who is the loser?

You lost. You were refuted by a factor of about 20.
332-206....failure thy name is Political Chic. I mean come on here every day (just about) and make what you call are "well constructed" arguments about why the democrats are scum or whatever.... You must of done it 800-1000 times during BHO1. And what did you accomplish? Your candidate got his ass kicked up one side of the country and down the other.

Cheers to a life wasted. Now if you need help renting a crane so you can go outside, that company in Georgia that vowed not to hire anyone until BHO was out of office (now defunct by the way) can probably help you out...literally.

Dropping the mic....walking away a winner.

As always.'ve subscribed to a thread which you neither understand, nor can refute.

So who is the loser?

You lost. You were refuted by a factor of about 20.

First lie of the day for NYLiar!
332-206....failure thy name is Political Chic. I mean come on here every day (just about) and make what you call are "well constructed" arguments about why the democrats are scum or whatever.... You must of done it 800-1000 times during BHO1. And what did you accomplish? Your candidate got his ass kicked up one side of the country and down the other.

Cheers to a life wasted. Now if you need help renting a crane so you can go outside, that company in Georgia that vowed not to hire anyone until BHO was out of office (now defunct by the way) can probably help you out...literally.

Dropping the mic....walking away a winner.

As always.'ve subscribed to a thread which you neither understand, nor can refute.

So who is the loser?

You lost. You were refuted by a factor of about 20.

First lie of the day for NYLiar!

I proved that all Republicans are sex perverts using your own standard of proof, and you did not say a word of rebuttal or disagreement.

I'd say that's a win for me.
332-206....failure thy name is Political Chic. I mean come on here every day (just about) and make what you call are "well constructed" arguments about why the democrats are scum or whatever.... You must of done it 800-1000 times during BHO1. And what did you accomplish? Your candidate got his ass kicked up one side of the country and down the other.

Cheers to a life wasted. Now if you need help renting a crane so you can go outside, that company in Georgia that vowed not to hire anyone until BHO was out of office (now defunct by the way) can probably help you out...literally.

Dropping the mic....walking away a winner.

As always.'ve subscribed to a thread which you neither understand, nor can refute.

So who is the loser?

You lost. You were refuted by a factor of about 20.

First lie of the day for NYLiar!

I proved that all Republicans are sex perverts using your own standard of proof, and you did not say a word of rebuttal or disagreement.

I'd say that's a win for me.

But everyone knows that you're a congenital liar.

Case closed.
332-206....failure thy name is Political Chic. I mean come on here every day (just about) and make what you call are "well constructed" arguments about why the democrats are scum or whatever.... You must of done it 800-1000 times during BHO1. And what did you accomplish? Your candidate got his ass kicked up one side of the country and down the other.

Cheers to a life wasted. Now if you need help renting a crane so you can go outside, that company in Georgia that vowed not to hire anyone until BHO was out of office (now defunct by the way) can probably help you out...literally.

Dropping the mic....walking away a winner.

As always.'ve subscribed to a thread which you neither understand, nor can refute.

So who is the loser?

You lost. You were refuted by a factor of about 20.

First lie of the day for NYLiar!

I proved that all Republicans are sex perverts using your own standard of proof, and you did not say a word of rebuttal or disagreement.

I'd say that's a win for me.

But everyone knows that you're a congenital liar.

Case closed.

And yet you still don't dispute that I proved Republicans to all be sex perverts using your logic. Don't you want to argue against that?

btw, why wouldn't you tell me how many examples I needed to show to prove about Republicans what you claimed to prove about Democrats?
Okay, since you're too cowardly to give me the number, I'll simply match yours, which was ONE to start. You thought you proved your point with one example:

Here's mine:

The Bush Administration political prosecution of Puerto Rican governor Anibal Acevedo Vila:

On 27 March 2008, Acevedo Vilá was formally charged in the long-running public corruption probe, along with 12 other people. The 13 were accused of running a conspiracy to illegally raise money to pay off Acevedo Vilá's campaign debts in 2000.[7] Acevedo Vilá was not arrested. Acting U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodríguez [Bush appointee] said, "The governor will be permitted to turn himself in [in] deference to his position."[8]

The following day Acevedo Vilá was released without having to pay bail nor give up his passport.
[9] Acevedo Vilá was allowed to travel out of the island so long as he informed the court prior to doing so.[9]

On 19 August 2008, the federal agency filed a second five count federal Grand Jury indictment.

Throughout the investigation and indictment process, Acevedo Vilá stated repeatedly that he was innocent, and claimed that everything was politically motivated to harm his career.

On 1 December 2008, Judge
Paul J. Barbadoro dismissed 15 of the original 19 charges citing misinterpretation of Puerto Rican election laws by the federal prosecutors.[10]

The case was heard between 9 February 2009 until 20 March 2009. Acevedo Vila was found
not guilty of all charges on 20 March 2009.[11] you really lose...
Evidence? They dont need no stinkin evidence. We see that attitude here every day.

Like the OP with her pathetic numbered posts, links to nothing that backs up anything?

No evidence is her motto.

It's hilarious to see a guy like the Rabbi, who fancies himself the king of logical arguments (which is hilarious enough itself)

give PC a pass with some big attaboys thrown in.
Okay, since you're too cowardly to give me the number, I'll simply match yours, which was ONE to start. You thought you proved your point with one example:

Here's mine:

The Bush Administration political prosecution of Puerto Rican governor Anibal Acevedo Vila:

On 27 March 2008, Acevedo Vilá was formally charged in the long-running public corruption probe, along with 12 other people. The 13 were accused of running a conspiracy to illegally raise money to pay off Acevedo Vilá's campaign debts in 2000.[7] Acevedo Vilá was not arrested. Acting U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodríguez [Bush appointee] said, "The governor will be permitted to turn himself in [in] deference to his position."[8]

The following day Acevedo Vilá was released without having to pay bail nor give up his passport.
[9] Acevedo Vilá was allowed to travel out of the island so long as he informed the court prior to doing so.[9]

On 19 August 2008, the federal agency filed a second five count federal Grand Jury indictment.

Throughout the investigation and indictment process, Acevedo Vilá stated repeatedly that he was innocent, and claimed that everything was politically motivated to harm his career.

On 1 December 2008, Judge
Paul J. Barbadoro dismissed 15 of the original 19 charges citing misinterpretation of Puerto Rican election laws by the federal prosecutors.[10]

The case was heard between 9 February 2009 until 20 March 2009. Acevedo Vila was found
not guilty of all charges on 20 March 2009.[11] you really lose...

Game, set, match; Carbiner.
332-206....failure thy name is Political Chic. I mean come on here every day (just about) and make what you call are "well constructed" arguments about why the democrats are scum or whatever.... You must of done it 800-1000 times during BHO1. And what did you accomplish? Your candidate got his ass kicked up one side of the country and down the other.

Cheers to a life wasted. Now if you need help renting a crane so you can go outside, that company in Georgia that vowed not to hire anyone until BHO was out of office (now defunct by the way) can probably help you out...literally.

Dropping the mic....walking away a winner.

As always.'ve subscribed to a thread which you neither understand, nor can refute.

So who is the loser?

You lost. You were refuted by a factor of about 20.

First lie of the day for NYLiar!

I proved that all Republicans are sex perverts using your own standard of proof, and you did not say a word of rebuttal or disagreement.

I'd say that's a win for me.

But everyone knows that you're a congenital liar.

Case closed.

Says the mirror on your wall. To the part of you that can fit inside of it anyway.'ve subscribed to a thread which you neither understand, nor can refute.

So who is the loser?

You lost. You were refuted by a factor of about 20.

First lie of the day for NYLiar!

I proved that all Republicans are sex perverts using your own standard of proof, and you did not say a word of rebuttal or disagreement.

I'd say that's a win for me.

But everyone knows that you're a congenital liar.

Case closed.

Says the mirror on your wall. To the part of you that can fit inside of it anyway.

So.....if this is your constant carping.....why so resistant to each of us putting up our pics?

We both know why, don't we, ug.
If I looked like you, I wouldn't say 'hi,' I'd say 'boo!'

Now I understand why you picked that......'.lovely'.....'lady'.....for your avi.
Okay, since you're too cowardly to give me the number, I'll simply match yours, which was ONE to start. You thought you proved your point with one example:

Here's mine:

The Bush Administration political prosecution of Puerto Rican governor Anibal Acevedo Vila:

On 27 March 2008, Acevedo Vilá was formally charged in the long-running public corruption probe, along with 12 other people. The 13 were accused of running a conspiracy to illegally raise money to pay off Acevedo Vilá's campaign debts in 2000.[7] Acevedo Vilá was not arrested. Acting U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodríguez [Bush appointee] said, "The governor will be permitted to turn himself in [in] deference to his position."[8]

The following day Acevedo Vilá was released without having to pay bail nor give up his passport.
[9] Acevedo Vilá was allowed to travel out of the island so long as he informed the court prior to doing so.[9]

On 19 August 2008, the federal agency filed a second five count federal Grand Jury indictment.

Throughout the investigation and indictment process, Acevedo Vilá stated repeatedly that he was innocent, and claimed that everything was politically motivated to harm his career.

On 1 December 2008, Judge
Paul J. Barbadoro dismissed 15 of the original 19 charges citing misinterpretation of Puerto Rican election laws by the federal prosecutors.[10]

The case was heard between 9 February 2009 until 20 March 2009. Acevedo Vila was found
not guilty of all charges on 20 March 2009.[11] you really lose...

Game, set, match; Carbiner.

I shut her up. I should win a Pulitzer for that. lolol

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