Democrats Should Tone It Down On The Anti-Trump Rhetoric...

It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?
When Trump tones down the racist/pro Russia rhetoric.

See, that's what i'm talking about. Opposing his policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such hateful extremes, is just wrong. CNN and MNBC need to be more careful with the rhetoric. It is beginning to feel like incitement. It's doesn't feel so much like 'News' and Journalism.' They could lose their 'Free Press' protections.

It's hateful to point out the truth?

Trump has called a federal judge unqualified because of his ethnicity. He insulted a black civil rights leader, calling his district "infested" with crime (clear racist dog whistle there). He's insulted all Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. He's called for banning Muslims or people from the middle east.

At EVERY available opportunity he's proved himself to be a racist, misogynist, brainless pig, and you think it's the fault of Democrats for spotlighting that?
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?
You just noticed this?

What do you think has been going on for the last thirty-plus years in the Democrat party?

Democrat have been in destroy-everyone-who-doesn't-agree-with-us mode at least since Reagan proved that smaller govt and less regulation produced more prosperity than their socialistic schemes, and spent eight years laughing at them from the Bully Pulpit.

Democrats went over the edge after that (possibly before?), and haven't looked back since.
They've lost their shit. They could pretty easily rise above this stuff - I think - but they've decided to join in and escalate.

By the way, when are those Thank You cards going out from Republicans to the Democrats for their help?
I did my part. I sent Hillary a little 'participation award'. It's a nice coffee mug with the state of Wisconsin screen printed on it.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?
You just noticed this?

What do you think has been going on for the last thirty-plus years in the Democrat party?

Democrat have been in destroy-everyone-who-doesn't-agree-with-us mode at least since Reagan proved that smaller govt and less regulation produced more prosperity than their socialistic schemes, and spent eight years laughing at them from the Bully Pulpit.

Democrats went over the edge after that (possibly before?), and haven't looked back since.

Is that why Tip O'Neill partnered with Gingrich in the 90s and the Democrats worked with Reagan and Bush II? Meanwhile when Obama got in power, they refused to even bringing Obama's nominees -- no matter how reasonable -- to a vote?

Tell us about the screaming liberal tendencies of Merrick Garland, you idiot.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Payback is a bitch

This stuff is going well beyond 'payback.' It really is feeling like incitement. I fear all this Democrat hate rhetoric is gonna cause their supporters to do bad things in the future. The constant 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric really can cause some people to wanna act on the hate. It's too much. Democrats should consider toning it down.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Payback is a bitch

This stuff is going well beyond 'payback.' It really is feeling like incitement. I fear all this Democrat hate rhetoric is gonna cause their supporters to do bad things in the future. The constant 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric really can cause some people to wanna act on the hate. It's too much. Democrats need to tone it down.

Many have. I don't believe Trump is a Nazi. I believe he's a latent racist, a clear misogynist, he's intellectually incurious and narcissistic, and unfit to be president. And my beliefs are shared by most people in this country. NOT just Democrats.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?
Many of them do seem unhinged. I think that's because the Democratic Party no longer stands for anything and has now devolved into being just the anti Republican Party. They are opposed to almost anything the Republicans support, but they don't seem to know why, so they invent reasons that have no real meaning but much emotional appeal.
Trump is the biggest source of incitement. There were no riots at Ted Cruz or John Kasich rallies.

I'm pretty disappointed with Democrat behavior. They really have worked their supporters up into a dangerous frenzy. I mean, opposing Trump policies is one thing. But what they're engaging in right now, goes so far beyond opposing policies. It's starting to feel like incitement.

Right, us Democrats are out of control. I mean, you have someone on this very thread calling for the imprisonment and murder of people because their political beliefs differ, but's Democrats that need to be toned down. Okay.

Fuck you.


Not because their beliefs differ, but because their beliefs intend to ultimately bring down the Republic. Their ties to ISIS, The Muslim Brotherhood and the Soros-backed Progressives planning criminal attacks on DC beyond mere protest this Friday alone is evidence enough.
Trump is the biggest source of incitement. There were no riots at Ted Cruz or John Kasich rallies.

I'm pretty disappointed with Democrat behavior. They really have worked their supporters up into a dangerous frenzy. I mean, opposing Trump policies is one thing. But what they're engaging in right now, goes so far beyond opposing policies. It's starting to feel like incitement.

Right, us Democrats are out of control. I mean, you have someone on this very thread calling for the imprisonment and murder of people because their political beliefs differ, but's Democrats that need to be toned down. Okay.

Fuck you.

I don't approve of hate rhetoric from either side. But watching CNN and MSNBC, i just got the feeling it wasn't 'News' or 'Journalism.' It seemed more like incitement. You can oppose someone's policies without labeling them a 'Nazi' or 'Racist.' Adding the latter to the criticism, could cause some people to act on such hate rhetoric.
Too bad we can't harness whiny hypocrisy as an alternative energy source.
Trump is the biggest source of incitement. There were no riots at Ted Cruz or John Kasich rallies.

I'm pretty disappointed with Democrat behavior. They really have worked their supporters up into a dangerous frenzy. I mean, opposing Trump policies is one thing. But what they're engaging in right now, goes so far beyond opposing policies. It's starting to feel like incitement.

Right, us Democrats are out of control. I mean, you have someone on this very thread calling for the imprisonment and murder of people because their political beliefs differ, but's Democrats that need to be toned down. Okay.

Fuck you.


Not because their beliefs differ, but because their beliefs intend to ultimately bring down the Republic. Their ties to ISIS, The Muslim Brotherhood and the Soros-backed Progressives planning criminal attacks on DC beyond mere protest this Friday alone is evidence enough.

You have some evidence of this? Or are you just casually channeling McCarthy and/or Pol Pot?
Trump is the biggest source of incitement. There were no riots at Ted Cruz or John Kasich rallies.

I'm pretty disappointed with Democrat behavior. They really have worked their supporters up into a dangerous frenzy. I mean, opposing Trump policies is one thing. But what they're engaging in right now, goes so far beyond opposing policies. It's starting to feel like incitement.

Right, us Democrats are out of control. I mean, you have someone on this very thread calling for the imprisonment and murder of people because their political beliefs differ, but's Democrats that need to be toned down. Okay.

Fuck you.

I don't approve of hate rhetoric from either side. But watching CNN and MSNBC, i just got the feeling it wasn't 'News' or 'Journalism.' It seemed more like incitement. You can oppose someone's policies without labeling them a 'Nazi' or 'Racist.' Adding the latter to the criticism, could cause some people to act on such hate rhetoric.


And I assume you believed this when Fox News accused Obama of being a Muslim from Kenya for 6 years, right?
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?
When Trump tones down the racist/pro Russia rhetoric.

"racist/pro Russia rhetoric."

It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.'
Shut up, pants shitter.

Nothing the libtards are doing right now even approaches the wailing, crying, moaning, and thrashing about on the floor you pseudocon tards have been doing since January 20, 2009.

Not even close.

What goes around, comes around, crybaby.

Karma, baby. Karma.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?
You just noticed this?

What do you think has been going on for the last thirty-plus years in the Democrat party?

Democrat have been in destroy-everyone-who-doesn't-agree-with-us mode at least since Reagan proved that smaller govt and less regulation produced more prosperity than their socialistic schemes, and spent eight years laughing at them from the Bully Pulpit.

Democrats went over the edge after that (possibly before?), and haven't looked back since.

Yeah, perfectly acceptable criticizing policies. But once you start adding on the hate rhetoric like labeling the person a 'Nazi' or 'Racist', it becomes a form of incitement. I truly fear the Democrats have caused many of their supporters to wanna act on the rhetoric. Pretty dangerous stuff. Do 'Free Press' protections cover such incitement? Should CNN and MSNBC be held accountable if something awful happens?
Trump is the biggest source of incitement. There were no riots at Ted Cruz or John Kasich rallies.

I'm pretty disappointed with Democrat behavior. They really have worked their supporters up into a dangerous frenzy. I mean, opposing Trump policies is one thing. But what they're engaging in right now, goes so far beyond opposing policies. It's starting to feel like incitement.

Right, us Democrats are out of control. I mean, you have someone on this very thread calling for the imprisonment and murder of people because their political beliefs differ, but's Democrats that need to be toned down. Okay.

Fuck you.


Not because their beliefs differ, but because their beliefs intend to ultimately bring down the Republic. Their ties to ISIS, The Muslim Brotherhood and the Soros-backed Progressives planning criminal attacks on DC beyond mere protest this Friday alone is evidence enough.

You have some evidence of this? Or are you just casually channeling McCarthy and/or Pol Pot?

Keeping up with current events can render you knowledgeable.

The Obama administration armed ISIS in Syria to oppose Assad. The administration is awash in advisors with strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Open Society Foundation and Democracy Alliance are funded by Soros, and are behind much of the anti-Trump rent-a-mob activity about to take place.

The information is out there and out front. You need only look.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Payback is a bitch

This stuff is going well beyond 'payback.' It really is feeling like incitement. I fear all this Democrat hate rhetoric is gonna cause their supporters to do bad things in the future. The constant 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric really can cause some people to wanna act on the hate. It's too much. Democrats need to tone it down.

Many have. I don't believe Trump is a Nazi. I believe he's a latent racist, a clear misogynist, he's intellectually incurious and narcissistic, and unfit to be president. And my beliefs are shared by most people in this country. NOT just Democrats.

Well again, criticizing policies is certainly fair and acceptable. But what you just did, is something completely different. It isn't helpful to the country. That kind of inflammatory rhetoric could cause some people to feel they have to act on it. It's dangerous.
Declare the Democratic Party a terrorist organization. I'm not kidding.

You guys are jumping on the fascism bandwagon with Trump. Isn't that nice.

ISIS is no one's "political" enemy, they're a state enemy. Learn the difference, moron.

Where did I mention ISIS?

I posted a link showing HIllary considered Republicans and theNRA her enemy.

NOT ISIS, Not Russian...


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