Democrats Quit Party In Droves

The modern Democrat party has become nothing more then a domestic terrorists group. As Americans wake up to this, they naturally leave the party. Only America hating communist are Democrats these days
The Democratic Party has become what the Communist Party of the USA was from the 1950s-1990s. :smoke:
Check this out.

The Democrats were calling in stating they are leaving the party. They've had enough of the "peaceful protests".

Democrats cancelling themselves is Hillaryous.

If you check back on this very board you'll see that I've been saying this is the end of the democratic party for years now. Not weeks or months but years. And they are killing themselves off and they're doing a good job of it, making absolutely sure that they'll be gone for good.
Trump has low ratings, low polls, low support, low energy. Yea. Sure. Dems are in trouble. Bwahaha
The modern Democrat party has become nothing more then a domestic terrorists group. As Americans wake up to this, they naturally leave the party. Only America hating communist are Democrats these days
The older politicians in the party are a disgrace.
They are irrelevant.

Americans know old democrats like Bill Clinton are sick fucks and so are the democrats who respect them.
Man. Who would vote for Biden? Just look at all the crazy stuff that’s happened during the last 4 years of his presidency. Time for a change.
I love these old interviews with Trump. The guy is finally able to fix the problems he’s been seeing.....
Trump has low ratings, low polls, low support, low energy. Yea. Sure. Dems are in trouble. Bwahaha
You keep telling yourself those stupid lies but the only one fooled is yourself you stupid clown. Be sure to put a tooth under your pillow tonight, idiot.
Two easy questions:
1. Has Trump made more fans or alienated more independents?
2. Does Biden have anywhere near the negative favorability that Hillary did?

I can lead a mule to water but I can’t make you drink.
Who do you think it was who flipped all those Blue states Red back in 2016?

Here's a hint ....

It wasn't Republicans !!!!
You are correct. It was stay at home a Democrat’s. The ones who came out in z2018 in record numbers like never seen before. Run. Away. Train.
Trump has low ratings, low polls, low support, low energy. Yea. Sure. Dems are in trouble. Bwahaha
You keep telling yourself those stupid lies but the only one fooled is yourself you stupid clown. Be sure to put a tooth under your pillow tonight, idiot.
Two easy questions:
1. Has Trump made more fans or alienated more independents?
2. Does Biden have anywhere near the negative favorability that Hillary did?

I can lead a mule to water but I can’t make you drink.
I can answer those questions. :)
1) Trump has won the approval of countless independents and DEMOCRATS. lol
2) Biden wouldn’t be running today if Obama hadn’t pulled him off the trash heap to help him win an election.

And let’s not forget what Obama recently said.... don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up. lol
You are correct. It was stay at home a Democrat’s. The ones who came out in z2018 in record numbers like never seen before. Run. Away. Train.
Well .... if you were to count the number of registered voters and compare it to those who actually voted in those states you would see the those LIES the Fake News MSM has told you to parrot in no way could be true.

But, you keep believing whatever makes you feeeeeeel better.

I promise not to burst your little Alt Left Universe bubble.
  1. The DEMOCRATS are counting on television viewership as reported to commercial advertisers.
  2. Mainstream Media in America, including all television broadcast networks, are essentially owned by wealthy Jewish DEMOCRATS.
  3. There's a perverse market where it costs a lot more money to run Republican commercials on television than it does to run DEMOCRAT commercials which are often partially financed by the stations themselves.
  4. Television is DEMOCRAT/RINO only. Conservative Republicans are banned entirely by the major networks, e.g. Laura Loomer on Comcast, etc.
  5. The saving grace may be that people who watch television are not the same set who get up off their asses and actually vote at the polls.
Remember... the MSM invested in Hillary and they are still pissed! 96% of MSM donated to Hillary!
Trump has low ratings, low polls, low support, low energy. Yea. Sure. Dems are in trouble. Bwahaha
You keep telling yourself those stupid lies but the only one fooled is yourself you stupid clown. Be sure to put a tooth under your pillow tonight, idiot.
Two easy questions:
1. Has Trump made more fans or alienated more independents?
2. Does Biden have anywhere near the negative favorability that Hillary did?

I can lead a mule to water but I can’t make you drink.
I can answer those questions. :)
1) Trump has won the approval of countless independents and DEMOCRATS. lol
2) Biden wouldn’t be running today if Obama hadn’t pulled him off the trash heap to help him win an election.

And let’s not forget what Obama recently said.... don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up. lol
1. Check the scoreboard. He hasn’t won them over. It’s only the third quarter but he fucked any chance he had up by alienating everyone after a razor thin win.
2. Biden won South Carolina with help from Clyburn. Obama waited until it was a done deal before he supported anyone.

Obama never said that.

You are missing a few brain cells. I bet you were fun as shit to party with on your way to that damage.

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