Democrats said they were going to charge DeSantis with human trafficking for sending illegals to Martha’s Vineyard…what happened with that?

And in order to address the problem, you need bipartisanship..which means you're gonna need Republicans..since they had a hand in creating the current mess and with the current majorities/minorities will be necessary.
It was necessary while Dems were in control of both chambers.

When Trump was running things we had it under control, and he commies fought him every step of the way to stop him from bringing it under control. The very first thing Dementia did after invading the White House was bring a halt to the border wall construction.
No Democrat is demanding..or supporting an open border. No one.
Stop deflecting. Demand that both parties address the immigration issue.
Then those border states will get the real help they need.

So in other words, give into the Communist party or they don't get any help? Good thing to remember for next election. Maybe the people in the town of Palestine recently learned that.

If you vote Democrat, then yes, you do support an open border.
with IMMIGRATION. And that fault...lies with both Democrats..and REPUBLICANS. Fix immigration. Stop meddling in the foreign affairs
of other countries. And maybe, people will want to stay in their own country.

This message brought to you by, the Blame America First crowd. Remember, when you can't blame Republicans for your F-ups, then blame everybody in the country.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
So in other words, give into the Communist party or they don't get any help? Good thing to remember for next election. Maybe the people in the town of Palestine recently learned that.

If you vote Democrat, then yes, you do support an open border.
Fix the problem. A problem that you helped create.

There is no Democrat that supports or advocates for open borders. No one. Stop lying.

I hate to tell you, Ohio has been a red state for years. Fat lot of good that's doing the people of East Palestine, huh?

And where was this massive push to demand that the federal government mobilize when the crisis in Flint, MI became news? :)
Fix the problem. A problem that you helped create.

There is no Democrat that supports or advocates for open borders. No one. Stop lying.

I hate to tell you, Ohio has been a red state for years. Fat lot of good that's doing the people of East Palestine, huh?

And where was this massive push to demand that the federal government mobilize when the crisis in Flint, MI became news? :)

if states are to fix their own problems, then Commiefornia doesn't need our help with their endless forest fires they cause because they don't want their forests cleaned up to pander to the ecology nuts.

We didn't create the border problem, Dementia and the commies did. When we controlled it, everything was fine. Dementia removed all of Trump's successful policies and now the BP is reporting we have a crisis on our hands. You created the problem. When are the Communists going to start taking responsibility for the messes they create? This is what you voted for so yes, you did want open borders. Now you have them.
Who said they should?

OMG! are you serious? the moment migrants started showing up in these "sanctuary cities, and towns" their leadership started whining....So, yes, those you support in leadership are sending a clear message that they should.

You think the Governor of Alaska should be rounding migrants up in Texas to ship them to a resort community in some other state?

I think those Governors that can help these border states by lessening their crisis, that this administration created, by sending these migrants to areas that have for years projected out there that they are compassionate to their cause, should put their money where their mouths are...

You do know, most states work on problems in their own state, their own people, right?

Immigration is a created problem by this administration, and are failing their oaths of office by failing to enforce the border...At that point the states will act...And should.
Fix the problem. A problem that you helped create.

There is no Democrat that supports or advocates for open borders. No one. Stop lying.

I hate to tell you, Ohio has been a red state for years. Fat lot of good that's doing the people of East Palestine, huh?

And where was this massive push to demand that the federal government mobilize when the crisis in Flint, MI became news? :)
Bullshit...Actions speak louder than words pal....And democrat actions are that they want the borders open.
It's perfectly reasonable to send the great illegal unwashed to sanctuary cities and states.
Personally, I think it perfectly reasonable (by in large) to send them back where they came from to await adjudication of their requests, with them on the outside, not inside.
Personally, I think it perfectly reasonable (by and large) to send them back where they came from to await adjudication of their requests, with them on the outside, not inside.
So, why do you think that’s not even a consideration with this administration?
He didn't invite? He got rid of the Stay in Mexico policy, fighting to get title 42 reversed, implemented catch and release, didn't pressure Mexico to stop migrants from getting to our border like Trump did. If that's not an invite, I don't know what is.
You copied that one line from post #48. Even the most casual glance and reading text in the quote box show I was referring to Abbott and Abbott did none of what you speak.
So, why do you think that’s not even a consideration with this administration?
They did. If you think back and look back to a few weeks after Joe's unwashed started piling up at the boarder, there was such a plan that started to be implemented, and even with Mexcan support, but it fell apart in less than a week and the administration fell to political influences again. I liked it and probably all independents like it and would have drawn some Republican support as well, but such a plan does not bode well for Democrat politics that elect democrats. Easy to see why Mexico would be on board, as they didn't want the migrants they had been holding up under the previous agreement with the Trump administration, until Joe foolishly made his announcement, yet at the same time, unwilling to go back to an agreement that put them having to deal with them, themselves, as Joe's administration would not or could not sweeten the pot to get Mexico to go along.
OMG! are you serious? the moment migrants started showing up in these "sanctuary cities, and towns" their leadership started whining....So, yes, those you support in leadership are sending a clear message that they should.

I think those Governors that can help these border states by lessening their crisis, that this administration created, by sending these migrants to areas that have for years projected out there that they are compassionate to their cause, should put their money where their mouths are...

Immigration is a created problem by this administration, and are failing their oaths of office by failing to enforce the border...At that point the states will act...And should.
Yes. I have no problem with any border state taking actions to deal with the influx in their state, but when it comes to transporting to other states, the receiving state should be in agreement, not just left in the cold, surprised at the border state's action. It is bad for receiving state, the migrants (illegal or otherwise) and just not how business should be done, kind of like you can't start a landfill on somebody else's property without consult and mutual agreement on the waste disposal.
Personally, I think it perfectly reasonable (by in large) to send them back where they came from to await adjudication of their requests, with them on the outside, not inside.

But the sanctuary states and counties and cities are BEGGING for them!

Aren't they?

I mean, isn't that why the "sanctuary" thing was conceptualized in the first place?


But the sanctuary states and counties and cities are BEGGING for them!

Aren't they?

I mean, isn't that why the "sanctuary" thing was conceptualized in the first place?

I don't think begging for them is the correct phrase, except voting to be a "sanctuary" city (at all) in revolt against Federal mandates of cooperation in regard to our laws and legal authority, certainly lends credence to your suggestion.
They did. If you think back and look back to a few weeks after Joe's unwashed started piling up at the boarder, there was such a plan that started to be implemented, and even with Mexcan support, but it fell apart in less than a week and the administration fell to political influences again. I liked it and probably all independents like it and would have drawn some Republican support as well, but such a plan does not bode well for Democrat politics that elect democrats. Easy to see why Mexico would be on board, as they didn't want the migrants they had been holding up under the previous agreement with the Trump administration, until Joe foolishly made his announcement, yet at the same time, unwilling to go back to an agreement that put them having to deal with them, themselves, as Joe's administration would not or could not sweeten the pot to get Mexico to go along.
If a plan falls apart so quickly, then it was a rouse…
Yes. I have no problem with any border state taking actions to deal with the influx in their state, but when it comes to transporting to other states, the receiving state should be in agreement, not just left in the cold, surprised at the border state's action. It is bad for receiving state, the migrants (illegal or otherwise) and just not how business should be done, kind of like you can't start a landfill on somebody else's property without consult and mutual agreement on the waste disposal.
So, you’re saying that after years of politicians preening for cameras that they would welcome any migrants with open arms, were just feeding bs to the people? With no consequence? What’s that say about the dems?
I don't think begging for them is the correct phrase, except voting to be a "sanctuary" city (at all) in revolt against Federal mandates of cooperation in regard to our laws and legal authority, certainly lends credence to your suggestion.
No, they’re spewing bs they thought was never going to happen…Guess they smeared that egg all over their face.
If a plan falls apart so quickly, then it was a rouse…
That is quite possible, maybe just a trial balloon, floated. It sure didn't take long to evaporate and blow away, like a quick fart in a stiff breeze.
That is quite possible, maybe just a trial balloon, floated. It sure didn't take long to evaporate and blow away, like a quick fart in a stiff breeze.
So, then quipping that The Biden administration tried, is a a falsehood....They did something they knew full well would fail, then they could say "we're doing all we can".... Which everyone should see through.

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