Democrats Never Met A Communist....

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
So saith the American philosopher George Santayana.
If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.
- George Bernard Shaw
Once again you quote one staunchly in favor of genocide and eugenics.
And once again you lie.:eusa_liar:

I never're simply a fool.

Since PC can't or won't answer the question, what caused the rise of Socialism and the Progressive Movement in the late 19th and early 20th Century, I'll give her the one word answer:


Or, the lack of fairness and justice. Which, BTW, is manifest today around the world and in our country with the rise of Callous Conservatism.

Eeeek!!! First time ever mankind had to face: INEQUALITY!

Let's turn to Communism!!!
"We are endlessly bombarded with the idea that the fifties was a frightening era and that Communists were harmless idealists.

Being a Communist for much of the last century was not a theoretical matter. Communists working in Democratic administrations in the thirties, forties, and fifties, had a profound influence on which countries would fall under Communist control….The USSR ruined Eastern Europe, which was not exactly like East Timor. These were sophisticated countries. The Soviet conquest of Eastern Europe consisted of backwoods savages conquering sophisticated civilizations.

And the Democrats were rooting for the savages."

So....there must be a Democrat apologist smoothing the way for the savages.....

13. Now for Jimmy Carter, another soft-on-communism Democrat who 'does not remember the past and is condemned to repeat it," and sits midway between Roosevelt and Obama.

He continues that thinking: communists, just another boilerplate political party....campaigning and all that.....oh, and by the way, they kill you if you don't agree with 'em....

Unlike the hard Left, Liberals did come out and actually support or defend the Soviet Union, rather they soft-pedaled communism by showing contempt and scorn for anticommunists as “primitive” or “knee-jerk” or just plain “nuts” and “warmongers.”

One can see that attitude in post # 146, another moron Democrat Liberal....probably voted for Carter.

a. The problem, as the Carter left saw it, was the right’s paranoia, its ‘inordinate’ fear of communism, as the Soviet Union and other communist states were neither particularly threatening nor particularly evil.

b. These folks found understandable the Soviet Union’s fear of ‘encirclement’....they sympathized.

Seems Carter didn't notice...because Jimmy Carter began his presidency at Notre Dame with a speech that included “…We are now free of that inordinate fear of Communism which once led us to embrace any dictator who joined us in our fear.”

From the OP:

A brief history of it's home-base, mother Russia, includes9 million killedin the civil war, 1917-1922; Stalin's regime, 1924-1953, over20 million slaughtered; (Twentieth Century Atlas - Death Tolls

Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters,lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.

Only a Democrat Liberal or resident of a mental institution could deem fear of homicidal murderers "inordinate."
14. Now for the latest iteration of Democrats-embracing-Communists....the one just wants to be "flexible" with communism, you know, to save the Ukraine....

Not enough focus has been applied to the folks who influenced the current resident of the White House.

I'm not just referring to the communists who raised him....but this guy:

An August 2, 2008 AP profile called [Frank Marshall] Davis “a constant figure in his [Obama’s] early life,” and an “important influence,” who Obama “looked to,” like a “father,” like a “mentor,” for “advice on living.”
And Obama, in his own account, notes that Frank offered him advice: on women, on race, on college, on life. “I was intrigued by old Frank,” writes Obama in Dreams From My Father, “with his books and whiskey breath and the hint of hard-earned knowledge behind the hooded eyes.”
National Security - Breitbart

15. The depth of Frank Marshall Davis’ political leanings becomes important when one considers how close he was to the formative Barak Obama. Called to testify before the Senate in 1956, or communist associations, he pleaded the Fifth Amendment. In 1957, aptly titled, “Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States,” that listed Davis as “an indentified member of the Communist Party.” It should be noted that the Senate did not make such a charge lightly…without strong evidence, the Senate would more usually say something such as ‘…the person has associations with communist front groups…” or something similar. Here, they stated that Davis was a member of the Communist Party.

a. Several of his biographers, mainly on the left, drew similar conclusions. First, there was a 1999 book by James Edward Smethurst, who is a professor at the University of Massachusetts, and who earned his Ph.D. at Harvard. He recorded that Davis “was almost certainly a CPUSA member.” Second, and more conclusive, was John Edgar Tidwell, who is a professor at the University of Kansas and the leading authority on Davis. Tidwell documented: “Sometime during the middle of the war [WWII], he [Davis] joined the Communist Party.” In one book, Tidwell quoted Davis himself admitting he joined the party, producing a letter where Davis stated flatly: “I have recently joined the Communist party.”

16. Available via the Freedom of Information Act, Davis’s FBI file It takes maybe an hour of reading that file to see that the man was a communist. As viewable evidence, we have published pages from the file in the appendix of Dupes.[by Dr.Paul Kengor] One FBI document lists Davis’s actual Communist Party number: 47544. That actual document is on page 507 of my book. that five-digit number is consistent with others who joined the party in that period, such as the “Hollywood Ten,” who appeared before HUAC, October 29, 1947, and their Communist Party card numbers:

a. John Howard Lawson, card #47275
b. Albert Maltz, card # 47196
c. Alvah Bessie, card # 46836
Obama s Communist Mentor Frank Marshall Davis parroted the Communist line and attacked Democratic icon Harry Truman. - Page 2


Big Dupes at Big Peace Frank Marshall Davis Obama Mentor - Part 1 - Breitbart

His mother, grandparents, mentor....all communists.
Obama......wadda ya' think?
For starters George Santayana was born in Spain and always traveled using his Spanish passport even though he closely identified with America. However he left America at age 48 and never returned.

As usual PoliticalSpice fails the the first fact check.

The rest of her drivel is just her usual attempt to demonize liberals and Democrats as "communists" even though she really doesn't have any clue what communism actually is.

Epic fail right from the OP again.


I was SOOOO hoping some dunce would pounce upon that reference, so I could hang him/her up by their ignorance.

And sure enough, the chief dunce fell right in.

I enjoyed setting the trap!

"George Santayana was an influential 20th century American thinker...;"
Santayana George Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

"George Santayana was a Spanish-born American philosopher..."
George Santayana The Poetry Foundation

Guess who said he was American?
Right.....he did.
"George Santayana was a ...raised and educated in the United States and identified himself as an American. He wrote in English and is generally considered an American man of letters."

"About my considering myself an American, there is some ambiguity. I am not legally an American citizen and travel with a Spanish passport: also pay the U.S. 30% of my income as taxes proper to a non-resident foreigner. But socially and as a writer, I am an American in practice, and almost all my friends have been Americans. Many of my books, however, were first published in England . . . ."
Letters 8:205 (To Ira Detrich Cardiff, Rome, October 16, 1949)

I should be paid for educating you.....but, based on the results, let's keep it our secret.

Watching you scramble to recover from your embarrassment is always so entertaining, PoliticalSpice.



Get that egg off your face.

Nothing you provided refuted what I posted. In fact it confirmed what I posted. You embarrassed yourself, as you do in all of your threads, and now you are trying to pretend that you didn't make a fool of yourself.

Since you repeat this mistake it means you lack the capacity to learn from your mistakes too.


I always refer to Santayana as "the American philosopher, George Santayana" just to trap poseurs like you.

It worked like a charm.....and lying is the only way you can try to regain face.

Bad news: you never had any 'face,' you dunce.

Sure you do and the moon is made of green cheese too.

You do know that it is possible to do a Search and prove you wrong and sure enough it does exactly that! There are 31 posts and in only 4 of them you refer to him as "the American philosopher, George Santayana" including that one.

Gotta love when you make a liar of yourself.

I was SOOOO hoping some dunce would pounce upon that reference, so I could hang him/her up by their ignorance.

And sure enough, the chief dunce fell right in.

I enjoyed setting the trap!

"George Santayana was an influential 20th century American thinker...;"
Santayana George Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

"George Santayana was a Spanish-born American philosopher..."
George Santayana The Poetry Foundation

Guess who said he was American?
Right.....he did.
"George Santayana was a ...raised and educated in the United States and identified himself as an American. He wrote in English and is generally considered an American man of letters."

"About my considering myself an American, there is some ambiguity. I am not legally an American citizen and travel with a Spanish passport: also pay the U.S. 30% of my income as taxes proper to a non-resident foreigner. But socially and as a writer, I am an American in practice, and almost all my friends have been Americans. Many of my books, however, were first published in England . . . ."
Letters 8:205 (To Ira Detrich Cardiff, Rome, October 16, 1949)

I should be paid for educating you.....but, based on the results, let's keep it our secret.

Watching you scramble to recover from your embarrassment is always so entertaining, PoliticalSpice.



Get that egg off your face.

Nothing you provided refuted what I posted. In fact it confirmed what I posted. You embarrassed yourself, as you do in all of your threads, and now you are trying to pretend that you didn't make a fool of yourself.

Since you repeat this mistake it means you lack the capacity to learn from your mistakes too.


I always refer to Santayana as "the American philosopher, George Santayana" just to trap poseurs like you.

It worked like a charm.....and lying is the only way you can try to regain face.

Bad news: you never had any 'face,' you dunce.

Sure you do and the moon is made of green cheese too.

You do know that it is possible to do a Search and prove you wrong and sure enough it does exactly that! There are 31 posts and in only 4 of them you refer to him as "the American philosopher, George Santayana" including that one.

Gotta love when you make a liar of yourself.


I never lie.

I tricked you into falling on your face.

I knew some dunce would scream"not American" glad it was you.

Here's the silver didn't fall any lower in can't.
Last edited:
Watching you scramble to recover from your embarrassment is always so entertaining, PoliticalSpice.



Get that egg off your face.

Nothing you provided refuted what I posted. In fact it confirmed what I posted. You embarrassed yourself, as you do in all of your threads, and now you are trying to pretend that you didn't make a fool of yourself.

Since you repeat this mistake it means you lack the capacity to learn from your mistakes too.


I always refer to Santayana as "the American philosopher, George Santayana" just to trap poseurs like you.

It worked like a charm.....and lying is the only way you can try to regain face.

Bad news: you never had any 'face,' you dunce.

Sure you do and the moon is made of green cheese too.

You do know that it is possible to do a Search and prove you wrong and sure enough it does exactly that! There are 31 posts and in only 4 of them you refer to him as "the American philosopher, George Santayana" including that one.

Gotta love when you make a liar of yourself.


I never lie.

I tricked you into falling on your face.

I knew some dunce would scream"not American" glad it was you.

Here's the silver didn't fall any lower in can't.

You can't refute the Search results of your own posts that prove you are a liar so you go back to flinging spurious insults instead.

You are so predictable they could set a watch based upon your reactions.

Thanks for the :lol: at your expense again.
So....this major influence on Barack Hussein Obama?
What was he like?

17. Frank Marshal Davis worked as a journalist for the Honolulu record, the house organ of the CPUSA - Communist Party, USA (see Full text of Report on the Honolulu record ) and his columns parrot the Soviet line. Truman is smeared as a colonialist, imperialist, fascist monster; Truman had eschewed Roosevelt's pro-Soviet

a. "February 9, 1950 -Truman as the butcher of Hirosima… Truman’s “program for World War III,” Truman’s “aggression” against Stalin, Truman’s “fascism, American style,” Truman’s lusting for the hydrogen bomb in order to “show the Russians who was boss of the world,” and Truman’s alleged desire to “rule Russia.” Those are on pages 261 to 272 of the book. That’s how Davis framed Truman while Stalin was gobbling up Europe.

18. Remember, Stalin insisted that Germany be "crushed," and not be allowed to recover, as it interfered with his aim of world conquest. Truman offered a hand to Germany, the Marshall Plan. Davis trumpets the Soviet line:

a. "Truman wants to turn West Germany over to the Nazis…the Marshall Plan is meant to enslave the third world…"

b. "Denazification is a sham…Truman wants the Germany of the master race."

And, of course, state control of everything:

c. January 26, 1950- column entitled “Free Enterprise or Socialism”… Davis targeted GM. Davis was enraged that General Motors, this “gigantic company,” had “made a profit last year of $600,000,000.” He felt that the federal government needed to get a hold of GM. He characterized GM as a “monopoly,” mainly because of this success, which infuriated Davis. He wrote: “the time draws nearer when we will have to decide to oust the monopolies and restore a competing system of free enterprise, or let the government own and operate our major industries.”

19. " Davis was introduced to Obama by Obama’s maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham, who was a pal of Davis. Dunham saw the need for a father figure for his teenage grandson, whose biological father and stepfather were absent. Curiously, not many grandfathers would choose as a role model someone called to testify before the U.S. Senate for a lifetime of communist associations and for writing pro-Stalin newspaper columns, but such was the politics of Barack Obama’s grandfather.

Biographers of Davis and liberal journalists describe the relationship as close, as fatherly. I document a bunch of examples in the book, with many notes, but, to cite one, an August 2, 2008 AP profile called Davis “a constant figure in his [Obama’s] early life,” and an “important influence,” who Obama “looked to,” like a “father,” like a “mentor,” for “advice on living.” And Obama, in his own account, notes that Frank offered him advice: on women, on race, on college, on life. “I was intrigued by old Frank,” writes Obama inDreams From My Father, “with his books and whiskey breath and the hint of hard-earned knowledge behind the hooded eyes.”
Big Dupes at Big Peace Frank Marshall Davis Obama Mentor - Part 1 - Breitbart

This may be the only case, in the history of presidential biography, where a mentor to the president is deliberately ignored, or sugarcoated and distorted beyond and resemblance to actual reality. It’s stunning to behold. National Security - Breitbart

Hard to miss the results of the communist-mentoring in the adult Obama, huh?

Get that egg off your face.

Nothing you provided refuted what I posted. In fact it confirmed what I posted. You embarrassed yourself, as you do in all of your threads, and now you are trying to pretend that you didn't make a fool of yourself.

Since you repeat this mistake it means you lack the capacity to learn from your mistakes too.


I always refer to Santayana as "the American philosopher, George Santayana" just to trap poseurs like you.

It worked like a charm.....and lying is the only way you can try to regain face.

Bad news: you never had any 'face,' you dunce.

Sure you do and the moon is made of green cheese too.

You do know that it is possible to do a Search and prove you wrong and sure enough it does exactly that! There are 31 posts and in only 4 of them you refer to him as "the American philosopher, George Santayana" including that one.

Gotta love when you make a liar of yourself.


I never lie.

I tricked you into falling on your face.

I knew some dunce would scream"not American" glad it was you.

Here's the silver didn't fall any lower in can't.

You can't refute the Search results of your own posts that prove you are a liar so you go back to flinging spurious insults instead.

You are so predictable they could set a watch based upon your reactions.

Thanks for the :lol: at your expense again.

Stop squealing like the stuck pig you are....

I admit it's a particularly low bar, but you've been outwitted.

I set you up, and knocked you down.
You should be used to it by now.
Nothing you provided refuted what I posted. In fact it confirmed what I posted. You embarrassed yourself, as you do in all of your threads, and now you are trying to pretend that you didn't make a fool of yourself.

Since you repeat this mistake it means you lack the capacity to learn from your mistakes too.


I always refer to Santayana as "the American philosopher, George Santayana" just to trap poseurs like you.

It worked like a charm.....and lying is the only way you can try to regain face.

Bad news: you never had any 'face,' you dunce.

Sure you do and the moon is made of green cheese too.

You do know that it is possible to do a Search and prove you wrong and sure enough it does exactly that! There are 31 posts and in only 4 of them you refer to him as "the American philosopher, George Santayana" including that one.

Gotta love when you make a liar of yourself.


I never lie.

I tricked you into falling on your face.

I knew some dunce would scream"not American" glad it was you.

Here's the silver didn't fall any lower in can't.

You can't refute the Search results of your own posts that prove you are a liar so you go back to flinging spurious insults instead.

You are so predictable they could set a watch based upon your reactions.

Thanks for the :lol: at your expense again.

Stop squealing like the stuck pig you are....

I admit it's a particularly low bar, but you've been outwitted.

I set you up, and knocked you down.
You should be used to it by now.

Ironic given that you set yourself up twice and fell flat on your face both times when you could have easily have avoided the second fallacious claim of yours by just doing a simple search.

3. Under the auspices of Franklin Roosevelt, the United States drew closer, and embraced, the Communist regime of Joseph Stalin. FDR Democrats covered for, ignored, and made excuses for massacres, genocide, government instituted famines and lies of every variety. The same view of communism has persisted 'til this very day among Democrat elites and leaders.

I remember when I was a kid watching educational videos in and out of school. They'd spend hours talking about Hitler's atrocities; and then there would inevitably be this 10 or 15 second blurb that went along the lines of 'Oh, and Stalin killed 10 or 20 million of his own people himself. Yea, he was cold; but war is war.'
4.. the Kravchenko case...

a. Victor Kravchenko was one of the first and most influential Soviet defectors to the United States, who had written "I Chose Freedom," a searing account of life under Stalin, denouncing the Stalin regime for failure to grant political and civil liberties to the Russian people.
"The Anti-Communist Manifestos: Four Books That Shaped the Cold War," John Fleming, p. 182-183

b. Kravchenko wanted to shatter those illusions. His defection was front-page news and prompted debate at the highest levels of government, up to and including President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Stalin demanded that he be turned over as a traitor--an automatic death sentence.
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover urged FDR to let him stay.
On April 13, 1945, the day after Roosevelt died, Kravchenko received notice that his application for asylum had been granted.
Searching for Tato - LA Times


3. Under the auspices of Franklin Roosevelt, the United States drew closer, and embraced, the Communist regime of Joseph Stalin. FDR Democrats covered for, ignored, and made excuses for massacres, genocide, government instituted famines and lies of every variety. The same view of communism has persisted 'til this very day among Democrat elites and leaders.

I remember when I was a kid watching educational videos in and out of school. They'd spend hours talking about Hitler's atrocities; and then there would inevitably be this 10 or 15 second blurb that went along the lines of 'Oh, and Stalin killed 10 or 20 million of his own people himself. Yea, he was cold; but war is war.'

I'm witca' Gats.....

I regularly post that the Soviets, Stalin, were the real winners of WWII....thanks to Roosevelt.

We've all seen the references 'grammar Nazi' or 'Soup Nazi' and the like. And we recognize the implied meaning: harsh, attempted humorous reference to the horrors of the Holocaust.

But few reflect on this: why isn't the reference 'grammar Communist' or 'Soup Communist'? It should be. The communist regime of Stalin supported Hitler, taught the Nazis about mass murder and concentration camps....I mean literally, actually taught the SS.

The real meaning of the two phrases, one in use, one not imagined, is that communism won in the United States.

There is no metric by which Hitler was worse than Joseph Stalin.

Today's Democrat party endorses just about every aim of the communist party of the 50s.
20. Can the communist influence on the Democrats, and Obama in particular, be seen?

You betcha'!

a. Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too. Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

b. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine.Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union(1937), andHistory of Medicinewere among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century Stalin s Forced Famine 1932-33).

c. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Democrats, communism, government control of every aspect of life......welcome to our brave new world.
Since PC can't or won't answer the question, what caused the rise of Socialism and the Progressive Movement in the late 19th and early 20th Century, I'll give her the one word answer:


Or, the lack of fairness and justice. Which, BTW, is manifest today around the world and in our country with the rise of Callous Conservatism.

My reluctance is based on the fact that you reek with fear when reading the title of the thread, and have tried to change the subject.

"...the rise of Socialism and the Progressive Movement in the late 19th and early 20th Century...
...I have considered starting a thread about just will center on Hegel, and the fact that many of our Presidents were tutored via German scholars.
It is very different from American thought and attitude.

You should be very careful about endorsing Germanic views of governance.

Now....accept the challenge of the thread to which you have voluntarily subscribed and explain why Liberal/Progressive/Democrats are so enamored with homicidal philosophies such as communism.

Hegel Smagel. Primary sources, voter registration records from the era are telling, and aren't the product of working men and women reading Hegel or Marx or following the lead of anyone but their stomach and those of their family.

Your efforts to label everyone as a Communist is so '50's, the only fear I might have is that the inequity of the 'teens' will bring labor strive, and make the violence of the 30's look like a snowball fight by pre teens.

That you don't know that you and your ideological friends are the problem which will create what you fear most, is why I'm certain your efforts to intellectualize a rewrite of history is so misguided.

1. "Fifty years of liberal propaganda got people to thinking of Communist Party members as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11."

2. Now, you coward....accept the challenge of the thread to which you have voluntarily subscribed and explain why Liberal/Progressive/Democrats are so enamored with homicidal philosophies such as communism.

They're not so enamored, and you know it and that is one reason, there are several, that I find you to be one of the most dishonest regulars on this message board.

You've made an allegation, prove that liberals, progressives and Democrats are enamored with homicidal philosophies! Even if you can name one, that has no bearing on the millions of Americans you chose to defame.

In fact, character assassination is your game, alone with rewriting history using obscure authors who scholarship is wanting for it is motivated not by looking for a truth, but the want of a dollar.

In academia your conclusions are supported by an Appeal to Authority; maybe your impressed by one or two writers you consider authorities; I'm not, for the non fiction I read has pages and pages of notes and cites from many different sources. Most include primary sources in the citations, letters, photographs, newspapers and magazines, poems and songs of the era - all of which paint a picture for the reader well before the final chapter is written,

This is why I find you to be a phony.

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