Democrats Seek to Increase Lagging Ratings of Their Show Trial "Hearings"

You honestly don't think Donald Trump "gave a rat's ass" about the country, White? As opposed to whom? Joe Biden? With all due respect...while Trump was making our lives better with his policies (and they WERE better by any reasonable measurement!)...Joe Biden has managed to cost the average American $5,000 out of pocket this year with HIS policies! It wasn't Donald Trump that was taking a "cut" of influence peddling money being paid by foreign entities...that was Joe "The Big Guy" Biden! Are you "pleased" with that?
Right. Not a rat's ass in hell.
As opposed to one that was raised (like loyal Americans going back to the founding fathers, or anybody else that had enough civic mindedness to as a public official to resist taking illegal, immoral, Unconstitutional action against their country and countrymen for person gain of power, rather than supporting historic norms and respect for the law and process that brought him to high office in the first place, and yes, unlike Joe Biden, who has taken no moves against the constitution. Don't give me that equivalency, after the fact bull shit about your complaints against Joe two years into his presidency as some kind of half baked excuse for Trump's illegal actions as some kind of ignorant excuse for Trump's criminal disregard for the rule of law at the time of the election. It is no excuse, and ignorance is no excuse for the law.
And I would WELCOME a more normal Republican candidate but only if they put forth the same agenda as Trump did! You see it's Trump's personality that I found chafing...not his policies! Those worked.
If it is the agenda that does not include destruction of free, fair and constitutional elections, with peaceful business like transfer of power, so be it. If it is a matter of legal policy, non-destructive to the union, let that candidate be considered.
If it is the policy of might means right in all things public and private, without shame, and no regard for our constitution and law and continuity of our country's norms, then fck him and feed him fish head,sending him down to ignominious defeat as is right and just for the long term future of our country, as long term outweighs short term consideration.
I have nothing against Republicans in general, having vote Republican more times than not.
Are you implying a Trump victory would cause the left to attempt an insurrection?
Beats me. Probably not, but it would not happen at the ballot box. Americans will not give up our present form of government to allow that asshole another shot to destroy it or change it illegally by force of will and support of people with no care for our laws. It that is what you want, you will have to get it, through a constitutional convention, or forget it.
Cry harder. You’re the sorry pathetic excuse for an American. Your utter stupidity in thinking anybody gives a damn about a (by your side’s definition) peaceful protest when they see record high gas prices, the highest inflation in 40 years, empty store shelves, and a number of other things YOU voted for is just astounding. Feel sorry that you support an authoritarian wannabe party you idiot.
I don't feel sorry for me. Do you feel sorry for yourself? Both my vehicles are topped off and I have no financial difficulties, not likely to encounter any. You should plan and prioritize better, not becoming over extended.
The union is in no danger.

We just need to get rid of all the fucking weasels.
We've been getting rid of weasels as they self identified for over two hundred years. We do it through the ballot box.
There is significant doubt that the election was either free or fair.

And you can not prove that either of those things are true

Which is the problem. Not that the issue exists, but that you can't prove it doesn't.
They never ever proved anything, that there was some act or acts that could have changed the election or vote count. Period. Illegal action, taken is illegal. You either support the laws and traditions of the land or you don't. If you don't, you are a shitty American, a patriot in name only.
Beats me. Probably not, but it would not happen at the ballot box. Americans will not give up our present form of government to allow that asshole another shot to destroy it or change it illegally by force of will and support of people with no care for our laws. It that is what you want, you will have to get it, through a constitutional convention, or forget it.
Like I said earlier, I believe you're in for a big surprise come 2024. We shall see, though.
I don't feel sorry for me. Do you feel sorry for yourself? Both my vehicles are topped off and I have no financial difficulties, not likely to encounter any. You should plan and prioritize better, not becoming over extended.
Are you high? My finanaces are a lot better than yours guaranteed. Your total ducking of the actual point is noted. Enjoy the Republican landslide in November. I don’t feel sorry for clueless people like you.
They never ever proved anything, that there was some act or acts that could have changed the election or vote count. Period. Illegal action, taken is illegal. You either support the laws and traditions of the land or you don't. If you don't, you are a shitty American, a patriot in name only.
And you are showing what a shitty person you are this whole thread.
Are you high? My finanaces are a lot better than yours guaranteed. Your total ducking of the actual point is noted. Enjoy the Republican landslide in November. I don’t feel sorry for clueless people like you.
You brought it up. I figured it must be some kind of thing with you.
And you are showing what a shitty person you are this whole thread.
No. Pretty much alluding to what shitty people could support trump and the shitty Jan 6 attack on voting, as shitty Americans at best. I can't help it if Trump cult people got it wrong from the beginning and support unconstitutional actions against their country.
Right. Not a rat's ass in hell.
As opposed to one that was raised (like loyal Americans going back to the founding fathers, or anybody else that had enough civic mindedness to as a public official to resist taking illegal, immoral, Unconstitutional action against their country and countrymen for person gain of power, rather than supporting historic norms and respect for the law and process that brought him to high office in the first place, and yes, unlike Joe Biden, who has taken no moves against the constitution. Don't give me that equivalency, after the fact bull shit about your complaints against Joe two years into his presidency as some kind of half baked excuse for Trump's illegal actions as some kind of ignorant excuse for Trump's criminal disregard for the rule of law at the time of the election. It is no excuse, and ignorance is no excuse for the law.
To be blunt, White? What are you saying here? I'm trying to decipher that mess and it's giving me a headache.
If it is the agenda that does not include destruction of free, fair and constitutional elections, with peaceful business like transfer of power, so be it. If it is a matter of legal policy, non-destructive to the union, let that candidate be considered.
If it is the policy of might means right in all things public and private, without shame, and no regard for our constitution and law and continuity of our country's norms, then fck him and feed him fish head,sending him down to ignominious defeat as is right and just for the long term future of our country, as long term outweighs short term consideration.
I have nothing against Republicans in general, having vote Republican more times than not.
Are you on some kind of new drug that gives one "verbal diarrhea" White? Clear concise language is your friend. The stuff you're posting today sounds like something that Kamala Harris would utter after she lost her place on the teleprompter!
Hyped as a way to send Trump to jail, the hearings have instead offered more of the same emoting we’ve been hearing for a year and a half. That’s left the committee scrambling to find anything that can turn things around, and with one postponement already on the books, the hearings are now being pushed off until after the July 4th recess.
No one cares. Anyone with a brain actually watching some of these "hearings" soon must be asking themselves: "Didn't we just go down this road two years ago? Wasn't that why they tried to impeach Trump? And Trump is impeached, so what is the point to any of this crap now then unless to pursue criminal matters and if criminal, then why not present this in a court of law? And if intended for a court of law, then where is the cross-examination to test any of the veracity of the testimony? Where is the accused's defense? The Democrats have forgotten that is the CORNERSTONE to American jurisprudence--- you are innocent until proven guilty, yet the democrats have never proceeded without first assuming guilt! It is as if guilt is so self-evident that it bears no need to prove. In other words, the democrats have conveniently made themselves both judge, jury AND executioner!" And that is a very BAD look to anyone purporting to represent "justice, fairness and honesty." Whoops.

They think you are stupid.
Well, JG, they are HALF right: the MSM big media networks are in this regardless to the end and will be dealt with next year when criminal reform of media cavorting with government influencing elections and misinformation begins and charges are brought against the main networks ushering in new laws holding media corporations and CEOs criminally responsible, and they DO know their base, which is stupid enough to gobble all of this up as food like to guppies keeping some interest as they head towards an effective political PLANK of slaughter this Fall. Anyone else is just laughing at this media circus cavorting around as an official government hearing!

Does anyone honestly believe that they are postponing these hearings because they received a magical new tranch of evidence that will finally provide a smoking gun?
One can only wonder then how they impeached Trump with so much still unknown! Or wonder why they started these hearings and are raiding people whom aren't even criminally implicated when they don't yet even have all the evidence together and are obviously now delaying in the hope of finding something better actually supporting their case! Will they still be searching for a case against Trump 15 years from now digging up his dead bones? At what point does society admit these people are certifiably SICK and obsessed with this one man?

Remember, these things have been planned and scripted out for months.
And it is STILL falling apart faster than a Biden presser! :auiqs.jpg:
Beats me. Probably not, but it would not happen at the ballot box. Americans will not give up our present form of government to allow that asshole another shot to destroy it or change it illegally by force of will and support of people with no care for our laws. It that is what you want, you will have to get it, through a constitutional convention, or forget it.

Americans will vote, and you will accept the outcome.


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