Democrats Seek to Increase Lagging Ratings of Their Show Trial "Hearings"

Me too, on outcome, I would just like to have an option if Joe just absolutely can't get it together, but gets the nomination anyway. Because, yes, if I had to pick 4 more years of goofballery, versus giving the traitorous SOB another chance to form his autocracy, ending this republic, I'll Go With Joe. Most others will also if what is left of the dumbass Republican do not give us a choice. We're keeping is a representative voting republic, whether you guy like it or not.
Specifically, what law did President Trump violate? Hurting your widdle feelings does not count. He assumed we are adults.

The rest of us care about remaining to live in a representative republic, based on constitutional and historic norms and laws. Totally unwilling to give it up to the dumbass cult of personality for short term considerations or gain. Any attack on our ability to elect or reject those in office (no matter who loves them) at any election is a non-starter, and will not be tolerated. Don't be sorry to or for those that know this is more important in the long run. Continue to feel sorry for yourself, the asshole didn't pull it off when he took the chance and has destroyed any hope of coming back to power for another possible try. He ain't Putin and this ain't Russia.
Such stupidity. Inflation, gas prices, empty shelves, lack of food and baby formula. THAT is more important than your shit show. Feel sorry for yourself that you’re too big an asshole to see that.
Next possible action will be in a court of law, following indictments.
Way different than an impeachment. No protection from the Senate.
Senate cannot save trump this time.
Another whiner forgetting that it’s already been stated that NO criminal referrals will come out of this kangaroo court. Lack of any evidence will do that.
The rest of us care about remaining to live in a representative republic, based on constitutional and historic norms and laws. Totally unwilling to give it up to the dumbass cult of personality for short term considerations or gain. Any attack on our ability to elect or reject those in office (no matter who loves them) at any election is a non-starter, and will not be tolerated. Don't be sorry to or for those that know this is more important in the long run. Continue to feel sorry for yourself, the asshole didn't pull it off when he took the chance and has destroyed any hope of coming back to power for another possible try. He ain't Putin and this ain't Russia.
I'm amused by the liberal rant that Trump endangered our entire democracy because of a protest that didn't even last 24 hours, White! What's REALLY more dangerous for our country? That protest or a border left wide open across which millions of unvetted aliens are streaming? That protest or the fentanyl that's pouring into the US and killing our young people? That protest or inflation that is forcing Americans to choose between putting gas in their vehicles or food on their tables? That protest or violent crime that is turning our inner cities into shooting galleries?
Trump isn't Putin. You got that much right.
Specifically, what law did President Trump violate? Hurting your widdle feelings does not count. He assumed we are adults.

He attempted a plan to overthrow a free and fair election and retain power when voted out, betraying his oath of office, proving his unfitness to have ever held it.
Such stupidity. Inflation, gas prices, empty shelves, lack of food and baby formula. THAT is more important than your shit show. Feel sorry for yourself that you’re too big an asshole to see that.
Feel sorry for yourself that, you have no thought for the country, constitution and history that brought you up, ingrate.
I'm amused by the liberal rant that Trump endangered our entire democracy because of a protest that didn't even last 24 hours, White! What's REALLY more dangerous for our country? That protest or a border left wide open across which millions of unvetted aliens are streaming? That protest or the fentanyl that's pouring into the US and killing our young people? That protest or inflation that is forcing Americans to choose between putting gas in their vehicles or food on their tables? That protest or violent crime that is turning our inner cities into shooting galleries?
Trump isn't Putin. You got that much right.
Glad you are pleased. Now look forward to a more normal Republican candidate that actually gives a rat as about the country, except for it benefit to himself and power to wield.
Glad you are pleased. Now look forward to a more normal Republican candidate that actually gives a rat as about the country, except for it benefit to himself and power to wield.
You honestly don't think Donald Trump "gave a rat's ass" about the country, White? As opposed to whom? Joe Biden? With all due respect...while Trump was making our lives better with his policies (and they WERE better by any reasonable measurement!)...Joe Biden has managed to cost the average American $5,000 out of pocket this year with HIS policies! It wasn't Donald Trump that was taking a "cut" of influence peddling money being paid by foreign entities...that was Joe "The Big Guy" Biden! Are you "pleased" with that?
Glad you are pleased. Now look forward to a more normal Republican candidate that actually gives a rat as about the country, except for it benefit to himself and power to wield.
And I would WELCOME a more normal Republican candidate but only if they put forth the same agenda as Trump did! You see it's Trump's personality that I found chafing...not his policies! Those worked.
Are you implying a Trump victory would cause the left to attempt an insurrection?
When Trump beat Hillary the left took to the streets to protest...just as conservatives did when Biden was declared a victor over Trump. The only real difference is how those protests were LABELED by the main stream media! Isn't if funny how an albeit violent protest that didn't last 24 hours was somehow an "insurrection" yet protests that lasted far longer and caused much more damage were instead framed as "mostly peaceful"!
Feel sorry for yourself that, you have no thought for the country, constitution and history that brought you up, ingrate.
Cry harder. You’re the sorry pathetic excuse for an American. Your utter stupidity in thinking anybody gives a damn about a (by your side’s definition) peaceful protest when they see record high gas prices, the highest inflation in 40 years, empty store shelves, and a number of other things YOU voted for is just astounding. Feel sorry that you support an authoritarian wannabe party you idiot.
He attempted a plan to overthrow a free and fair election and retain power when voted out, betraying his oath of office, proving his unfitness to have ever held it.
There is significant doubt that the election was either free or fair.

And you can not prove that either of those things are true

Which is the problem. Not that the issue exists, but that you can't prove it doesn't.

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