Democrats Should Be Stopped...Impeachment Is A Public Event...Not Something Done In Secret

This latest charade by democrats is nothing more than a show of desperation.
After realizing how fucked up their candidates are, they created another reason to remove Trump from the equation.
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China. bring that up when impeachment happens.
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.
If what is being done is truly illegal, it will only have the ability to fly so far. Eventually it will only go straight into the ground like a dart.

God bless you and our leader always!!!

This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.
If what is being done is truly illegal, it will only have the ability to fly so far. Eventually it will only go straight into the ground like a dart.

God bless you and our leader always!!!

Not exactly. The Deep State doesn't care about the law.
They're going around it.
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

Helicopter rides are cheaper. Or an elk hunt in Idaho.
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

Though you raving murder fantasies do beg at least one question: they should be 'hung, drawn and quartered....or at least stood up and shot for 'treason'.... whom?
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

Though you raving murder fantasies do beg at least one question: they should be 'hung, drawn and quartered....or at least stood up and shot for 'treason'.... whom?

I'll do it for a dollar and a Dr.Pepper.
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

Though you raving murder fantasies do beg at least one question: they should be 'hung, drawn and quartered....or at least stood up and shot for 'treason'.... whom?

I'll do it for a dollar and a Dr.Pepper.

Then why haven't you?
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

Though you raving murder fantasies do beg at least one question: they should be 'hung, drawn and quartered....or at least stood up and shot for 'treason'.... whom?

I'll do it for a dollar and a Dr.Pepper.

Then why haven't you?

Can't afford ammo. Taking donations.
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

Though you raving murder fantasies do beg at least one question: they should be 'hung, drawn and quartered....or at least stood up and shot for 'treason'.... whom?

I'll do it for a dollar and a Dr.Pepper.

Then why haven't you?

Can't afford ammo. Taking donations.

Seems a pretty chicken shit reason for not to shoot the democrats for treason...if you actually believed the claims you're apeing.

Though thank you for sharing with us your murder fantasies of violently subverting the constitution.

Its a lovely window into the conservative mind.
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

Though you raving murder fantasies do beg at least one question: they should be 'hung, drawn and quartered....or at least stood up and shot for 'treason'.... whom?

I'll do it for a dollar and a Dr.Pepper.

Then why haven't you?

Can't afford ammo. Taking donations.
Well, you know you can't get any help there from Skylar...

Unless the gun store accepts food stamps!!!
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

Though you raving murder fantasies do beg at least one question: they should be 'hung, drawn and quartered....or at least stood up and shot for 'treason'.... whom?

I'll do it for a dollar and a Dr.Pepper.
You pussies wont be doing anything.
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

Though you raving murder fantasies do beg at least one question: they should be 'hung, drawn and quartered....or at least stood up and shot for 'treason'.... whom?

I'll do it for a dollar and a Dr.Pepper.
You pussies wont be doing anything.

Its kinda fun to watch all the empty chest beating and false bravado.

Like watching a highschool play remake of Rambo.
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

Though you raving murder fantasies do beg at least one question: they should be 'hung, drawn and quartered....or at least stood up and shot for 'treason'.... whom?

I'll do it for a dollar and a Dr.Pepper.
You pussies wont be doing anything.

Its kinda fun to watch all the empty chest beating and false bravado.

Like watching a highschool play remake of Rambo.
Their crybabying is truly music to my ears.
By God, I knew I could trigger me some draft dodging pussies.
This lawlessness must be stopped. The Democrats are carrying out an illegal coup in secret....behind closed the public cannot see what's going on.

They have no right to do this....and Capital Police should put a stop to it and force these lying assholes to present their evidence in public or not at all.

But what is Schiff hiding? The fact that the evidence they're using to start this inquiry was not only gotten through illegal means but is being fabricated behind closed doors.

October 14, 2019
Schiff is getting nervous
By Monica Showalter
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam.

And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it -- through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly.

Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out.

First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called 'whistleblower' in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:

"We don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call," he claimed.

October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.

Not only stopped but the anti american, nazi assholes should be hung, drawn and quartered. At least stood up and shot for treason.

I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

Though you raving murder fantasies do beg at least one question: they should be 'hung, drawn and quartered....or at least stood up and shot for 'treason'.... whom?

I'll do it for a dollar and a Dr.Pepper.
You pussies wont be doing anything.

I had my time in the sun, pansy.
There is no impeachment.............They do not want a vote.........they want endless BS Political Sitcoms in Congress..................while their deep state ops try to find anything to Frame Trump the same time hoping their real crimes will not go to trial..........LOL

This is a siege by power mad hungry career politicians who are afraid that they will finally be exposed for what they really are and do there.................................Both sides................

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