Democrats Promise Biden-Era Abortion Showdown Over Hyde Amendment


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I so hope they are able to do away with the Hyde Amendment. The conservatives scream that federal tax dollars are used for abortions when the Hyde Amendment prohibits it.

If the republicans are going to keep lying about that we may as well make them honest by not renewing the amendment. At least then what they say will actually be true.

What those stupid republicans don't know is that they already pay for abortions. Whether it's through their tax dollars or through their insurance premium payments. So they are being hypocritical about the whole thing. Especially since they don't give a flying rip about life. They proved that with the covid virus.

The thing is, state medicare tax dollars already pay for abortions in 17 states. My state is one of them. Some do it because it was mandated by a court. My state did it by the will of the people and the ballot box. It was on the ballot in the early 80s. Simple question, should state medicaid tax dollars pay for abortions? I voted yes. So did the majority of the people of my state and we have been paying for abortions with our state medicaid dollars for decades. Here is the list of states that pay for abortion with their state tax dollars through medicaid:

Screen Shot 2020-12-27 at 7.27.09 AM.png

I have always believed that republicans aren't special, they don't have the right to choose who gets privacy in their body and health care. While I have to pay for tax cuts that leaves our nation not able to pay our bills. While I have to pay for the military industrial complex which is against my religion. Why does the christian religion get special laws but my religion doesn't?

you should get an award for your overly dramatic threads....

What is over dramatic about my post?

I hope that the amendment is not renewed.

Do you?
just about every thread you do is like a gloomy drama....and no i dont want my tax dollars to go to someone getting an abortion.....if someones insurance or the individuals cant cover it than they should start using birth control...or dont have sex.....
I so hope they are able to do away with the Hyde Amendment. The conservatives scream that federal tax dollars are used for abortions when the Hyde Amendment prohibits it.

If the republicans are going to keep lying about that we may as well make them honest by not renewing the amendment. At least then what they say will actually be true.

What those stupid republicans don't know is that they already pay for abortions. Whether it's through their tax dollars or through their insurance premium payments. So they are being hypocritical about the whole thing. Especially since they don't give a flying rip about life. They proved that with the covid virus.

The thing is, state medicare tax dollars already pay for abortions in 17 states. My state is one of them. Some do it because it was mandated by a court. My state did it by the will of the people and the ballot box. It was on the ballot in the early 80s. Simple question, should state medicaid tax dollars pay for abortions? I voted yes. So did the majority of the people of my state and we have been paying for abortions with our state medicaid dollars for decades. Here is the list of states that pay for abortion with their state tax dollars through medicaid:

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I have always believed that republicans aren't special, they don't have the right to choose who gets privacy in their body and health care. While I have to pay for tax cuts that leaves our nation not able to pay our bills. While I have to pay for the military industrial complex which is against my religion. Why does the christian religion get special laws but my religion doesn't?

If you don't want to pay for an abortion, bring it up with your health insurance company.
My insurance pays 100% for a sex change.

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