Democrats Quit Party In Droves

Democrats switching over to vote for a guy who is a democrat, in another party.


Ya, that mean old racist Trump just gave a full pardon to a black woman today.

And it unhinged the left the 'uncle tom' narrative from the left is off the charts. That so many blacks spoke during the RNC convention has triggered them. Remember Biden said if you don't vote Dem then you are not black.
  1. The DEMOCRATS are counting on television viewership as reported to commercial advertisers.
  2. Mainstream Media in America, including all television broadcast networks, are essentially owned by wealthy Jewish DEMOCRATS.
  3. There's a perverse market where it costs a lot more money to run Republican commercials on television than it does to run DEMOCRAT commercials which are often partially financed by the stations themselves.
  4. Television is DEMOCRAT/RINO only. Conservative Republicans are banned entirely by the major networks, e.g. Laura Loomer on Comcast, etc.
  5. The saving grace may be that people who watch television are not the same set who get up off their asses and actually vote at the polls.
The Pendulum reached its apex of Liberal Lunacy when they started firing people for saying things like "All Lives Matter".

Now, it is swinging back toward Sanity---though it still has a long way to go.

It's momentum is building, and it will be like a wrecking ball by Election Day.

The Democrats are trying something that has never been tried before. They are going to try to pretend their candidate is not a Dementia Patient---for two long months---through what will be the most difficult of his life. They have to be nervous wrecks, even with the corrupt media in on the Cover-up.

What could go wrong?

Buy. More. Popcorn.

  1. The DEMOCRATS are counting on television viewership as reported to commercial advertisers.
  2. Mainstream Media in America, including all television broadcast networks, are essentially owned by wealthy Jewish DEMOCRATS.
  3. There's a perverse market where it costs a lot more money to run Republican commercials on television than it does to run DEMOCRAT commercials which are often partially financed by the stations themselves.
  4. Television is DEMOCRAT/RINO only. Conservative Republicans are banned entirely by the major networks, e.g. Laura Loomer on Comcast, etc.
  5. The saving grace may be that people who watch television are not the same set who get up off their asses and actually vote at the polls.

Hillary and Dems blew through $1.2 billion in 2016 plus 24/7 biased pro Hillary coverage by the fake news media and they still got their ass whooped. It will be worse for them in 2020 with Trump commanding the bully pulpit any time he wishes.

Plus what are Dem's promising. Trillions in new taxes. A punishment tax on 401k's and IRA's. A 90 day total country shut down. The blithering idiots have lost it.
God, I hope we are witnessing the death of the Democratic Party. The Party of Slavery, the party of the Confederacy, the party of Jim Crow laws, the party of the resurgent KKK, the party of Mao admirers, the party of Muslim refugee lovers, the party of Podesta and Epstein pedo club, the party of Fake News, and the party of Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists needs to die off.
Def. believable, So many Trumpybear supporters. It's gonna be a cake walk. He's gonna win by so much, half you don't even need to bother to vote. It's in the bag.
Looks like Lyndon (Lemme Show You My Johnson) Johnson is gonna check up 'bout 40 years short of having the N words vote RaT for a hundred years.
Lyndon Johnson would have been Republican(or at least a Neocon) if he were alive today :smoke: Lyndon Johnson supported Richard Nixon over Hubert Humphrey in 1968 because he thought Hubert was too liberal.:auiqs.jpg:

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