Democrats said they were going to charge DeSantis with human trafficking for sending illegals to Martha’s Vineyard…what happened with that?

So, you’re saying that after years of politicians preening for cameras that they would welcome any migrants with open arms, were just feeding bs to the people? With no consequence? What’s that say about the dems?
About the same as Republican resisting actually blocking legislative crackdown on private sector under-the-table employment of illegal aliens, by severed punishment and jail times for the employers, that is ultimately necessary to stop the practice, economically valuable to innocent hard working employers, that keeps people coming for opportunity. Jail times, severe economic loss, criminal records and total disruption of the families of these employers is not a popular solution, necessary or not.
It is all a side show by both sides.
About the same as Republican resisting actually blocking legislative crackdown on private sector under-the-table employment of illegal aliens, by severed punishment and jail times for the employers, that is ultimately necessary to stop the practice, economically valuable to innocent hard working employers, that keeps people coming for opportunity. Jail times, severe economic loss, criminal records and total disruption of the families of these employers is not a popular solution, necessary or not.
It is all a side show by both sides.
Like I said earlier, You have to fix the leaking roof, before repairing the damage done....Why are you so eager to further go after businesses in this country? I get it, they are breaking the law by employing these people, but at the same time, that is what the current administration is touting as a success....It doesn't make sense, unless DC is trying to destroy the republic.
No, they’re spewing bs they thought was never going to happen…Guess they smeared that egg all over their face.
I agree and it is Un-American, in my opinion, as well as long term self-destructive. I don't think there are any in Tennessee, thank goodness.
So, then quipping that The Biden administration tried, is a a falsehood....They did something they knew full well would fail, then they could say "we're doing all we can".... Which everyone should see through.
Like I said, you could be right, but it's no certainty. It matters not. His border and immigration policies or lack thereof have uniformly sucked, as I have stated repeatedly on this board.
Like I said earlier, You have to fix the leaking roof, before repairing the damage done....Why are you so eager to further go after businesses in this country? I get it, they are breaking the law by employing these people, but at the same time, that is what the current administration is touting as a success....It doesn't make sense, unless DC is trying to destroy the republic.
Simply becuase cheap labor is what they want, even if getting it illegally, and that is what keeps the influx of those seeking any opportunity at all, alive and bringing more. Sorry, without cracking down on illegal employment in a meaningful way, there is and will be no solution to the pressures of illegal immigration.
Simply becuase cheap labor is what they want, even if getting it illegally, and that is what keeps the influx of those seeking any opportunity at all, alive and bringing more. Sorry, without cracking down on illegal employment in a meaningful way, there is and will be no solution to the pressures of illegal immigration.

The fines themselves could be a fair source of revenue. Isn't the standard fine something like $10K per day per employed illegal?

Simply becuase cheap labor is what they want, even if getting it illegally, and that is what keeps the influx of those seeking any opportunity at all, alive and bringing more. Sorry, without cracking down on illegal employment in a meaningful way, there is and will be no solution to the pressures of illegal immigration.
So, then we do both....We're the United States for Christ sake! We need to cut the crap, seal off the border, ALL of it, then at the same time, increase enforcement internally....Now, why is that so damned hard? It's not, unless these liars are lining their pockets off of this managed decline...
Oh, they're there....Bet on it....We have em in SC.
We don't have them officially, like some stupid badge of honor, where the regular federal laws, just don't apply for getting rid of illegals.
You got official ones, or just cities where they hang out with local authorities turning a blind eye to their presence? I have not traveled much in your state.
We don't have them officially, like some stupid badge of honor, where the regular federal laws, just don't apply for getting rid of illegals.
You got official ones, or just cities where they hang out with local authorities turning a blind eye to their presence? I have not traveled much in your state.
Oh, so if a Bear shits in the woods and no one hears it eh?

That is supposed to negate that a human being is in the state illegally? Really?

The fines themselves could be a fair source of revenue. Isn't the standard fine something like $10K per day per employed illegal?

Beats me. I know they are few and far between and ten grand is something I could write a check for, make minor changes to affect plausible deniability and be back in business generating more than ten grand of profit in practically no time. I just don't. I have no wish to run a business, instead of enjoy retirement, and Of Course, It Just Ain't Right.
Beats me. I know they are few and far between and ten grand is something I could write a check for, make minor changes to affect plausible deniability and be back in business generating more than ten grand of profit in practically no time. I just don't. I have no wish to run a business, instead of enjoy retirement, and Of Course, It Just Ain't Right.
Bragging? Well, we're all happy for you in your successful retirement, but what does that do to solve the problem?

In retirement you have a lot of time on your hands, what are you doing to have an effect? anything other than typing on this board?
So, then we do both....We're the United States for Christ sake! We need to cut the crap, seal off the border, ALL of it, then at the same time, increase enforcement internally....Now, why is that so damned hard? It's not, unless these liars are lining their pockets off of this managed decline...
If there is or was no economic benefit, why would they come, the weather? Getting across the border one way or another is a lucrative business. You will not totally seal the border, as the criminal money to penetrate is a huge enough incentive to breach, or bypass. We need to focus on why they come.
If there is or was no economic benefit, why would they come, the weather? Getting across the border one way or another is a lucrative business. You will not totally seal the border, as the criminal money to penetrate is a huge enough incentive to breach, or bypass. We need to focus on why they come.
Coming for money is NOT an asylum provision....Agreed?

And Yes the border could absolutely be sealed....If we had politicians that gave a shit about preserving the republic.
Coming for money is NOT an asylum provision....Agreed?

And Yes the border could absolutely be sealed....If we had politicians that gave a shit about preserving the republic.
Agreed. I think asylum seeking is the big lie, to get to stay, as they are really coming for the economic opportunity, even in a semi-underground employment situation.
Why do you think that we couldn't seal the border?
I did a post a week or two ago, going into the length of our southern border and in fact our northern border (as somebody suggested we needed a wall there, also), the longest border between two countries spanning lakes, mountains, etc. I gave lengths (as I didn't know and had to look up) for southern, northern and the two coasts. You and I have both been military and were trained to breach, bypass or bull through, depending on mission situation, nature of obstacle, etc. We did it, just because somebody told us to. The people helping orchestrate, are doing it for profit motivation per head, or for drug trade logistics, whatever. Needless to say, where there is a will, there is a way and money to be made paves the way, and overcomes most obstacles. We are not going to be overwatching those lengths of border by fire, with order to shoot, even to shoot to discourage. So, the border wall thing is a bust. I can't count the times it has been tunneled successfully. Many sections reported as new border wall are actually old border wall, having to be taken down and replaced due to original engineering, weather, erosion, lack of maintenance and a variety of reasons, costing more big money. You know that Patton was right about fixed fortifications being a testament to the stupidity of man. Being Armor, not Airborn, you know I studied and revere Patton.
I doubt you really need the number and topography, and I don't feel like looking it up again, but be advised the only places they have put up wall are the relatively cheap flatter lands, closer to existing roads, not spanning mountains or canyons, not successfully dealing with rivers, streams, arroyos dry except during flash flood, that would also become areas of higher priced repetitive maintenance and reconstruction.
I did a post a week or two ago, going into the length of our southern border and in fact our northern border (as somebody suggested we needed a wall there, also), the longest border between two countries spanning lakes, mountains, etc. I gave lengths (as I didn't know and had to look up) for southern, northern and the two coasts. You and I have both been military and were trained to breach, bypass or bull through, depending on mission situation, nature of obstacle, etc. We did it, just because somebody told us to. The people helping orchestrate, are doing it for profit motivation per head, or for drug trade logistics, whatever. Needless to say, where there is a will, there is a way and money to be made paves the way, and overcomes most obstacles. We are not going to be overwatching those lengths of border by fire, with order to shoot, even to shoot to discourage. So, the border wall thing is a bust. I can't count the times it has been tunneled successfully. Many sections reported as new border wall are actually old border wall, having to be taken down and replaced due to original engineering, weather, erosion, lack of maintenance and a variety of reasons, costing more big money. You know that Patton was right about fixed fortifications being a testament to the stupidity of man. Being Armor, not Airborn, you know I studied and revere Patton.
I doubt you really need the number and topography, and I don't feel like looking it up again, but be advised the only places they have put up wall are the relatively cheap flatter lands, closer to existing roads, not spanning mountains or canyons, not successfully dealing with rivers, streams, arroyos dry except during flash flood, that would also become areas of higher priced repetitive maintenance and reconstruction.
The one thing I agree with on the topic of a wall is that we are a technological juggernaut, and have the ability to seal off the border much more effectively than ever before...

And if you want to solve the money problem, then we may have to look at waging war on the cartels....

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