Democrats say NO to 1 year extension on payroll tax cut.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
As we have witnessed--congress doesn't work anymore. The GOP house--agreed with Barack Obama and passed a one year extension for the payroll tax cut last week. After it passed they sent it to the Democrat lead senate and they sent it back with only a two month extension.

Of course Obama is out there blaming Republicans for doing what he asked them to do--and now we're back to gridlock. So what is it--that DEMOCRATS do not like about a one year payroll tax cut extension? Why do they only want a two month extension?

And why is it that Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid has already left for his Christmas break--along with many other democrats in the Senate--while the GOP house has conference members still in Washington D.C. willing to work out a compromise with senate Democrats?

Any guess's as to what they're up too?

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The GOP sent the Senate a clean bill extending the payroll tax cut?


Well the GOP did add in the Keystone pipeline--actually a bill that actually CREATES private sector jobs without costing taxpayers a dime. Maybe that's what democrats and Obama didn't like-- :badgrin:

Real private sector job growth would inhibit Obama's insatiable appetite to expand the size and scope of the Federal Government.
The GOP sent the Senate a clean bill extending the payroll tax cut?


Well the GOP did add in the Keystone pipeline--actually a bill that actually CREATES private sector jobs without costing taxpayers a dime. Maybe that's what democrats and Obama didn't like-- :badgrin:

Real private sector job growth would inhibit Obama's insatiable appetite to expand the size and scope of the Federal Government.

Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work.
The GOP sent the Senate a clean bill extending the payroll tax cut?


Well the GOP did add in the Keystone pipeline--actually a bill that actually CREATES private sector jobs without costing taxpayers a dime. Maybe that's what democrats and Obama didn't like-- :badgrin:

Real private sector job growth would inhibit Obama's insatiable appetite to expand the size and scope of the Federal Government.

Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work.

Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.
Well the GOP did add in the Keystone pipeline--actually a bill that actually CREATES private sector jobs without costing taxpayers a dime. Maybe that's what democrats and Obama didn't like-- :badgrin:

Real private sector job growth would inhibit Obama's insatiable appetite to expand the size and scope of the Federal Government.

Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work.

Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

You're retarded. Both of you.

A sharp drop in UE would guarantee his re-election. How by any metric would that not be in his best interests?

Your thread title is disingenuous. Pubs shouldn't need to use this as a bargaining chip. They should be in favor of a tax cut to begin with.
As we have witnessed--congress doesn't work anymore. The GOP house--agreed with Barack Obama and passed a one year extension for the payroll tax cut last week. After it passed they sent it to the Democrat lead senate and they sent it back with only a two month extension.

Of course Obama is out there blaming Republicans for doing what he asked them to do--and now we're back to gridlock. So what is it--that DEMOCRATS do not like about a one year payroll tax cut extension? Why do they only want a two month extension?

And why is it that Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid has already left for his Christmas break--along with many other democrats in the Senate--while the GOP house has conference members still in Washington D.C. willing to work out a compromise with senate Democrats?

Any guess's as to what they're up too?


That is because democrats cant do anything that doesn't involve spending.

However recently over this issue the media has been portraying democrats as "for the middle class" because they support the payroll tax cuts, but what people don't know is that democrats are only using the issue as a wedge for more spending.

The democrats are like "appropriate our spending and we will agree to your tax cuts"

The democrats in the senate are some of the dumbest or evil motherfuckers in the world - potentially both..
Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work.

Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

You're retarded. Both of you.

A sharp drop in UE would guarantee his re-election. How by any metric would that not be in his best interests?

Your thread title is disingenuous. Pubs shouldn't need to use this as a bargaining chip. They should be in favor of a tax cut to begin with.

Bullshit--there's nothing wrong with the title of this thread--that is exactly what happened and Democrats just pulled one of their cut and run routines. THEY'RE not there--they LEFT--they went on Christmas break.
As we have witnessed--congress doesn't work anymore. The GOP house--agreed with Barack Obama and passed a one year extension for the payroll tax cut last week. After it passed they sent it to the Democrat lead senate and they sent it back with only a two month extension.

Of course Obama is out there blaming Republicans for doing what he asked them to do--and now we're back to gridlock. So what is it--that DEMOCRATS do not like about a one year payroll tax cut extension? Why do they only want a two month extension?

And why is it that Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid has already left for his Christmas break--along with many other democrats in the Senate--while the GOP house has conference members still in Washington D.C. willing to work out a compromise with senate Democrats?

Any guess's as to what they're up too?


That is because democrats cant do anything that doesn't involve spending.

However recently over this issue the media has been portraying democrats as "for the middle class" because they support the payroll tax cuts, but what people don't know is that democrats are only using the issue as a wedge for more spending.

The democrats are like "appropriate our spending and we will agree to your tax cuts"

The democrats in the senate are some of the dumbest or evil motherfuckers in the world - potentially both..

DEMOCRATS all say--they want a one year extension on the payroll tax cut. But it was democrats that sent back a bill for a 2 month extension--did not approve the GOP house's one year extension----and then left town.
As we have witnessed--congress doesn't work anymore. The GOP house--agreed with Barack Obama and passed a one year extension for the payroll tax cut last week. After it passed they sent it to the Democrat lead senate and they sent it back with only a two month extension.

Of course Obama is out there blaming Republicans for doing what he asked them to do--and now we're back to gridlock. So what is it--that DEMOCRATS do not like about a one year payroll tax cut extension? Why do they only want a two month extension?

And why is it that Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid has already left for his Christmas break--along with many other democrats in the Senate--while the GOP house has conference members still in Washington D.C. willing to work out a compromise with senate Democrats?

Any guess's as to what they're up too?


That is because democrats cant do anything that doesn't involve spending.

However recently over this issue the media has been portraying democrats as "for the middle class" because they support the payroll tax cuts, but what people don't know is that democrats are only using the issue as a wedge for more spending.

The democrats are like "appropriate our spending and we will agree to your tax cuts"

The democrats in the senate are some of the dumbest or evil motherfuckers in the world - potentially both..

DEMOCRATS all say--they want a one year extension on the payroll tax cut. But it was democrats that sent back a bill for a 2 month extension--did not approve the GOP house's one year extension----and then left town.

That's because the House wont authorize spending on democrat manifested programs..

The Senate is saying "we wont pass anything the House passes unless they authorize spending on our previous and present legislation"

Of course the House tells them to fuck off...

It's almost like a hostage standoff....

The right and the left are totally at odds with how this country should work, both socially and economically...
One this one I tend to agree with the GOP.
However, I also tend to think the economic impact of the Keystone XL is overstated. The conservative The Economist stated that the jobs created would more than likely be temporary as the pipeline moves from state-to-state. But in the same breath, the environmental impact would be marginal (except if the pipeline were to be sabotaged or leak on it's own).

"The irony of all this is that the pipeline is not nearly as important as either its defenders or critics make it out to be. On the one hand, America already imports plenty of oil from the tar sands. The impact on the environment of pressing ahead (and on energy security, for that matter) would be marginal at best. On the other hand, the economic boost from building the pipeline would be marginal too. Most of the jobs it would create would be temporary ones, in construction. The states across which the pipeline will run already have the lowest unemployment rates in the nation. And none of them is likely to plump for Mr Obama in next year’s election—making the local politics marginal too."
Tar sands and the environment: Keystone cop-out | The Economist

Taking all of this into account, I have to side with the GOP and their approach to the legislation.
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Democrats opposition to the pipeline is illogical....

They only oppose it because their constituents are anti-everything...

Of course they has no problem with the stimulus which appropriated money to the states which used that money to fix roads that didn't need to be fixed, using construction crews which used heavy machinery to burn oil and pollute..

Hell, everything about this pipeline is good - it will create jobs, it will lower oil prices hence help the economy...

But of course progressives would rather have us buy our oil from Saudi Arabia or Venezuela than Canada.
Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work.

Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

You're retarded. Both of you.

A sharp drop in UE would guarantee his re-election. How by any metric would that not be in his best interests?

Your thread title is disingenuous. Pubs shouldn't need to use this as a bargaining chip. They should be in favor of a tax cut to begin with.

Is there something in the liberal handbook about always lowering yourself to call people names? I believe that sinking to that level during a debate is to make up for the fact that one doesn't have anything of substance to say. You know you've won the argument when the opposition either storms off mad, is rendered silent or resorts to name calling.

The Dems just voted down extensions for a year. To do so because they don't want a job creating plan is unacceptable. I think they would rather do some creative math and make the unemployment appear lower, when we know it really isn't, than to actually get people back to work. Obama has stated that capitalism has never worked and he supports the OWS who held a sea of signs calling for socialism. It stands to reason that they would want desperate people running to government for aid. That is the boost Obama needs to fundamentally change America. When he stated he wanted to do that, he meant capitalism into socialism and that is becoming crystal clear. No more denying.

His policies have been very unfriendly to capitalism. He has increased the number of people on welfare and hasn't done anything that would encourage job creation in the private sector. Healthcare alone is a job killer because it turns each employee into a huge burdern for employers. I don't think that was by accident. He doesn't like capitalism and he has stated in the past he has issues with our constitution, namely that it gives too much power to the people and not enough to government.

The biggest lie he ever told was when he took the oath of office and promise to uphold and defend our constitution. He has no intention of doing that and he's made it clear with his own words. Can't blame TOTUS for that.
Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

You're retarded. Both of you.

A sharp drop in UE would guarantee his re-election. How by any metric would that not be in his best interests?

Your thread title is disingenuous. Pubs shouldn't need to use this as a bargaining chip. They should be in favor of a tax cut to begin with.

Is there something in the liberal handbook about always lowering yourself to call people names? I believe that sinking to that level during a debate is to make up for the fact that one doesn't have anything of substance to say. You know you've won the argument when the opposition either storms off mad, is rendered silent or resorts to name calling.

The Dems just voted down extensions for a year. To do so because they don't want a job creating plan is unacceptable. I think they would rather do some creative math and make the unemployment appear lower, when we know it really isn't, than to actually get people back to work. Obama has stated that capitalism has never worked and he supports the OWS who held a sea of signs calling for socialism. It stands to reason that they would want desperate people running to government for aid. That is the boost Obama needs to fundamentally change America. When he stated he wanted to do that, he meant capitalism into socialism and that is becoming crystal clear. No more denying.

His policies have been very unfriendly to capitalism. He has increased the number of people on welfare and hasn't done anything that would encourage job creation in the private sector. Healthcare alone is a job killer because it turns each employee into a huge burdern for employers. I don't think that was by accident. He doesn't like capitalism and he has stated in the past he has issues with our constitution, namely that it gives too much power to the people and not enough to government.

The biggest lie he ever told was when he took the oath of office and promise to uphold and defend our constitution. He has no intention of doing that and he's made it clear with his own words. Can't blame TOTUS for that.

I agree, however the opposition is about spending.. Democrats want to spend and if the House doesn't allow that spending then democrat Senate members refuse to pass anything the House legislates out of spite..

Honestly I have no fucking idea as to why this pipeline is a federal issue - it should be a state issue...

Who the hell is some asshole up in Maine to tell those in Wisconsin they can't have a pipeline going through their state???
Democrats opposition to the pipeline is illogical....

They only oppose it because their constituents are anti-everything...

Of course they has no problem with the stimulus which appropriated money to the states which used that money to fix roads that didn't need to be fixed, using construction crews which used heavy machinery to burn oil and pollute..

Hell, everything about this pipeline is good - it will create jobs, it will lower oil prices hence help the economy...

But of course progressives would rather have us buy our oil from Saudi Arabia or Venezuela than Canada.

No, progressives would rather have more green energy and so would I.
After studying the issue, I support the GOP House option over the Senate option. BUT, I feel very strongly about the environment and fossil fuel pollution. I have studied the effects of fossil fuel pollution and it's effect on people and it's not good at all. I have a daughter with severe asthma, I have a grandson with severe asthma. Do you have a clue about the effects of fossil fuel pollution on the respiratory system. It can be deadly.
It also kills fish and trees and disrupts our eco-system.
I'd love it if the US could wean itself off of it's oil addiction. China is more progressive towards green energy than the US. Now that alone says something.
Democrats opposition to the pipeline is illogical....

They only oppose it because their constituents are anti-everything...

Of course they has no problem with the stimulus which appropriated money to the states which used that money to fix roads that didn't need to be fixed, using construction crews which used heavy machinery to burn oil and pollute..

Hell, everything about this pipeline is good - it will create jobs, it will lower oil prices hence help the economy...

But of course progressives would rather have us buy our oil from Saudi Arabia or Venezuela than Canada.

No, progressives would rather have more green energy and so would I.
After studying the issue, I support the GOP House option over the Senate option. BUT, I feel very strongly about the environment and fossil fuel pollution. I have studied the effects of fossil fuel pollution and it's effect on people and it's not good at all. I have a daughter with severe asthma, I have a grandson with severe asthma. Do you have a clue about the effects of fossil fuel pollution on the respiratory system. It can be deadly.
It also kills fish and trees and disrupts our eco-system.
I'd love it if the US could wean itself off of it's oil addiction. China is more progressive towards green energy than the US. Now that alone says something.

"Green energy" isn't economically viable...

Sure, I would love an alternative energy source, however I'm logical and realize oil is the most economically viable source of energy...

Science has proved free energy can't exist and ironically its those who call people like me "flat earthers" somehow believe it does...

I'm totally fine with green energy - just as long as its a viable source of energy and presently its not...
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Besides, organic matter should decompose at the same rate, hence more oil should be being created as I post this...........

In theory oil is a renewable resource...
Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

You're retarded. Both of you.

A sharp drop in UE would guarantee his re-election. How by any metric would that not be in his best interests?

Your thread title is disingenuous. Pubs shouldn't need to use this as a bargaining chip. They should be in favor of a tax cut to begin with.

Is there something in the liberal handbook about always lowering yourself to call people names? I believe that sinking to that level during a debate is to make up for the fact that one doesn't have anything of substance to say. You know you've won the argument when the opposition either storms off mad, is rendered silent or resorts to name calling.

The Dems just voted down extensions for a year. To do so because they don't want a job creating plan is unacceptable. I think they would rather do some creative math and make the unemployment appear lower, when we know it really isn't, than to actually get people back to work. Obama has stated that capitalism has never worked and he supports the OWS who held a sea of signs calling for socialism. It stands to reason that they would want desperate people running to government for aid. That is the boost Obama needs to fundamentally change America. When he stated he wanted to do that, he meant capitalism into socialism and that is becoming crystal clear. No more denying.

His policies have been very unfriendly to capitalism. He has increased the number of people on welfare and hasn't done anything that would encourage job creation in the private sector. Healthcare alone is a job killer because it turns each employee into a huge burdern for employers. I don't think that was by accident. He doesn't like capitalism and he has stated in the past he has issues with our constitution, namely that it gives too much power to the people and not enough to government.

The biggest lie he ever told was when he took the oath of office and promise to uphold and defend our constitution. He has no intention of doing that and he's made it clear with his own words. Can't blame TOTUS for that.

Nobody is saying NO to the pipeline. They're just saying it needs more studying.

And nobody knows how many jobs will be created....

But TransCanada numbers count each job on a yearly basis. If the pipeline employs 10,000 people working for two years, that's 20,000 jobs by the company's count.

The estimates also include jobs in Canada, where about a third of the $7 billion pipeline would be constructed.

Meanwhile, one study from Cornell University said the pipeline could actually lead to a decline in jobs in the long run. One reason is that the pipeline would lead to higher fuel prices in the Midwest, the study said, and that would slow consumer spending and cost jobs.

Keystone pipeline: How many jobs it would really create - Dec. 13, 2011

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