Democrats Propose $10,000 Fine For Gun Oweners


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

A contingent of liberal Democrats in Congress is proposing a new federal gun control idea: mandatory liability insurance for gun owners.

When New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney introduced the legislation last month with eight other Democrats, she boasted that it is “the first bill to require liability insurance of gun buyers nationwide.”

Maloney’s “Firearm Risk Protection Act” requires gun buyers to have “a qualified liability insurance policy” before they are able to legally purchase a firearm.

It also calls for the federal government to impose a fine as much as $10,000 if a gun owner doesn’t have insurance on a firearm purchased after the bill goes into effect.

“It shall be unlawful for a person who owns a firearm purchased on or after the effective date of this subsection not to be covered by a qualified liability insurance policy,” the bill text reads.

The bill would also make it a federal crime to sell a firearm to anyone without insurance.

Read more: Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don't have insurance | The Daily Caller

So Democrats want to make it too expensive to own a gun. I bet the crooks will be falling all over themselves to buy insurance.

This simply shows that Democrats aren't interested in going after the criminal gun owner but the legal gun owner is in their crosshairs. That is their only goal and they can't hide it anymore.

Nothing they seem to propose will stop another act of gun violence in the Hood. Nothing. Not smaller mags, no stricter gun laws. This is intended to go after our 2nd Amendment rights plain and simple.
No one will buy insurance. The government will impose fines and raise those fines until the Supreme Court find these excessive fines unconstitutional. The government really cannot put millions of people in prison for not having insurance or not paying the fine. That's why we don't put people in prison for not having car insurance. There is a point where excessive laws are not tolerated. When that point is reached people just stop obeying the law at all.
Wonder what the odds are the criminals won't buy insurance for their non-registered guns?

But once again the law-abiding citizen who's following all the rules, regs, laws, and jumping through whatever other hoops necessary, gets nailed with an additional expense when simply trying to execute his constitutional right.

C'mon, libs, for once THINK something through!!!
Thus keeping guns out of the hands of the POOR BUT NON-CRIMINAL CLASS, while insuring that only the more affluent (and Non-Criminal) will have them.

AS to that changing gun ownership of the criminal class?

It will have little effect unless the overall number of guns in American declines dramtically.

Will it solve the SPREE KILLER problem?

Not much, I suspect.

Not with over 300,000,000 wepons already on the ground, at least

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