Democrats Say They Want Higher Wages for Lower Income Workers

It's not in the Constitution. The 14th was written for offspring of former slaves, not invaders from other countries. The case needs to be re-heard by the Supreme Court and that could change with a proper ruling.

Illegal adults are not applicable to our social programs, but their children are. They don't need to support them. We will feed, educate and provide medical care for these kids illegal parents or not.
Congress in the 1870s understood the English Language
If they meant it to apply to the offspring of former slaves, they would have said so
They chose broader language
We the People told Trump to get the fuk out

No, the commies created this mail-in voting scam which drew the stupidest people in our country to vote, and all stupid people vote Democrat. If it were a normal election, Biden would be where he belongs which is a nursing home, and we would be paying $2.00 per gallon of gasoline, no labor shortage, no inflation, have a secure border and would not have lost 13 military men and women plus 83 billion in arms to the Taliban
No, the commies created this mail-in voting scam which drew the stupidest people in our country to vote, and all stupid people vote Democrat. If it were a normal election, Biden would be where he belongs which is a nursing home, and we would be paying $2.00 per gallon of gasoline, no labor shortage, no inflation, have a secure border and would not have lost 13 military men and women plus 83 billion in arms to the Taliban

Damn boi…..

You sure sound like a Crybaby Loser
We would offer temporary work visas and allow them to return to Mexico if they want.
Let them make a legal wage and pay taxes
So they can do the jobs that lazy people on welfare refuse to do?

Thats insane
Congress in the 1870s understood the English Language
If they meant it to apply to the offspring of former slaves, they would have said so
They chose broader language

Read and learn.

Why? Why do kids need adults to support them? Really?
At first and to your point they get menial jobs but then the kids have the world all to them. Big sacrifice but millions are willing to make it. Take that incentive away and a lot fewer will come illegally.
At first and to your point they get menial jobs but then the kids have the world all to them. Big sacrifice but millions are willing to make it. Take that incentive away and a lot fewer will come illegally.

I have no idea what you are saying. I don't think you do either.
I have no idea what you are saying. I don't think you do either.
Let me explain since you’re dumb. A wife and husband come over. They get jobs as janitors. Their kids are born here and are US citizens automatically. They struggle making ends meet but they do get free healthcare since they are poor and their kids when 18 can go to college and or the military and live as Americans and their kids and their kids and so on. What the hell do you not understand? My parents did that only they came legally.
Let me explain since you’re dumb. A wife and husband come over. They get jobs as janitors. Their kids are born here and are US citizens automatically. They struggle making ends meet but they do get free healthcare since they are poor and their kids when 18 can go to college and or the military and live as Americans and their kids and their kids and so on. What the hell do you not understand? My parents did that only they came legally.
We used to call that the American Dream
Let me explain since you’re dumb. A wife and husband come over. They get jobs as janitors. Their kids are born here and are US citizens automatically. They struggle making ends meet but they do get free healthcare since they are poor and their kids when 18 can go to college and or the military and live as Americans and their kids and their kids and so on. What the hell do you not understand? My parents did that only they came legally.

It has nothing to do with anything I've argued. You note that both parents work as janitors. Enact mandatory e-verify and they can no longer do that.
It has nothing to do with anything I've argued. You note that both parents work as janitors. Enact mandatory e-verify and they can no longer do that.
Their baby is a citizen regardless…anchor baby. E-verify. LOL OK

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