Democrats Quit Party In Droves

This is the latest broadcast from Tim Pool, it's pretty long it's 28 minutes. It illustrates something that happened in 2016 but for obviously different reasons, this is regarding Professional Polling and those who are Polled do NOT always tell the Pollsters the correct answer, they will sometimes say they are going to vote for the opposite candidate they will ACTUALLY be voting for and/or they say they are Undecided when they are NOT.

Anyhow Tim Pool has his latest broadcast mainly about the below, the amount of Democrats calling into CSPAN during the Republican Convention who are furious at the Democrat Party for their support of the rioting, looting, violence and general mayhem across America and that because of this they are saying they are going to vote for Donald Trump.

There have been several threads about how the Democrat Party is now freaking out because their OWN Polling is showing that their support for the rioting, looting, violence and general mayhem IS having a NEGATIVE effect on Creepy Joe and Kameltoe Harris' numbers and so the whole Tim Pool broadcast about the situation with large amounts of Democrats calling into CSPAN to say they are going to vote for Donald Trump is very probably an accurate situation, going on the Democrats freaking at their OWN Polling numbers re. the Anarchy THEY have ENCOURAGED and SUPPORTED.



Trump has low ratings, low polls, low support, low energy. Yea. Sure. Dems are in trouble. Bwahaha
You keep telling yourself those stupid lies but the only one fooled is yourself you stupid clown. Be sure to put a tooth under your pillow tonight, idiot.
Two easy questions:
1. Has Trump made more fans or alienated more independents?
2. Does Biden have anywhere near the negative favorability that Hillary did?

I can lead a mule to water but I can’t make you drink.
I can answer those questions. :)
1) Trump has won the approval of countless independents and DEMOCRATS. lol
2) Biden wouldn’t be running today if Obama hadn’t pulled him off the trash heap to help him win an election.

And let’s not forget what Obama recently said.... don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up. lol
1. Check the scoreboard. He hasn’t won them over. It’s only the third quarter but he fucked any chance he had up by alienating everyone after a razor thin win.
2. Biden won South Carolina with help from Clyburn. Obama waited until it was a done deal before he supported anyone.

Obama never said that.

You are missing a few brain cells. I bet you were fun as shit to party with on your way to that damage.
Are you talking about the same scoreboard that him losing on election night in ‘16? That scoreboard? lol
Trump has low ratings, low polls, low support, low energy. Yea. Sure. Dems are in trouble. Bwahaha
You keep telling yourself those stupid lies but the only one fooled is yourself you stupid clown. Be sure to put a tooth under your pillow tonight, idiot.
Two easy questions:
1. Has Trump made more fans or alienated more independents?
2. Does Biden have anywhere near the negative favorability that Hillary did?

I can lead a mule to water but I can’t make you drink.
I can answer those questions. :)
1) Trump has won the approval of countless independents and DEMOCRATS. lol
2) Biden wouldn’t be running today if Obama hadn’t pulled him off the trash heap to help him win an election.

And let’s not forget what Obama recently said.... don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up. lol
1. Check the scoreboard. He hasn’t won them over. It’s only the third quarter but he fucked any chance he had up by alienating everyone after a razor thin win.
2. Biden won South Carolina with help from Clyburn. Obama waited until it was a done deal before he supported anyone.

Obama never said that.

You are missing a few brain cells. I bet you were fun as shit to party with on your way to that damage.
Are you talking about the same scoreboard that him losing on election night in ‘16? That scoreboard? lol
Nope. Like he got his ass kicked in 2018. I will leave the possibility he can win a razor tight election. He’d have to pull another inside straight on the electoral college after pissing off people for 4 years. I don’t see it. But I won’t be shocked. I’ll never underestimate the stupidity of the dumb part of America.
Its about as relevant as the people who say they are republican who voted for trump last cycle but will not vote for Trump this cycle

Sorry who is that crowd? Or are you meaning the Neo-Conservatives who voted for Trump last time in the HOPE he'd start some NEW Wars in The Middle East and when he DID NOT now they are ALL going to vote for Senile Creepy Joe because he CAN be easily manipulated due to him being Senile into starting some NEW Wars in The Middle East.
My ex sister in law that hates Trump and has argued with me for years over politics is going to vote for Trump...When I asked her why that's just what she said....she can't vote for a party that would condone rioting and vandalism and she wants to send her dem party a wake up call....she is an artist sculptor and was horrified at watching beautiful works of art vandalized by people in her party...
Its about as relevant as the people who say they are republican who voted for trump last cycle but will not vote for Trump this cycle

Sorry who is that crowd? Or are you meaning the Neo-Conservatives who voted for Trump last time in the HOPE he'd start some NEW Wars in The Middle East and when he DID NOT now they are ALL going to vote for Senile Creepy Joe because he CAN be easily manipulated due to him being Senile into starting some NEW Wars in The Middle East.

Peopling calling in and saying they will vote republican. Okay real scientific. Sounds like republicans calling in.

Not voting for Trump:

  • Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah): The party's 2012 presidential nominee said in February that he will not support Trump shortly after he voted to convict the president on one count in his impeachment trial.
  • John Bolton: Trump's former national security adviser said he will not vote for Biden or Trump and hopes that history remembers Trump "as a one-term president."
  • Jeff Flake: The Arizona Senator said he will not vote for Trump, but added that he's never voted for a Democrat for president, per The Washington Post.
  • William H. McRaven: McRaven, who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, has publicly criticized the president. He told The New York Times, "This fall, it's time for a new leadership in this country — Republican, Democrat or independent."
Voting for Biden:

  • Colin Powell: The former secretary of state under George W. Bush and retired four-star general said that he will support Biden because he believes that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution.
  • Carly Fiorina: The 2016 presidential candidate said she will support Biden because she believes he is "a person of humility and empathy and character," per The Atlantic.
  • John Kasich: The former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate is not only endorsing Biden, but also speaking at the DNC to support the former vice president.
  • Miles Taylor: The former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff officially endorsed Biden saying, "Even though I'm not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country."
On the fence:

  • Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): Murkowski, one of Trump's consistent foils in the Senate, said that she was "struggling" to support the president's re-election after James Mattis, the former defense secretary, issued a public rebuke.
see the difference between real names and people calling in.
Trump has low ratings, low polls, low support, low energy. Yea. Sure. Dems are in trouble. Bwahaha
You keep telling yourself those stupid lies but the only one fooled is yourself you stupid clown. Be sure to put a tooth under your pillow tonight, idiot.
Two easy questions:
1. Has Trump made more fans or alienated more independents?
2. Does Biden have anywhere near the negative favorability that Hillary did?

I can lead a mule to water but I can’t make you drink.
I can answer those questions. :)
1) Trump has won the approval of countless independents and DEMOCRATS. lol
2) Biden wouldn’t be running today if Obama hadn’t pulled him off the trash heap to help him win an election.

And let’s not forget what Obama recently said.... don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up. lol
1. Check the scoreboard. He hasn’t won them over. It’s only the third quarter but he fucked any chance he had up by alienating everyone after a razor thin win.
2. Biden won South Carolina with help from Clyburn. Obama waited until it was a done deal before he supported anyone.

Obama never said that.

You are missing a few brain cells. I bet you were fun as shit to party with on your way to that damage.
Are you talking about the same scoreboard that him losing on election night in ‘16? That scoreboard? lol
Nope. Like he got his ass kicked in 2018. I will leave the possibility he can win a razor tight election. He’d have to pull another inside straight on the electoral college after pissing off people for 4 years. I don’t see it. But I won’t be shocked. I’ll never underestimate the stupidity of the dumb part of America.
I can understand you wanting a glimmer of hope this time around.

As a guy who gets paid to play a small part in helping people like you through tough times, I can’t, in good conscience, take what little hope of winning you might have.
Your statement "support for the rioting, looting, violence and general mayhem" is BS. Those who commit crimes are NOT supported by Biden or the former prosecutor, Harris.

The extremists on the political Right are fanning the violence among peaceful protesters to appeal to naive law & order narratives by the lying Trumpsters.
Maybe, just maybe all those fake mail in ballots Democraps are planning might cancel out the thinning of their ranks.
Its about as relevant as the people who say they are republican who voted for trump last cycle but will not vote for Trump this cycle

Sorry who is that crowd? Or are you meaning the Neo-Conservatives who voted for Trump last time in the HOPE he'd start some NEW Wars in The Middle East and when he DID NOT now they are ALL going to vote for Senile Creepy Joe because he CAN be easily manipulated due to him being Senile into starting some NEW Wars in The Middle East.

Peopling calling in and saying they will vote republican. Okay real scientific. Sounds like republicans calling in.

Not voting for Trump:

  • Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah): The party's 2012 presidential nominee said in February that he will not support Trump shortly after he voted to convict the president on one count in his impeachment trial.
  • John Bolton: Trump's former national security adviser said he will not vote for Biden or Trump and hopes that history remembers Trump "as a one-term president."
  • Jeff Flake: The Arizona Senator said he will not vote for Trump, but added that he's never voted for a Democrat for president, per The Washington Post.
  • William H. McRaven: McRaven, who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, has publicly criticized the president. He told The New York Times, "This fall, it's time for a new leadership in this country — Republican, Democrat or independent."
Voting for Biden:

  • Colin Powell: The former secretary of state under George W. Bush and retired four-star general said that he will support Biden because he believes that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution.
  • Carly Fiorina: The 2016 presidential candidate said she will support Biden because she believes he is "a person of humility and empathy and character," per The Atlantic.
  • John Kasich: The former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate is not only endorsing Biden, but also speaking at the DNC to support the former vice president.
  • Miles Taylor: The former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff officially endorsed Biden saying, "Even though I'm not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country."
On the fence:

  • Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): Murkowski, one of Trump's consistent foils in the Senate, said that she was "struggling" to support the president's re-election after James Mattis, the former defense secretary, issued a public rebuke.
see the difference between real names and people calling in.
I know and have met many many dems that are voting for Trump...the republican swamp people that don't like him are worried about all the bling and money they would have gotten to lobby for China and others for bringing America along towards globalism and ending our sovereignty....these are war hawks and nation rebuilders...there is a ton of tax dollars that get lost while we are nation rebuilding...and they are mad that Trump is ending this practice.....remember the 15 million dollar gas stations in Afghanistan?....both parties love playing with the numbers so they can redirect tax dollars to shady if best places.....
Its about as relevant as the people who say they are republican who voted for trump last cycle but will not vote for Trump this cycle

Sorry who is that crowd? Or are you meaning the Neo-Conservatives who voted for Trump last time in the HOPE he'd start some NEW Wars in The Middle East and when he DID NOT now they are ALL going to vote for Senile Creepy Joe because he CAN be easily manipulated due to him being Senile into starting some NEW Wars in The Middle East.

Peopling calling in and saying they will vote republican. Okay real scientific. Sounds like republicans calling in.

Not voting for Trump:

  • Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah): The party's 2012 presidential nominee said in February that he will not support Trump shortly after he voted to convict the president on one count in his impeachment trial.
  • John Bolton: Trump's former national security adviser said he will not vote for Biden or Trump and hopes that history remembers Trump "as a one-term president."
  • Jeff Flake: The Arizona Senator said he will not vote for Trump, but added that he's never voted for a Democrat for president, per The Washington Post.
  • William H. McRaven: McRaven, who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, has publicly criticized the president. He told The New York Times, "This fall, it's time for a new leadership in this country — Republican, Democrat or independent."
Voting for Biden:

  • Colin Powell: The former secretary of state under George W. Bush and retired four-star general said that he will support Biden because he believes that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution.
  • Carly Fiorina: The 2016 presidential candidate said she will support Biden because she believes he is "a person of humility and empathy and character," per The Atlantic.
  • John Kasich: The former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate is not only endorsing Biden, but also speaking at the DNC to support the former vice president.
  • Miles Taylor: The former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff officially endorsed Biden saying, "Even though I'm not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country."
On the fence:

  • Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): Murkowski, one of Trump's consistent foils in the Senate, said that she was "struggling" to support the president's re-election after James Mattis, the former defense secretary, issued a public rebuke.
see the difference between real names and people calling in.

The crowd you list a mixture of RINOs and the Batshit Crazy Psychopath John Bolton were Never Trumpers, the only one who was NOT a Never Trumper was John Bolton and that was BECAUSE he thought Trump would start NEW Wars in The Middle East for the Paymasters who Bolton and his fellow Neo-Cons are LOYAL to OVER America. The Neo-Conservatives are Traitors, they WORK for a FOREIGN State AGAINST America they should ALL be hanged.
This is the latest broadcast from Tim Pool, it's pretty long it's 28 minutes. It illustrates something that happened in 2016 but for obviously different reasons, this is regarding Professional Polling and those who are Polled do NOT always tell the Pollsters the correct answer, they will sometimes say they are going to vote for the opposite candidate they will ACTUALLY be voting for and/or they say they are Undecided when they are NOT.

Anyhow Tim Pool has his latest broadcast mainly about the below, the amount of Democrats calling into CSPAN during the Republican Convention who are furious at the Democrat Party for their support of the rioting, looting, violence and general mayhem across America and that because of this they are saying they are going to vote for Donald Trump.

There have been several threads about how the Democrat Party is now freaking out because their OWN Polling is showing that their support for the rioting, looting, violence and general mayhem IS having a NEGATIVE effect on Creepy Joe and Kameltoe Harris' numbers and so the whole Tim Pool broadcast about the situation with large amounts of Democrats calling into CSPAN to say they are going to vote for Donald Trump is very probably an accurate situation, going on the Democrats freaking at their OWN Polling numbers re. the Anarchy THEY have ENCOURAGED and SUPPORTED.

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Never heard of him is he important somewhere?
Your statement "support for the rioting, looting, violence and general mayhem" is BS. Those who commit crimes are NOT supported by Biden or the former prosecutor, Harris.

The extremists on the political Right are fanning the violence among peaceful protesters to appeal to naive law & order narratives by the lying Trumpsters.

Maybe you should stop with your BS because I do actually have a higher IQ than you obviously do and can shoot down your BS.

Such as:

"Your statement "support for the rioting, looting, violence and general mayhem" is BS. Those who commit crimes are NOT supported by Biden or the former prosecutor, Harris."

Kameltoe Harris LESS than 24 hours ago SUPPORTED the rioters and said the mayhem SHOULD CONTINUE for many more months. She refers to the rioting as a "Movement"

The below video is from LESS than 24 hours ago, Kamala Harris says the riots SHOULD continue and SHOULD continue AFTER the Election and she smiles her way through saying all of that. So she's FOR the rioting and FOR the rioting to CONTINUE for MANY MONTHS = NO Condemning them, Creepy Joe of course is NOT the Candidate, Harris IS the Candidate and so peoples should ignore EVERYTHING the Senile old man in the basements babbles and instead LISTEN to what Harris says.

Kamala Harris in the below clip says that the rioting SHOULD continue, it SHOULD continue and there is NO WAY Leftists can spin THAT into that she is condemning anything, when she is ENCOURAGING it to CONTINUE.

In the below video at 5 minutes and 23 seconds we have this below exchange:

  • Colbert: And I want to make clear that I know there are protests still happening across the United States. I'm just not seeing the reporting on it that I saw in the first few weeks..."

    : And they're not going to stop. Not going to stop. This is a movement. I'm telling you. They are not going to stop.

    And everyone beware. . . because they are not going to stop and they are not going to stop before Election Day in November and they are not going to stop after Election Day.

    And everyone should take note of that -- on both levels.

    They are not going to let up -- and they should not. And we should not."

    Colbert: Senator we're going to take a quick break...

This is the latest broadcast from Tim Pool, it's pretty long it's 28 minutes. It illustrates something that happened in 2016 but for obviously different reasons, this is regarding Professional Polling and those who are Polled do NOT always tell the Pollsters the correct answer, they will sometimes say they are going to vote for the opposite candidate they will ACTUALLY be voting for and/or they say they are Undecided when they are NOT.

Anyhow Tim Pool has his latest broadcast mainly about the below, the amount of Democrats calling into CSPAN during the Republican Convention who are furious at the Democrat Party for their support of the rioting, looting, violence and general mayhem across America and that because of this they are saying they are going to vote for Donald Trump.

There have been several threads about how the Democrat Party is now freaking out because their OWN Polling is showing that their support for the rioting, looting, violence and general mayhem IS having a NEGATIVE effect on Creepy Joe and Kameltoe Harris' numbers and so the whole Tim Pool broadcast about the situation with large amounts of Democrats calling into CSPAN to say they are going to vote for Donald Trump is very probably an accurate situation, going on the Democrats freaking at their OWN Polling numbers re. the Anarchy THEY have ENCOURAGED and SUPPORTED.

View attachment 381362

View attachment 381367

Never heard of him is he important somewhere?

He's a journalist, politically he is basically on the Left, he supported Bernie Sanders in 2016, he agrees with the Right on Immigration and the Toxic Cancel Culture Nature of Social Media, he became known during the whole Occupy Wall Street thing, he is NOT a Conservative or a Rightist but he's going to vote for Donald Trump because the Democrats aka Communists are now literal Neo-Marxists who are ENABLING and SUPPORTING feral mobs to go around America rioting, looting, burning things and pulling Historical Statues down and burning the American flag and DEMANDING low IQ Muppets who play Sports all get on their knees because the American National Anthem is racist and DEMANDING that the Police should be abolished because they are in the way of feral Black thugs of the George Floyd Variety from committing rapes and murders and armed robberies and Crack Dealing etc
There are millions of citizens compared to a few thousand supporters that travel around. Citizens can roll right over these communists and crush them. That's what needs to happen. When they riot they should be attacked and beaten into a wet spot.

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