Democrats Quit Party In Droves

Insane liberals took control of the Democratic party and wrecked it. Not surprising traditional Democrats are bailing out of the party.

That’s exactly it. How long before all Kennedy (Even Bill Clinton) Democrats realize the party has shifted WAY left and is comprised of anti-American, radical socialists now?

The Kennedy Dem party looked a lot like the America first Trump administration. As the Dem party moved left, taxing and spending like there's no tomorrow, and began screwing over the American people they started losing to Republicans. Rather than acknowledging their mistake they doubled down on the left policies while trying to rig elections with an influx of illegals they could bribe and cutting deals with anti American countries like China.

In 2016 Trump shocked the world wading into blue states and winning them. State Dem leaders in battle ground states warned the liberal leaders in Washington but it fell on deaf ears. After Trump whooped their ass again rather than acknowledge the Dem party had moved too far left they went into category 10 denial, conjuring up all manner of wild excuses for why they lost vs acknowledging it was their far left policies the American people rejected, it was this that doomed them.

One of the Trump sons said Joe Biden was a Trojan horse for all these radical leftist ideas. Truer words have never been spoken. Joe Biden is far from in control of his party.
Insane liberals took control of the Democratic party and wrecked it. Not surprising traditional Democrats are bailing out of the party.

That’s exactly it. How long before all Kennedy (Even Bill Clinton) Democrats realize the party has shifted WAY left and is comprised of anti-American, radical socialists now?

The Kennedy Dem party looked a lot like the America first Trump administration. As the Dem party moved left, taxing and spending like there's no tomorrow, and began screwing over the American people they started losing to Republicans. Rather than acknowledging their mistake they doubled down on the left policies while trying to rig elections with an influx of illegals they could bribe and cutting deals with anti American countries like China.

In 2016 Trump shocked the world wading into blue states and winning them. State Dem leaders in battle ground states warned the liberal leaders in Washington but it fell on deaf ears. After Trump whooped their ass again rather than acknowledge the Dem party had moved too far left they went into category 10 denial, conjuring up all manner of wild excuses for why they lost vs acknowledging it was their far left policies the American people rejected, it was this that doomed them.

One of the Trump sons said Joe Biden was a Trojan horse for all these radical leftist ideas. Truer words have never been spoken. Joe Biden is far from in control of his party.

It's clear Pelosi and Hillary are pulling Biden's puppet strings. We know from the past few elections that Dems cannot be trusted. The day after they win an election they go FULL RETARD LEFT.
Its about as relevant as the people who say they are republican who voted for trump last cycle but will not vote for Trump this cycle

Sorry who is that crowd? Or are you meaning the Neo-Conservatives who voted for Trump last time in the HOPE he'd start some NEW Wars in The Middle East and when he DID NOT now they are ALL going to vote for Senile Creepy Joe because he CAN be easily manipulated due to him being Senile into starting some NEW Wars in The Middle East.

Peopling calling in and saying they will vote republican. Okay real scientific. Sounds like republicans calling in.

Not voting for Trump:

  • Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah): The party's 2012 presidential nominee said in February that he will not support Trump shortly after he voted to convict the president on one count in his impeachment trial.
  • John Bolton: Trump's former national security adviser said he will not vote for Biden or Trump and hopes that history remembers Trump "as a one-term president."
  • Jeff Flake: The Arizona Senator said he will not vote for Trump, but added that he's never voted for a Democrat for president, per The Washington Post.
  • William H. McRaven: McRaven, who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, has publicly criticized the president. He told The New York Times, "This fall, it's time for a new leadership in this country — Republican, Democrat or independent."
Voting for Biden:

  • Colin Powell: The former secretary of state under George W. Bush and retired four-star general said that he will support Biden because he believes that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution.
  • Carly Fiorina: The 2016 presidential candidate said she will support Biden because she believes he is "a person of humility and empathy and character," per The Atlantic.
  • John Kasich: The former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate is not only endorsing Biden, but also speaking at the DNC to support the former vice president.
  • Miles Taylor: The former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff officially endorsed Biden saying, "Even though I'm not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country."
On the fence:

  • Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): Murkowski, one of Trump's consistent foils in the Senate, said that she was "struggling" to support the president's re-election after James Mattis, the former defense secretary, issued a public rebuke.
see the difference between real names and people calling in.

The crowd you list a mixture of RINOs and the Batshit Crazy Psychopath John Bolton were Never Trumpers, the only one who was NOT a Never Trumper was John Bolton and that was BECAUSE he thought Trump would start NEW Wars in The Middle East for the Paymasters who Bolton and his fellow Neo-Cons are LOYAL to OVER America. The Neo-Conservatives are Traitors, they WORK for a FOREIGN State AGAINST America they should ALL be hanged.

exactly,Bolton indeed is a psycho
What’s also funny is that of course Romney is not going to vote for trump,Romney is a warmonger same as his pals bush and Obama,all globalists,Romney thinks it’s great we have the CIA and the fed so of COURSE he won’t vote for trump.Lol Trump did not start any new wars for the elite as Obama did so of course he is going to vote for globalist Biden who WILL give the elite new expanded wars in the comedy gold.

and Colon Powell,seriously? Lol of course he is a four star general,our corrupt government always Gives prizes to mass murderers who don’t give a crap about the people.mass murderer Obama is a prime example giving him the Nobel peace Colin Powell murdered many Americans invadingIraq knowing there were no WMDs,knowing soldiers would get sick from I forget what it’s called now it’s been a long time,but the point is these are all psychotic murderers he speaks of voting for globalist biden knowing He will give them the wars they want and Harris as well,Harris is As evil as Obama if not

btw Lucy,a Rino is actually someone who is on the Republican ticket but only a Republican in NAME only.they are not part of the elite,warmongers like bush and Romney and McCain, Bush sr,and Reagan as well when they were Alive.puppets willing to serve the elite and give them what they want.

Ron Paul and trump are

that is just the tip of the discontent, but they are repub who voted for Trump so deal with it.
Looks like Lyndon (Lemme Show You My Johnson) Johnson is gonna check up 'bout 40 years short of having the N words vote RaT for a hundred years.
Lyndon Johnson would have been Republican(or at least a Neocon) if he were alive today :smoke: Lyndon Johnson supported Richard Nixon over Hubert Humphrey in 1968 because he thought Hubert was too liberal.:auiqs.jpg:
Indeed,Johnson was much more in the same likes of neocon Bush than anything like the democrats back then which at that time,were nothing like warmonger Johnson.johnson was pals with dick Nixon sense they were two peas in a pod,warmongers.
Its about as relevant as the people who say they are republican who voted for trump last cycle but will not vote for Trump this cycle

Sorry who is that crowd? Or are you meaning the Neo-Conservatives who voted for Trump last time in the HOPE he'd start some NEW Wars in The Middle East and when he DID NOT now they are ALL going to vote for Senile Creepy Joe because he CAN be easily manipulated due to him being Senile into starting some NEW Wars in The Middle East.

Peopling calling in and saying they will vote republican. Okay real scientific. Sounds like republicans calling in.

Not voting for Trump:

  • Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah): The party's 2012 presidential nominee said in February that he will not support Trump shortly after he voted to convict the president on one count in his impeachment trial.
  • John Bolton: Trump's former national security adviser said he will not vote for Biden or Trump and hopes that history remembers Trump "as a one-term president."
  • Jeff Flake: The Arizona Senator said he will not vote for Trump, but added that he's never voted for a Democrat for president, per The Washington Post.
  • William H. McRaven: McRaven, who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, has publicly criticized the president. He told The New York Times, "This fall, it's time for a new leadership in this country — Republican, Democrat or independent."
Voting for Biden:

  • Colin Powell: The former secretary of state under George W. Bush and retired four-star general said that he will support Biden because he believes that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution.
  • Carly Fiorina: The 2016 presidential candidate said she will support Biden because she believes he is "a person of humility and empathy and character," per The Atlantic.
  • John Kasich: The former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate is not only endorsing Biden, but also speaking at the DNC to support the former vice president.
  • Miles Taylor: The former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff officially endorsed Biden saying, "Even though I'm not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country."
On the fence:

  • Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): Murkowski, one of Trump's consistent foils in the Senate, said that she was "struggling" to support the president's re-election after James Mattis, the former defense secretary, issued a public rebuke.
see the difference between real names and people calling in.
I know and have met many many dems that are voting for Trump...the republican swamp people that don't like him are worried about all the bling and money they would have gotten to lobby for China and others for bringing America along towards globalism and ending our sovereignty....these are war hawks and nation rebuilders...there is a ton of tax dollars that get lost while we are nation rebuilding...and they are mad that Trump is ending this practice.....remember the 15 million dollar gas stations in Afghanistan?....both parties love playing with the numbers so they can redirect tax dollars to shady if best places.....
I know 5 people who never voted before for anyone . But are registered republicans this year.

well we can go back and forth on this. the only point was the OP mention demo and I just mention that it is the same for repubs.

The only thing that will matter is the vote tally.
Democrats are welcome to cross over and vote for President Trump and Republicans in Senate and House races on November 3rd :cool:
I’m not so sure we want them unless they have changed their way of thinking,there is this one democrat congressmen I heard on my independent radio station saying that he just barely got re-elected to his seat because he was against abortion saying there were like 47 congressmen total out there and only three others besides him were against it.he was saying if you are against abortion you are blacklisted by them. Better find out what the exact beliefs are of these dems,they may be trying to infiltrate trumps campaigne
Its about as relevant as the people who say they are republican who voted for trump last cycle but will not vote for Trump this cycle

Sorry who is that crowd? Or are you meaning the Neo-Conservatives who voted for Trump last time in the HOPE he'd start some NEW Wars in The Middle East and when he DID NOT now they are ALL going to vote for Senile Creepy Joe because he CAN be easily manipulated due to him being Senile into starting some NEW Wars in The Middle East.

Peopling calling in and saying they will vote republican. Okay real scientific. Sounds like republicans calling in.

Not voting for Trump:

  • Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah): The party's 2012 presidential nominee said in February that he will not support Trump shortly after he voted to convict the president on one count in his impeachment trial.
  • John Bolton: Trump's former national security adviser said he will not vote for Biden or Trump and hopes that history remembers Trump "as a one-term president."
  • Jeff Flake: The Arizona Senator said he will not vote for Trump, but added that he's never voted for a Democrat for president, per The Washington Post.
  • William H. McRaven: McRaven, who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, has publicly criticized the president. He told The New York Times, "This fall, it's time for a new leadership in this country — Republican, Democrat or independent."
Voting for Biden:

  • Colin Powell: The former secretary of state under George W. Bush and retired four-star general said that he will support Biden because he believes that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution.
  • Carly Fiorina: The 2016 presidential candidate said she will support Biden because she believes he is "a person of humility and empathy and character," per The Atlantic.
  • John Kasich: The former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate is not only endorsing Biden, but also speaking at the DNC to support the former vice president.
  • Miles Taylor: The former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff officially endorsed Biden saying, "Even though I'm not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country."
On the fence:

  • Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): Murkowski, one of Trump's consistent foils in the Senate, said that she was "struggling" to support the president's re-election after James Mattis, the former defense secretary, issued a public rebuke.
see the difference between real names and people calling in.
My opinion of the president holds more value to the people I have direct contact with than those deep staters you just listed

But but but The Deep State is a Conspiracy Theory or whatever :rolleyes-41: Leftists aka Communists really are a piece of work. I forgot to mention, not actually related to my OP per se, but I was hearing that the feral Black Neo-Marxist mob aka BLM have been invoking Martin Luther King Jr now, illustrating what a crowd of uneducated low IQ Muppet Thug Boi's they are EVERYONE knows that Martin Luther King Jr was for NON-VIOLENCE and as such he would have been 100% AGAINST the Burn Loot Murder crowds feral violence and destruction.
You don't even know what a Communist is. And these are the real murderers; Trump Supporters Rush to Defend One of Their Own Who Killed Protesters in Kenosha
and you are a liar
You may not think yourself a communist but you align yourself with communist
You can deny the leftists are terrorist but their actions show they are terrorists.
Again, the Right has proven to be totally brain dead on the subject of Communism, because there is zero documentation that ties a Communist to Democrats. It's always been the big lie, and they can't fix it. Lol! They lost the argument, because they have no argument. Lying about this is all they know.

of course they are because they have nothing else. Communism is a political party and they were active in the 60's. There is nothing in the demo or repub party that would make them vote for either party. My guess is they do not vote . If they do vote they probably vote repub because Trump is such an authoritarian. Anyway China is a communist political party but they also have free enterprise market.
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I support neither party. It's patriotic plus.
I am normally in the same boat with you the fact I’m an independent.i did not care who got elected between Obama and McCain or Obama and Romney,all three were globalists,this election I changed my tune, I did not want trump in but the alternative of hitlery a globalists,was 100 times worse so I was happy Trump got in,this time same story,because the alernative is two evil globalists,it’s a no brainer for me to cheer on trump again.he is far better than the scary alternative to choose from,a no brainer.
Trump has low ratings, low polls, low support, low energy. Yea. Sure. Dems are in trouble. Bwahaha

Given the current condition of the Democrat Party, I'd be ashamed to admit that I was part of a terrorist organization. Making a simple-minded comment as you did here, is deplorable.
Yet, more people viewed the DNC convention than the RNC convention.

Yeah, they were watching the Democrats murdering people, rioting, looting, and committing arson. Then hanging their heads in shame over what a formerly noble, yet misinformed, the party has become.

Disgusting and repulsive.
Trump has low ratings, low polls, low support, low energy. Yea. Sure. Dems are in trouble. Bwahaha

Given the current condition of the Democrat Party, I'd be ashamed to admit that I was part of a terrorist organization. Making a simple-minded comment as you did here, is deplorable.
Simple yes. Accurate. Yep.
Not only did the republicans have more viewers, but theirs was a significantly better produced and more effective convention. Trump will definitely realize a good bounce from this and it will trickle down to local elections as well. The Democrats know this and are busy running in circles trying to bite their own tails. That's why Pelosi came out and said its better if Biden doesn't debate. She's knows a little more that we do about Biden's true condition and what is about to come.
If republicans on these threads had any honor or scruples, they wouldn't vote for or stick up for a turd like trump. Show me whose trump's associates are and I'll show you who he is. One link below of another 'associate' of trump's getting caught. Nothing but a bunch of grifters these republicans are. I'm not a big fan of Biden since he's not a liberal by any stretch but at least he's a decent human being which is something that can never be said about trump and his gang of low lifes.
I'll say to this to the end. Anyone who votes for a guy who stole millions from a charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer, wouldn't think twice as Hitler did, of putting 6 million people to death in gas chambers. It tells us his supporters are no different. It's pure evil.
Not only did the republicans have more viewers, but theirs was a significantly better produced and more effective convention. Trump will definitely realize a good bounce from this and it will trickle down to local elections as well. The Democrats know this and are busy running in circles trying to bite their own tails. That's why Pelosi came out and said its better if Biden doesn't debate. She's knows a little more that we do about Biden's true condition and what is about to come.
The Republican convention was nothing but lies.
Trump has low ratings, low polls, low support, low energy. Yea. Sure. Dems are in trouble. Bwahaha

Given the current condition of the Democrat Party, I'd be ashamed to admit that I was part of a terrorist organization. Making a simple-minded comment as you did here, is deplorable.
Now that is funny...........comey will sing like a canary and now he is trying to sacrifice Hillary to try to pretend he was a corrupt agent? His life expectancy ( or an immediate family member like his brother as a message) is very very very short y'all.
I must just be ahead of the curve. I stopped being a Democrat a bit after Obama was elected due to the way identity politics had snuffed out common sense.beteen that, the rise of antisemitism on the left and the obvious way Obama was pandering ti Islamists, it was no longer they same party.

It has only gone downhill from there. Heck, just look around - is there even ONE democrat on this board who isn't just perfectly fine with domestic terrorists burning down an innocent person's business? I sure haven't seen any.
I must just be ahead of the curve. I stopped being a Democrat a bit after Obama was elected due to the way identity politics had snuffed out common sense.beteen that, the rise of antisemitism on the left and the obvious way Obama was pandering ti Islamists, it was no longer they same party.

It has only gone downhill from there. Heck, just look around - is there even ONE democrat on this board who isn't just perfectly fine with domestic terrorists burning down an innocent person's business? I sure haven't seen any.
‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism Do you really want to take me on with this argument? Rioting by the few, is not murdering of the many. Who are the murderers most responsible for the killings? It's been the Right. Get a clue. You don't want this argument, believe me. Learn what domestic terrorism actually means.

Not only did the republicans have more viewers, but theirs was a significantly better produced and more effective convention. Trump will definitely realize a good bounce from this and it will trickle down to local elections as well. The Democrats know this and are busy running in circles trying to bite their own tails. That's why Pelosi came out and said its better if Biden doesn't debate. She's knows a little more that we do about Biden's true condition and what is about to come.
The Republican convention was nothing but lies.
In other words it was full of inconvenient truths the media and Democrats refuse to face.

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