Democrats Say Opposing Trump Isn't Enough Want Candidates To Push A Progressive Agenda


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Amid congressional primary races and ahead of the November 6 election, new survey results indicate that a large majority of Democratic voters believe that promoting a "progressive agenda" should be the top priority of any Democrat running for Congress.

A CBS News/YouGov poll (pdf) asked Democrats, Independents, and those who lean toward voting for Democrats to choose between two options for what Democratic candidates' "first priority" should be. A full 72 percent said they want to see party candidates prioritize a progressive political agenda. The remaining 28 percent opted for merely opposing President Donald Trump's agenda.

72% of Democrats Say Opposing Trump Isn't Enough, Want Congressional Candidates to Push Progressive Agenda
"Democrats Say Opposing Trump Isn't Enough Want Candidates To Push A Progressive Agenda"

Oh Please do....please do....:thup:
They should absolutely continue to push their Progressive Agenda. In fact, they ought to consult with the Dictator in Venezuela about how to present it. He just won re-election by a nice margin by a vote of the few people still in the country who are not too starved to get up the strength to get to the polls.

And, they should keep Nancy Pelosi as the presumptive Speaker. She served as Speaker when she was Bat-Shit Crazy---why can't she do just as well now that she has Alzheimer's? That might actually be an improvement over Bat-Shit Crazy! They could sell that to the Morons who already vote Democrat. (That and $50 dollars will get a crackhead to the polls, and it only cost $20 if they are dead!)

And, by all means keep on with the Trump Derangement Syndrome---it is working so well so far....never give it up you Numbskull Democrats.

Surely the Bolsheviks, excuse me...the Democrats....can sell all that to a populace educated in the rotting cities of the North with an education system operated by the Democratic Party for half a century.

Sanders. Pelosi. Madura. Recipe for Victory!
Amid congressional primary races and ahead of the November 6 election, new survey results indicate that a large majority of Democratic voters believe that promoting a "progressive agenda" should be the top priority of any Democrat running for Congress.

A CBS News/YouGov poll (pdf) asked Democrats, Independents, and those who lean toward voting for Democrats to choose between two options for what Democratic candidates' "first priority" should be. A full 72 percent said they want to see party candidates prioritize a progressive political agenda. The remaining 28 percent opted for merely opposing President Donald Trump's agenda.

72% of Democrats Say Opposing Trump Isn't Enough, Want Congressional Candidates to Push Progressive Agenda

Dems need to promise free car, phone, house payments, utilities, and a ton of free shit. That'll get em millions more votes than last time. Just make sure those nasty little Electoral Votes don't trip ya up.
The Democrat's "Progressive Agenda" means an amoral culture and far left economics.
Democrat economics enslaves the middle class and spreads poverty.
Amoral cultures self destruct.
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