DEMOCRATS Now On Trial - The Tables Are Suddenly Turned...You Asked For It, Democrats

It wasn't an insurrection, so stop with that was a bunch of people taking selfies in the capitol...while the police, likely under orders from pelosi, let them in.
If the police just let them all in, then why were the Trumpets smashing Windows and doors with flag poles and sledge hammers and two by fours and shields to get in, and beat up cops to get in? And pepper spray cops to stay in....?
That's blm and antifa's style, we witnessed it all summer long.
Since trumpets were glued to right wing Riot TV all summer long, then that's likely where these Trumpists picked it up from..... :)
So your hatred taught others to hate? Got it.
Is easy insulted??
In his column for the Daily Beast, conservative Matt Lewis claimed American's should be insulted by both the antics and arguments put forward by the attorneys representing Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial.
Calling the assertions by attorneys David Schoen and Michael van der Veen a mishmash of "trickery and misdirection and whataboutism," the former Republican went on to say that any "normal person" who has been watching the proceedings would realize they have no defense for the president's actions and that Trump is "obviously guilty."
Focusing on their widely derided -- and seemingly endless -- video of Democrats using the word "fight," Lewis ridiculed the idea that they believed it would convince anyone that the Democrats words were in anyway comparable to the president's rhetoric on Jan. 6th that led to the Capitol riot.

"What Trump did was qualitatively worse. MUCH worse," he wrote. "Without rehashing his pattern of rhetoric and behavior that the prosecution ably demonstrated these last four days, when you tell an angry crowd that is gathered on the day the Electoral College votes are being certified that they have to 'fight like hell'—and then you order them to march down to the Capitol (where the votes are being certified)—the notion that the word 'fight' translates to 'don't forget to vote against my adversaries in the primary election two years from now' seems absurd."
Lewis went on to add that the fact that Trump's attorneys only used a minuscule part of the time allotted to them to present their case showed they had nothing and they know they were "dealt a bad hand" when it came to coming up with a defense.
"The fact that the defense only used a fraction of the time they were allotted suggests that even by stretching credulity and inventing defenses of Trump's behavior, they still could only keep up the charade for so long," Lewis wrote, adding, "Regardless, any normal person watching this trial would vote to convict Donald Trump. The prosecution has him dead to rights. The most absurd idea proffered by the defense might have been that if you impeach Trump you are infringing on his First Amendment rights. But there is no reason to believe that Trump is being penalized for taking controversial political positions. No, he is being held accountable for fomenting an insurrection."
Unfortunately, he lamented, Republicans in the Senate likely will side with Trump, with Lewis writing, "Their [Trump's attorneys] schtick wouldn't convince any reasonable person who was paying attention, but Republican Senators aren't reasonable. At least, they cannot be reasoned with."
You can read more here (subscription required).
Delusion and 'Orange Man Bad' obsession is deep with these mentally unstable snowflakes...
Your avoidance in noted.

Focus: What did Cry Baby Loser do during the two hours his goons ravaged Congress? Watch on tv and ignore repeatedly pleas to call off his goons?
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.

Trump didn't do it...they did.....

Lol, tRumplings are gullible morons.
You really are out of touch with reality. When did Demoxcrats attempt to kidnap a Republican governor? When did Democrats storm the capitol? That was Republicans.

One thing about you Nazis, you're fucking liars - every one of you.

When did you Nazis storm the Capitol?

In 2018 to block the peaceful transition of power in the Court.


Ironic the signs your insurgents carried as you threatened the lives of the SCOTUS members - you Nazi pigs sure didn't believe Tara Reid, did you? You believe what serves the Reich.

And a "Republican" plotted to kidnap a Nazi governor? Little lying Nazi fuck.

{ A Delaware man accused of plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also threatened to hang President Donald Trump and posted a hit list on Facebook targeting other elected leaders, including former President Barack Obama, according to an unsealed search warrant affidavit obtained by The Detroit News. }

Whitmer kidnap plotter also wanted to hang Trump, other politicians: FBI (

Hey, you're a Nazi, you have even less integrity than you have intelligence, which is damned hard to do.
I haven't much interest in the impeachment trial, but to the point of this topic, the rhetoric does indeed abound. But that seems to side-step the issue of how much responsibility does the speaker bear if that rhetoric subsequently turns into undesired actions? In this case I'd say Trump was right on the edge but didn't cross the line.
There would not have been a Jan 6th riot and insurrection attempt, if there was no TRUMP.

I think the BLM protests and resulting riots would have occurred without any politician inciting it....
There wouldn't of been an insurrection on January 6th, if the Democrats didn't hate the entire 4 years Trump was in office saying stuff like this 24/7.
View attachment 456592
Actors and actresses are not democratic politicians....:rolleyes: What a silly and irrelevant comparison....

This isn't about simply a riot.....

This was about an attack on the US Capitol, to stop the joint session of Congress from counting and entering in to the federal record, the certified State electoral votes for president, with Joe Biden being the winner.

Trumpers were rioting and attacking our Capitol because Trump convinced them and conned them in to believing that his BIG LIE...... that the election was stolen from him, and stolen from them, was true...
Actually Pelosi and all their ilk have been saying hateful things about Trump and his supporters the entire time. Enough to fuel blm and antifa to storm the Capitol building. If trump would've told people on the 6th to take the capitol building. It would've been a blood bath. But you have no evidence, that is why they had to edit Trump's speech during the hearing.
You mean that is why the trump team edited out of context THEIR video montage of Democrats? :)

The Trump video of his full speech from 1/6 is available online, so are all the other clips, easily gotten at the senators fingertips.
Asking any Republican to convict Trump on obviously trumped up charges is like asking someone to convict a family member when you know they're innocent.
Good thing that's not what I'm doing then, right?

You and I both know if this were a legal proceeding he wouldn't have a prayer.
Well, you're correct about the lawyers not being necessary. Fortunately for tRump, the republican side of the senate is composed of cowardly weasels with a light sprinkling of whack-job conspiracy theorists. They were never gonna convict him no matter what.

On the other hand, it does put them in the position of both showing how cowardly/crazy they are or pissing off tRump, which I think is pretty amusing.

You're right Chang,

If the Senate weren't full of cowardly weasels, Nancy Pigshit and her band of Nazi thugs would have been turned away at the door.

Unfortunately, too many in the Senate are beholden to you country. We know Eric Swalwell is a Chinese Agent, a traitor for your country. As is Feinstein. Communist China made Nancy Pigshit filthy rich. And McConnell has Xi's dick so deep in his mouth he can feel Joe Biden's tonsils...

You Communist Chinese fear Trump. You have a year to destroy America. Realistically China will lose control of the house in '22 unless you can end elections before then. Once the house is gone, your dream of packing the court is gone. Which means there actually could be a much more free election in 24' - by which time this disaster of Xi's man and the Kamaltoe will have taken a deep toll on the nation.

Look, Xi's man, Dictator Biden is signing dozens of unconstitutional laws each day - he dissolved the southern border yesterday - so America may not survive until '22. But you Communist Chinese know full well that your time to savage this nation is limited.
You really are out of touch with reality. When did Demoxcrats attempt to kidnap a Republican governor? When did Democrats storm the capitol? That was Republicans.

One thing about you Nazis, you're fucking liars - every one of you.

When did you Nazis storm the Capitol?

In 2018 to block the peaceful transition of power in the Court.

View attachment 456645

Ironic the signs your insurgents carried as you threatened the lives of the SCOTUS members - you Nazi pigs sure didn't believe Tara Reid, did you? You believe what serves the Reich.

And a "Republican" plotted to kidnap a Nazi governor? Little lying Nazi fuck.

{ A Delaware man accused of plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also threatened to hang President Donald Trump and posted a hit list on Facebook targeting other elected leaders, including former President Barack Obama, according to an unsealed search warrant affidavit obtained by The Detroit News. }

Whitmer kidnap plotter also wanted to hang Trump, other politicians: FBI (

Hey, you're a Nazi, you have even less integrity than you have intelligence, which is damned hard to do.
Notice, in you picture, the notable lack of paramilitary gear and hate symbols. Also lots of hands waving in the air, none of them holding things to hit people with.
What insurrection did they incite? Is there a day in History for this insurrection that those Dems incited, like Jan 6th, that will be in all the History books of the future?

You Nazis are such pathetic liars.



When police arrived, the CHOP mob would not allow officers in to investigate. Reports indicate Chopistanian “security” transported the deceased and injured persons to Harborview Medical Center. Once there, the CHOP insurgents’ armed “security” allegedly took over the ER.



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Asking any Republican to convict Trump on obviously trumped up charges is like asking someone to convict a family member when you know they're innocent.
Good thing that's not what I'm doing then, right?

You and I both know if this were a legal proceeding he wouldn't have a prayer.
He wouldn't have a chance of being convicted. The bar for getting a conviction in a real court is much higher than this court. Hell, the Senate can't even get a conviction with a make believe judge that has already declared him guilty. If people start getting convicted for madeup bullshit like this, there aren't enough prisons in the hemisphere to hold all the convicts.
And he will succeed. The senatorial republicans are a bunch of cowardly weasels with a light sprinkling of utter whack-jobs.
Democrats are lying, viloent rhetoric-spewing pu$$ies who incite and support violence, call on people to criminallyharass and attack conservatives / Republicans, about threatening Trump supporters all the time (Mad Max)...and then they accuse others of doing what THEY do while cowering away from their existing documented record of doing so.
Four years of the same, lame excuses from tRumllings.

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nice to know that you are a real retard. the sad part, is in 4 years you will still be a retard. xiden makes no choices. twat face, pig-lousy, and barrag o are running the show. the whore dont even exist. go to walmart and get yourself another used brain
Notice, in you picture, the notable lack of paramilitary gear and hate symbols. Also lots of hands waving in the air, none of them holding things to hit people with.

Notice your lies, notice how the Nazi claimed that a "Republican" was plotting to kidnap Frau Fuhrer Whitmer.

You're a trained agitator, the Nazi you're running to the defense of is just, well, stupid. But of course the Brown Shirts of the Reich are often in "paramilitary" gear, as you know.


And the Bubas of the 1/6 Reichstag fire were not.

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Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.

Your post isnt a good defense of your parties violent rhetoric. Would you like to try again?

I ain't defending shit, I'm laughing at your side.

Get it straight.

No you arent. Youre making ineffective arguments and youre being called out on them. Would you like to try again or should we just start mocking you now?

I'm laughing even harder now.

thats what retards, that know they fucked up, do...thanx retard for the entertainment

I don't usually give this out this early, but you're just so hilarious triggered I can't help it:

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Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


These Democratic leaders did not start the trouble as Trump did. You are grasping for straws instead of reality.

Lol, you guys started back in the Bush's era. Hate is a liberal trait.

That has nothing to do with what we are discussing

It's a fact, liberals are full of Nothing but hate.

And you are this sweet thing with no hatred at all, eh? :lol:

I don't hate anyone, hate is a powerful thing. I dislike Obama, but I don't hate him.

You act like you hate ALL Liberals, not just Obama.... (since trump took the reigns) :(
Republicans must be SOOO proud

The nazi and the klan member represent the democrat party, not the Republican party, you doofus......the tin foil hat....again, democrats...the guy with the horns.....likely also a democrat.

What else do you have?

You do understand it was your people, not republicans, that burned and looted cities for 7 months, and murdered 30 Americans....right? That they burned and destroyed court houses and police stations...right? They burned and looted primarily black and other minority owned businesses....right?

You fucking dumb ass...
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Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.

Your post isnt a good defense of your parties violent rhetoric. Would you like to try again?

I ain't defending shit, I'm laughing at your side.

Get it straight.

No you arent. Youre making ineffective arguments and youre being called out on them. Would you like to try again or should we just start mocking you now?

I'm laughing even harder now.

thats what retards, that know they fucked up, do...thanx retard for the entertainment

I don't usually give this out this early, but you're just so hilarious triggered I can't help it:

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I'm glad the Democrats are being stupid.

The longer this farce last the more they look like idiots.

However, the icing on the cake is that as long as these ass clowns are doing this silly shit then they are not raising our taxes or taking away our constitutional rights or doing other destructive things to this country.

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