Democrats, Same as Ever With the Ballot Box - Boss Tweed Would Approve

Dude, MAGA redcaps hate almost everyone. Not just 'left wing goons'. Your enemies list is enormous.

John Kelly, Bill Barr, Mo Brooks, Dick Cheney, Michael Cohen, Chris Christie, General James Mattis, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Reince Priebus, Rex Tillerson, Olivia Troye, Facebook, Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, ViacomCBS, Citigroup, Cisco, UPS ...hell even Harley Davidson is on the Republican enemies list.

You hate and resent liberals (aka anyone not MAGA), the media (or as redcaps call them, 'the enemy'), the educated, the majority of republicans (RINOs).

Your ilk hate almost everything about this country.

And you.

Don't forget you.

Dude, MAGA redcaps hate almost everyone. Not just 'left wing goons'. Your enemies list is enormous.

Bill Barr, Mo Brooks, Dick Cheney, John Kelly,Michael Cohen, Chris Christie, General James Mattis, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Reince Priebus, Rex Tillerson, Olivia Troye, Facebook, Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, ViacomCBS, Citigroup, Cisco, UPS ...even Harley Davidson is on the Republican enemies list.

You hate and resent liberals (aka anyone not MAGA), the media (or as redcaps call them, 'the enemy'), the educated, the majority of republicans (RINOs).

Your ilk hate almost everything about this country.
I hate greedy despicable Moon Bats that steal elections with the scam of fraudulent ballots counted by dishonest Democrats that want this country to be a Socialist shithole so they can get their fucking free stuff.

We saw it in 2020 and we are seeing it in the midterms.
The "grief" is the realization that we have lost our country to despicably dishonest Left Wing goons that believe in "any means necessary" to achieve their Leftest goals, including stealing ballots. We have seen it all over the world and now we are seeing it in this country.

Like the man said "a Republic if you can keep it". Leftest greed and dishonesty have taken our Republic away. Now we have nothing but the realization we are rapidly sliding down the path of the once great and free US becoming a Socialist shithole..
You poor thing. Try to hang in there.
I hate greedy despicable Moon Bats that steal elections with the scam of fraudulent ballots counted by dishonest Democrats that want this country to be a Socialist shithole so they can get their fucking free stuff.

We saw it in 2020 and we are seeing it in the midterms.

Its same snivelling, whining, entitled bullshit with you Redcaps every election.

You demand elections you didn't earn, power the people didn't grant you. And blame everyone but yourselves for your own failures. You won't take a look at the shit candidates you put up, the stunning lack of policy, the stripping of people's rights, the insane conspiracy theories that turn off independants and moderates alike.

Nope. In the MAGA redcap delusion, the folks least responsible for Republican failures.....are republicans.

In the party of personal responsibility, its ALWAYS someone else's fault.
Its same snivelling, whining, entitled bullshit with you Redcaps every election.

You demand elections you didn't earn, power the people didn't grant you. And blame everyone but yourselves for your own failures. You won't take a look at the shit candidates you put up, the stunning lack of policy, the stripping of people's rights, the insane conspiracy theories that turn off independants and moderates alike.

Nope. In the MAGA redcap delusion, the folks least responsible for Republican failures.....are republicans.

In the party of personal responsibility, its ALWAYS someone else's fault.


Sure, but when it comes to you lazy-ass leftist vermin getting all your free shit, guess where NOT A DIME OF IT is going to come from!


Sure, but when it comes to you lazy-ass leftist vermin getting all your free shit, guess where NOT A DIME OF IT is going to come from!


No one owes you an election. You're drenched in entitlement, insisting that the ONLY way you can lose is cheating.

Laughing.....your shit candidates can cost you an election.

The stunning lack of policy can cost you an election.

The stripping of federal rights of more than half the population so those rights can be turned into crimes can cost you an election.

The endless, batshit crazy conspiracy theories that riddle the GOP like fat in a juicy roast can cost you election.

All of these things turn off independents and moderates alike.

But nope, per MAGA redcaps, the folks LEAST responsible for the failed campaigns of Republicans....are Republicans.
No one owes you an election. You're drenched in entitlement, insisting that the ONLY way you can lose is cheating.

Laughing.....your shit candidates can cost you an election.

The stunning lack of policy can cost you an election.

The stripping of federal rights of more than half the population so those rights can be turned into crimes can cost you an election.

The endless, batshit crazy conspiracy theories that riddle the GOP like fat in a juicy roast can cost you election.

All of these things turn off independents and moderates alike.

But nope, per MAGA redcaps, the folks LEAST responsible for the failed campaigns of Republicans....are Republicans.

Yep. Paid by the word.

With some 72% of the nation saying we are headed in the wrong direction, and Republicans having ~6 million more votes out there, these results make no sense.

And we see in NV and AZ how they are playing the game to steal 2 Senate seats.
With some 72% of the nation saying we are headed in the wrong direction, and Republicans having ~6 million more votes out there, these results make no sense.

And we see in NV and AZ how they are playing the game to steal 2 Senate seats.
Sure they do.

They say that people think the Republicans have no answer because they are not a serious political party.

That’s the kind of reputation you get with your party is taken over by reality TV stars.
With some 72% of the nation saying we are headed in the wrong direction, and Republicans having ~6 million more votes out there, these results make no sense.

And we see in NV and AZ how they are playing the game to steal 2 Senate seats.

Given that the final tallies haven't been released yet for all States, where are you getting the 6 million more votes claim?

And just because people think that the nation isn't going in the right direction doesn't mean they think that batshit conspiracy theorists are the one to fix it.
There must be 10 different elements now allowing the democrats to cheat, steal, subvert, delay, etc. in these elections since covid. Was it Pennsylvania allowing to vote 50 or 60 days before the election? - - - - - - - - Anyone who denies the democrats are criminals in 2020 and now again in 2022 is a liar or a stooge. .

And we Americans have to face the facts. . Because of a criminal leftist political force, an equally corrupt MSM, a woke idiotic educations system that focuses on turning children into sex objects, a totally depraved entertainment world, and countless totally corrupt govt agencies and judges, ------ this nation is filled with sin and egoism and has no idea why they are even here on earth. . Talk about the decline of western civilization and no one seems to care.
i agree..

But as bad as America is, no way in hell did Fetterman win. PA is not that crazy. No, I've never been there but there is no such thing as a group of people in the US or probably anywhere on the planet THAT clueless and / or amoral and /or just plain stupid!

I will never believe a majority of Americans ANYWHERE is like that!

But besides all that.. one word: Philadelphia

They virtually invented election corruption. Theyve had it for a long time.. '
Or....MAGA redcaps are once again trying to avoid any personal responsibility for their own failures. Blaming everyone and everything but themselves for Republicans shockingly horrid electoral performance. The incumbent party is almost always shellacked in midterms. Yet through shit candidates and batshit crazy guys fucked that up.

In the party of personal responsibility its ALWAYS someone else's fault.
There it is.
i agree..

But as bad as America is, no way in hell did Fetterman win. PA is not that crazy. No, I've never been there but there is no such thing as a group of people in the US or probably anywhere on the planet THAT clueless and / or amoral and /or just plain stupid!

I will never believe a majority of Americans ANYWHERE is like that!

But besides all that.. one word: Philadelphia

They virtually invented election corruption. Theyve had it for a long time.. '

OR...republicans ran shit candidates, burdened themselves with tired conspiracy theories and embraced the stripping of rights for the half the population.
This whole American election is absolutely fucking atrocious because of Democrat dishonesty. They have absolutely nuked voter confidence in election integrity.

At this point we need to have neutral foreign election observers running this shitshow.

The Republic has been lost to us now. It is because of Leftest greed and their convictions to use any means necessary to turn this country into a Socialist Shithole so they can control the treasury and get their free stuff.

I ain't handwringing. Just witnessing.

The 'Big Steal' 2020 election was for all the marbles!!

And now, there ain't no going back!

Embrace our Banana Republic!
And be odeful to Joy....
I hate greedy despicable Moon Bats that steal elections with the scam of fraudulent ballots counted by dishonest Democrats that want this country to be a Socialist shithole so they can get their fucking free stuff.

We saw it in 2020 and we are seeing it in the midterms.
They blatantly bribed young people with the promise of $10,000 college loan forgiveness windfalls (that they knew were illegal) then laughed as the gullible fools gave them their votes, then got dropped through the trapdoor and now won’t get anything they were promised. One would hope that would be a wake up call for these kids, but we’ll have to wait and see.

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