Democrats Never Met A Communist....

And NOW the LIES! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1:

The Soviet Union collapsed because totalitarian Communism is fatally flawed.

You betcha'!!!

If only it had followed these simple rules: individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Unfortunately, the same fate may await the United States for the same reason.

Reagan saved Social Security, remember? One of the top three best examples of Socialism in America?

lol, you people need to wake up and grow up.

Social Security is a government insurance program that only the government could screw up as badly as they have. The "I" in FICA stands for INSURANCE.

1. it is socialist 2. Ronald Reagan saved it.
And he never got rid of welfare.....he built up one of the largest socialist organizations, the military...
The greatest acts of crime and killing have not been instigated by people professing to follow Jesus. The numbers:

  • Judaism and Christianity throughout history:17,000,000
  • Anti- or irreligious forces over the last 100 years:
6,000,000 + 9,000,000 + 40,000,000 + 24,000,000 + 25,000,000 + 22,000,000 + 2,000,000 + 1,000,000,000 =1,128,000,000
Isn t religion to blame for most of history s killings

Your turn, you dope.
Tell that to the 6k protestants killed in one day after Trent, by Papal decree, the Pope had many other Christians destroyed or exiled....Templar's, Jesuits,,,,,,,,just to name two....but after the reformation and counter reformation even royalty was killed, imprisoned or exiled over religious sects....fighting over domain of the Pope or freewill Protestants...

Tell what, you idiot????

I just gave you the numbers.

Instead, like any good Liberal, you ignore facts and continue with propaganda.
There is no accurate numbers of dead from religious wars from the past..You can deny all you like, but the proof is there, Christain leaders and nations have no lived up to what Jesus spoke in how to deal with other people different than yourself...In fact, you do it everyday..You break Gods' commandments with the bile you post...and the words you type...
There is no love, no humility, no grace, nothing,,, you and others claim that Christians are...the peace of the world, yet you are no blessing for you....

When will you recognize that your resistance to the truth is based on having imbibed the propaganda of secular Liberalism, a spin-off of atheistic communism.

There is very little doubt about the numbers I gave you.

When you get around to educating yourself....I remain the eternal optimist, begin here:
"The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression," by Jean-Louis Panné and Andrzej Paczkowski
Fifty bucks...but your local library will have it.
I don't deny the killings done by communist, I also do not deny the killings done in the USA for land and resources that had other humans already living on the land..It's a cruel world....All nations and all peoples at one time in history has killed for the wrong reasons, it seems to be a human trait...

Who do you think you are, the NYLiar????

Sorry, I don't care to change the subject.
And NOW the LIES! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1:

The Soviet Union collapsed because totalitarian Communism is fatally flawed.

You betcha'!!!

If only it had followed these simple rules: individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Unfortunately, the same fate may await the United States for the same reason.

Reagan saved Social Security, remember? One of the top three best examples of Socialism in America?

lol, you people need to wake up and grow up.

Social Security is a government insurance program that only the government could screw up as badly as they have. The "I" in FICA stands for INSURANCE.

1. it is socialist 2. Ronald Reagan saved it.

That means all government insurance programs are socialist. BS! You pay the premium, and if you live long enough, you collect the benefits.
Just to, of all things, go back to the fundamental claim of this thread,

how many of you in fact agree with PoliticalChic's claim that EVERY DEMOCRAT ADORES EVERY COMMUNIST?
I'd never agree to I don't believe all Dems believe in it...............

Just as your side AND YOU STRAW MAN arguments all the time..................there are those in the DEM who want SOCIALISM and/or COMMUNISM..............which never means ALL................Just as the threads on Islamic Radicals NEVER MEANS ALL MUSLIMS, but it is ALWAYS STRAWED to us saying ALL OF THEM VIRTUALLY EVERY TIME..................

Which is BS on either side of the equation.

To say that some DEMS are in the Communist party or agree to their ideals is not a say they all do would be a LIE in MY VIEW.................

Yet daily on these boards I see some from your side praising Socialism and Communism...........please spare they diversionary tactic of PROOF IT BS.............
The OP shows the failures of these forms of Government and the slaughter of the people as a result, and states that Liberals, Progs, and Dems who believe in turning us in that direction refuse to look at the results of history that show the FAILURES of these types of GOVERNMENTS..................

Nice run on sentence BTW............Please send the Grammar police to give me a ticket.
That means all government insurance programs are socialist. BS!

I think that's the point of the thread.

Think again.

Oh that's right. The point of this thread is that Democrats adore communists.

Which is a pretty bizarre assertion, given that Democrat Presidents have killed tens of thousands of communists.

But I'm sure there's some weird rationalization rolling around the extremist right-wing echo chamber for this too.
That means all government insurance programs are socialist. BS!

I think that's the point of the thread.

Think again.

Oh that's right. The point of this thread is that all Democrats adore communists.

Which is a pretty bizarre assertion, given that Democrat Presidents have killed tens of thousands of communists.

But I'm sure there's some weird rationalization rolling around the extremist right-wing echo chamber for this too.
and in the same thread bitch about the GOP getting our people killed in useless WARS that Democratic Presidents have started......................

La La La La......LAND.
That means all government insurance programs are socialist. BS!

I think that's the point of the thread.

Think again.

Oh that's right. The point of this thread is that all Democrats adore communists.

Which is a pretty bizarre assertion, given that Democrat Presidents have killed tens of thousands of communists.

But I'm sure there's some weird rationalization rolling around the extremist right-wing echo chamber for this too.

That would be "all Democrats today"....since the party was taken over by Liberals/Progressives.

It doesn't include JFK, or Scoop Jackson or Daniel Patrick Moynihan

They loved America.
Now....Democrat Harry Truman.....his downfall.

There are four references to ‘Divine’ in D of I…

1)in first paragraph ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’ 2) next paragraph ‘endowed by their Creator,” 3) Supreme Judge of the world, and 4) ‘divine’ Providence, last paragraph.

It was a gift of the Divine, or Nature’s God, or their Creator, or the Supreme Judge, or divine Providence that the communist Henry Wallace was replaced by Harry Truman just before Roosevelt passed on.

8. Democrat Harry Truman did not come into Washington as a lover of communism. But coming out of the cauldron of communism, the Roosevelt administration, where being a communist was a resume enhancement, Truman had views like this:
"Truman denounced a Congressional investigation of Hiss as a “red herring” and a cheap political ploy."
The Rehabilitated Reputation of Senator Joseph McCarthy

a. What was it that pushed Democrat Truman to the Left?

According to "The Man of Independence," an authorized Truman biography by Jonathan Daniels, it was Max Lowenthal, a crafty southpaw government lawyer, who first corrupted Truman's mind with Marxist prejudices against railroads, insurance companies, and "big business" generally.

Lowenthal was counsel to a Senate Interstate Commerce Subcommittee. In 1936. Truman, an eager member of the subcommittee, fell under Lowenthal's spell. When Lowenthal proposed to take him to see Justice Louis D. Brandeis, the country boy said he was "not used to meeting people like that," but he went anyway and became a disciple of "the great liberal," who held forth on the evils of the American economic system.
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 137.

When Harry Truman became President, a bureaucrat could practically wear a sign saying " I answer to Stalin and nobody else!"
For starters George Santayana was born in Spain and always traveled using his Spanish passport even though he closely identified with America. However he left America at age 48 and never returned.

As usual PoliticalSpice fails the the first fact check.

The rest of her drivel is just her usual attempt to demonize liberals and Democrats as "communists" even though she really doesn't have any clue what communism actually is.

Epic fail right from the OP again.

Did you miss this?
"...that the number of dead numbered between 1.7 to 2.5 million out of a population of around 8 million."

All hail the collective!
Obviously, you missed the contribution of Democrats like Dick and Henry to the genocide you shed crocodile tears over?

"Map showing the 115,273 targets bombed by US airstrikes between October 1965 and August 1973.[Source: Taylor Owen / History News Network"
Operation Menu

Thousands of Cambodian were murdered by Dick and Henry and their Democrat collaborators, and millions more were maimed, displaced, and radicalized by the US war crimes. Pol Pot would have died unnoticed without good Democrats like Dick and Henry.
Did you miss this?
"...that the number of dead numbered between 1.7 to 2.5 million out of a population of around 8 million."

All hail the collective!
Obviously, you missed the contribution of Democrats like Dick and Henry to the genocide you shed crocodile tears over?

"Map showing the 115,273 targets bombed by US airstrikes between October 1965 and August 1973.[Source: Taylor Owen / History News Network"
Operation Menu

Thousands of Cambodian were murdered by Dick and Henry and their Democrat collaborators, and millions more were maimed, displaced, and radicalized by the US war crimes. Pol Pot would have died unnoticed without good Democrats like Dick and Henry.
So your excuse to the MURDER of their own people is that these bombs drove them all mad until they decided to kill themselves.....................

Since PC can't or won't answer the question, what caused the rise of Socialism and the Progressive Movement in the late 19th and early 20th Century, I'll give her the one word answer:


Or, the lack of fairness and justice. Which, BTW, is manifest today around the world and in our country with the rise of Callous Conservatism.
For starters George Santayana was born in Spain and always traveled using his Spanish passport even though he closely identified with America. However he left America at age 48 and never returned.

As usual PoliticalSpice fails the the first fact check.

The rest of her drivel is just her usual attempt to demonize liberals and Democrats as "communists" even though she really doesn't have any clue what communism actually is.

Epic fail right from the OP again.


I was SOOOO hoping some dunce would pounce upon that reference, so I could hang him/her up by their ignorance.

And sure enough, the chief dunce fell right in.

I enjoyed setting the trap!

"George Santayana was an influential 20th century American thinker...;"
Santayana George Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

"George Santayana was a Spanish-born American philosopher..."
George Santayana The Poetry Foundation

Guess who said he was American?
Right.....he did.
"George Santayana was a ...raised and educated in the United States and identified himself as an American. He wrote in English and is generally considered an American man of letters."

"About my considering myself an American, there is some ambiguity. I am not legally an American citizen and travel with a Spanish passport: also pay the U.S. 30% of my income as taxes proper to a non-resident foreigner. But socially and as a writer, I am an American in practice, and almost all my friends have been Americans. Many of my books, however, were first published in England . . . ."
Letters 8:205 (To Ira Detrich Cardiff, Rome, October 16, 1949)

I should be paid for educating you.....but, based on the results, let's keep it our secret.
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So your excuse to the MURDER of their own people is that these bombs drove them all mad until they decided to kill themselves.....................

US bombs murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of Cambodians between October '65 and August '73 and that radicalized enough survivors to bring Pol Pot to power in April '75. Funny how shit like that works in Mosul today.
Since PC can't or won't answer the question, what caused the rise of Socialism and the Progressive Movement in the late 19th and early 20th Century, I'll give her the one word answer:


Or, the lack of fairness and justice. Which, BTW, is manifest today around the world and in our country with the rise of Callous Conservatism.

My reluctance is based on the fact that you reek with fear when reading the title of the thread, and have tried to change the subject.

"...the rise of Socialism and the Progressive Movement in the late 19th and early 20th Century...
...I have considered starting a thread about just will center on Hegel, and the fact that many of our Presidents were tutored via German scholars.
It is very different from American thought and attitude.

You should be very careful about endorsing Germanic views of governance.

Now....accept the challenge of the thread to which you have voluntarily subscribed and explain why Liberal/Progressive/Democrats are so enamored with homicidal philosophies such as communism.
For starters George Santayana was born in Spain and always traveled using his Spanish passport even though he closely identified with America. However he left America at age 48 and never returned.

As usual PoliticalSpice fails the the first fact check.

The rest of her drivel is just her usual attempt to demonize liberals and Democrats as "communists" even though she really doesn't have any clue what communism actually is.

Epic fail right from the OP again.


I was SOOOO hoping some dunce would pounce upon that reference, so I could hang him/her up by their ignorance.

And sure enough, the chief dunce fell right in.

I enjoyed setting the trap!

"George Santayana was an influential 20th century American thinker...;"
Santayana George Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

"George Santayana was a Spanish-born American philosopher..."
George Santayana The Poetry Foundation

Guess who said he was American?
Right.....he did.
"George Santayana was a ...raised and educated in the United States and identified himself as an American. He wrote in English and is generally considered an American man of letters."

"About my considering myself an American, there is some ambiguity. I am not legally an American citizen and travel with a Spanish passport: also pay the U.S. 30% of my income as taxes proper to a non-resident foreigner. But socially and as a writer, I am an American in practice, and almost all my friends have been Americans. Many of my books, however, were first published in England . . . ."
Letters 8:205 (To Ira Detrich Cardiff, Rome, October 16, 1949)

I should be paid for educating you.....but, based on the results, let's keep it our secret.

Watching you scramble to recover from your embarrassment is always so entertaining, PoliticalSpice.


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