Democrats Said Kavanaugh Was Undergoing ‘Job Interview,’ Didn’t Deserve Presumption of Innocence

Joe Biden doesn’t deserve the presumption of innocence because he’s running for President? Then neither did Trump; right?
And neither did Kavannah?

See joe’s comments on that, for a laugh.

The right doesn’t believe in presumption of innocence. Never have. It’s just a tool. A weapon to silence.
I had to go to court for a false accusation before. Had to have my family dragged into it also. After a couple of months of investigations , found out the bitch was bat shit crazy and had tried it on 3 other fellows. That bitch was fired and removed from the premises. Hope she got hit by a dump truck...
Within the context of a job interview, Schlitz Kavanaugh's disgraceful performance in the hearing during which he was combative, petulant, evasive, and disrespectful of the process was enough to disqualify him from the job of garbage man let alone to sit on the bench of the SC.

Get real people. His nomination was rammed through because of his views on the imperial presidency and nothing else.
Oh, go the fuck away, you stupid low IQ moron. No one wants to hear your ranting and raving...
Got to love the left they lost the moral high ground with Slick Willey but try to hold others to a higher standard.
Both of Blaislys witnesses claimed it never happened. We have numerous witnesses claiming that it happened with Biden.
But hey the left will always hold it against Kavanaugh and will always give Biden a pass no matter that there is numerous complaints and hours of video of him acting inappropriately.
Even his wife claimed that he would change. If that isn't an admission of wrong doing.

You are a liar as usual. Ford's witnesses said they did not remember the party or Kavanaugh or were not in a position to know whether it happened or not. Even Kavanaugh's friend Judge refused to flat out say nothing happened. He said he could not remember whether it happened or not.

The most important witness against Biden has contradicted her own claim. Her first story was Biden touched her on the neck and shoulder. Then she changed her story AFTER Biden secured the nomination over Sanders who she was supporting. She has said things that have not been true. She has told different stories to different people.

The question with Biden is he is a hands on politician who has touched women's necks and shoulders. That is what Biden said he would watch.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive....and dodge.

Your ADAA training is serving you well.

Are you willing to acknowledge Trump sexually assaulted women? If not then you are dodging, ducking, dipping and diving. Your training as a brainless cult member is serving you well.
are you willing to admit you apply a double standard to men who support the same political views you do? That you are willing to give them a pass if they toe the progressive line?

The accusations against Trump have been investigated ad nauseum, and nothing has come of any of them.
Wanting to be President is a job interview, dumbasses.

David Muir interviewed the President today and said to him, "You're interviewing for another four years." The quote is paraphrasing but the intent and the use of the word interviewing is accurate. So, now that we know it's a job interview, officially from the third-rate leftist propaganda machine (CNN and MSNBC being the first and second, respectively, rate propaganda machines) that it's a job interview, Biden gets no assumption of innocence.

That's too bad, too; I was going to allow him one.
The left know they were full of shit about Kavanaugh.

They were scared they wouldn’t be able to scramble a child’s brain in the birth canal.

That’s all it was about and they know it.

Lefties, who hasn’t murdered a baby who wanted to since Kavanaugh was put on the bench?

Name one woman.

Had they realized that Kavanaugh was going to vote so liberally, they wouldn't have gone to all the trouble.
Wanting to be President is a job interview, dumbasses.

The interview is conducted by the voters dumbass.
Wrong it is conducted via the primary process ads and press for about a year. quit your damn lying you hyper partisan witch.
Dem's panties are in a full twisted wad over being called out as phonies and hypocrites for attacking Kavanaugh like a pack of rabid dogs while ignoring the much more serious allegation against Biden by his own Democrat aide. Holy crap the double standard meter is clear off the scale.
Joe Biden doesn’t deserve the presumption of innocence because he’s running for President? Then neither did Trump; right?
Since at NO time did the press assume Trump was innocence you have no point.
The press? You sort of moved the goalposts to fit your warped view of reality.
Ok lets talk Democrats, in the House the Senate and leadership positions in the States, BE VERY specific now and link to ANY of them EVER saying Trump was anything BUT guilty.
Joe Biden doesn’t deserve the presumption of innocence because he’s running for President? Then neither did Trump; right?
Since at NO time did the press assume Trump was innocence you have no point.
The press? You sort of moved the goalposts to fit your warped view of reality.
Ok lets talk Democrats, in the House the Senate and leadership positions in the States, BE VERY specific now and link to ANY of them EVER saying Trump was anything BUT guilty.

Guilty of what...when he was a candidate--again, lets compare apples to apples.
Joe Biden doesn’t deserve the presumption of innocence because he’s running for President? Then neither did Trump; right?
Since at NO time did the press assume Trump was innocence you have no point.
The press? You sort of moved the goalposts to fit your warped view of reality.
Ok lets talk Democrats, in the House the Senate and leadership positions in the States, BE VERY specific now and link to ANY of them EVER saying Trump was anything BUT guilty.

Guilty of what...when he was a candidate--again, lets compare apples to apples.
Ya Obama did not order several investigations when he was a candidate, didn't spy on his campaign, didn't order the FBI to use unproven claims from Russia to investigate him AS a CANDIDATE. Didn't lie about ti and of course none of Trumps people were illegally investigate either right?
Joe Biden doesn’t deserve the presumption of innocence because he’s running for President? Then neither did Trump; right?
Since at NO time did the press assume Trump was innocence you have no point.
The press? You sort of moved the goalposts to fit your warped view of reality.
Ok lets talk Democrats, in the House the Senate and leadership positions in the States, BE VERY specific now and link to ANY of them EVER saying Trump was anything BUT guilty.

Guilty of what...when he was a candidate--again, lets compare apples to apples.
Ya Obama did not order several investigations when he was a candidate, didn't spy on his campaign, didn't order the FBI to use unproven claims from Russia to investigate him AS a CANDIDATE. Didn't lie about ti and of course none of Trumps people were illegally investigate either right?

Not sure what any of that meant, "ya" "ti".

If you believe candidate Biden should be investigated for the allegations made by Ms. Reade, sure. I'm all for that.
But you can't say Biden should be investigated after having bitched and moaned about candidate Trump being investigated.

BTW: investigating the blob resulted in several felony convictions. You're welcome.
Wanting to be President is a job interview, dumbasses.

The interview is conducted by the voters dumbass.

Joe Biden has been interviewed twice for president since 1988, failing both times. Now on his third.

Donald Trump was interviewed for 16 months, and took it.
If all his tirades, meltdowns and lies means he took it...I guess.

I know it's a fearsome thing when the nation turns against you.

Get used to it.
I guess that is one way of explaining Trump’s tirades and meltdowns.
False narrative. You guys are experts.
The left know they were full of shit about Kavanaugh.

They were scared they wouldn’t be able to scramble a child’s brain in the birth canal.

That’s all it was about and they know it.

Lefties, who hasn’t murdered a baby who wanted to since Kavanaugh was put on the bench?

Name one woman.

Had they realized that Kavanaugh was going to vote so liberally, they wouldn't have gone to all the trouble.

It is pretty funny, isn’t it?

Stupid jackasses.
Biden is on a job interview.

No due process.

I say he is guilty.

Trump joked about grabbing a woman by the pussy.

Joe did it.

If you vote for Biden, you condone rape.
Joe Biden doesn’t deserve the presumption of innocence because he’s running for President? Then neither did Trump; right?
Since at NO time did the press assume Trump was innocence you have no point.
The press? You sort of moved the goalposts to fit your warped view of reality.
Ok lets talk Democrats, in the House the Senate and leadership positions in the States, BE VERY specific now and link to ANY of them EVER saying Trump was anything BUT guilty.

Guilty of what...when he was a candidate--again, lets compare apples to apples.
Ya Obama did not order several investigations when he was a candidate, didn't spy on his campaign, didn't order the FBI to use unproven claims from Russia to investigate him AS a CANDIDATE. Didn't lie about ti and of course none of Trumps people were illegally investigate either right?

Not sure what any of that meant, "ya" "ti".

If you believe candidate Biden should be investigated for the allegations made by Ms. Reade, sure. I'm all for that.
But you can't say Biden should be investigated after having bitched and moaned about candidate Trump being investigated.

BTW: investigating the blob resulted in several felony convictions. You're welcome.

It’s a job interview, not a trial.

Biden is guilty

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