Democrat's Moral Corruption

"Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thingis a well-known quotation in sports." Winning isn t everything it s the only thing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In America today....far too many consider that concept to apply to life in general. I attribute this to a lack of religious training, and to the fact that 90% of all children go to that wholly owned Liberal subsidiary, government schools.

But...that's an argument for a different day.

For today, a cautionary tale that illustrates that view in Democrats, specifically Democrat politicians.

1. "Lawsuit spells out 'nightmare' for California man accused without evidence
... Scott Hounsell, the former executive director of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County, describes the ordeal he went through....

2. He was in a bus caravan from Sacramento back to Smyth's Southern California district with co-workers and students from a nearby charter school, who were learning about politics. He met a student on that bus — Jane Doe. He doesn't remember speaking to her for very long, if at all. In fact, he claims he didn't remember who she was when the accusations started to fly.

3.... the professionals and students were instructed to talk to one another for a time, then switch seats to meet someone new. She claimed to law enforcement, in a taped interview provided to the Washington Examiner, that she sat next to Hounsell for about two hours on the way back from Sacramento, ... The two exchanged Facebook information and friended each other.

4. She said Hounsell began messaging her through Facebook ...She claimed the messages started getting sexually graphic even while on the bus. Doe also told the police, one year after the bus trip, that Hounsell tickled her leg several times. In an earlier interview, she had told the police he had tickled her ribs.

5. On Jan. 19, 2013, nearly a year after that bus trip, Hounsell became executive director of the Los Angeles County GOP. A week later, on Jan. 27, an accusation was made that he had been sending inappropriate Facebook messages to an underage girl.

6. On July 1, 2013, a Democratic former assemblyman named Mike Feuer became L.A. City Attorney. When the Los Angeles County District Attorney declined to press charges against Hounsell on July 30, [Democrat] Feuer seized the case. Officer Good contacted Hounsell again to find out his attorney's information. Members of the press began calling Hounsell, his family and his employer to discuss charges Hounsell wasn't even aware of yet.

The media circus that ensued — complete with news cameras camping outside his family home for days — made Hounsell believe this was in part motivated by political harassment.

7. On Aug. 21, [Democrat] Feuer's office amended its complaint against Hounsell to include two additional charges that Hounsell had communicated with an adult he believed to be a minor (think "To Catch A Predator") and that he had "an unnatural and abnormal sexual interest in children."

The new charges were a surprise for Hounsell. They had not been mentioned previously, and no evidence would ever be presented to substantiate them." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence


Brilliant response.

All the other Liberals must be so proud of you.

Absolute jerk off thread. Nothing more.

Bet that's a real knee-slapper among the other second graders, huh?
FYI - The entire Washington Brotherhood is corrupt. Government corruption is not limited to one political party or the other. Politics is corrupt, and politicians are corrupt also. Both sides, both parties, are guilty of selling votes on the Floors of Congress, taking money and gifts from Lobbyists, and extending favors to their various supporters and backers. So, what's the difference between the two major political parties?

FYI - "The Selling Of America" has been going on for many years, through many administrations, and through many presidents. Neither political party can wash its hands of the mess we're in. The decline of America didn't just start yesterday, last month, last year, nor during the past decade. It's been going on for many decades now, and will continue to do so. As long as voters continue to elect and to re-elect professional politicians to run this once great nation, the decline will gather steam and roll forward, causing damage for generations to come.

" Government corruption is not limited to one political party or the other."

Fence-sitters get splinters.

I'd be happy to entertain all the examples of the Right behaving in a similar fashion as soon as you come up with same.
FYI - I do NOT sit on any fences, period. If you want examples of the obvious corruption in government, try considering Lobbyists, Wall Street, Corporate America, Campaign Financing, Pork Spending, Subsidies, Government Contracts ( especially no-bid contracts ), and the equally obvious exchange of money, gifts, and favors associated with the above mentioned. Or, you can live in denial and believe that one side is bad and that the other side is good. What has either side done for John Q. Public over the past half century or so? Take a look at Main Street America, and come and tell me that there's no government corruption in Washington politics. What is exchanged for the astronomical amount of money handed out by Lobbyists? Do you honestly believe that votes are not sold on the floors of Congress?

Again, I do NOT sit on any fences, period.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Show the evidence-less attacks by the Right.

I never said 'one side is bad and the other is good.
I say fence\-sitters claim an equivalency that does not exist.

That's right: one side is far worse.

Get off the fence.
FYI - I do NOT run, and I have absolutely no reason to hide from anything. I fail to see any connection with that silly remark. The evidence is as I have previously stated. If you missed it, please go back and read my previous comments to this thread. I believe that I stated it in plain simple English. Again, and please try hard to understand this time around, "I DO NOT sit on any fences, period". Please try reading comprehension here. I DO NOT SIT ON FENCES.

EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION: Campaign financing, the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, Government contracts ( Halliburton ) - no-bid contracts, the exchange of money and favors between Corporate America and politicians, the Wall Street influence, pork spending, and the buying and selling of votes on the floors of Congress.

ALL politicians accept money and favors in exchange for their votes on legislation. Now, if you don't believe that, then continue to believe that Lobbyists expect absolutely nothing in exchange for all the money they pass out to members of Congress. Why do you think so much money changes hands during campaigns and after elections? Where does the money go that Lobbyists pass around? If special interests were not getting anything for their money, then why do they continue giving money? Please use common sense here.

I'll try again.....slowly, with small words.

The Democrats have a propensity.....shown in the attempt to destroy the lives of those who believe differently.

We on the right see the left as wrong.....the left sees the right as evil, so that they feel justified using any method against the right.

Your job is to show that that is equally so on the Right: show examples of evidence-less charges are brought by the right.

The OP shows one horrific example, Democrat Nifong is another, Democrat Foley another, and more coming.

So stop pretending you're not fence-sitting.......

"Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thingis a well-known quotation in sports." Winning isn t everything it s the only thing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In America today....far too many consider that concept to apply to life in general. I attribute this to a lack of religious training, and to the fact that 90% of all children go to that wholly owned Liberal subsidiary, government schools.

But...that's an argument for a different day.

For today, a cautionary tale that illustrates that view in Democrats, specifically Democrat politicians.

1. "Lawsuit spells out 'nightmare' for California man accused without evidence
... Scott Hounsell, the former executive director of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County, describes the ordeal he went through....

2. He was in a bus caravan from Sacramento back to Smyth's Southern California district with co-workers and students from a nearby charter school, who were learning about politics. He met a student on that bus — Jane Doe. He doesn't remember speaking to her for very long, if at all. In fact, he claims he didn't remember who she was when the accusations started to fly.

3.... the professionals and students were instructed to talk to one another for a time, then switch seats to meet someone new. She claimed to law enforcement, in a taped interview provided to the Washington Examiner, that she sat next to Hounsell for about two hours on the way back from Sacramento, ... The two exchanged Facebook information and friended each other.

4. She said Hounsell began messaging her through Facebook ...She claimed the messages started getting sexually graphic even while on the bus. Doe also told the police, one year after the bus trip, that Hounsell tickled her leg several times. In an earlier interview, she had told the police he had tickled her ribs.

5. On Jan. 19, 2013, nearly a year after that bus trip, Hounsell became executive director of the Los Angeles County GOP. A week later, on Jan. 27, an accusation was made that he had been sending inappropriate Facebook messages to an underage girl.

6. On July 1, 2013, a Democratic former assemblyman named Mike Feuer became L.A. City Attorney. When the Los Angeles County District Attorney declined to press charges against Hounsell on July 30, [Democrat] Feuer seized the case. Officer Good contacted Hounsell again to find out his attorney's information. Members of the press began calling Hounsell, his family and his employer to discuss charges Hounsell wasn't even aware of yet.

The media circus that ensued — complete with news cameras camping outside his family home for days — made Hounsell believe this was in part motivated by political harassment.

7. On Aug. 21, [Democrat] Feuer's office amended its complaint against Hounsell to include two additional charges that Hounsell had communicated with an adult he believed to be a minor (think "To Catch A Predator") and that he had "an unnatural and abnormal sexual interest in children."

The new charges were a surprise for Hounsell. They had not been mentioned previously, and no evidence would ever be presented to substantiate them." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence


Brilliant response.

All the other Liberals must be so proud of you.

Absolute jerk off thread. Nothing more.

Bet that's a real knee-slapper among the other second graders, huh?

Your entire premise is nonsense. The Clinton smear machine is in full swing right in front of you and you come out with this crap.

Like I said. Jerk off thread.
" Government corruption is not limited to one political party or the other."

Fence-sitters get splinters.

I'd be happy to entertain all the examples of the Right behaving in a similar fashion as soon as you come up with same.
FYI - I do NOT sit on any fences, period. If you want examples of the obvious corruption in government, try considering Lobbyists, Wall Street, Corporate America, Campaign Financing, Pork Spending, Subsidies, Government Contracts ( especially no-bid contracts ), and the equally obvious exchange of money, gifts, and favors associated with the above mentioned. Or, you can live in denial and believe that one side is bad and that the other side is good. What has either side done for John Q. Public over the past half century or so? Take a look at Main Street America, and come and tell me that there's no government corruption in Washington politics. What is exchanged for the astronomical amount of money handed out by Lobbyists? Do you honestly believe that votes are not sold on the floors of Congress?

Again, I do NOT sit on any fences, period.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Show the evidence-less attacks by the Right.

I never said 'one side is bad and the other is good.
I say fence\-sitters claim an equivalency that does not exist.

That's right: one side is far worse.

Get off the fence.
FYI - I do NOT run, and I have absolutely no reason to hide from anything. I fail to see any connection with that silly remark. The evidence is as I have previously stated. If you missed it, please go back and read my previous comments to this thread. I believe that I stated it in plain simple English. Again, and please try hard to understand this time around, "I DO NOT sit on any fences, period". Please try reading comprehension here. I DO NOT SIT ON FENCES.

EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION: Campaign financing, the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, Government contracts ( Halliburton ) - no-bid contracts, the exchange of money and favors between Corporate America and politicians, the Wall Street influence, pork spending, and the buying and selling of votes on the floors of Congress.

ALL politicians accept money and favors in exchange for their votes on legislation. Now, if you don't believe that, then continue to believe that Lobbyists expect absolutely nothing in exchange for all the money they pass out to members of Congress. Why do you think so much money changes hands during campaigns and after elections? Where does the money go that Lobbyists pass around? If special interests were not getting anything for their money, then why do they continue giving money? Please use common sense here.

I'll try again.....slowly, with small words.

The Democrats have a propensity.....shown in the attempt to destroy the lives of those who believe differently.

We on the right see the left as wrong.....the left sees the right as evil, so that they feel justified using any method against the right.

Your job is to show that that is equally so on the Right: show examples of evidence-less charges are brought by the right.

The OP shows one horrific example, Democrat Nifong is another, Democrat Foley another, and more coming.

So stop pretending you're not fence-sitting.......


Not one substantive post from you.....seems you're working to ability.

Your best hope is to sign on to one of those concussion lawsuits....
FYI - The entire Washington Brotherhood is corrupt. Government corruption is not limited to one political party or the other. Politics is corrupt, and politicians are corrupt also. Both sides, both parties, are guilty of selling votes on the Floors of Congress, taking money and gifts from Lobbyists, and extending favors to their various supporters and backers. So, what's the difference between the two major political parties?

FYI - "The Selling Of America" has been going on for many years, through many administrations, and through many presidents. Neither political party can wash its hands of the mess we're in. The decline of America didn't just start yesterday, last month, last year, nor during the past decade. It's been going on for many decades now, and will continue to do so. As long as voters continue to elect and to re-elect professional politicians to run this once great nation, the decline will gather steam and roll forward, causing damage for generations to come.

" Government corruption is not limited to one political party or the other."

Fence-sitters get splinters.

I'd be happy to entertain all the examples of the Right behaving in a similar fashion as soon as you come up with same.
FYI - I do NOT sit on any fences, period. If you want examples of the obvious corruption in government, try considering Lobbyists, Wall Street, Corporate America, Campaign Financing, Pork Spending, Subsidies, Government Contracts ( especially no-bid contracts ), and the equally obvious exchange of money, gifts, and favors associated with the above mentioned. Or, you can live in denial and believe that one side is bad and that the other side is good. What has either side done for John Q. Public over the past half century or so? Take a look at Main Street America, and come and tell me that there's no government corruption in Washington politics. What is exchanged for the astronomical amount of money handed out by Lobbyists? Do you honestly believe that votes are not sold on the floors of Congress?

Again, I do NOT sit on any fences, period.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Show the evidence-less attacks by the Right.

I never said 'one side is bad and the other is good.
I say fence\-sitters claim an equivalency that does not exist.

That's right: one side is far worse.

Get off the fence.
FYI - I do NOT run, and I have absolutely no reason to hide from anything. I fail to see any connection with that silly remark. The evidence is as I have previously stated. If you missed it, please go back and read my previous comments to this thread. I believe that I stated it in plain simple English. Again, and please try hard to understand this time around, "I DO NOT sit on any fences, period". Please try reading comprehension here. I DO NOT SIT ON FENCES.

EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION: Campaign financing, the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, Government contracts ( Halliburton ) - no-bid contracts, the exchange of money and favors between Corporate America and politicians, the Wall Street influence, pork spending, and the buying and selling of votes on the floors of Congress.

ALL politicians accept money and favors in exchange for their votes on legislation. Now, if you don't believe that, then continue to believe that Lobbyists expect absolutely nothing in exchange for all the money they pass out to members of Congress. Why do you think so much money changes hands during campaigns and after elections? Where does the money go that Lobbyists pass around? If special interests were not getting anything for their money, then why do they continue giving money? Please use common sense here.

I'll try again.....slowly, with small words.

The Democrats have a propensity.....shown in the attempt to destroy the lives of those who believe differently.

We on the right see the left as wrong.....the left sees the right as evil, so that they feel justified using any method against the right.

Your job is to show that that is equally so on the Right: show examples of evidence-less charges are brought by the right.

The OP shows one horrific example, Democrat Nifong is another, Democrat Foley another, and more coming.

So stop pretending you're not fence-sitting.......
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .......... very funny ...... ridiculous also. Both Democrats and Republicans are corrupt. Politics is corrupt. "The Washington Brotherhood" is corrupt. Corruption runs rampant throughout the political arena. To think otherwise is denial of the facts, and failure to use common sense. Again, I will ask you, "where does the multi-$Millions go that is passed around by Lobbyists, Corporate America, Wall Street, and special interests?" What do those that give enormous sums of money to campaigns expect in return? And, why does the money continue to flow year after year, after year, after year? Do you honestly believe that the money would continue to flow if no one was getting anything for their money? Again, please use common sense here. This is not rocket science, and it doesn't take an MIT graduate nor a Philadelphia lawyer to understand the political process and where the influence comes from.

Again, I DO NOT SIT ON A FENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....... serious question: Do you have a reading comprehension problem? How many times must I repeat that I DO NOT SIT ON ANY FENCES? Have I not stated it in plain simple English? I do NOT pretend ANYTHING, period.
FYI - I do NOT sit on any fences, period. If you want examples of the obvious corruption in government, try considering Lobbyists, Wall Street, Corporate America, Campaign Financing, Pork Spending, Subsidies, Government Contracts ( especially no-bid contracts ), and the equally obvious exchange of money, gifts, and favors associated with the above mentioned. Or, you can live in denial and believe that one side is bad and that the other side is good. What has either side done for John Q. Public over the past half century or so? Take a look at Main Street America, and come and tell me that there's no government corruption in Washington politics. What is exchanged for the astronomical amount of money handed out by Lobbyists? Do you honestly believe that votes are not sold on the floors of Congress?

Again, I do NOT sit on any fences, period.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Show the evidence-less attacks by the Right.

I never said 'one side is bad and the other is good.
I say fence\-sitters claim an equivalency that does not exist.

That's right: one side is far worse.

Get off the fence.
FYI - I do NOT run, and I have absolutely no reason to hide from anything. I fail to see any connection with that silly remark. The evidence is as I have previously stated. If you missed it, please go back and read my previous comments to this thread. I believe that I stated it in plain simple English. Again, and please try hard to understand this time around, "I DO NOT sit on any fences, period". Please try reading comprehension here. I DO NOT SIT ON FENCES.

EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION: Campaign financing, the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, Government contracts ( Halliburton ) - no-bid contracts, the exchange of money and favors between Corporate America and politicians, the Wall Street influence, pork spending, and the buying and selling of votes on the floors of Congress.

ALL politicians accept money and favors in exchange for their votes on legislation. Now, if you don't believe that, then continue to believe that Lobbyists expect absolutely nothing in exchange for all the money they pass out to members of Congress. Why do you think so much money changes hands during campaigns and after elections? Where does the money go that Lobbyists pass around? If special interests were not getting anything for their money, then why do they continue giving money? Please use common sense here.

I'll try again.....slowly, with small words.

The Democrats have a propensity.....shown in the attempt to destroy the lives of those who believe differently.

We on the right see the left as wrong.....the left sees the right as evil, so that they feel justified using any method against the right.

Your job is to show that that is equally so on the Right: show examples of evidence-less charges are brought by the right.

The OP shows one horrific example, Democrat Nifong is another, Democrat Foley another, and more coming.

So stop pretending you're not fence-sitting.......


Not one substantive post from you.....seems you're working to ability.

Your best hope is to sign on to one of those concussion lawsuits....

FYI - I do NOT sit on any fences, period. If you want examples of the obvious corruption in government, try considering Lobbyists, Wall Street, Corporate America, Campaign Financing, Pork Spending, Subsidies, Government Contracts ( especially no-bid contracts ), and the equally obvious exchange of money, gifts, and favors associated with the above mentioned. Or, you can live in denial and believe that one side is bad and that the other side is good. What has either side done for John Q. Public over the past half century or so? Take a look at Main Street America, and come and tell me that there's no government corruption in Washington politics. What is exchanged for the astronomical amount of money handed out by Lobbyists? Do you honestly believe that votes are not sold on the floors of Congress?

Again, I do NOT sit on any fences, period.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Show the evidence-less attacks by the Right.

I never said 'one side is bad and the other is good.
I say fence\-sitters claim an equivalency that does not exist.

That's right: one side is far worse.

Get off the fence.
FYI - I do NOT run, and I have absolutely no reason to hide from anything. I fail to see any connection with that silly remark. The evidence is as I have previously stated. If you missed it, please go back and read my previous comments to this thread. I believe that I stated it in plain simple English. Again, and please try hard to understand this time around, "I DO NOT sit on any fences, period". Please try reading comprehension here. I DO NOT SIT ON FENCES.

EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION: Campaign financing, the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, Government contracts ( Halliburton ) - no-bid contracts, the exchange of money and favors between Corporate America and politicians, the Wall Street influence, pork spending, and the buying and selling of votes on the floors of Congress.

ALL politicians accept money and favors in exchange for their votes on legislation. Now, if you don't believe that, then continue to believe that Lobbyists expect absolutely nothing in exchange for all the money they pass out to members of Congress. Why do you think so much money changes hands during campaigns and after elections? Where does the money go that Lobbyists pass around? If special interests were not getting anything for their money, then why do they continue giving money? Please use common sense here.

I'll try again.....slowly, with small words.

The Democrats have a propensity.....shown in the attempt to destroy the lives of those who believe differently.

We on the right see the left as wrong.....the left sees the right as evil, so that they feel justified using any method against the right.

Your job is to show that that is equally so on the Right: show examples of evidence-less charges are brought by the right.

The OP shows one horrific example, Democrat Nifong is another, Democrat Foley another, and more coming.

So stop pretending you're not fence-sitting.......


Not one substantive post from you.....seems you're working to ability.

Your best hope is to sign on to one of those concussion lawsuits....

You're right. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Another one-sided argument by PC.
Your total inability to be an objective thinker and to think out of your tiny ideological box is very, very apparent.
Just keep on goose-stepping along your delusional way.
Sonny Clark nailed it. BOTH parties are as corrupt.
Only those who are married to their ideology think it's just "the other side", which demonstrates their inability to be a critical thinker. Partisan hacks are just lazy thinkers.

Oooo.....look whose toes I stepped on!

OK....let me put you in your place...last seat in the dumb row.

1. "Another one-sided argument by PC."
Ever occur to you that there is only one side???
That would explain why you and the other guy can't come up with a similar no-evidence case of persecution by the Right.

2. "Your total inability to be an objective thinker and to think out of your tiny ideological box is very, very apparent." come I built an iron-clad case of Democrat political corruption?
Maybe I'm not the one who can't think, huh?

3. "Just keep on goose-stepping along your delusional way."
This is funny....a Nazi-reference, when Nazis and Liberals/Progressives/Democrats all fall from the same totalitarian tree.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

4. Wanna see the corner you just painted yourself into?
"Partisan hacks are just lazy thinkers."

Did I just beat you senseless??? started that way.

The only way you could ever put me in my place is if you ever became an objective thinker and baby, that will never happen

I destroyed you in post #12...that's why you are not replying to same.

You've served your purpose.....dissed and dismissed.

In my first post in this thread I used the word "delusional". Enough said.
You did't destroy anything, including the fact that you are very well known for being a single-minded thinker.
You remind me of Tokyo Rose, you babble on with your exaggerated fantasy.
Well, as I have a job and don't have the time to play your immature games,,,,I'm outa here.
Another one-sided argument by PC.
Your total inability to be an objective thinker and to think out of your tiny ideological box is very, very apparent.
Just keep on goose-stepping along your delusional way.
Sonny Clark nailed it. BOTH parties are as corrupt.
Only those who are married to their ideology think it's just "the other side", which demonstrates their inability to be a critical thinker. Partisan hacks are just lazy thinkers.

Oooo.....look whose toes I stepped on!

OK....let me put you in your place...last seat in the dumb row.

1. "Another one-sided argument by PC."
Ever occur to you that there is only one side???
That would explain why you and the other guy can't come up with a similar no-evidence case of persecution by the Right.

2. "Your total inability to be an objective thinker and to think out of your tiny ideological box is very, very apparent." come I built an iron-clad case of Democrat political corruption?
Maybe I'm not the one who can't think, huh?

3. "Just keep on goose-stepping along your delusional way."
This is funny....a Nazi-reference, when Nazis and Liberals/Progressives/Democrats all fall from the same totalitarian tree.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

4. Wanna see the corner you just painted yourself into?
"Partisan hacks are just lazy thinkers."

Did I just beat you senseless??? started that way.

The only way you could ever put me in my place is if you ever became an objective thinker and baby, that will never happen

I destroyed you in post #12...that's why you are not replying to same.

You've served your purpose.....dissed and dismissed.
You have NOT destroyed anything, period. I fail to see any destruction here. Is there any way that you can comment to responses other than silly pathetic remarks? Go back and read your responses to comments and see how silly and ridiculous they are. You have NOT proven anything beyond your obvious political bias, nothing. At least attempt to respond to comments without the silly remarks and attacks. Thanks.
"Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thingis a well-known quotation in sports." Winning isn t everything it s the only thing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In America today....far too many consider that concept to apply to life in general. I attribute this to a lack of religious training, and to the fact that 90% of all children go to that wholly owned Liberal subsidiary, government schools.

But...that's an argument for a different day.

For today, a cautionary tale that illustrates that view in Democrats, specifically Democrat politicians.

1. "Lawsuit spells out 'nightmare' for California man accused without evidence
... Scott Hounsell, the former executive director of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County, describes the ordeal he went through....

2. He was in a bus caravan from Sacramento back to Smyth's Southern California district with co-workers and students from a nearby charter school, who were learning about politics. He met a student on that bus — Jane Doe. He doesn't remember speaking to her for very long, if at all. In fact, he claims he didn't remember who she was when the accusations started to fly.

3.... the professionals and students were instructed to talk to one another for a time, then switch seats to meet someone new. She claimed to law enforcement, in a taped interview provided to the Washington Examiner, that she sat next to Hounsell for about two hours on the way back from Sacramento, ... The two exchanged Facebook information and friended each other.

4. She said Hounsell began messaging her through Facebook ...She claimed the messages started getting sexually graphic even while on the bus. Doe also told the police, one year after the bus trip, that Hounsell tickled her leg several times. In an earlier interview, she had told the police he had tickled her ribs.

5. On Jan. 19, 2013, nearly a year after that bus trip, Hounsell became executive director of the Los Angeles County GOP. A week later, on Jan. 27, an accusation was made that he had been sending inappropriate Facebook messages to an underage girl.

6. On July 1, 2013, a Democratic former assemblyman named Mike Feuer became L.A. City Attorney. When the Los Angeles County District Attorney declined to press charges against Hounsell on July 30, [Democrat] Feuer seized the case. Officer Good contacted Hounsell again to find out his attorney's information. Members of the press began calling Hounsell, his family and his employer to discuss charges Hounsell wasn't even aware of yet.

The media circus that ensued — complete with news cameras camping outside his family home for days — made Hounsell believe this was in part motivated by political harassment.

7. On Aug. 21, [Democrat] Feuer's office amended its complaint against Hounsell to include two additional charges that Hounsell had communicated with an adult he believed to be a minor (think "To Catch A Predator") and that he had "an unnatural and abnormal sexual interest in children."

The new charges were a surprise for Hounsell. They had not been mentioned previously, and no evidence would ever be presented to substantiate them." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

For conservatives, the quote is...

Winning isn't everything. It's the other thing.
" Government corruption is not limited to one political party or the other."

Fence-sitters get splinters.

I'd be happy to entertain all the examples of the Right behaving in a similar fashion as soon as you come up with same.
FYI - I do NOT sit on any fences, period. If you want examples of the obvious corruption in government, try considering Lobbyists, Wall Street, Corporate America, Campaign Financing, Pork Spending, Subsidies, Government Contracts ( especially no-bid contracts ), and the equally obvious exchange of money, gifts, and favors associated with the above mentioned. Or, you can live in denial and believe that one side is bad and that the other side is good. What has either side done for John Q. Public over the past half century or so? Take a look at Main Street America, and come and tell me that there's no government corruption in Washington politics. What is exchanged for the astronomical amount of money handed out by Lobbyists? Do you honestly believe that votes are not sold on the floors of Congress?

Again, I do NOT sit on any fences, period.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Show the evidence-less attacks by the Right.

I never said 'one side is bad and the other is good.
I say fence\-sitters claim an equivalency that does not exist.

That's right: one side is far worse.

Get off the fence.
FYI - I do NOT run, and I have absolutely no reason to hide from anything. I fail to see any connection with that silly remark. The evidence is as I have previously stated. If you missed it, please go back and read my previous comments to this thread. I believe that I stated it in plain simple English. Again, and please try hard to understand this time around, "I DO NOT sit on any fences, period". Please try reading comprehension here. I DO NOT SIT ON FENCES.

EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION: Campaign financing, the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, Government contracts ( Halliburton ) - no-bid contracts, the exchange of money and favors between Corporate America and politicians, the Wall Street influence, pork spending, and the buying and selling of votes on the floors of Congress.

ALL politicians accept money and favors in exchange for their votes on legislation. Now, if you don't believe that, then continue to believe that Lobbyists expect absolutely nothing in exchange for all the money they pass out to members of Congress. Why do you think so much money changes hands during campaigns and after elections? Where does the money go that Lobbyists pass around? If special interests were not getting anything for their money, then why do they continue giving money? Please use common sense here.

I'll try again.....slowly, with small words.

The Democrats have a propensity.....shown in the attempt to destroy the lives of those who believe differently.

We on the right see the left as wrong.....the left sees the right as evil, so that they feel justified using any method against the right.

Your job is to show that that is equally so on the Right: show examples of evidence-less charges are brought by the right.

The OP shows one horrific example, Democrat Nifong is another, Democrat Foley another, and more coming.

So stop pretending you're not fence-sitting.......
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .......... very funny ...... ridiculous also. Both Democrats and Republicans are corrupt. Politics is corrupt. "The Washington Brotherhood" is corrupt. Corruption runs rampant throughout the political arena. To think otherwise is denial of the facts, and failure to use common sense. Again, I will ask you, "where does the multi-$Millions go that is passed around by Lobbyists, Corporate America, Wall Street, and special interests?" What do those that give enormous sums of money to campaigns expect in return? And, why does the money continue to flow year after year, after year, after year? Do you honestly believe that the money would continue to flow if no one was getting anything for their money? Again, please use common sense here. This is not rocket science, and it doesn't take an MIT graduate nor a Philadelphia lawyer to understand the political process and where the influence comes from.

Again, I DO NOT SIT ON A FENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....... serious question: Do you have a reading comprehension problem? How many times must I repeat that I DO NOT SIT ON ANY FENCES? Have I not stated it in plain simple English? I do NOT pretend ANYTHING, period.

You've been given three chances to provide comparable example to the Democrat malevolence that I've given.

You've done everything but the the buck and wing.....

Whether in any other endeavor or not, in this one you've proved to be an abject failure.

...and an habitual fence-sitter.

Have a nice day.
Another one-sided argument by PC.
Your total inability to be an objective thinker and to think out of your tiny ideological box is very, very apparent.
Just keep on goose-stepping along your delusional way.
Sonny Clark nailed it. BOTH parties are as corrupt.
Only those who are married to their ideology think it's just "the other side", which demonstrates their inability to be a critical thinker. Partisan hacks are just lazy thinkers.

Oooo.....look whose toes I stepped on!

OK....let me put you in your place...last seat in the dumb row.

1. "Another one-sided argument by PC."
Ever occur to you that there is only one side???
That would explain why you and the other guy can't come up with a similar no-evidence case of persecution by the Right.

2. "Your total inability to be an objective thinker and to think out of your tiny ideological box is very, very apparent." come I built an iron-clad case of Democrat political corruption?
Maybe I'm not the one who can't think, huh?

3. "Just keep on goose-stepping along your delusional way."
This is funny....a Nazi-reference, when Nazis and Liberals/Progressives/Democrats all fall from the same totalitarian tree.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

4. Wanna see the corner you just painted yourself into?
"Partisan hacks are just lazy thinkers."

Did I just beat you senseless??? started that way.

The only way you could ever put me in my place is if you ever became an objective thinker and baby, that will never happen

I destroyed you in post #12...that's why you are not replying to same.

You've served your purpose.....dissed and dismissed.

In my first post in this thread I used the word "delusional". Enough said.
You did't destroy anything, including the fact that you are very well known for being a single-minded thinker.
You remind me of Tokyo Rose, you babble on with your exaggerated fantasy.
Well, as I have a job and don't have the time to play your immature games,,,,I'm outa here.

Let's leave that up to the readers.

Hopefully they can conceal their giggling when they read what I've proven about you.
"Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thingis a well-known quotation in sports." Winning isn t everything it s the only thing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In America today....far too many consider that concept to apply to life in general. I attribute this to a lack of religious training, and to the fact that 90% of all children go to that wholly owned Liberal subsidiary, government schools.

But...that's an argument for a different day.

For today, a cautionary tale that illustrates that view in Democrats, specifically Democrat politicians.

1. "Lawsuit spells out 'nightmare' for California man accused without evidence
... Scott Hounsell, the former executive director of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County, describes the ordeal he went through....

2. He was in a bus caravan from Sacramento back to Smyth's Southern California district with co-workers and students from a nearby charter school, who were learning about politics. He met a student on that bus — Jane Doe. He doesn't remember speaking to her for very long, if at all. In fact, he claims he didn't remember who she was when the accusations started to fly.

3.... the professionals and students were instructed to talk to one another for a time, then switch seats to meet someone new. She claimed to law enforcement, in a taped interview provided to the Washington Examiner, that she sat next to Hounsell for about two hours on the way back from Sacramento, ... The two exchanged Facebook information and friended each other.

4. She said Hounsell began messaging her through Facebook ...She claimed the messages started getting sexually graphic even while on the bus. Doe also told the police, one year after the bus trip, that Hounsell tickled her leg several times. In an earlier interview, she had told the police he had tickled her ribs.

5. On Jan. 19, 2013, nearly a year after that bus trip, Hounsell became executive director of the Los Angeles County GOP. A week later, on Jan. 27, an accusation was made that he had been sending inappropriate Facebook messages to an underage girl.

6. On July 1, 2013, a Democratic former assemblyman named Mike Feuer became L.A. City Attorney. When the Los Angeles County District Attorney declined to press charges against Hounsell on July 30, [Democrat] Feuer seized the case. Officer Good contacted Hounsell again to find out his attorney's information. Members of the press began calling Hounsell, his family and his employer to discuss charges Hounsell wasn't even aware of yet.

The media circus that ensued — complete with news cameras camping outside his family home for days — made Hounsell believe this was in part motivated by political harassment.

7. On Aug. 21, [Democrat] Feuer's office amended its complaint against Hounsell to include two additional charges that Hounsell had communicated with an adult he believed to be a minor (think "To Catch A Predator") and that he had "an unnatural and abnormal sexual interest in children."

The new charges were a surprise for Hounsell. They had not been mentioned previously, and no evidence would ever be presented to substantiate them." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence


Brilliant response.

All the other Liberals must be so proud of you.
A good strong dose of "REALITY" would probably help you tremendously. .... Just saying.

The OP is reality, you dunce.

Your posts are hot air.
Yea ... yea ... yea ......... just keep living in denial and believing that only one political party is corrupt. By the way, my "hot air" is reality. You have NOT answered not a single one of my questions concerning government corruption. Are you ignoring them, dodging them, or just hell-bent on making your silly pathetic attack remarks? Please answer the following questions:
(1) Where does the enormous sums of money passed around by Lobbyists go?
(2) Where does the enormous sums of money passed around by special interests go?
(3) What do those that give to politicians expect in return?
(4) Why does Corporate America continue to spend enormous sums of money if they're not getting anything for that money?
(5) If politicians aren't extending favors to donors, then why do donors continue to finance campaigns?
(6) Are politicians putting America and her citizens first, and ignoring donors and special interests?

Thanks in advance for your answers.
FYI - I do NOT sit on any fences, period. If you want examples of the obvious corruption in government, try considering Lobbyists, Wall Street, Corporate America, Campaign Financing, Pork Spending, Subsidies, Government Contracts ( especially no-bid contracts ), and the equally obvious exchange of money, gifts, and favors associated with the above mentioned. Or, you can live in denial and believe that one side is bad and that the other side is good. What has either side done for John Q. Public over the past half century or so? Take a look at Main Street America, and come and tell me that there's no government corruption in Washington politics. What is exchanged for the astronomical amount of money handed out by Lobbyists? Do you honestly believe that votes are not sold on the floors of Congress?

Again, I do NOT sit on any fences, period.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Show the evidence-less attacks by the Right.

I never said 'one side is bad and the other is good.
I say fence\-sitters claim an equivalency that does not exist.

That's right: one side is far worse.

Get off the fence.
FYI - I do NOT run, and I have absolutely no reason to hide from anything. I fail to see any connection with that silly remark. The evidence is as I have previously stated. If you missed it, please go back and read my previous comments to this thread. I believe that I stated it in plain simple English. Again, and please try hard to understand this time around, "I DO NOT sit on any fences, period". Please try reading comprehension here. I DO NOT SIT ON FENCES.

EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION: Campaign financing, the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, Government contracts ( Halliburton ) - no-bid contracts, the exchange of money and favors between Corporate America and politicians, the Wall Street influence, pork spending, and the buying and selling of votes on the floors of Congress.

ALL politicians accept money and favors in exchange for their votes on legislation. Now, if you don't believe that, then continue to believe that Lobbyists expect absolutely nothing in exchange for all the money they pass out to members of Congress. Why do you think so much money changes hands during campaigns and after elections? Where does the money go that Lobbyists pass around? If special interests were not getting anything for their money, then why do they continue giving money? Please use common sense here.

I'll try again.....slowly, with small words.

The Democrats have a propensity.....shown in the attempt to destroy the lives of those who believe differently.

We on the right see the left as wrong.....the left sees the right as evil, so that they feel justified using any method against the right.

Your job is to show that that is equally so on the Right: show examples of evidence-less charges are brought by the right.

The OP shows one horrific example, Democrat Nifong is another, Democrat Foley another, and more coming.

So stop pretending you're not fence-sitting.......
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .......... very funny ...... ridiculous also. Both Democrats and Republicans are corrupt. Politics is corrupt. "The Washington Brotherhood" is corrupt. Corruption runs rampant throughout the political arena. To think otherwise is denial of the facts, and failure to use common sense. Again, I will ask you, "where does the multi-$Millions go that is passed around by Lobbyists, Corporate America, Wall Street, and special interests?" What do those that give enormous sums of money to campaigns expect in return? And, why does the money continue to flow year after year, after year, after year? Do you honestly believe that the money would continue to flow if no one was getting anything for their money? Again, please use common sense here. This is not rocket science, and it doesn't take an MIT graduate nor a Philadelphia lawyer to understand the political process and where the influence comes from.

Again, I DO NOT SIT ON A FENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....... serious question: Do you have a reading comprehension problem? How many times must I repeat that I DO NOT SIT ON ANY FENCES? Have I not stated it in plain simple English? I do NOT pretend ANYTHING, period.

You've been given three chances to provide comparable example to the Democrat malevolence that I've given.

You've done everything but the the buck and wing.....

Whether in any other endeavor or not, in this one you've proved to be an abject failure.

...and an habitual fence-sitter.

Have a nice day.
I have stated the examples multiple times already, and in plain simple English. Your lack of reading comprehension doesn't erase the examples that I have given. How have I been a failure? Please explain. In addition, your lack of reading comprehension is obvious by the fact that I have stated several times that I am NOT a fence sitter, yet you continue to accuse me of such. I would strongly suggest that you take a course in reading comprehension as soon as possible. Obviously, you need it. Please go back and read the many examples that I have given concerning government corruption. If you can't comprehend them, then there's nothing I can do to help you at this point.
"Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thingis a well-known quotation in sports." Winning isn t everything it s the only thing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In America today....far too many consider that concept to apply to life in general. I attribute this to a lack of religious training, and to the fact that 90% of all children go to that wholly owned Liberal subsidiary, government schools.

But...that's an argument for a different day.

For today, a cautionary tale that illustrates that view in Democrats, specifically Democrat politicians.

1. "Lawsuit spells out 'nightmare' for California man accused without evidence
... Scott Hounsell, the former executive director of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County, describes the ordeal he went through....

2. He was in a bus caravan from Sacramento back to Smyth's Southern California district with co-workers and students from a nearby charter school, who were learning about politics. He met a student on that bus — Jane Doe. He doesn't remember speaking to her for very long, if at all. In fact, he claims he didn't remember who she was when the accusations started to fly.

3.... the professionals and students were instructed to talk to one another for a time, then switch seats to meet someone new. She claimed to law enforcement, in a taped interview provided to the Washington Examiner, that she sat next to Hounsell for about two hours on the way back from Sacramento, ... The two exchanged Facebook information and friended each other.

4. She said Hounsell began messaging her through Facebook ...She claimed the messages started getting sexually graphic even while on the bus. Doe also told the police, one year after the bus trip, that Hounsell tickled her leg several times. In an earlier interview, she had told the police he had tickled her ribs.

5. On Jan. 19, 2013, nearly a year after that bus trip, Hounsell became executive director of the Los Angeles County GOP. A week later, on Jan. 27, an accusation was made that he had been sending inappropriate Facebook messages to an underage girl.

6. On July 1, 2013, a Democratic former assemblyman named Mike Feuer became L.A. City Attorney. When the Los Angeles County District Attorney declined to press charges against Hounsell on July 30, [Democrat] Feuer seized the case. Officer Good contacted Hounsell again to find out his attorney's information. Members of the press began calling Hounsell, his family and his employer to discuss charges Hounsell wasn't even aware of yet.

The media circus that ensued — complete with news cameras camping outside his family home for days — made Hounsell believe this was in part motivated by political harassment.

7. On Aug. 21, [Democrat] Feuer's office amended its complaint against Hounsell to include two additional charges that Hounsell had communicated with an adult he believed to be a minor (think "To Catch A Predator") and that he had "an unnatural and abnormal sexual interest in children."

The new charges were a surprise for Hounsell. They had not been mentioned previously, and no evidence would ever be presented to substantiate them." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence


Brilliant response.

All the other Liberals must be so proud of you.
A good strong dose of "REALITY" would probably help you tremendously. .... Just saying.

The OP is reality, you dunce.

Your posts are hot air.
Yea ... yea ... yea ......... just keep living in denial and believing that only one political party is corrupt. By the way, my "hot air" is reality. You have NOT answered not a single one of my questions concerning government corruption. Are you ignoring them, dodging them, or just hell-bent on making your silly pathetic attack remarks? Please answer the following questions:
(1) Where does the enormous sums of money passed around by Lobbyists go?
(2) Where does the enormous sums of money passed around by special interests go?
(3) What do those that give to politicians expect in return?
(4) Why does Corporate America continue to spend enormous sums of money if they're not getting anything for that money?
(5) If politicians aren't extending favors to donors, then why do donors continue to finance campaigns?
(6) Are politicians putting America and her citizens first, and ignoring donors and special interests?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

You changed the subject?

That means I win, huh?
Evidence? They dont need no stinkin evidence. We see that attitude here every day.
"Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thingis a well-known quotation in sports." Winning isn t everything it s the only thing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In America today....far too many consider that concept to apply to life in general. I attribute this to a lack of religious training, and to the fact that 90% of all children go to that wholly owned Liberal subsidiary, government schools.

But...that's an argument for a different day.

For today, a cautionary tale that illustrates that view in Democrats, specifically Democrat politicians.

1. "Lawsuit spells out 'nightmare' for California man accused without evidence
... Scott Hounsell, the former executive director of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County, describes the ordeal he went through....

2. He was in a bus caravan from Sacramento back to Smyth's Southern California district with co-workers and students from a nearby charter school, who were learning about politics. He met a student on that bus — Jane Doe. He doesn't remember speaking to her for very long, if at all. In fact, he claims he didn't remember who she was when the accusations started to fly.

3.... the professionals and students were instructed to talk to one another for a time, then switch seats to meet someone new. She claimed to law enforcement, in a taped interview provided to the Washington Examiner, that she sat next to Hounsell for about two hours on the way back from Sacramento, ... The two exchanged Facebook information and friended each other.

4. She said Hounsell began messaging her through Facebook ...She claimed the messages started getting sexually graphic even while on the bus. Doe also told the police, one year after the bus trip, that Hounsell tickled her leg several times. In an earlier interview, she had told the police he had tickled her ribs.

5. On Jan. 19, 2013, nearly a year after that bus trip, Hounsell became executive director of the Los Angeles County GOP. A week later, on Jan. 27, an accusation was made that he had been sending inappropriate Facebook messages to an underage girl.

6. On July 1, 2013, a Democratic former assemblyman named Mike Feuer became L.A. City Attorney. When the Los Angeles County District Attorney declined to press charges against Hounsell on July 30, [Democrat] Feuer seized the case. Officer Good contacted Hounsell again to find out his attorney's information. Members of the press began calling Hounsell, his family and his employer to discuss charges Hounsell wasn't even aware of yet.

The media circus that ensued — complete with news cameras camping outside his family home for days — made Hounsell believe this was in part motivated by political harassment.

7. On Aug. 21, [Democrat] Feuer's office amended its complaint against Hounsell to include two additional charges that Hounsell had communicated with an adult he believed to be a minor (think "To Catch A Predator") and that he had "an unnatural and abnormal sexual interest in children."

The new charges were a surprise for Hounsell. They had not been mentioned previously, and no evidence would ever be presented to substantiate them." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

Why is this in politics?

Brilliant response.

All the other Liberals must be so proud of you.
A good strong dose of "REALITY" would probably help you tremendously. .... Just saying.

The OP is reality, you dunce.

Your posts are hot air.
Yea ... yea ... yea ......... just keep living in denial and believing that only one political party is corrupt. By the way, my "hot air" is reality. You have NOT answered not a single one of my questions concerning government corruption. Are you ignoring them, dodging them, or just hell-bent on making your silly pathetic attack remarks? Please answer the following questions:
(1) Where does the enormous sums of money passed around by Lobbyists go?
(2) Where does the enormous sums of money passed around by special interests go?
(3) What do those that give to politicians expect in return?
(4) Why does Corporate America continue to spend enormous sums of money if they're not getting anything for that money?
(5) If politicians aren't extending favors to donors, then why do donors continue to finance campaigns?
(6) Are politicians putting America and her citizens first, and ignoring donors and special interests?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

You changed the subject?

That means I win, huh?

What are you trying to claim you won?
11. "Two weeks later, having no evidence to continue charging Hounsell with a crime, the city attorney's office offered him a deal.

A strange deal and charges dropped

"Instead of dropping the charges, they came to me and said: 'What kind of plea deal do you want?' " Hounsell told theExaminer. He referred to the deal as "essentially extortion."

Hounsell, the father of two young children, says at that point he was just looking to end the matter. In exchange for having charges dropped, he made an informal agreement to give $2,000 to a charity chosen by the city attorney (a trial would have cost him fifty times that amount) and attend therapy. If he complied, charges would be dropped on March 19.

... he complied, but when that day rolled around, Feuer called Webb and told her to revoke the deal. Hounsell says he was given no explanation. Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

How about suing the LA prosecutor, Feuer?
No evidence, no problem....just as Democrat Senator Harry Reid could lie and claim that Romney never paid taxes, the "prosecutors' arguments that they enjoy absolute immunity, " is extortion....most individuals, guilty or innocent, cannot face the unlimited funds and time that the government has: "The triumph of plea bargaining in the federal system, which has gathered pace in recent years, is nearly complete. Guilty pleas last year resolved 97% of all federal cases that the Justice Department prosecuted to a conclusion." Guilty Pleas in Federal Cases Soar as Bargains Trump Trials - WSJ
"Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thingis a well-known quotation in sports." Winning isn t everything it s the only thing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In America today....far too many consider that concept to apply to life in general. I attribute this to a lack of religious training, and to the fact that 90% of all children go to that wholly owned Liberal subsidiary, government schools.

But...that's an argument for a different day.

For today, a cautionary tale that illustrates that view in Democrats, specifically Democrat politicians.

This 'tale' proves what about all Democrats? Anything?
Evidence? They dont need no stinkin evidence. We see that attitude here every day.
"Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thingis a well-known quotation in sports." Winning isn t everything it s the only thing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In America today....far too many consider that concept to apply to life in general. I attribute this to a lack of religious training, and to the fact that 90% of all children go to that wholly owned Liberal subsidiary, government schools.

But...that's an argument for a different day.

For today, a cautionary tale that illustrates that view in Democrats, specifically Democrat politicians.

1. "Lawsuit spells out 'nightmare' for California man accused without evidence
... Scott Hounsell, the former executive director of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County, describes the ordeal he went through....

2. He was in a bus caravan from Sacramento back to Smyth's Southern California district with co-workers and students from a nearby charter school, who were learning about politics. He met a student on that bus — Jane Doe. He doesn't remember speaking to her for very long, if at all. In fact, he claims he didn't remember who she was when the accusations started to fly.

3.... the professionals and students were instructed to talk to one another for a time, then switch seats to meet someone new. She claimed to law enforcement, in a taped interview provided to the Washington Examiner, that she sat next to Hounsell for about two hours on the way back from Sacramento, ... The two exchanged Facebook information and friended each other.

4. She said Hounsell began messaging her through Facebook ...She claimed the messages started getting sexually graphic even while on the bus. Doe also told the police, one year after the bus trip, that Hounsell tickled her leg several times. In an earlier interview, she had told the police he had tickled her ribs.

5. On Jan. 19, 2013, nearly a year after that bus trip, Hounsell became executive director of the Los Angeles County GOP. A week later, on Jan. 27, an accusation was made that he had been sending inappropriate Facebook messages to an underage girl.

6. On July 1, 2013, a Democratic former assemblyman named Mike Feuer became L.A. City Attorney. When the Los Angeles County District Attorney declined to press charges against Hounsell on July 30, [Democrat] Feuer seized the case. Officer Good contacted Hounsell again to find out his attorney's information. Members of the press began calling Hounsell, his family and his employer to discuss charges Hounsell wasn't even aware of yet.

The media circus that ensued — complete with news cameras camping outside his family home for days — made Hounsell believe this was in part motivated by political harassment.

7. On Aug. 21, [Democrat] Feuer's office amended its complaint against Hounsell to include two additional charges that Hounsell had communicated with an adult he believed to be a minor (think "To Catch A Predator") and that he had "an unnatural and abnormal sexual interest in children."

The new charges were a surprise for Hounsell. They had not been mentioned previously, and no evidence would ever be presented to substantiate them." Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

Why is this in politics?

Democrats don't belong in politics....?

I kinda agree.
11. "Two weeks later, having no evidence to continue charging Hounsell with a crime, the city attorney's office offered him a deal.

A strange deal and charges dropped

"Instead of dropping the charges, they came to me and said: 'What kind of plea deal do you want?' " Hounsell told theExaminer. He referred to the deal as "essentially extortion."

Hounsell, the father of two young children, says at that point he was just looking to end the matter. In exchange for having charges dropped, he made an informal agreement to give $2,000 to a charity chosen by the city attorney (a trial would have cost him fifty times that amount) and attend therapy. If he complied, charges would be dropped on March 19.

... he complied, but when that day rolled around, Feuer called Webb and told her to revoke the deal. Hounsell says he was given no explanation. Lawsuit spells out nightmare for California man accused without evidence

How about suing the LA prosecutor, Feuer?
No evidence, no problem....just as Democrat Senator Harry Reid could lie and claim that Romney never paid taxes, the "prosecutors' arguments that they enjoy absolute immunity, " is extortion....most individuals, guilty or innocent, cannot face the unlimited funds and time that the government has: "The triumph of plea bargaining in the federal system, which has gathered pace in recent years, is nearly complete. Guilty pleas last year resolved 97% of all federal cases that the Justice Department prosecuted to a conclusion." Guilty Pleas in Federal Cases Soar as Bargains Trump Trials - WSJ

Romney claimed Jeep was moving US jobs to China. So we're even on Reid vs Romney lol.

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