Democrats Seek to Increase Lagging Ratings of Their Show Trial "Hearings"

If no charges are brought, guilty pleas and convictions in court to do not come from the effort, you will be correct, in that it was a publicity stunt. I am betting charges will be filed and conviction by juries of the dependent's peers will be attained.

NO, I don't see the DOJ prosecuting him since they already had plenty of time to find something to indict him with.
If no charges are brought, guilty pleas and convictions in court to do not come from the effort, you will be correct, in that it was a publicity stunt. I am betting charges will be filed and conviction by juries of the dependent's peers will be attained.
Charges for what?
I predict you’re in for a big surprise in 2024. We’ll see, though.
Such a polarizing figure. Even if not prevented by being a felon with crimes against the United States, hearing the truth told by his own cabinet level people in front of the American people unedited, he is toast as far as the presidency. If you want Republican control of the White house, you had best pick another horse. This one is officially lame, to say the very least. I have voted for a bunch of Republicans for President, starting with Nixon. I'm independent, I own no party my vote, but would never vote for trump, to get another shot at our representative republic again. Most folks won't. Pick another horse, and don't let him support unconstitutional acts for the hell of it.
Such a polarizing figure. Even if not prevented by being a felon with crimes against the United States, hearing the truth told by his own cabinet level people in front of the American people unedited, he is toast as far as the presidency. If you want Republican control of the White house, you had best pick another horse. This one is officially lame, to say the very least. I have voted for a bunch of Republicans for President, starting with Nixon. I'm independent, I own no party my vote, but would never vote for trump, to get another shot at our representative republic again. Most folks won't. Pick another horse, and don't let him support unconstitutional acts for the hell of it.
We’ll just have to disagree on that, kid. Time will prove one of us correct, and I’m quite comfortable with my odds.
If no charges are brought, guilty pleas and convictions in court to do not come from the effort, you will be correct, in that it was a publicity stunt. I am betting charges will be filed and conviction by juries of the dependent's peers will be attained.
That would be a very large mistake

Payback is a bitch.
We’ll just have to disagree on that, kid. Time will prove one of us correct, and I’m quite comfortable with my odds.
Me too, on outcome, I would just like to have an option if Joe just absolutely can't get it together, but gets the nomination anyway. Because, yes, if I had to pick 4 more years of goofballery, versus giving the traitorous SOB another chance to form his autocracy, ending this republic, I'll Go With Joe. Most others will also if what is left of the dumbass Republican do not give us a choice. We're keeping is a representative voting republic, whether you guy like it or not.
The J6 committee is a worthless partisan witch hunt on the taxpayer dime

It is pursuing and implementing the UNEQUAL APPLICATION OF THE LAW, and if it doesn't stop there will be violence in this country, on an unimaginable scale.

The Democrats right now are unquestionably pursuing Stalinism, and that will not be allowed to stand. Not now, not ever
I agree, it was just a gang of white tourist touring the Capitol on Jan 6. It's not their fault that it was scheduled the same day that Congress was certifying the election. They were white so who cares if they stopped the process.
He ain't Putin and this ain't Russia.

This IS Russia, and Nancy Pelosi is Putin.

Democrats have weaponized the justice system for partisan political purposes. They are CURRENTLY engaged in the unequal application of the law FOR PARTISAN POLITICAL PURPOSES.

Don't bitch to me about the vote and the law when you're supporting the people who are destroying it.

STALINISM will not be tolerated. It will be treated as the nasty evil festering canker sore it is It will be DESTROYED. By any and all means available.

This Soviet style monkey trial will not stand.

Hey - pay attention: if you don't have to obey the law, then neither do I
If no charges are brought, guilty pleas and convictions in court to do not come from the effort, you will be correct, in that it was a publicity stunt. I am betting charges will be filed and conviction by juries of the dependent's peers will be attained.

Yes they’ll convict some people for jay walking and littering and you leftists will form yet another circle jerk.
Just a few random comments:

This is Impeach Trump III.

Without the Loyal Opposition, it is meaningless.

What started out as an attempt to blame the riots on Trump has devolved into a blatant attempt to produce so much damning information on Trump's activities after the election that the public will demand an indictment of some sort, or Trump's chances of winning in 2024 will be eliminated.

But here's the thing. Trump has a mountain of reasons for believing that the election was "tainted." He was doing everything he could to Right that Wrong. But there was (and remains) no legal or Constitutional remedy for the sorts of shenanigans that the Democrats (and some Republicans) played. His advisors kept telling him that he couldn't just void the results because he thought they were bogus - EVEN IOF THEY WERE BOGUS! And that's the pity of it.

It would be more interesting to watch if there was actually a Republican or two making Trump's case. But regardless, the committee has completely abandoned its announced mission in search of political magic. We'll see.
Me too, on outcome, I would just like to have an option if Joe just absolutely can't get it together, but gets the nomination anyway. Because, yes, if I had to pick 4 more years of goofballery, versus giving the traitorous SOB another chance to form his autocracy, ending this republic, I'll Go With Joe. Most others will also if what is left of the dumbass Republican do not give us a choice. We're keeping is a representative voting republic, whether you guy like it or not.
Your desperation is palpable. Go with Joe, you’ll be more disappointed than you already are.
Me too, on outcome, I would just like to have an option if Joe just absolutely can't get it together, but gets the nomination anyway. Because, yes, if I had to pick 4 more years of goofballery, versus giving the traitorous SOB another chance to form his autocracy, ending this republic, I'll Go With Joe. Most others will also if what is left of the dumbass Republican do not give us a choice. We're keeping is a representative voting republic, whether you guy like it or not.
Biden is every bit as autocratic as you idiots claimed Trump is but wasn't.

You'll vote for who you're told to vote for.
When the Supreme Court releases its abortion ruling and the baby killers start burning down all the cities that the BLM insurrectionists missed we will be watching the looting and rioting every night instead of the stupid hearings.

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