Democrats Perception Of Saddam/iraq Before Will They Do The Same With Isis??

Yes, it was wrong to destabilize the ME on accusations that were false, led to thousands of dead, tens of thousands maimed [these are the Americans, not the hundreds of thousands of ME civilian casualties], two outsourced wars on credit card that nearly broke America economically, the ostracism of senior Busies from traveling in western Europe,

Americans as a group will never let the neo-cons send heavy American combat units to the ME again.

And a day of judicial reckoning will come here in the USA for our chicken hawk neo-cons.
You know for an American you are really a shit head!
A) The Desert storm war was never over you idiot! 1991 Cease Fire stated.. Saddam you break it the agreement the war continues!
IT did you dummy!
B) Of course YOU didn't even count the 1.2 million kids that DIDN'T starve because Saddam wasn't in power! What about them?
C) YOU totally forget the 28 million people that lived under a dictator who used gas on his own people! Who's sons' used drills and cut peoples tongues out.... YOU think that is something worth keeping?
D) Then idiots like these who made stupid ass statements like these that TRAITORS yes TRAITORS like you think were OK!!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Do you think these were encouraging words to OUR military or to the terrorists?

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

How many American soldiers do you think enjoyed be lumped as "civilian killers"... "terrorists"...killing innocent people!

THE facts are you idiot...
Iraq was stable until the idiot pulled our troops out ... why do we have troops in Germany/Japan today 60 years later and it was
so important to pull troops out immediately? Because IDIOTS like you and Obama hate America.
That is the ONLY thing I can see.
YOU hate America more then you feel compassion for the 1.2 million kids that are now alive. The 28 million that don't fear Saddam.
And NOW because YOUR idiot president for purely political reasons, not American safety or world safety pulled the plug and these
people are in danger as could be the USA... ALL for political expediency!
Now here is an outstanding thread. I almost thought about starting a similar one but glad you're more willing to take the time with these Obamabots, healthmyths.

When I have time I'd like to post in there. In the meantime, it's comical to watch Fakey be completely decimated for his vacuous statements on everything.

At least Not Fooled and Boo are trying to have an intelligent conversation. Fakey is just a shallow dude that lacks intelligence AND integrity.

I'd like to see one of these Obamabots prove nuke WMD was NOT moved from Iraq. We all know CHEM WMD was moved into Syria. Sarin gas is WMD and anyone still denying THAT is even dumber than the piss ants. It's all over open source.

The most the corrupt press can say about NUKE WMD is it wasn't found INSIDE Iraq. And even that becomes debatable with the 500 tons of yellowcake moved out in 2008.

That yellowcake was from before 1991 and was well accounted for and had nothing to do with claims in 2003 that Saddam was acquiring yellowcake for a nuclear program.

More proof you've never been to Iraq or in any way involved with the military or else you would have known that was a worn out thoroughly debunked myth: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

So enough with the posing.

As usual you show how brainwashed you are. And darling, unlike you, I have plenty pictures that show I was there. U wanna put $2000 behind your lies too?

Don't answer that. You libs have demonstrated yourselves to be vacuous, cowardly, weasels when it comes to backing up the poop you throw out there. We already know you won't back it up.

As for the WMD, we've already resolved this in other threads.

Is sarin gas WMD or not?

One more time, is the sarin gas in Syria WMD or not? You know....the stuff Obama drew the red line for.

So one more time, is sarin gas WMD?

Don't answer, your brain isn't big enough.

But most people know it is.

As for nuke WMD, Bush only ever said it wasn't found in Iraq.

Show me where he said otherwise. And no, your libtard interpretation of what Bush said doesn't count. I want you to show me where he said an exhaustive search outside of Iraq was done.

You can't because he didn't.

And the yellowcake? You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. It's not even worth my time to educate you.

Just shut the fuck up on this subject. You're just as stupid as Fakey. No one believes what either of you say on the subject.
Now here is an outstanding thread. I almost thought about starting a similar one but glad you're more willing to take the time with these Obamabots, healthmyths.

When I have time I'd like to post in there. In the meantime, it's comical to watch Fakey be completely decimated for his vacuous statements on everything.

At least Not Fooled and Boo are trying to have an intelligent conversation. Fakey is just a shallow dude that lacks intelligence AND integrity.

I'd like to see one of these Obamabots prove nuke WMD was NOT moved from Iraq. We all know CHEM WMD was moved into Syria. Sarin gas is WMD and anyone still denying THAT is even dumber than the piss ants. It's all over open source.

The most the corrupt press can say about NUKE WMD is it wasn't found INSIDE Iraq. And even that becomes debatable with the 500 tons of yellowcake moved out in 2008.

That yellowcake was from before 1991 and was well accounted for and had nothing to do with claims in 2003 that Saddam was acquiring yellowcake for a nuclear program.

More proof you've never been to Iraq or in any way involved with the military or else you would have known that was a worn out thoroughly debunked myth: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

So enough with the posing.

As usual you show how brainwashed you are. And darling, unlike you, I have plenty pictures that show I was there. U wanna put $2000 behind your lies too?

Don't answer that. You libs have demonstrated yourselves to be vacuous, cowardly, weasels when it comes to backing up the poop you throw out there. We already know you won't back it up.

As for the WMD, we've already resolved this in other threads.

Is sarin gas WMD or not?

One more time, is the sarin gas in Syria WMD or not? You know....the stuff Obama drew the red line for.

So one more time, is sarin gas WMD?

Don't answer, your brain isn't big enough.

But most people know it is.

As for nuke WMD, Bush only ever said it wasn't found in Iraq.

Show me where he said otherwise. And no, your libtard interpretation of what Bush said doesn't count. I want you to show me where he said an exhaustive search outside of Iraq was done.

You can't because he didn't.

And the yellowcake? You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. It's not even worth my time to educate you.

Just shut the fuck up on this subject. You're just as stupid as Fakey. No one believes what either of you say on the subject.

It's brainwashing to know that the yellowcake you referenced was already accounted for years before 2003?


Oh and btw, your insistence that you were in Iraq only makes you look more ignorant.

And the yellowcake? You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. It's not even worth my time to educate you.


Messageboard rule:

When someone claims it's not worth their time to 'educate' you on an unsubstantiated claim that you've already debunked,

that's their way of trying to surrender and save face at the same time.
Bush said he would not have invaded Iraq if he knew the WMDs were not there. No ifs ands or buts, no exclusions

And the yellowcake? You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. It's not even worth my time to educate you.


Messageboard rule:

When someone claims it's not worth their time to 'educate' you on an unsubstantiated claim that you've already debunked,

that's their way of trying to surrender and save face at the same time.

Show me that rule.


You can't.

But watching libtard hypocrisy entertains me nonetheless.

You tards are incapable of addressing substance.
Bush said he would not have invaded Iraq if he knew the WMDs were not there. No ifs ands or buts, no exclusions

You're the dumbest fuck on this entire board. I assure you you don't know how to interpret a sophisticated person's comments.
Yes, it was wrong to destabilize the ME on accusations that were false, led to thousands of dead, tens of thousands maimed [these are the Americans, not the hundreds of thousands of ME civilian casualties], two outsourced wars on credit card that nearly broke America economically, the ostracism of senior Busies from traveling in western Europe,

Americans as a group will never let the neo-cons send heavy American combat units to the ME again.

And a day of judicial reckoning will come here in the USA for our chicken hawk neo-cons.
You know for an American you are really a shit head!
A) The Desert storm war was never over you idiot! 1991 Cease Fire stated.. Saddam you break it the agreement the war continues!
IT did you dummy!
B) Of course YOU didn't even count the 1.2 million kids that DIDN'T starve because Saddam wasn't in power! What about them?
C) YOU totally forget the 28 million people that lived under a dictator who used gas on his own people! Who's sons' used drills and cut peoples tongues out.... YOU think that is something worth keeping?
D) Then idiots like these who made stupid ass statements like these that TRAITORS yes TRAITORS like you think were OK!!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Do you think these were encouraging words to OUR military or to the terrorists?

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

How many American soldiers do you think enjoyed be lumped as "civilian killers"... "terrorists"...killing innocent people!

THE facts are you idiot...
Iraq was stable until the idiot pulled our troops out ... why do we have troops in Germany/Japan today 60 years later and it was
so important to pull troops out immediately? Because IDIOTS like you and Obama hate America.
That is the ONLY thing I can see.
YOU hate America more then you feel compassion for the 1.2 million kids that are now alive. The 28 million that don't fear Saddam.
And NOW because YOUR idiot president for purely political reasons, not American safety or world safety pulled the plug and these
people are in danger as could be the USA... ALL for political expediency!

We are in danger here in the USA because the neo-cons pulled off their invasion of Iraq and destabilized the ME.

The damage from Bush and his allies far outweighs what SH was doing and that was horrifying, so that even more damns the neo-cons today. And, yes, a day of reckoning is coming.

When friends of mine in the Arkansas AR and NG, company grade officers and senior NCOs, told me privately they were turning against Bush and the war (and they said they were meetings folks just like them from units across the nation sent to the sand box), that Bush had failed.

The American people will support a massive air war but not a massive land effort.
Bush said he would not have invaded Iraq if he knew the WMDs were not there. No ifs ands or buts, no exclusions

You're the dumbest fuck on this entire board. I assure you you don't know how to interpret a sophisticated person's comments.

I put that out on the news wires, "EconChick says she is sophisticated", and we could feel the world shift on its axis as the laughter shook the cosmos

And the yellowcake? You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. It's not even worth my time to educate you.


Messageboard rule:

When someone claims it's not worth their time to 'educate' you on an unsubstantiated claim that you've already debunked,

that's their way of trying to surrender and save face at the same time.

Show me that rule.


You can't.

But watching libtard hypocrisy entertains me nonetheless.

You tards are incapable of addressing substance.

Do you have substance that refutes my post that debunks the yellowcake myth?

Have you found the thousands of personnel that would have had to have been involved with Saddam's WMD programs,

if such programs had existed?
Now here is an outstanding thread. I almost thought about starting a similar one but glad you're more willing to take the time with these Obamabots, healthmyths.

When I have time I'd like to post in there. In the meantime, it's comical to watch Fakey be completely decimated for his vacuous statements on everything.

At least Not Fooled and Boo are trying to have an intelligent conversation. Fakey is just a shallow dude that lacks intelligence AND integrity.

I'd like to see one of these Obamabots prove nuke WMD was NOT moved from Iraq. We all know CHEM WMD was moved into Syria. Sarin gas is WMD and anyone still denying THAT is even dumber than the piss ants. It's all over open source.

The most the corrupt press can say about NUKE WMD is it wasn't found INSIDE Iraq. And even that becomes debatable with the 500 tons of yellowcake moved out in 2008.

That yellowcake was from before 1991 and was well accounted for and had nothing to do with claims in 2003 that Saddam was acquiring yellowcake for a nuclear program.

More proof you've never been to Iraq or in any way involved with the military or else you would have known that was a worn out thoroughly debunked myth: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

So enough with the posing.

As usual you show how brainwashed you are. And darling, unlike you, I have plenty pictures that show I was there. U wanna put $2000 behind your lies too?

Don't answer that. You libs have demonstrated yourselves to be vacuous, cowardly, weasels when it comes to backing up the poop you throw out there. We already know you won't back it up.

As for the WMD, we've already resolved this in other threads.

Is sarin gas WMD or not?

One more time, is the sarin gas in Syria WMD or not? You know....the stuff Obama drew the red line for.

So one more time, is sarin gas WMD?

Don't answer, your brain isn't big enough.

But most people know it is.

As for nuke WMD, Bush only ever said it wasn't found in Iraq.

Show me where he said otherwise. And no, your libtard interpretation of what Bush said doesn't count. I want you to show me where he said an exhaustive search outside of Iraq was done.

You can't because he didn't.

And the yellowcake? You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. It's not even worth my time to educate you.

Just shut the fuck up on this subject. You're just as stupid as Fakey. No one believes what either of you say on the subject.

Bluster is an internet cliché are you...
Bush said he would not have invaded Iraq if he knew the WMDs were not there. No ifs ands or buts, no exclusions

You're the dumbest fuck on this entire board. I assure you you don't know how to interpret a sophisticated person's comments.

I put that out on the news wires, "EconChick says she is sophisticated", and we could feel the world shift on its axis as the laughter shook the cosmos

Intelligent people luvvvvvvvvvvvvv me.

I'm not surprised you don't.

Get it,get it?? LMAO

Look you're just a beached whale that no one respects or listens to.

I notice you are incapable of debating me on substance. As usual.

So Fakey, were you in the military?

See unlike you, I actually ask instead of making presumptions.

What was your rank?

And the yellowcake? You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. It's not even worth my time to educate you.


Messageboard rule:

When someone claims it's not worth their time to 'educate' you on an unsubstantiated claim that you've already debunked,

that's their way of trying to surrender and save face at the same time.

Show me that rule.


You can't.

But watching libtard hypocrisy entertains me nonetheless.

You tards are incapable of addressing substance.

Do you have substance that refutes my post that debunks the yellowcake myth?

Have you found the thousands of personnel that would have had to have been involved with Saddam's WMD programs,

if such programs had existed?

You pull up a snopey link and call that fact???????????????

You're an idiot. I'm interested in debating people around here I disagree with but want to learn something from.

That's not you. I only waste my time on intelligent people.
Now here is an outstanding thread. I almost thought about starting a similar one but glad you're more willing to take the time with these Obamabots, healthmyths.

When I have time I'd like to post in there. In the meantime, it's comical to watch Fakey be completely decimated for his vacuous statements on everything.

At least Not Fooled and Boo are trying to have an intelligent conversation. Fakey is just a shallow dude that lacks intelligence AND integrity.

I'd like to see one of these Obamabots prove nuke WMD was NOT moved from Iraq. We all know CHEM WMD was moved into Syria. Sarin gas is WMD and anyone still denying THAT is even dumber than the piss ants. It's all over open source.

The most the corrupt press can say about NUKE WMD is it wasn't found INSIDE Iraq. And even that becomes debatable with the 500 tons of yellowcake moved out in 2008.

That yellowcake was from before 1991 and was well accounted for and had nothing to do with claims in 2003 that Saddam was acquiring yellowcake for a nuclear program.

More proof you've never been to Iraq or in any way involved with the military or else you would have known that was a worn out thoroughly debunked myth: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

So enough with the posing.

As usual you show how brainwashed you are. And darling, unlike you, I have plenty pictures that show I was there. U wanna put $2000 behind your lies too?

Don't answer that. You libs have demonstrated yourselves to be vacuous, cowardly, weasels when it comes to backing up the poop you throw out there. We already know you won't back it up.

As for the WMD, we've already resolved this in other threads.

Is sarin gas WMD or not?

One more time, is the sarin gas in Syria WMD or not? You know....the stuff Obama drew the red line for.

So one more time, is sarin gas WMD?

Don't answer, your brain isn't big enough.

But most people know it is.

As for nuke WMD, Bush only ever said it wasn't found in Iraq.

Show me where he said otherwise. And no, your libtard interpretation of what Bush said doesn't count. I want you to show me where he said an exhaustive search outside of Iraq was done.

You can't because he didn't.

And the yellowcake? You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. It's not even worth my time to educate you.

Just shut the fuck up on this subject. You're just as stupid as Fakey. No one believes what either of you say on the subject.

Bluster is an internet cliché are you...

I'm used to grossly inferior people saying the same thing. Get it? You're an idiot.

And the yellowcake? You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. It's not even worth my time to educate you.


Messageboard rule:

When someone claims it's not worth their time to 'educate' you on an unsubstantiated claim that you've already debunked,

that's their way of trying to surrender and save face at the same time.

Show me that rule.


You can't.

But watching libtard hypocrisy entertains me nonetheless.

You tards are incapable of addressing substance.

Do you have substance that refutes my post that debunks the yellowcake myth?

Have you found the thousands of personnel that would have had to have been involved with Saddam's WMD programs,

if such programs had existed?

You pull up a snopey link and call that fact???????????????

You're an idiot. I'm interested in debating people around here I disagree with but want to learn something from.

That's not you. I only waste my time on intelligent people.

You are a textbook example of this logical fallacy:

Fallacy Appeal to Ridicule
Bush said he would not have invaded Iraq if he knew the WMDs were not there. No ifs ands or buts, no exclusions

You're the dumbest fuck on this entire board. I assure you you don't know how to interpret a sophisticated person's comments.

I put that out on the news wires, "EconChick says she is sophisticated", and we could feel the world shift on its axis as the laughter shook the cosmos

Intelligent people luvvvvvvvvvvvvv me.

I'm not surprised you don't.

Get it,get it?? LMAO

Look you're just a beached whale that no one respects or listens to.

I notice you are incapable of debating me on substance. As usual.

So Fakey, were you in the military?

See unlike you, I actually ask instead of making presumptions.

What was your rank?

It's been very entertaining to watch your deterioration. Classic!!
Bush said he would not have invaded Iraq if he knew the WMDs were not there. No ifs ands or buts, no exclusions

You're the dumbest fuck on this entire board. I assure you you don't know how to interpret a sophisticated person's comments.

I put that out on the news wires, "EconChick says she is sophisticated", and we could feel the world shift on its axis as the laughter shook the cosmos

Intelligent people luvvvvvvvvvvvvv me.

I'm not surprised you don't.

Get it,get it?? LMAO

Look you're just a beached whale that no one respects or listens to.

I notice you are incapable of debating me on substance. As usual.

So Fakey, were you in the military?

See unlike you, I actually ask instead of making presumptions.

What was your rank?

It's been very entertaining to watch your deterioration. Classic!!

LOL, my threads have been brilliantly prescient. Intelligent people tell me that all the time. I'm having a ball, moron.

You're just a partisan hack the feels extremely insecure by my presence. Poor idiot.

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