Democrats Propose Law Requiring Everyone Must Vote

I live on the west coast, its all California now Oregon, Washington, and California. These people are intolerant control freaks to the nth degree.
Why I fled. Happiest day was seeing the California Border in my rear view mirror

Where did you land? I'm on the hunt for a conservative county in a red state.
Virginia, which has its own issues. We picked here for the weather and we love history. The little bubble around DC is where all the Deep Staters live, but the rest is God fearing Trump country. I expect a backlash next election over the gun issue.

Virginia looks a lot like Oregon and Washington, a pocket of liberals took over the whole state.
I was looking at 2 years to get a concealed weapon permit in California, got mine in VA in less than 3 weeks.

Not sure where you live, but housing and energy costs here are half of California.
Who said the Left are fascists who hate America?

California, soon to be Federal should they gain control of the White House and Senate.

The proposal, introduced in the state Assembly on Tuesday, would be unprecedented and probably challenged in court should it ultimately become law. It would place the burden for determining the civil penalty and the ultimate punishment on the secretary of state, California’s chief elections officer.

“Democracy is not a spectator sport — it requires the active participation of all its citizens,” the bill’s author, Assemblyman Marc Levine, D-San Rafael, said in a written statement. “California is a national leader on expanding voting rights to its citizens. Those rights come with a responsibility by registered voters to cast their ballot and make sure that their voice is heard by their government.”

Californians who register to vote would be required to cast ballots under new bill

What they need to do is pass a law that prevents Illegal Immigrants and Third World Imported Immigrants from voting and it being punishable by IMMEDIATE Deportation, but of course Leftists won't do that because they increasingly rely on Illegal Immigrants and especially Third World Imported Immigrants in general to vote for them to keep their miserable buttocks in office.

And this goes for ALL Western nations in general, it should not be allowed that Third World Imported Immigrants EVER get to vote in the nation they are squatting in to determine WHO runs that nation that they have contributed ZERO to financially or have contributed ZERO to assisting in building that nation.
Pipe dream for the moonbats of California.
WOW! The filth is losing it even further.

If you FORCE a person to vote when they don't want to vote...they will vote AGAINST you!

Do it democrats...DO IT! :auiqs.jpg:

One of the reasons Democrats are so against Voter-ID is because they know their constituents are lazy. A good percentage on welfare and some who never worked a day in their lives. So forcing people to vote might have a backlash on them. People will withdraw their registration and say to hell with it if they are required no matter what.

Republicans on the other hand will make sure they vote and no obstacle will stand in their way. I don't know about the presidential election since a Republican has no chance at winning, but the House and Senate I'm sure Republicans will almost always vote for.
And if you don't vote they will vote for you, even if your illegal or dead.
I live on the west coast, its all California now Oregon, Washington, and California. These people are intolerant control freaks to the nth degree.
Why I fled. Happiest day was seeing the California Border in my rear view mirror

Where did you land? I'm on the hunt for a conservative county in a red state.

I lived many states. I'll never leave KY, been here over 10 now. Stay away from Lexington, Louisville.
Who said the Left are fascists who hate America?

California, soon to be Federal should they gain control of the White House and Senate.

The proposal, introduced in the state Assembly on Tuesday, would be unprecedented and probably challenged in court should it ultimately become law. It would place the burden for determining the civil penalty and the ultimate punishment on the secretary of state, California’s chief elections officer.

“Democracy is not a spectator sport — it requires the active participation of all its citizens,” the bill’s author, Assemblyman Marc Levine, D-San Rafael, said in a written statement. “California is a national leader on expanding voting rights to its citizens. Those rights come with a responsibility by registered voters to cast their ballot and make sure that their voice is heard by their government.”

Californians who register to vote would be required to cast ballots under new bill

Democrats are all about forcing people. Force people to buy certain size sodas, force people to buy healthcare insurance, force people to eat certain things in public school cafeteria, force schools to allowing weirdos in dresses to enter the girls locker room and showers, force people to have certain size magazines for their firearm, now force them to vote, force, force force.
And if you don't vote they will vote for you, even if your illegal or dead.
Who said the Left are fascists who hate America?

California, soon to be Federal should they gain control of the White House and Senate.

The proposal, introduced in the state Assembly on Tuesday, would be unprecedented and probably challenged in court should it ultimately become law. It would place the burden for determining the civil penalty and the ultimate punishment on the secretary of state, California’s chief elections officer.

“Democracy is not a spectator sport — it requires the active participation of all its citizens,” the bill’s author, Assemblyman Marc Levine, D-San Rafael, said in a written statement. “California is a national leader on expanding voting rights to its citizens. Those rights come with a responsibility by registered voters to cast their ballot and make sure that their voice is heard by their government.”

Californians who register to vote would be required to cast ballots under new bill

Democrats are all about forcing people. Force people to buy certain size sodas, force people to buy healthcare insurance, force people to eat certain things in public school cafeteria, force schools to allowing weirdos in dresses to enter the girls locker room and showers, force people to have certain size magazines for their firearm, now force them to vote, force, force force.
In another time and place assholes like that were known as nazis.
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It's The People's Republik of Kalifornia. They'd love to pass a law forcing everyone to vote Democrat.

Or....they can continue to go in this direction...

"It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes."
Attributed to Stalin
And if you don't vote they will vote for you, even if your illegal or dead.
Who said the Left are fascists who hate America?

California, soon to be Federal should they gain control of the White House and Senate.

The proposal, introduced in the state Assembly on Tuesday, would be unprecedented and probably challenged in court should it ultimately become law. It would place the burden for determining the civil penalty and the ultimate punishment on the secretary of state, California’s chief elections officer.

“Democracy is not a spectator sport — it requires the active participation of all its citizens,” the bill’s author, Assemblyman Marc Levine, D-San Rafael, said in a written statement. “California is a national leader on expanding voting rights to its citizens. Those rights come with a responsibility by registered voters to cast their ballot and make sure that their voice is heard by their government.”

Californians who register to vote would be required to cast ballots under new bill

Democrats are all about forcing people. Force people to buy certain size sodas, force people to buy healthcare insurance, force people to eat certain things in public school cafeteria, force schools to allowing weirdos in dresses to enter the girls locker room and showers, force people to have certain size magazines for their firearm, now force them to vote, force, force force.
In another time and place asshokes like that were known as nazis.

It should be a warning to any free American that anytime you have the words "force" and "government" in the same sentence, look out, because you are about to lose more liberty.
This is a good thing.
You don't force people to do something they may not want to do, because the outcome might just be worse than you wanted. democrats force people to vote they may just turn around and vote Republican.
Well the next law would be prison time for not voting the way they want you to.
This is a good thing.
You don't force people to do something they may not want to do, because the outcome might just be worse than you wanted. democrats force people to vote they may just turn around and vote Republican.
Well the next law would be prison time for not voting the way they want you to.

Any mindless person thinking about voting Democrat, remember, this is not the way you want to see your entire country run.
This is a good thing.
You don't force people to do something they may not want to do, because the outcome might just be worse than you wanted. democrats force people to vote they may just turn around and vote Republican.


They should go for it
Ask someone... anyone !who doesnt vote what they think of government in general ...or pc culture
Now you're gonna force these people to the voting booth ....grumbling? ...genius ! I'm sure theyll all vote for the most progressive control freak left wing nazi that gets put up on a ballot :113::71:

Real centrist ,middle of the roaders ,indies ,libertarians Need to keep reminding themselves when it come to the left TODAY they want to regulate and codify everything into law ..nothing is out of bounds for them . They will never stop cause the issues are never the issues

From speech ,to puddles , to fuel, to pronouns, to electricity, to straws , and even voting now ...I guess theyll be needing ID eh ?

ID is wacist wacist wacist ! everything else under the sun

They gotta have a say ,rules and laws
We could go on all fuxking night making a list

The democrats are in complete disarray and the dangerous progressive morons are calling the shots ...these same people and many of their so called "educated" useful idiots will insist they know what best for you ...and the entire planet.

The very same planet where third and 2 nd world peoples who live in mud huts think white leftwing westerners are spoiled tools and useful idiots .

Americans in general are live and let live kinda people
So even if you hate the crazy right wingers and capitalist and let live that's embedded us even deeper than most ...and you can carry on all ya want about our extreamly bossy and religous factions but even most of them are live an let live
Long story short if yas really want to stop a possible future boogaloo we all need to push back together ....and indeed vote .

Vote for Patriots and capitalist. give non politicans a shot .... no fucking lawyers no fucking neo con con artists, no rinos,no compassionate conservative , any one who doesn't m ince wordsA++++ ...give people locally and for state elections shots

Gotta send em to Congress and the Senate to ...
Its probably yours only hope obi one
My hopes not that high but they can be easily destroyed and dismantled
Jus sayin
So if you don't vote....what? The Libtards will FINE you....JAIL you....or just VOTE FOR YOU?

So if you don't vote....what? The Libtards will FINE you....JAIL you....or just VOTE FOR YOU?


You know there's something up with pressuring people to vote. First they institute automatic registration when you get or renew your derivers license. You can opt out if you are familiar that they automatically register you. But now, if you don't and are registered, they will fine or jail you for not using that registration by voting.
I don't view this negatively. Levine’s effort, Assembly Bill 2070, would require every Californian who registers to vote to “cast a ballot, marked or unmarked in whole or in part, at every election held within the territory within which the person resides.”

Might be a good way to clean up voter registration. Politically I think it would help Republicans since it is my opinion they are likely to be older and more consistent in their voting attendance, especially in non-major elections.
And if you don't vote they will vote for you, even if your illegal or dead.
Who said the Left are fascists who hate America?

California, soon to be Federal should they gain control of the White House and Senate.

The proposal, introduced in the state Assembly on Tuesday, would be unprecedented and probably challenged in court should it ultimately become law. It would place the burden for determining the civil penalty and the ultimate punishment on the secretary of state, California’s chief elections officer.

“Democracy is not a spectator sport — it requires the active participation of all its citizens,” the bill’s author, Assemblyman Marc Levine, D-San Rafael, said in a written statement. “California is a national leader on expanding voting rights to its citizens. Those rights come with a responsibility by registered voters to cast their ballot and make sure that their voice is heard by their government.”

Californians who register to vote would be required to cast ballots under new bill

Democrats are all about forcing people. Force people to buy certain size sodas, force people to buy healthcare insurance, force people to eat certain things in public school cafeteria, force schools to allowing weirdos in dresses to enter the girls locker room and showers, force people to have certain size magazines for their firearm, now force them to vote, force, force force.
In another time and place asshokes like that were known as nazis.

It should be a warning to any free American that anytime you have the words "force" and "government" in the same sentence, look out, because you are about to lose more liberty.
Unfortunately, there are a fair number of Americans who, due to various personal failures and character flaws, insist the government should make all their decisions for them. And they project those failures and flaws on us normal people.

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