Democrat's Moral Corruption

14. "A spokesman for Feuer told the Examiner that Hounsell had not completed the agreement by Mar. 19, so that hearing was held in order to give him more time to do so. "The case was continued from March to May so the Defendant could complete more of the court-ordered diversion counseling," Rob Wilcox, director of community engagement and outreach for the city attorney, told the Examiner. "Once that was successfully completed, the case was dismissed."

This does not match with the documentary history he provided, however. It states that there was no court-ordered counseling but an "informal agreement." Wilcox would later tell theExaminerthat the deal was actually finalized on Mar. 19, contradicting his earlier claim that it had simply been continued.

When the [Democrat] city attorney finally dropped the charges May 14 — nine months after Hounsell's arrest — the reason cited was "no victim" and "no forensics." The alleged victim had refused to testify, and there was still no evidence of any Facebook contact between Hounsell and Jane Doe.

....he says he'll never be able to recover fully from the well-publicized but never-substantiated charges, which he maintains are false." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

And, Democrat Obama acting the same way in the IRS scandal.....using corrupt legal practices...."An IRS campaign to apply additional scrutiny to conservative groups went beyond targeting Tea Party and patriot groups to include those focused on government spending, the Constitution and several other broad areas."
IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party targeting of conservative groups broader than thought Fox News
Can you prove that the anecdote you posted is representative of all Democrats? That's your claim. require more of the Democrat ilk????

Sure thing....

The Democrat version of a 'passion play.'

Seems it occurs regularly and in numerous iterations.....

12. " Tawana Glenda Brawley(born 1972) is anAfrican-Americanwoman fromWappingers Falls, New York, who gained notoriety in 1987–88 for falsely accusingsixwhite menof having raped her.

The charges received widespread national attention because of her age (15), the persons accused (including police officers and a prosecuting attorney), and the shocking state in which Brawley was found after the alleged rape (in a trash bag, with racial slurs written on her body and covered in feces). Brawley's accusations were given widespread media attention in part from the involvement of her advisers, including the Reverend Al Sharpton ..

... a grand jury concluded in October 1988 that Brawley had not been the victim of a forcible sexual assault and that she herself may have created the appearance of such an attack.[2]The New York prosecutor whom Brawley had accused as one of her alleged assailants successfully sued Brawley and her three advisers for defamation."
Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.

a. "The Democratic Party and its candidates for president in 2004 were perfectly content to have Sharpton appear in presidential debates. Not one candidate called Sharpton out for his outrageous history of hate." Al Sharpton s Long Bill of Goods From Tawana Brawley to Primetime - The Daily Beast

b. "... Sharpton, .... it’s an irony lost on no one that his rise to White House adviser has come thanks to Barack Obama, ..."
Revved Up - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO Magazine

Did you know that Barack Obama is reputed to be one of that ilk?

Still want to deny that moral corruption is hardly anathema to Democrats?

You think 2 examples proves something?

What does 55 examples prove?

GOP Pervert Hall of SHame - Recovering Liberal

Need more?

Not horrific enough? about another Democrat crime family destroying an entire family...and sending 'em to prison for 40 years.....without any evidence?

13. "The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, ... —the Fells Acres school—whose every detail Violet scrutinized relentlessly. Not for nothing was the pre-school deemed by far the best in the area, with a long waiting list for admission.

All of it would end in 1984, with accusations of sexual assault ... a sensational story about a female school principal, in her 60s, who had daily terrorized and sexually assaulted the pupils in her care, using sharp objects as her weapon. So too had Violet's daughter Cheryl, a 28-year old teacher at the school.

[Her son] Gerald, it was alleged, had plunged a wide-blade butcher knife into the rectum of a 4-year-old boy, which he then had trouble removing. When a teacher in the school saw him in action with the knife, she asked him what he was doing, and then told him not to do it again, a child said. On this testimony, Gerald was convicted of a rape which had, miraculously, left no mark or other injury. Violet had tied a boy to a tree in front of the school one bright afternoon, in full view of everyone, and had assaulted him anally with a stick, and then with "a magic wand." She would be convicted of these charges. Cheryl had cut the leg off a squirrel.

... so much testimony, so madly preposterous, and so solemnly put forth by the state. The testimony had been extracted from children, cajoled and led by tireless interrogators.... Gerald was sent to prison for 30 to 40 years, his mother and sister sentenced to eight to 20 years

The Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly—which had never in its 27 year history taken an editorial position on a case—published a scathing one directed at the [Democrat] prosecutors "who seemed unwilling to admit they might have sent innocent people to jail for crimes that had never occurred."

Superior Court Judge Isaac Borenstein presided over a widely publicized hearings into the case resulting in findings that all the children's testimony was tainted. He said that "Every trick in the book had been used to get the children to say what the investigators wanted." Dorothy Rabinowitz Martha Coakley s Convictions - WSJ

"...There never was any truth to the charges brought against him. Nor was there anything that would, in saner times, have passed for evidence " Gerald Amirault s Freedom - WSJ

Seems the persecutions was a resume enhancement for Democrat Martha Coakley, Massachusetts Attorney General,. She went on to run for Senator...and for Governor.

Hardly one or two cases of Democrat moral corruption.

I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue. require more of the Democrat ilk????

Sure thing....

The Democrat version of a 'passion play.'

Seems it occurs regularly and in numerous iterations.....

12. " Tawana Glenda Brawley(born 1972) is anAfrican-Americanwoman fromWappingers Falls, New York, who gained notoriety in 1987–88 for falsely accusingsixwhite menof having raped her.

The charges received widespread national attention because of her age (15), the persons accused (including police officers and a prosecuting attorney), and the shocking state in which Brawley was found after the alleged rape (in a trash bag, with racial slurs written on her body and covered in feces). Brawley's accusations were given widespread media attention in part from the involvement of her advisers, including the Reverend Al Sharpton ..

... a grand jury concluded in October 1988 that Brawley had not been the victim of a forcible sexual assault and that she herself may have created the appearance of such an attack.[2]The New York prosecutor whom Brawley had accused as one of her alleged assailants successfully sued Brawley and her three advisers for defamation."
Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.

a. "The Democratic Party and its candidates for president in 2004 were perfectly content to have Sharpton appear in presidential debates. Not one candidate called Sharpton out for his outrageous history of hate." Al Sharpton s Long Bill of Goods From Tawana Brawley to Primetime - The Daily Beast

b. "... Sharpton, .... it’s an irony lost on no one that his rise to White House adviser has come thanks to Barack Obama, ..."
Revved Up - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO Magazine

Did you know that Barack Obama is reputed to be one of that ilk?

Still want to deny that moral corruption is hardly anathema to Democrats?

You think 2 examples proves something?

What does 55 examples prove?

GOP Pervert Hall of SHame - Recovering Liberal

Need more?

Not horrific enough? about another Democrat crime family destroying an entire family...and sending 'em to prison for 40 years.....without any evidence?

13. "The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, ... —the Fells Acres school—whose every detail Violet scrutinized relentlessly. Not for nothing was the pre-school deemed by far the best in the area, with a long waiting list for admission.

All of it would end in 1984, with accusations of sexual assault ... a sensational story about a female school principal, in her 60s, who had daily terrorized and sexually assaulted the pupils in her care, using sharp objects as her weapon. So too had Violet's daughter Cheryl, a 28-year old teacher at the school.

[Her son] Gerald, it was alleged, had plunged a wide-blade butcher knife into the rectum of a 4-year-old boy, which he then had trouble removing. When a teacher in the school saw him in action with the knife, she asked him what he was doing, and then told him not to do it again, a child said. On this testimony, Gerald was convicted of a rape which had, miraculously, left no mark or other injury. Violet had tied a boy to a tree in front of the school one bright afternoon, in full view of everyone, and had assaulted him anally with a stick, and then with "a magic wand." She would be convicted of these charges. Cheryl had cut the leg off a squirrel.

... so much testimony, so madly preposterous, and so solemnly put forth by the state. The testimony had been extracted from children, cajoled and led by tireless interrogators.... Gerald was sent to prison for 30 to 40 years, his mother and sister sentenced to eight to 20 years

The Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly—which had never in its 27 year history taken an editorial position on a case—published a scathing one directed at the [Democrat] prosecutors "who seemed unwilling to admit they might have sent innocent people to jail for crimes that had never occurred."

Superior Court Judge Isaac Borenstein presided over a widely publicized hearings into the case resulting in findings that all the children's testimony was tainted. He said that "Every trick in the book had been used to get the children to say what the investigators wanted." Dorothy Rabinowitz Martha Coakley s Convictions - WSJ

"...There never was any truth to the charges brought against him. Nor was there anything that would, in saner times, have passed for evidence " Gerald Amirault s Freedom - WSJ

Seems the persecutions was a resume enhancement for Democrat Martha Coakley, Massachusetts Attorney General,. She went on to run for Senator...and for Governor.

Hardly one or two cases of Democrat moral corruption.

I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.
FYI - - Our judicial system sends innocent citizens to our prisons and jails all the time. It has absolutely nothing to do with "Party Politics". Our justice system is a system of injustice, and both political parties are responsible for it. Neither party has made an effort to change the judicial system so that is actually a system of justice. Neither party has even addressed the issue. If you doubt what I'm saying, please research "The Innocence Project" and others to see that many innocent citizens are in our jails and prisons. It's ridiculous to even suggest that it's the fault of one political party or the other. Both parties approve of and condone what our judicial system does.

"FYI - - Our judicial system sends innocent citizens to our prisons and jails all the time. It has absolutely nothing to do with "Party Politics"

I just proved it does.

I provided offered hot air.
14. "A spokesman for Feuer told the Examiner that Hounsell had not completed the agreement by Mar. 19, so that hearing was held in order to give him more time to do so. "The case was continued from March to May so the Defendant could complete more of the court-ordered diversion counseling," Rob Wilcox, director of community engagement and outreach for the city attorney, told the Examiner. "Once that was successfully completed, the case was dismissed."

This does not match with the documentary history he provided, however. It states that there was no court-ordered counseling but an "informal agreement." Wilcox would later tell theExaminerthat the deal was actually finalized on Mar. 19, contradicting his earlier claim that it had simply been continued.

When the [Democrat] city attorney finally dropped the charges May 14 — nine months after Hounsell's arrest — the reason cited was "no victim" and "no forensics." The alleged victim had refused to testify, and there was still no evidence of any Facebook contact between Hounsell and Jane Doe.

....he says he'll never be able to recover fully from the well-publicized but never-substantiated charges, which he maintains are false." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

And, Democrat Obama acting the same way in the IRS scandal.....using corrupt legal practices...."An IRS campaign to apply additional scrutiny to conservative groups went beyond targeting Tea Party and patriot groups to include those focused on government spending, the Constitution and several other broad areas."
IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party targeting of conservative groups broader than thought Fox News
Why not mention other cases while you're at it that tells the story of the entire judicial system and its many flaws? require more of the Democrat ilk????

Sure thing....

The Democrat version of a 'passion play.'

Seems it occurs regularly and in numerous iterations.....

12. " Tawana Glenda Brawley(born 1972) is anAfrican-Americanwoman fromWappingers Falls, New York, who gained notoriety in 1987–88 for falsely accusingsixwhite menof having raped her.

The charges received widespread national attention because of her age (15), the persons accused (including police officers and a prosecuting attorney), and the shocking state in which Brawley was found after the alleged rape (in a trash bag, with racial slurs written on her body and covered in feces). Brawley's accusations were given widespread media attention in part from the involvement of her advisers, including the Reverend Al Sharpton ..

... a grand jury concluded in October 1988 that Brawley had not been the victim of a forcible sexual assault and that she herself may have created the appearance of such an attack.[2]The New York prosecutor whom Brawley had accused as one of her alleged assailants successfully sued Brawley and her three advisers for defamation."
Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.

a. "The Democratic Party and its candidates for president in 2004 were perfectly content to have Sharpton appear in presidential debates. Not one candidate called Sharpton out for his outrageous history of hate." Al Sharpton s Long Bill of Goods From Tawana Brawley to Primetime - The Daily Beast

b. "... Sharpton, .... it’s an irony lost on no one that his rise to White House adviser has come thanks to Barack Obama, ..."
Revved Up - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO Magazine

Did you know that Barack Obama is reputed to be one of that ilk?

Still want to deny that moral corruption is hardly anathema to Democrats?

You think 2 examples proves something?

What does 55 examples prove?

GOP Pervert Hall of SHame - Recovering Liberal

Need more?

Not horrific enough? about another Democrat crime family destroying an entire family...and sending 'em to prison for 40 years.....without any evidence?

13. "The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, ... —the Fells Acres school—whose every detail Violet scrutinized relentlessly. Not for nothing was the pre-school deemed by far the best in the area, with a long waiting list for admission.

All of it would end in 1984, with accusations of sexual assault ... a sensational story about a female school principal, in her 60s, who had daily terrorized and sexually assaulted the pupils in her care, using sharp objects as her weapon. So too had Violet's daughter Cheryl, a 28-year old teacher at the school.

[Her son] Gerald, it was alleged, had plunged a wide-blade butcher knife into the rectum of a 4-year-old boy, which he then had trouble removing. When a teacher in the school saw him in action with the knife, she asked him what he was doing, and then told him not to do it again, a child said. On this testimony, Gerald was convicted of a rape which had, miraculously, left no mark or other injury. Violet had tied a boy to a tree in front of the school one bright afternoon, in full view of everyone, and had assaulted him anally with a stick, and then with "a magic wand." She would be convicted of these charges. Cheryl had cut the leg off a squirrel.

... so much testimony, so madly preposterous, and so solemnly put forth by the state. The testimony had been extracted from children, cajoled and led by tireless interrogators.... Gerald was sent to prison for 30 to 40 years, his mother and sister sentenced to eight to 20 years

The Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly—which had never in its 27 year history taken an editorial position on a case—published a scathing one directed at the [Democrat] prosecutors "who seemed unwilling to admit they might have sent innocent people to jail for crimes that had never occurred."

Superior Court Judge Isaac Borenstein presided over a widely publicized hearings into the case resulting in findings that all the children's testimony was tainted. He said that "Every trick in the book had been used to get the children to say what the investigators wanted." Dorothy Rabinowitz Martha Coakley s Convictions - WSJ

"...There never was any truth to the charges brought against him. Nor was there anything that would, in saner times, have passed for evidence " Gerald Amirault s Freedom - WSJ

Seems the persecutions was a resume enhancement for Democrat Martha Coakley, Massachusetts Attorney General,. She went on to run for Senator...and for Governor.

Hardly one or two cases of Democrat moral corruption.

I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue.

I'd category this particular lie as .....feeble.
You think 2 examples proves something?

What does 55 examples prove?

GOP Pervert Hall of SHame - Recovering Liberal

Need more?

Not horrific enough? about another Democrat crime family destroying an entire family...and sending 'em to prison for 40 years.....without any evidence?

13. "The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, ... —the Fells Acres school—whose every detail Violet scrutinized relentlessly. Not for nothing was the pre-school deemed by far the best in the area, with a long waiting list for admission.

All of it would end in 1984, with accusations of sexual assault ... a sensational story about a female school principal, in her 60s, who had daily terrorized and sexually assaulted the pupils in her care, using sharp objects as her weapon. So too had Violet's daughter Cheryl, a 28-year old teacher at the school.

[Her son] Gerald, it was alleged, had plunged a wide-blade butcher knife into the rectum of a 4-year-old boy, which he then had trouble removing. When a teacher in the school saw him in action with the knife, she asked him what he was doing, and then told him not to do it again, a child said. On this testimony, Gerald was convicted of a rape which had, miraculously, left no mark or other injury. Violet had tied a boy to a tree in front of the school one bright afternoon, in full view of everyone, and had assaulted him anally with a stick, and then with "a magic wand." She would be convicted of these charges. Cheryl had cut the leg off a squirrel.

... so much testimony, so madly preposterous, and so solemnly put forth by the state. The testimony had been extracted from children, cajoled and led by tireless interrogators.... Gerald was sent to prison for 30 to 40 years, his mother and sister sentenced to eight to 20 years

The Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly—which had never in its 27 year history taken an editorial position on a case—published a scathing one directed at the [Democrat] prosecutors "who seemed unwilling to admit they might have sent innocent people to jail for crimes that had never occurred."

Superior Court Judge Isaac Borenstein presided over a widely publicized hearings into the case resulting in findings that all the children's testimony was tainted. He said that "Every trick in the book had been used to get the children to say what the investigators wanted." Dorothy Rabinowitz Martha Coakley s Convictions - WSJ

"...There never was any truth to the charges brought against him. Nor was there anything that would, in saner times, have passed for evidence " Gerald Amirault s Freedom - WSJ

Seems the persecutions was a resume enhancement for Democrat Martha Coakley, Massachusetts Attorney General,. She went on to run for Senator...and for Governor.

Hardly one or two cases of Democrat moral corruption.

I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue.

I'd category this particular lie as .....feeble.

You don't think it's stupid to use 3 anecdotal examples to claim a broadbrush generality about millions? require more of the Democrat ilk????

Sure thing....

The Democrat version of a 'passion play.'

Seems it occurs regularly and in numerous iterations.....

12. " Tawana Glenda Brawley(born 1972) is anAfrican-Americanwoman fromWappingers Falls, New York, who gained notoriety in 1987–88 for falsely accusingsixwhite menof having raped her.

The charges received widespread national attention because of her age (15), the persons accused (including police officers and a prosecuting attorney), and the shocking state in which Brawley was found after the alleged rape (in a trash bag, with racial slurs written on her body and covered in feces). Brawley's accusations were given widespread media attention in part from the involvement of her advisers, including the Reverend Al Sharpton ..

... a grand jury concluded in October 1988 that Brawley had not been the victim of a forcible sexual assault and that she herself may have created the appearance of such an attack.[2]The New York prosecutor whom Brawley had accused as one of her alleged assailants successfully sued Brawley and her three advisers for defamation."
Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.

a. "The Democratic Party and its candidates for president in 2004 were perfectly content to have Sharpton appear in presidential debates. Not one candidate called Sharpton out for his outrageous history of hate." Al Sharpton s Long Bill of Goods From Tawana Brawley to Primetime - The Daily Beast

b. "... Sharpton, .... it’s an irony lost on no one that his rise to White House adviser has come thanks to Barack Obama, ..."
Revved Up - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO Magazine

Did you know that Barack Obama is reputed to be one of that ilk?

Still want to deny that moral corruption is hardly anathema to Democrats?

You think 2 examples proves something?

What does 55 examples prove?

GOP Pervert Hall of SHame - Recovering Liberal

Need more?

Not horrific enough? about another Democrat crime family destroying an entire family...and sending 'em to prison for 40 years.....without any evidence?

13. "The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, ... —the Fells Acres school—whose every detail Violet scrutinized relentlessly. Not for nothing was the pre-school deemed by far the best in the area, with a long waiting list for admission.

All of it would end in 1984, with accusations of sexual assault ... a sensational story about a female school principal, in her 60s, who had daily terrorized and sexually assaulted the pupils in her care, using sharp objects as her weapon. So too had Violet's daughter Cheryl, a 28-year old teacher at the school.

[Her son] Gerald, it was alleged, had plunged a wide-blade butcher knife into the rectum of a 4-year-old boy, which he then had trouble removing. When a teacher in the school saw him in action with the knife, she asked him what he was doing, and then told him not to do it again, a child said. On this testimony, Gerald was convicted of a rape which had, miraculously, left no mark or other injury. Violet had tied a boy to a tree in front of the school one bright afternoon, in full view of everyone, and had assaulted him anally with a stick, and then with "a magic wand." She would be convicted of these charges. Cheryl had cut the leg off a squirrel.

... so much testimony, so madly preposterous, and so solemnly put forth by the state. The testimony had been extracted from children, cajoled and led by tireless interrogators.... Gerald was sent to prison for 30 to 40 years, his mother and sister sentenced to eight to 20 years

The Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly—which had never in its 27 year history taken an editorial position on a case—published a scathing one directed at the [Democrat] prosecutors "who seemed unwilling to admit they might have sent innocent people to jail for crimes that had never occurred."

Superior Court Judge Isaac Borenstein presided over a widely publicized hearings into the case resulting in findings that all the children's testimony was tainted. He said that "Every trick in the book had been used to get the children to say what the investigators wanted." Dorothy Rabinowitz Martha Coakley s Convictions - WSJ

"...There never was any truth to the charges brought against him. Nor was there anything that would, in saner times, have passed for evidence " Gerald Amirault s Freedom - WSJ

Seems the persecutions was a resume enhancement for Democrat Martha Coakley, Massachusetts Attorney General,. She went on to run for Senator...and for Governor.

Hardly one or two cases of Democrat moral corruption.

I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue.
Is childish silly personal attacks all you have? Do you think that you're impressing others by making immature remarks about posters? Why not respond to comments in an adult and civil manner? Why not leave the name calling and personal attacks on the playground and discuss issues like an adult, an intelligent adult? Your remarks about other posters says a lot more about you than it does about them. Your age?
14. "A spokesman for Feuer told the Examiner that Hounsell had not completed the agreement by Mar. 19, so that hearing was held in order to give him more time to do so. "The case was continued from March to May so the Defendant could complete more of the court-ordered diversion counseling," Rob Wilcox, director of community engagement and outreach for the city attorney, told the Examiner. "Once that was successfully completed, the case was dismissed."

This does not match with the documentary history he provided, however. It states that there was no court-ordered counseling but an "informal agreement." Wilcox would later tell theExaminerthat the deal was actually finalized on Mar. 19, contradicting his earlier claim that it had simply been continued.

When the [Democrat] city attorney finally dropped the charges May 14 — nine months after Hounsell's arrest — the reason cited was "no victim" and "no forensics." The alleged victim had refused to testify, and there was still no evidence of any Facebook contact between Hounsell and Jane Doe.

....he says he'll never be able to recover fully from the well-publicized but never-substantiated charges, which he maintains are false." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

And, Democrat Obama acting the same way in the IRS scandal.....using corrupt legal practices...."An IRS campaign to apply additional scrutiny to conservative groups went beyond targeting Tea Party and patriot groups to include those focused on government spending, the Constitution and several other broad areas."
IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party targeting of conservative groups broader than thought Fox News
Why not mention other cases while you're at it that tells the story of the entire judicial system and its many flaws?

She's trying to resurrect stereotyping. Not a surprising move coming from a conservative.
You think 2 examples proves something?

What does 55 examples prove?

GOP Pervert Hall of SHame - Recovering Liberal

Need more?

Not horrific enough? about another Democrat crime family destroying an entire family...and sending 'em to prison for 40 years.....without any evidence?

13. "The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, ... —the Fells Acres school—whose every detail Violet scrutinized relentlessly. Not for nothing was the pre-school deemed by far the best in the area, with a long waiting list for admission.

All of it would end in 1984, with accusations of sexual assault ... a sensational story about a female school principal, in her 60s, who had daily terrorized and sexually assaulted the pupils in her care, using sharp objects as her weapon. So too had Violet's daughter Cheryl, a 28-year old teacher at the school.

[Her son] Gerald, it was alleged, had plunged a wide-blade butcher knife into the rectum of a 4-year-old boy, which he then had trouble removing. When a teacher in the school saw him in action with the knife, she asked him what he was doing, and then told him not to do it again, a child said. On this testimony, Gerald was convicted of a rape which had, miraculously, left no mark or other injury. Violet had tied a boy to a tree in front of the school one bright afternoon, in full view of everyone, and had assaulted him anally with a stick, and then with "a magic wand." She would be convicted of these charges. Cheryl had cut the leg off a squirrel.

... so much testimony, so madly preposterous, and so solemnly put forth by the state. The testimony had been extracted from children, cajoled and led by tireless interrogators.... Gerald was sent to prison for 30 to 40 years, his mother and sister sentenced to eight to 20 years

The Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly—which had never in its 27 year history taken an editorial position on a case—published a scathing one directed at the [Democrat] prosecutors "who seemed unwilling to admit they might have sent innocent people to jail for crimes that had never occurred."

Superior Court Judge Isaac Borenstein presided over a widely publicized hearings into the case resulting in findings that all the children's testimony was tainted. He said that "Every trick in the book had been used to get the children to say what the investigators wanted." Dorothy Rabinowitz Martha Coakley s Convictions - WSJ

"...There never was any truth to the charges brought against him. Nor was there anything that would, in saner times, have passed for evidence " Gerald Amirault s Freedom - WSJ

Seems the persecutions was a resume enhancement for Democrat Martha Coakley, Massachusetts Attorney General,. She went on to run for Senator...and for Governor.

Hardly one or two cases of Democrat moral corruption.

I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue.
Is childish silly personal attacks all you have? Do you think that you're impressing others by making immature remarks about posters? Why not respond to comments in an adult and civil manner? Why not leave the name calling and personal attacks on the playground and discuss issues like an adult, an intelligent adult? Your remarks about other posters says a lot more about you than it does about them. Your age?

Listen fuckwit I've proven her wrong WITH SUBSTANCE in every which way possible in this thread.

She is stupid.
14. "A spokesman for Feuer told the Examiner that Hounsell had not completed the agreement by Mar. 19, so that hearing was held in order to give him more time to do so. "The case was continued from March to May so the Defendant could complete more of the court-ordered diversion counseling," Rob Wilcox, director of community engagement and outreach for the city attorney, told the Examiner. "Once that was successfully completed, the case was dismissed."

This does not match with the documentary history he provided, however. It states that there was no court-ordered counseling but an "informal agreement." Wilcox would later tell theExaminerthat the deal was actually finalized on Mar. 19, contradicting his earlier claim that it had simply been continued.

When the [Democrat] city attorney finally dropped the charges May 14 — nine months after Hounsell's arrest — the reason cited was "no victim" and "no forensics." The alleged victim had refused to testify, and there was still no evidence of any Facebook contact between Hounsell and Jane Doe.

....he says he'll never be able to recover fully from the well-publicized but never-substantiated charges, which he maintains are false." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

And, Democrat Obama acting the same way in the IRS scandal.....using corrupt legal practices...."An IRS campaign to apply additional scrutiny to conservative groups went beyond targeting Tea Party and patriot groups to include those focused on government spending, the Constitution and several other broad areas."
IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party targeting of conservative groups broader than thought Fox News
Why not mention other cases while you're at it that tells the story of the entire judicial system and its many flaws?

She's trying to resurrect stereotyping. Not a surprising move coming from a conservative.
She's very immature. I doubt that she's impressing anyone on here.
14. "A spokesman for Feuer told the Examiner that Hounsell had not completed the agreement by Mar. 19, so that hearing was held in order to give him more time to do so. "The case was continued from March to May so the Defendant could complete more of the court-ordered diversion counseling," Rob Wilcox, director of community engagement and outreach for the city attorney, told the Examiner. "Once that was successfully completed, the case was dismissed."

This does not match with the documentary history he provided, however. It states that there was no court-ordered counseling but an "informal agreement." Wilcox would later tell theExaminerthat the deal was actually finalized on Mar. 19, contradicting his earlier claim that it had simply been continued.

When the [Democrat] city attorney finally dropped the charges May 14 — nine months after Hounsell's arrest — the reason cited was "no victim" and "no forensics." The alleged victim had refused to testify, and there was still no evidence of any Facebook contact between Hounsell and Jane Doe.

....he says he'll never be able to recover fully from the well-publicized but never-substantiated charges, which he maintains are false." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

And, Democrat Obama acting the same way in the IRS scandal.....using corrupt legal practices...."An IRS campaign to apply additional scrutiny to conservative groups went beyond targeting Tea Party and patriot groups to include those focused on government spending, the Constitution and several other broad areas."
IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party targeting of conservative groups broader than thought Fox News
Why not mention other cases while you're at it that tells the story of the entire judicial system and its many flaws?

How about this one:

Raymond James "Ray" Donovan (born August 31, 1930) is an American businessman and former politician. He served as U.S. Secretary of Labor under President Reagan.

"In a highly publicized 1987 case,[1] Donovan and six other defendants were indicted by a Bronx County, New York, grand jury for larceny and fraud in connection with a project to construct anew line for the New York City Subway, through a scheme involving a Genovese crime familyassociate and a minority-owned subcontractor.[2] Schiavone Construction was obligated to subcontract part of the work to a minority-owned enterprise. The essence of the charge was that because the minority owned firm (Jo-Pel Contracting and Trucking Corp) leased equipment from Schiavone, that it was not truly independent of Schiavone.[citation needed]

On May 25, 1987, Donovan (and all of the other defendants) were acquitted, after which Donovan was famously quoted as asking, "Which office do I go to to get my reputation back?"
Raymond J. Donovan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Democrats do it every chance they get.
How many examples did I give in this thread.....six? seven?

And you.....How many examples of Republicans destroying the lives of political opponents in this fashion?

Let me add up your total......
Need more?

Not horrific enough? about another Democrat crime family destroying an entire family...and sending 'em to prison for 40 years.....without any evidence?

13. "The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, ... —the Fells Acres school—whose every detail Violet scrutinized relentlessly. Not for nothing was the pre-school deemed by far the best in the area, with a long waiting list for admission.

All of it would end in 1984, with accusations of sexual assault ... a sensational story about a female school principal, in her 60s, who had daily terrorized and sexually assaulted the pupils in her care, using sharp objects as her weapon. So too had Violet's daughter Cheryl, a 28-year old teacher at the school.

[Her son] Gerald, it was alleged, had plunged a wide-blade butcher knife into the rectum of a 4-year-old boy, which he then had trouble removing. When a teacher in the school saw him in action with the knife, she asked him what he was doing, and then told him not to do it again, a child said. On this testimony, Gerald was convicted of a rape which had, miraculously, left no mark or other injury. Violet had tied a boy to a tree in front of the school one bright afternoon, in full view of everyone, and had assaulted him anally with a stick, and then with "a magic wand." She would be convicted of these charges. Cheryl had cut the leg off a squirrel.

... so much testimony, so madly preposterous, and so solemnly put forth by the state. The testimony had been extracted from children, cajoled and led by tireless interrogators.... Gerald was sent to prison for 30 to 40 years, his mother and sister sentenced to eight to 20 years

The Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly—which had never in its 27 year history taken an editorial position on a case—published a scathing one directed at the [Democrat] prosecutors "who seemed unwilling to admit they might have sent innocent people to jail for crimes that had never occurred."

Superior Court Judge Isaac Borenstein presided over a widely publicized hearings into the case resulting in findings that all the children's testimony was tainted. He said that "Every trick in the book had been used to get the children to say what the investigators wanted." Dorothy Rabinowitz Martha Coakley s Convictions - WSJ

"...There never was any truth to the charges brought against him. Nor was there anything that would, in saner times, have passed for evidence " Gerald Amirault s Freedom - WSJ

Seems the persecutions was a resume enhancement for Democrat Martha Coakley, Massachusetts Attorney General,. She went on to run for Senator...and for Governor.

Hardly one or two cases of Democrat moral corruption.

I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue.
Is childish silly personal attacks all you have? Do you think that you're impressing others by making immature remarks about posters? Why not respond to comments in an adult and civil manner? Why not leave the name calling and personal attacks on the playground and discuss issues like an adult, an intelligent adult? Your remarks about other posters says a lot more about you than it does about them. Your age?

Listen fuckwit I've proven her wrong WITH SUBSTANCE in every which way possible in this thread.

She is stupid.

Ooooo.....seems the beating I've administered is showing!

Temper, temper.... your know.
14. "A spokesman for Feuer told the Examiner that Hounsell had not completed the agreement by Mar. 19, so that hearing was held in order to give him more time to do so. "The case was continued from March to May so the Defendant could complete more of the court-ordered diversion counseling," Rob Wilcox, director of community engagement and outreach for the city attorney, told the Examiner. "Once that was successfully completed, the case was dismissed."

This does not match with the documentary history he provided, however. It states that there was no court-ordered counseling but an "informal agreement." Wilcox would later tell theExaminerthat the deal was actually finalized on Mar. 19, contradicting his earlier claim that it had simply been continued.

When the [Democrat] city attorney finally dropped the charges May 14 — nine months after Hounsell's arrest — the reason cited was "no victim" and "no forensics." The alleged victim had refused to testify, and there was still no evidence of any Facebook contact between Hounsell and Jane Doe.

....he says he'll never be able to recover fully from the well-publicized but never-substantiated charges, which he maintains are false." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

And, Democrat Obama acting the same way in the IRS scandal.....using corrupt legal practices...."An IRS campaign to apply additional scrutiny to conservative groups went beyond targeting Tea Party and patriot groups to include those focused on government spending, the Constitution and several other broad areas."
IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party targeting of conservative groups broader than thought Fox News
Why not mention other cases while you're at it that tells the story of the entire judicial system and its many flaws?

She's trying to resurrect stereotyping. Not a surprising move coming from a conservative.
She's very immature. I doubt that she's impressing anyone on here.


Well, maybe.

But, essentially, I teach.
Hope you learned your lesson today.
14. "A spokesman for Feuer told the Examiner that Hounsell had not completed the agreement by Mar. 19, so that hearing was held in order to give him more time to do so. "The case was continued from March to May so the Defendant could complete more of the court-ordered diversion counseling," Rob Wilcox, director of community engagement and outreach for the city attorney, told the Examiner. "Once that was successfully completed, the case was dismissed."

This does not match with the documentary history he provided, however. It states that there was no court-ordered counseling but an "informal agreement." Wilcox would later tell theExaminerthat the deal was actually finalized on Mar. 19, contradicting his earlier claim that it had simply been continued.

When the [Democrat] city attorney finally dropped the charges May 14 — nine months after Hounsell's arrest — the reason cited was "no victim" and "no forensics." The alleged victim had refused to testify, and there was still no evidence of any Facebook contact between Hounsell and Jane Doe.

....he says he'll never be able to recover fully from the well-publicized but never-substantiated charges, which he maintains are false." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

And, Democrat Obama acting the same way in the IRS scandal.....using corrupt legal practices...."An IRS campaign to apply additional scrutiny to conservative groups went beyond targeting Tea Party and patriot groups to include those focused on government spending, the Constitution and several other broad areas."
IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party targeting of conservative groups broader than thought Fox News
Why not mention other cases while you're at it that tells the story of the entire judicial system and its many flaws?

How about this one:

Raymond James "Ray" Donovan (born August 31, 1930) is an American businessman and former politician. He served as U.S. Secretary of Labor under President Reagan.

"In a highly publicized 1987 case,[1] Donovan and six other defendants were indicted by a Bronx County, New York, grand jury for larceny and fraud in connection with a project to construct anew line for the New York City Subway, through a scheme involving a Genovese crime familyassociate and a minority-owned subcontractor.[2] Schiavone Construction was obligated to subcontract part of the work to a minority-owned enterprise. The essence of the charge was that because the minority owned firm (Jo-Pel Contracting and Trucking Corp) leased equipment from Schiavone, that it was not truly independent of Schiavone.[citation needed]

On May 25, 1987, Donovan (and all of the other defendants) were acquitted, after which Donovan was famously quoted as asking, "Which office do I go to to get my reputation back?"
Raymond J. Donovan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Democrats do it every chance they get.
How many examples did I give in this thread.....six? seven?

And you.....How many examples of Republicans destroying the lives of political opponents in this fashion?

Let me add up your total......

How many Democrat acquittals do we need to produce in order to prove you're wrong?

Give me the number.
Need more?

Not horrific enough? about another Democrat crime family destroying an entire family...and sending 'em to prison for 40 years.....without any evidence?

13. "The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, ... —the Fells Acres school—whose every detail Violet scrutinized relentlessly. Not for nothing was the pre-school deemed by far the best in the area, with a long waiting list for admission.

All of it would end in 1984, with accusations of sexual assault ... a sensational story about a female school principal, in her 60s, who had daily terrorized and sexually assaulted the pupils in her care, using sharp objects as her weapon. So too had Violet's daughter Cheryl, a 28-year old teacher at the school.

[Her son] Gerald, it was alleged, had plunged a wide-blade butcher knife into the rectum of a 4-year-old boy, which he then had trouble removing. When a teacher in the school saw him in action with the knife, she asked him what he was doing, and then told him not to do it again, a child said. On this testimony, Gerald was convicted of a rape which had, miraculously, left no mark or other injury. Violet had tied a boy to a tree in front of the school one bright afternoon, in full view of everyone, and had assaulted him anally with a stick, and then with "a magic wand." She would be convicted of these charges. Cheryl had cut the leg off a squirrel.

... so much testimony, so madly preposterous, and so solemnly put forth by the state. The testimony had been extracted from children, cajoled and led by tireless interrogators.... Gerald was sent to prison for 30 to 40 years, his mother and sister sentenced to eight to 20 years

The Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly—which had never in its 27 year history taken an editorial position on a case—published a scathing one directed at the [Democrat] prosecutors "who seemed unwilling to admit they might have sent innocent people to jail for crimes that had never occurred."

Superior Court Judge Isaac Borenstein presided over a widely publicized hearings into the case resulting in findings that all the children's testimony was tainted. He said that "Every trick in the book had been used to get the children to say what the investigators wanted." Dorothy Rabinowitz Martha Coakley s Convictions - WSJ

"...There never was any truth to the charges brought against him. Nor was there anything that would, in saner times, have passed for evidence " Gerald Amirault s Freedom - WSJ

Seems the persecutions was a resume enhancement for Democrat Martha Coakley, Massachusetts Attorney General,. She went on to run for Senator...and for Governor.

Hardly one or two cases of Democrat moral corruption.

I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue.
Is childish silly personal attacks all you have? Do you think that you're impressing others by making immature remarks about posters? Why not respond to comments in an adult and civil manner? Why not leave the name calling and personal attacks on the playground and discuss issues like an adult, an intelligent adult? Your remarks about other posters says a lot more about you than it does about them. Your age?

Listen fuckwit I've proven her wrong WITH SUBSTANCE in every which way possible in this thread.

She is stupid.
My comment was meant for her, not you. I hit the wrong tab to reply. Also, I'm NOT a fuckwit. Please refrain from calling me names. You don't know me. Don't engage in name calling and personal attacks like she does. It doesn't prove anything, nor does it add to the conversation.
I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue.
Is childish silly personal attacks all you have? Do you think that you're impressing others by making immature remarks about posters? Why not respond to comments in an adult and civil manner? Why not leave the name calling and personal attacks on the playground and discuss issues like an adult, an intelligent adult? Your remarks about other posters says a lot more about you than it does about them. Your age?

Listen fuckwit I've proven her wrong WITH SUBSTANCE in every which way possible in this thread.

She is stupid.

Ooooo.....seems the beating I've administered is showing!

Temper, temper.... your know.

So you admit you're just trolling.
I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue.
Is childish silly personal attacks all you have? Do you think that you're impressing others by making immature remarks about posters? Why not respond to comments in an adult and civil manner? Why not leave the name calling and personal attacks on the playground and discuss issues like an adult, an intelligent adult? Your remarks about other posters says a lot more about you than it does about them. Your age?

Listen fuckwit I've proven her wrong WITH SUBSTANCE in every which way possible in this thread.

She is stupid.
My comment was meant for her, not you. I hit the wrong tab to reply. Also, I'm NOT a fuckwit. Please refrain from calling me names. You don't know me. Don't engage in name calling and personal attacks like she does. It doesn't prove anything, nor does it add to the conversation.

Whatever. I can't magically divine who a post is intended for.
I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue.
Is childish silly personal attacks all you have? Do you think that you're impressing others by making immature remarks about posters? Why not respond to comments in an adult and civil manner? Why not leave the name calling and personal attacks on the playground and discuss issues like an adult, an intelligent adult? Your remarks about other posters says a lot more about you than it does about them. Your age?

Listen fuckwit I've proven her wrong WITH SUBSTANCE in every which way possible in this thread.

She is stupid.

Ooooo.....seems the beating I've administered is showing!

Temper, temper.... your know.
Ha Ha Ha Ha ... beating ???? ......... don't flatter yourself ........ all you've managed to do is show how immature and silly your are. All you've done is make silly childish remarks calling posters names and attacking them. Grow up. At least appear to be somewhat intelligent and adult. Your age?
I've given you 55 examples of Republican wrongdoing. Are you conceding that the GOP is the party of sexual perversion,

or do you wish to deny that?

Silence on the issue will be considered 'no contest'.

Did I miss all the examples of Republicans using their version of 'law' to persecute innocent victims sans any evidence?


Or am I correct that this is a Democrat default.

You haven't proven anything except how stupid you are, and we've already agreed to accept that as fact, so you needn't continue.
Is childish silly personal attacks all you have? Do you think that you're impressing others by making immature remarks about posters? Why not respond to comments in an adult and civil manner? Why not leave the name calling and personal attacks on the playground and discuss issues like an adult, an intelligent adult? Your remarks about other posters says a lot more about you than it does about them. Your age?

Listen fuckwit I've proven her wrong WITH SUBSTANCE in every which way possible in this thread.

She is stupid.
My comment was meant for her, not you. I hit the wrong tab to reply. Also, I'm NOT a fuckwit. Please refrain from calling me names. You don't know me. Don't engage in name calling and personal attacks like she does. It doesn't prove anything, nor does it add to the conversation.

Don't let him get away with that!!!!

I'll hold your coat!
14. "A spokesman for Feuer told the Examiner that Hounsell had not completed the agreement by Mar. 19, so that hearing was held in order to give him more time to do so. "The case was continued from March to May so the Defendant could complete more of the court-ordered diversion counseling," Rob Wilcox, director of community engagement and outreach for the city attorney, told the Examiner. "Once that was successfully completed, the case was dismissed."

This does not match with the documentary history he provided, however. It states that there was no court-ordered counseling but an "informal agreement." Wilcox would later tell theExaminerthat the deal was actually finalized on Mar. 19, contradicting his earlier claim that it had simply been continued.

When the [Democrat] city attorney finally dropped the charges May 14 — nine months after Hounsell's arrest — the reason cited was "no victim" and "no forensics." The alleged victim had refused to testify, and there was still no evidence of any Facebook contact between Hounsell and Jane Doe.

....he says he'll never be able to recover fully from the well-publicized but never-substantiated charges, which he maintains are false." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

And, Democrat Obama acting the same way in the IRS scandal.....using corrupt legal practices...."An IRS campaign to apply additional scrutiny to conservative groups went beyond targeting Tea Party and patriot groups to include those focused on government spending, the Constitution and several other broad areas."
IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party targeting of conservative groups broader than thought Fox News
Why not mention other cases while you're at it that tells the story of the entire judicial system and its many flaws?

How about this one:

Raymond James "Ray" Donovan (born August 31, 1930) is an American businessman and former politician. He served as U.S. Secretary of Labor under President Reagan.

"In a highly publicized 1987 case,[1] Donovan and six other defendants were indicted by a Bronx County, New York, grand jury for larceny and fraud in connection with a project to construct anew line for the New York City Subway, through a scheme involving a Genovese crime familyassociate and a minority-owned subcontractor.[2] Schiavone Construction was obligated to subcontract part of the work to a minority-owned enterprise. The essence of the charge was that because the minority owned firm (Jo-Pel Contracting and Trucking Corp) leased equipment from Schiavone, that it was not truly independent of Schiavone.[citation needed]

On May 25, 1987, Donovan (and all of the other defendants) were acquitted, after which Donovan was famously quoted as asking, "Which office do I go to to get my reputation back?"
Raymond J. Donovan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Democrats do it every chance they get.
How many examples did I give in this thread.....six? seven?

And you.....How many examples of Republicans destroying the lives of political opponents in this fashion?

Let me add up your total......

How many Democrat acquittals do we need to produce in order to prove you're wrong?

Give me the number.

We'll see how long it takes her to post this number.

She pulled this shit the other day trying to broadbrush with ONE example. I came back with 3 that proved the opposite.

She disappeared.

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