Democrats Refuse To Follow The "Science" on COVID-19

I've been listening to the left cry and whine all weekend that Trump isn't following the science so I decided to look at the time line and the professional papers out there to see if that was true. Its Not!

Dr Risch of Yale Epidemiology ( a renowned epidemiologist and public health doctor) did the same and what he found was stunning..

In a nut shell the left has been on a massive disinformation campaign in an effort to keep the pain and death levels high in our nation. Left wing Governors are not allowing doctors to treat people early and with drugs that work. This is unforgivable. What kind of trash does this kind of thing?

Joe Biden, Pelosie, Reid, Cuomo, DeBlasio among many others democrat governors and congress people ridiculed Trump on his early response to the COVID crisis as xenophobic and racist only to have it backfire on them exposing them as the non-science and political whores they are. Now they claim that Trump isn't following the science in direct conflict with the evidence and science.

Most Americans (latest poll shows 82%) see this for what it is and are looking for themselves to see what the truth is...
Are you blind? His team of scientists produced guidelines. Social distance 6 ft, wear masks when you can’t distance, and wash hands. Did you happen to see Trumps Tulsa rally? Tulsa along with many many other gatherings where he Ignored the science is perhaps the clearest example. How do you not see that?
Interestingly low dose HCL is keeping doctors and nurses from getting this full blown disease.
I keep a shiny rock in my pocket and I’ve never gotten COVID.

Interestingly my rock is as effective as hydroxychloroquine.

Id warn people away from taking HCL. That’s a strong acid.
There is a lot of evidence that HCL is effective against COVID. It is terrible that the medical community would deny the use of a drug that has very well known and limited side effects. That absolutely added to the death toll.
There’s far better evidence it doesn’t work. We tried it. It didn’t work. Time to move on.
Please prove it.... I'll wait..

Biological plausibility is only one of the Bradford Hill criteria, which I’m sure you know all about Mr Scientist.

Wear your mask, because it might help reduce the spread of the disease. Don't take HCL because it might not help you.

HCL is hydrochloric acid. Don’t take it. Hydroxychloroquine is usually abbreviated HCQ. A nit pick, I know.

We used hydroxychloroquine for months. We did it because it might help. We did it until we could do better studies to find out it’s efficacy. The studies failed to show a benefit. The use stopped.

This is precisely how medicine works.

As for masks, much harder to determine effect because you can’t do the same trials that you can for drug efficacy. But so far data does show some benefit.
Maybe that was your result but there are other studies out there and doctors who claim very high success rates with HCQ. I'm sure you have seen them.
I've been listening to the left cry and whine all weekend that Trump isn't following the science so I decided to look at the time line and the professional papers out there to see if that was true. Its Not!

Dr Risch of Yale Epidemiology ( a renowned epidemiologist and public health doctor) did the same and what he found was stunning..

In a nut shell the left has been on a massive disinformation campaign in an effort to keep the pain and death levels high in our nation. Left wing Governors are not allowing doctors to treat people early and with drugs that work. This is unforgivable. What kind of trash does this kind of thing?

Joe Biden, Pelosie, Reid, Cuomo, DeBlasio among many others democrat governors and congress people ridiculed Trump on his early response to the COVID crisis as xenophobic and racist only to have it backfire on them exposing them as the non-science and political whores they are. Now they claim that Trump isn't following the science in direct conflict with the evidence and science.

Most Americans (latest poll shows 82%) see this for what it is and are looking for themselves to see what the truth is...
Are you blind? His team of scientists produced guidelines. Social distance 6 ft, wear masks when you can’t distance, and wash hands. Did you happen to see Trumps Tulsa rally? Tulsa along with many many other gatherings where he Ignored the science is perhaps the clearest example. How do you not see that?
Kind of like your riots..... I guess COVID doesn't infect RIOTERS... Only people at Trump Rallies and people going to church...
Interestingly low dose HCL is keeping doctors and nurses from getting this full blown disease.
I keep a shiny rock in my pocket and I’ve never gotten COVID.

Interestingly my rock is as effective as hydroxychloroquine.

Id warn people away from taking HCL. That’s a strong acid.
There is a lot of evidence that HCL is effective against COVID. It is terrible that the medical community would deny the use of a drug that has very well known and limited side effects. That absolutely added to the death toll.
There’s far better evidence it doesn’t work. We tried it. It didn’t work. Time to move on.
Please prove it.... I'll wait..

Biological plausibility is only one of the Bradford Hill criteria, which I’m sure you know all about Mr Scientist.

Wear your mask, because it might help reduce the spread of the disease. Don't take HCL because it might not help you.

HCL is hydrochloric acid. Don’t take it. Hydroxychloroquine is usually abbreviated HCQ. A nit pick, I know.

We used hydroxychloroquine for months. We did it because it might help. We did it until we could do better studies to find out it’s efficacy. The studies failed to show a benefit. The use stopped.

This is precisely how medicine works.

As for masks, much harder to determine effect because you can’t do the same trials that you can for drug efficacy. But so far data does show some benefit.
Maybe that was your result but there are other studies out there and doctors who claim very high success rates with HCQ. I'm sure you have seen them.
Lots of people claim lots of things. I’m not into claims, I’m into data. The data isn’t very good in support of its use.
Illiterate Billy Bob poser complains of lack of context--intending BABY AND GENITAL MUTILATIONS in the Billy 'Bob context of relevant dosages. Yale University reports results from use in Covid-19 cases--widely known already disruptive. So in response, no such cases are shown, other than one reduced. No patient ages, or other information, is noted.

You would have to take 800mg TID (three times a day) to reach levels that cause arrhythmia at about the 30 day mark... The current regiment of COVID-19 is but 200mg BID (two times a day) for 10 days after one 400mg loading dose and is shown to have NO NEGATIVE EFFECTS on cardiac function at these levels and duration of treatment.

You idiots need to have context in your posts. You're making wild ass assumptions without a basis in facts...
Even Matt 25: 14-30, is a fact of prayer--Casting bodies complete with genitalia--Into "Outer Darkness," one-third of the recipients in the story! The story itself originates of the Imperial Roman Era--when in fact even customary baby abandonment itself was documented!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(In their prayers, their brand: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Illiterate Billy Bob poser complains of lack of context--intending BABY AND GENITAL MUTILATIONS in the Billy 'Bob context of relevant dosages. Yale University reports results from use in Covid-19 cases--widely known already disruptive. So in response, no such cases are shown, other than one reduced. No patient ages, or other information, is noted.

You would have to take 800mg TID (three times a day) to reach levels that cause arrhythmia at about the 30 day mark... The current regiment of COVID-19 is but 200mg BID (two times a day) for 10 days after one 400mg loading dose and is shown to have NO NEGATIVE EFFECTS on cardiac function at these levels and duration of treatment.

You idiots need to have context in your posts. You're making wild ass assumptions without a basis in facts...
Even Matt 25: 14-30, is a fact of prayer--Casting bodies complete with genitalia--Into "Outer Darkness," one-third of the recipients in the story! The story itself originates of the Imperial Roman Era--when in fact even customary baby abandonment itself was documented!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(In their prayers, their brand: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Now you pull out what extreem dosages do to babies, again without context... You guys are pathetic...
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I've been listening to the left cry and whine all weekend that Trump isn't following the science so I decided to look at the time line and the professional papers out there to see if that was true. Its Not!

Dr Risch of Yale Epidemiology ( a renowned epidemiologist and public health doctor) did the same and what he found was stunning..

In a nut shell the left has been on a massive disinformation campaign in an effort to keep the pain and death levels high in our nation. Left wing Governors are not allowing doctors to treat people early and with drugs that work. This is unforgivable. What kind of trash does this kind of thing?

Joe Biden, Pelosie, Reid, Cuomo, DeBlasio among many others democrat governors and congress people ridiculed Trump on his early response to the COVID crisis as xenophobic and racist only to have it backfire on them exposing them as the non-science and political whores they are. Now they claim that Trump isn't following the science in direct conflict with the evidence and science.

Most Americans (latest poll shows 82%) see this for what it is and are looking for themselves to see what the truth is...
Are you blind? His team of scientists produced guidelines. Social distance 6 ft, wear masks when you can’t distance, and wash hands. Did you happen to see Trumps Tulsa rally? Tulsa along with many many other gatherings where he Ignored the science is perhaps the clearest example. How do you not see that?
Kind of like your riots..... I guess COVID doesn't infect RIOTERS... Only people at Trump Rallies and people going to church...
You must be confused. I don’t have any riots. Maybe I’ll get one for Christmas this year but as of now I’ve never had one.

as for the people rioting. They should be arrested and for those protesting that don’t social distance and wear masks, they are idiots who are propagating the virus problem much like Trump rallies and propaganda
I've been listening to the left cry and whine all weekend that Trump isn't following the science so I decided to look at the time line and the professional papers out there to see if that was true. Its Not!

Dr Risch of Yale Epidemiology ( a renowned epidemiologist and public health doctor) did the same and what he found was stunning..

In a nut shell the left has been on a massive disinformation campaign in an effort to keep the pain and death levels high in our nation. Left wing Governors are not allowing doctors to treat people early and with drugs that work. This is unforgivable. What kind of trash does this kind of thing?

Joe Biden, Pelosie, Reid, Cuomo, DeBlasio among many others democrat governors and congress people ridiculed Trump on his early response to the COVID crisis as xenophobic and racist only to have it backfire on them exposing them as the non-science and political whores they are. Now they claim that Trump isn't following the science in direct conflict with the evidence and science.

Most Americans (latest poll shows 82%) see this for what it is and are looking for themselves to see what the truth is...
Are you blind? His team of scientists produced guidelines. Social distance 6 ft, wear masks when you can’t distance, and wash hands. Did you happen to see Trumps Tulsa rally? Tulsa along with many many other gatherings where he Ignored the science is perhaps the clearest example. How do you not see that?
Kind of like your riots..... I guess COVID doesn't infect RIOTERS... Only people at Trump Rallies and people going to church...
You must be confused. I don’t have any riots. Maybe I’ll get one for Christmas this year but as of now I’ve never had one.

as for the people rioting. They should be arrested and for those protesting that don’t social distance and wear masks, they are idiots who are propagating the virus problem much like Trump rallies and propaganda

You still are not following the science...
Amazing not one credible response to disprove their ANTI-SCIENCE stance...
Incredible your ability to ignore what you don’t want to see.
And you still haven't provided any proof of your assertions...

Amazing not one credible response to disprove their ANTI-SCIENCE stance...
Incredible your ability to ignore what you don’t want to see.
And you still haven't provided any proof of your assertions...


You really need to read those things you post..

The WHO gave this drug to people who were already in the cytokine storm and been badly damaged by inflammation. Use of HCL AFTER the cytokine storm has taken hold is CONTRAINDICATED as it is incapable of reversing the damage it has caused. So of course it showed no therapeutic value.. they used it inappropriately!

You people are so disingenuous and liars....

Once again the study was taken out of context and misused for political agenda just as Dr Risch was explaining...

Do you ever tire of getting your ass handed to you for shear stupidity?
I've been listening to the left cry and whine all weekend that Trump isn't following the science so I decided to look at the time line and the professional papers out there to see if that was true. Its Not!

Dr Risch of Yale Epidemiology ( a renowned epidemiologist and public health doctor) did the same and what he found was stunning..

In a nut shell the left has been on a massive disinformation campaign in an effort to keep the pain and death levels high in our nation. Left wing Governors are not allowing doctors to treat people early and with drugs that work. This is unforgivable. What kind of trash does this kind of thing?

Joe Biden, Pelosie, Reid, Cuomo, DeBlasio among many others democrat governors and congress people ridiculed Trump on his early response to the COVID crisis as xenophobic and racist only to have it backfire on them exposing them as the non-science and political whores they are. Now they claim that Trump isn't following the science in direct conflict with the evidence and science.

Most Americans (latest poll shows 82%) see this for what it is and are looking for themselves to see what the truth is...
Are you blind? His team of scientists produced guidelines. Social distance 6 ft, wear masks when you can’t distance, and wash hands. Did you happen to see Trumps Tulsa rally? Tulsa along with many many other gatherings where he Ignored the science is perhaps the clearest example. How do you not see that?
Kind of like your riots..... I guess COVID doesn't infect RIOTERS... Only people at Trump Rallies and people going to church...
You must be confused. I don’t have any riots. Maybe I’ll get one for Christmas this year but as of now I’ve never had one.

as for the people rioting. They should be arrested and for those protesting that don’t social distance and wear masks, they are idiots who are propagating the virus problem much like Trump rallies and propaganda

You still are not following the science...
How so
Amazing not one credible response to disprove their ANTI-SCIENCE stance...
Incredible your ability to ignore what you don’t want to see.
And you still haven't provided any proof of your assertions...


You really need to read those things you post..

The WHO gave this drug to people who were already in the cytokine storm and been badly damaged by inflammation. Use of HCL AFTER the cytokine storm has taken hold is CONTRAINDICATED as it is incapable of reversing the damage it has caused. So of course it showed no therapeutic value.. they used it inappropriately!

You people are so disingenuous and liars....

Once again the study was taken out of context and misused for political agenda just as Dr Risch was explaining...

Do you ever tire of getting your ass handed to you for shear stupidity?

Show me where it said that.

They were all randomized at presentation and confirmation of diagnosis. Same as in the Henry Ford study you all love to quote.

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