Democrats should have been thrilled to see trump rally in Arizona


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Yup, he cannot man up and admit he lose in 2020. The longer he keeps dragging up his loss, the more it helps the Dems. Young, talented Republicans need wo walk away from this Loser before he does to him what he did to the Georgia Senatorial race.

Yup, he cannot man up and admit he lose in 2020. The longer he keeps dragging up his loss, the more it helps the Dems. Young, talented Republicans need wo walk away from this Loser before he does to him what he did to the Georgia Senatorial race.
Why would he lie and say he lost the election?

It’s clear now that he won. Democrats had to cheat and steal the election.

Yup, he cannot man up and admit he lose in 2020. The longer he keeps dragging up his loss, the more it helps the Dems. Young, talented Republicans need wo walk away from this Loser before he does to him what he did to the Georgia Senatorial race.
Honest, patriotic Republicans who value facts and the truth need to walk away from Trump and the GOP.
Trumps refusal to concede the election to cheating Dems still has them furious. Trump will continue to torture them during the illegitimate Biden regime.
Trump can go fuck himself whether he conceds or not. Biden is POTUS & every minute, every hour, every day, every month & every year that he is will burn Trump's ass to no end. That shitstain will never get over Biden beating his ass & his never ending bitching, ranting & raving & whining over it is a sight to behold.

Fuck Trump & the horse he rode in on. He's a loser.
Trump can go fuck himself whether he conceds or not. Biden is POTUS & every minute, every hour, every day, every month & every year that he is will burn Trump's ass to no end. That shitstain will never get over Biden beating his ass & his never ending bitching, ranting & raving & whining over it is a sight to behold.

Fuck Trump & the horse he rode in on. He's a loser.
Someone needs to tell Biden he's POTUS because it's obvious he hasn't a clue. Better yet ask Dr. Jill she thinks and speaks for the empty shell these days.
They just can’t believe that so many don’t love the buffoon like they do. That’s how tiny their world is.
For the many years FOX Noise has kept the trump Nazis brainwashed, it's easy to see why the trump Nazis are baffled by people who needn't be told what and how to think.

The favor the talking heads on FOX are currently doing for the nation, keeping the trump Nazis from immunizing themselves against COVID-19, there could be a Nobel Prize in it for the network's management.


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