Democrats Said Kavanaugh Was Undergoing ‘Job Interview,’ Didn’t Deserve Presumption of Innocence

Within the context of a job interview, Schlitz Kavanaugh's disgraceful performance in the hearing during which he was combative, petulant, evasive, and disrespectful of the process was enough to disqualify him from the job of garbage man let alone to sit on the bench of the SC.

Get real people. His nomination was rammed through because of his views on the imperial presidency and nothing else.
Within the context of a job interview, Schlitz Kavanaugh's disgraceful performance in the hearing during which he was combative, petulant, evasive, and disrespectful of the process was enough to disqualify him from the job of garbage man let alone to sit on the bench of the SC.

Get real people. His nomination was rammed through because of his views on the imperial presidency and nothing else.

You sound angry. You'll really be mad when Trump gets 2 more SCJs in his second term. Fingers Joe is handing them to him on a silver platter.
I found it quite inspiring the way Kavanaugh completely avoided the shit storm of feces thrown by the rows of Democrat Howler Monkeys, despite the attempted intervention of that moronic primate Jeff Flake.

Got to love the left they lost the moral high ground with Slick Willey but try to hold others to a higher standard.
Both of Blaislys witnesses claimed it never happened. We have numerous witnesses claiming that it happened with Biden.
But hey the left will always hold it against Kavanaugh and will always give Biden a pass no matter that there is numerous complaints and hours of video of him acting inappropriately.
Even his wife claimed that he would change. If that isn't an admission of wrong doing.

You are a liar as usual. Ford's witnesses said they did not remember the party or Kavanaugh or were not in a position to know whether it happened or not. Even Kavanaugh's friend Judge refused to flat out say nothing happened. He said he could not remember whether it happened or not.

The most important witness against Biden has contradicted her own claim. Her first story was Biden touched her on the neck and shoulder. Then she changed her story AFTER Biden secured the nomination over Sanders who she was supporting. She has said things that have not been true. She has told different stories to different people.

The question with Biden is he is a hands on politician who has touched women's necks and shoulders. That is what Biden said he would watch.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive....and dodge.

Your ADAA training is serving you well.
You'll really be mad when Trump gets 2 more SCJs in his second term.
I have faith in the majority of citizens of the country that even if a skid mark like Trump continues to smear his shit on the US by packing the court with unqualified ideologues we will be okay in the long run.

But I admit my faith in America was shaken when the ignorant bigot of a failed businessman/reality TV star slithered in to the WH with the help of morons like yourself.
I found it quite inspiring the way Kavanaugh completely avoided the shit storm of feces thrown by the rows of Democrat Howler Monkeys
Translation; I really don't care if the Repubs ram through a morally repugnant sexual predator as long as he protects Dear Leader.
Wanting to be President is a job interview, dumbasses.

Presumptiobn of innocence is used only in criminal cases.

The trouble is that Reade's story has fallen apart in a mass of contradictions made by Reade herself. She has told 2 stories with the last one coming after Biden secured the nomination over her candidate Sanders. She claims she was fired but she said she left because she didn't want to serve drinks at a fundraiser.
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Are you acknowledging that Trump has sexually assaulted women?
Joe Biden is also going through a 'Job Interview' right now, and if he is 'hired' it will be by the American I guess Biden is guilty as hell until proven innocent during this 'job interview'...right?
Translation; I really don't care if the Repubs ram through a morally repugnant sexual predator as long as he protects Dear Leader.

No one needs your broke-ass 'snowflake translator'. Every time you snowflakes try to speak for others you end up projecting and / or looking like idiots. Stick to speaking for yourself, not others.
Got to love the left they lost the moral high ground with Slick Willey but try to hold others to a higher standard.
Both of Blaislys witnesses claimed it never happened. We have numerous witnesses claiming that it happened with Biden.
But hey the left will always hold it against Kavanaugh and will always give Biden a pass no matter that there is numerous complaints and hours of video of him acting inappropriately.
Even his wife claimed that he would change. If that isn't an admission of wrong doing.

You are a liar as usual. Ford's witnesses said they did not remember the party or Kavanaugh or were not in a position to know whether it happened or not. Even Kavanaugh's friend Judge refused to flat out say nothing happened. He said he could not remember whether it happened or not.

The most important witness against Biden has contradicted her own claim. Her first story was Biden touched her on the neck and shoulder. Then she changed her story AFTER Biden secured the nomination over Sanders who she was supporting. She has said things that have not been true. She has told different stories to different people.

The question with Biden is he is a hands on politician who has touched women's necks and shoulders. That is what Biden said he would watch.
Funny how you twist things to meet your need.
Both of those witnesses said that they did not think it happened. Her girl freind at the time according to Ford was left there alone. Without even being told what happened. Ford said nothing, did not file a report of any kind, until Kavanaugh was to become a Supreme Court judge.
There are numerous people that were told of the attack after Reade was attacked. Her mother was even called into Larry King.
There are eight or so other women that so far have complained that Biden has made them at the least uncomfortable.

I find it very telling that Kavanaugh has been investigated numerous times. When he became a federal judge and when Ford came forward. Nothing was found.
There has been no investigation, nothing but cover ups and high ups in the party claims they believe Biden.
Funny the way the left pretends to care about me too and the rest all while having covered for Slick Willy and others. Now with their cult of dementia going strong they are covering for Biden also.

Again you are a outright liar. At least one of tghe women involved said she believed Ford.
"Despite saying she hadn’t met Kavanaugh and doesn’t remember the party, Keyser told The Washington Post that she believes Ford."

This is all Judge could say about the incident.
His sworn statement to the committee says, “I have no memory of this alleged incident,” “do not recall the party” and “never saw Brett act in the manner Dr. Ford describes.”

Kavanaugh was not investigated. The FBI was not allowed to conduct a thorough investigation of the incident. There are indications that Kavanaugh lied to Congress.

With Reade we are talking about 2 stories. The first was that Reade was touched on the neck and shoulder by Biden. Even Biden has acknowledged this. The more lurid 2nd claim is the questionable one. This was made by a Sanders supporter AFTER Biden secured the nomination. The fact is that this was known for some time and voters strongly supported Biden.

Reade told different stories to different people. Even the so-called mother's call raises questions. If Biden did what her second story says he did then why was she worried about sparing the Senator's feelings and she never mentioned the more lurid version. Also her brother stated the first story and then a few days later said he suddenly remembered the second story. All of this is inconsistent with Reade's first story but not her second.

Why do we need a investigation? Everything is out there. The only question is which story we believe. I believe the first but not the second.
Translation; I really don't care if the Repubs ram through a morally repugnant sexual predator as long as he protects Dear Leader.

No one needs your broke-ass 'snowflake translator'. Every time you snowflakes try to speak for others you end up projecting and / or looking like idiots. Stick to speaking for yourself, not others.

You are the snowflake. It is okay for Trump to sexually assault a dozen or so women and demean and attempt to intimidate women.
Wanting to be President is a job interview, dumbasses.

The interview is conducted by the voters dumbass.
I thought that women were supposed to be believed? So you hate women huh?

Gov. Whitmer now says that not all women’s claims are equal. So far, the supporting data for Reade’s claims are significantly more than the claims from Blasey-Ford. So, I guess Whitmer is correct.

Obviously all claims are not equal. Reade's second story is questionable even as to the timing. The data for Reade's second story is questionable. Republicans brought in a prosecutor to shake Ford's story and failed. Reade's own statements have shaken her case as she has made 2 different statements.
Within the context of a job interview, Schlitz Kavanaugh's disgraceful performance in the hearing during which he was combative, petulant, evasive, and disrespectful of the process was enough to disqualify him from the job of garbage man let alone to sit on the bench of the SC.

Get real people. His nomination was rammed through because of his views on the imperial presidency and nothing else.

You sound angry. You'll really be mad when Trump gets 2 more SCJs in his second term. Fingers Joe is handing them to him on a silver platter.

It better hap-pen before January because trump will lose in November.
Got to love the left they lost the moral high ground with Slick Willey but try to hold others to a higher standard.
Both of Blaislys witnesses claimed it never happened. We have numerous witnesses claiming that it happened with Biden.
But hey the left will always hold it against Kavanaugh and will always give Biden a pass no matter that there is numerous complaints and hours of video of him acting inappropriately.
Even his wife claimed that he would change. If that isn't an admission of wrong doing.

You are a liar as usual. Ford's witnesses said they did not remember the party or Kavanaugh or were not in a position to know whether it happened or not. Even Kavanaugh's friend Judge refused to flat out say nothing happened. He said he could not remember whether it happened or not.

The most important witness against Biden has contradicted her own claim. Her first story was Biden touched her on the neck and shoulder. Then she changed her story AFTER Biden secured the nomination over Sanders who she was supporting. She has said things that have not been true. She has told different stories to different people.

The question with Biden is he is a hands on politician who has touched women's necks and shoulders. That is what Biden said he would watch.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive....and dodge.

Your ADAA training is serving you well.

Are you willing to acknowledge Trump sexually assaulted women? If not then you are dodging, ducking, dipping and diving. Your training as a brainless cult member is serving you well.
You are the snowflake. It is okay for Trump to sexually assault a dozen or so women and demean and attempt to intimidate women.
....meanwhile in the REAL world all of those allegations have been thoroughly investigated, reporting of the splashed across the news 24/7 until they fell apart and were abandoned.....while the Democratic party, their surrogate fake news media, and snowflakes have sheltered Joe, made excuses for Joe, refused to cover the story as they did with Kavanaugh, continue to distract with a shit-load of 'HEY, WHATABOUT TRUMP....' spin.

The have thrown '#MeToo' to the way-side, abandoned 'All women must be believed', and one disgusting Liberal lawyer even wrote an article in which she declare, 'Tarea Reade, I believe you and that Biden did sexually assault you, but Biden is the best hope we have to defeat Trump so in this case 'you have to take one for the team' as we continue to back Biden'.

Wanting to be President is a job interview, dumbasses.

The interview is conducted by the voters dumbass.
I thought that women were supposed to be believed? So you hate women huh?

Gov. Whitmer now says that not all women’s claims are equal. So far, the supporting data for Reade’s claims are significantly more than the claims from Blasey-Ford. So, I guess Whitmer is correct.

Obviously all claims are not equal. Reade's second story is questionable even as to the timing. The data for Reade's second story is questionable. Republicans brought in a prosecutor to shake Ford's story and failed. Reade's own statements have shaken her case as she has made 2 different statements.

I think that also goes at the question of memory - something happened to Ford, at that time. It was a group of privileged, heavy drinking and partying minors. Any of them could have done something to her, or maybe something that in her mind she blew up into something much more frightening. Memory (plus alcohol) can do weird things. Her adherence to what happened made me believe she honestly believed it. That doesn't make it true. There is no way to know what exactly happened there, no evidence it was Kavanaugh, no evidence either is lying - it should never have been handled in the way it was.

I get a different feel from Reade. I think SOMETHING happened that upset her - maybe being fired - but I don't think it's what she claimed. To many inconsistencies. Her claim of unwanted touching is believable and in line with what others said. And now she's completely backtracking on her filed complaint. I would like to see that complaint.
You'll really be mad when Trump gets 2 more SCJs in his second term.
I have faith in the majority of citizens of the country that even if a skid mark like Trump continues to smear his shit on the US by packing the court with unqualified ideologues we will be okay in the long run.

But I admit my faith in America was shaken when the ignorant bigot of a failed businessman/reality TV star slithered in to the WH with the help of morons like yourself.

I voted for Trump so Hillary couldn't appoint SCJ after the clean and articulate one appointed 2 far left wackos. The hysterics from you and all the leftists is just a bonus. Trump having the balls to call out your leftist media is also enjoyable.
Within the context of a job interview, Schlitz Kavanaugh's disgraceful performance in the hearing during which he was combative, petulant, evasive, and disrespectful of the process was enough to disqualify him from the job of garbage man let alone to sit on the bench of the SC.

Get real people. His nomination was rammed through because of his views on the imperial presidency and nothing else.
Okay, we’ll put you on national television and denigrate you, call you a gang rapist, a liar (you are but that’s beside the point), a drunk, and essentially drag your family through the mud. How will you react? Per YOUR RULES you best keep your lying mouth shut. Kavanaugh showed great restraint in not telling these asshole Dims to f*** off.
Got to love the left they lost the moral high ground with Slick Willey but try to hold others to a higher standard.
Both of Blaislys witnesses claimed it never happened. We have numerous witnesses claiming that it happened with Biden.
But hey the left will always hold it against Kavanaugh and will always give Biden a pass no matter that there is numerous complaints and hours of video of him acting inappropriately.
Even his wife claimed that he would change. If that isn't an admission of wrong doing.

You are a liar as usual. Ford's witnesses said they did not remember the party or Kavanaugh or were not in a position to know whether it happened or not. Even Kavanaugh's friend Judge refused to flat out say nothing happened. He said he could not remember whether it happened or not.

The most important witness against Biden has contradicted her own claim. Her first story was Biden touched her on the neck and shoulder. Then she changed her story AFTER Biden secured the nomination over Sanders who she was supporting. She has said things that have not been true. She has told different stories to different people.

The question with Biden is he is a hands on politician who has touched women's necks and shoulders. That is what Biden said he would watch.
Funny how you twist things to meet your need.
Both of those witnesses said that they did not think it happened. Her girl freind at the time according to Ford was left there alone. Without even being told what happened. Ford said nothing, did not file a report of any kind, until Kavanaugh was to become a Supreme Court judge.
There are numerous people that were told of the attack after Reade was attacked. Her mother was even called into Larry King.
There are eight or so other women that so far have complained that Biden has made them at the least uncomfortable.

I find it very telling that Kavanaugh has been investigated numerous times. When he became a federal judge and when Ford came forward. Nothing was found.
There has been no investigation, nothing but cover ups and high ups in the party claims they believe Biden.
Funny the way the left pretends to care about me too and the rest all while having covered for Slick Willy and others. Now with their cult of dementia going strong they are covering for Biden also.

Again you are a outright liar. At least one of tghe women involved said she believed Ford.
"Despite saying she hadn’t met Kavanaugh and doesn’t remember the party, Keyser told The Washington Post that she believes Ford."

This is all Judge could say about the incident.
His sworn statement to the committee says, “I have no memory of this alleged incident,” “do not recall the party” and “never saw Brett act in the manner Dr. Ford describes.”

Kavanaugh was not investigated. The FBI was not allowed to conduct a thorough investigation of the incident. There are indications that Kavanaugh lied to Congress.

With Reade we are talking about 2 stories. The first was that Reade was touched on the neck and shoulder by Biden. Even Biden has acknowledged this. The more lurid 2nd claim is the questionable one. This was made by a Sanders supporter AFTER Biden secured the nomination. The fact is that this was known for some time and voters strongly supported Biden.

Reade told different stories to different people. Even the so-called mother's call raises questions. If Biden did what her second story says he did then why was she worried about sparing the Senator's feelings and she never mentioned the more lurid version. Also her brother stated the first story and then a few days later said he suddenly remembered the second story. All of this is inconsistent with Reade's first story but not her second.

Why do we need a investigation? Everything is out there. The only question is which story we believe. I believe the first but not the second.
Roflol. So the fact someone believed Ford is all you need? Really. The simple fact that his neither of the so called witnesses ever rember it happening, the fact she has NEVER filed a police report, the fact that he was investigated long before she made the accusation shows that there was nothing to it. One woman even claimed that she knew about it because it had been all over campus until it was pointed out that Ford had never said anything, then she walked it back.
Bidens accussor has filed a police report. No one is looking for the original complaint because it is being buried. There are people that say they believe her and that she spoke with at the time it happened. We have hours of video of him with women and young girls with his hands all over them. No one has even looked into the allegation at all.
But I get it you don't want anyone looking into the head of your cult. You must defend his actions no matter the cost.
Got to love the left they lost the moral high ground with Slick Willey but try to hold others to a higher standard.
Both of Blaislys witnesses claimed it never happened. We have numerous witnesses claiming that it happened with Biden.
But hey the left will always hold it against Kavanaugh and will always give Biden a pass no matter that there is numerous complaints and hours of video of him acting inappropriately.
Even his wife claimed that he would change. If that isn't an admission of wrong doing.

You are a liar as usual. Ford's witnesses said they did not remember the party or Kavanaugh or were not in a position to know whether it happened or not. Even Kavanaugh's friend Judge refused to flat out say nothing happened. He said he could not remember whether it happened or not.

The most important witness against Biden has contradicted her own claim. Her first story was Biden touched her on the neck and shoulder. Then she changed her story AFTER Biden secured the nomination over Sanders who she was supporting. She has said things that have not been true. She has told different stories to different people.

The question with Biden is he is a hands on politician who has touched women's necks and shoulders. That is what Biden said he would watch.
I remember a guy who put his foot under a stall in the capitol building and the liberals went bonkers saying that was signaling that he wanted butt sex with the guy in the other stall. That guy (republican Senator Craig) was tarred and feathered for his inappropriate GAY behavior by you liberals, he resigns his office, and you fuckers allow a "GROPER" of women and children to be your president candidate. Fucking worthless liberal "H Y P O C R I T E S".......
Not only do you hate women and children, you really hate gay people , like this guy in the video.


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