Democrats Propose Law Requiring Everyone Must Vote

And if you don't vote they will vote for you, even if your illegal or dead.
Who said the Left are fascists who hate America?

California, soon to be Federal should they gain control of the White House and Senate.

The proposal, introduced in the state Assembly on Tuesday, would be unprecedented and probably challenged in court should it ultimately become law. It would place the burden for determining the civil penalty and the ultimate punishment on the secretary of state, California’s chief elections officer.

“Democracy is not a spectator sport — it requires the active participation of all its citizens,” the bill’s author, Assemblyman Marc Levine, D-San Rafael, said in a written statement. “California is a national leader on expanding voting rights to its citizens. Those rights come with a responsibility by registered voters to cast their ballot and make sure that their voice is heard by their government.”

Californians who register to vote would be required to cast ballots under new bill

Democrats are all about forcing people. Force people to buy certain size sodas, force people to buy healthcare insurance, force people to eat certain things in public school cafeteria, force schools to allowing weirdos in dresses to enter the girls locker room and showers, force people to have certain size magazines for their firearm, now force them to vote, force, force force.
In another time and place asshokes like that were known as nazis.

It should be a warning to any free American that anytime you have the words "force" and "government" in the same sentence, look out, because you are about to lose more liberty.
Unfortunately, there are a fair number of Americans who, due to various personal failures and character flaws, insist the government should make all their decisions for them. And they project those failures and flaws on us normal people.

The problem here is that in many jurisdictions, there is no real choice in elections. If its Leftard #1 vs. Leftard #2, why bother?

Further, in places like California, even if there is a reasonable candidate, they usually have no chance whatsoever.
And if you don't vote they will vote for you, even if your illegal or dead.
Who said the Left are fascists who hate America?

California, soon to be Federal should they gain control of the White House and Senate.

The proposal, introduced in the state Assembly on Tuesday, would be unprecedented and probably challenged in court should it ultimately become law. It would place the burden for determining the civil penalty and the ultimate punishment on the secretary of state, California’s chief elections officer.

“Democracy is not a spectator sport — it requires the active participation of all its citizens,” the bill’s author, Assemblyman Marc Levine, D-San Rafael, said in a written statement. “California is a national leader on expanding voting rights to its citizens. Those rights come with a responsibility by registered voters to cast their ballot and make sure that their voice is heard by their government.”

Californians who register to vote would be required to cast ballots under new bill

Democrats are all about forcing people. Force people to buy certain size sodas, force people to buy healthcare insurance, force people to eat certain things in public school cafeteria, force schools to allowing weirdos in dresses to enter the girls locker room and showers, force people to have certain size magazines for their firearm, now force them to vote, force, force force.
In another time and place asshokes like that were known as nazis.

It should be a warning to any free American that anytime you have the words "force" and "government" in the same sentence, look out, because you are about to lose more liberty.
Unfortunately, there are a fair number of Americans who, due to various personal failures and character flaws, insist the government should make all their decisions for them. And they project those failures and flaws on us normal people.

The problem here is that in many jurisdictions, there is no real choice in elections. If its Leftard #1 vs. Leftard #2, why bother?

Further, in places like California, even if there is a reasonable candidate, they usually have no chance whatsoever.
Perhaps an involuntary secession might be in order. Kick the Commie states out of the US.

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